View Full Version : Bear Supports Trump

08-03-2020, 06:35 PM
NC group outraged after bear found tagged with 'Trump 2020' sticker on collar (https://abc11.com/help-asheville-bears-trump-sticker-on-bear-collar/6349481/)
58369 (https://abc11.com/help-asheville-bears-trump-sticker-on-bear-collar/6349481/)

ETA: If strikes me that if somebody is bad enough to put a sticker on a bear's collar, HAB might not want to tangle with them as bad as the think they do. Talk about bragging rights.

08-03-2020, 06:39 PM
Now that is funny.

08-03-2020, 07:03 PM
That’s the best thing I have heard all week!🤣

Proof of Russian Collusion!!!

Joe in PNG
08-03-2020, 07:06 PM
Do you really want to try to catch the guy who put that sticker on that bear?

08-03-2020, 07:09 PM
Do you really want to try to catch the guy who put that sticker on that bear?

I want to find him, shake his hand, and then enlist him in the fight against ANTIFA.

08-03-2020, 07:32 PM
You'd think he'd prefer a bull to a bear.

08-03-2020, 07:43 PM
In Asheville of all places! The city which recently voted to give reparations for past slavery.

This may sound stupid, but do bears around there normally have collars?

08-03-2020, 07:46 PM
Tracking collar, probably done by wildlife commission.

08-03-2020, 08:34 PM
So tagging, collaring, and tracking the bear is not cruel and inhumane but putting a Trump sticker on said collar is? Ridiculous.

I think they miss the obvious. Fhe bear is smarter than them and supports a conservative agenda come November.

Only in freakin Ashville...

08-03-2020, 08:40 PM
Go to the Help Ashville Bears Facebook feed. OMG, what a bunch of loons. $5k to find who stuck a harmless sticker on a tracking collar? How about donating that cash to the truly needy in your community?

Kanye Wyoming
08-03-2020, 08:42 PM
If Trump gets 30% of the Bruin-American vote in North Carolina, it’s all over.

08-03-2020, 09:39 PM
A spokesperson for the organization says this was not the first time a bear was spotted in Asheville with a political sticker on its collar.

Who were the other candidates?

Lex Luthier
08-03-2020, 09:48 PM
I think it was one of those single issue voters.
You know, "The Right To Arm Bears" type.

08-04-2020, 04:34 AM
In Asheville of all places! The city which recently voted to give reparations for past slavery.

This may sound stupid, but do bears around there normally have collars?

This longer article mentions the research group.


Crazy Dane
08-04-2020, 08:05 AM
I keep waiting for little Suzi to get eaten by one of the cuddly-wuddly bears and all of the Karens to descend on city hall demanding action. Asheville has a serious bear problem and the only thing being done is monitoring by NCF&G. I would expect something like this in Alaska, they way the wander the city. They have been in the garbage cans behind our station and have been spotted in the middle of down town. They have gotten in garages, houses and cars but ThEy ArE sO CuTe!

08-04-2020, 09:05 AM
I keep waiting for little Suzi to get eaten by one of the cuddly-wuddly bears and all of the Karens to descend on city hall demanding action. Asheville has a serious bear problem and the only thing being done is monitoring by NCF&G. I would expect something like this in Alaska, they way the wander the city. They have been in the garbage cans behind our station and have been spotted in the middle of down town. They have gotten in garages, houses and cars but ThEy ArE sO CuTe!

The Appalachian mountains and surrounding foothills have a black bear problem. I'm 30 miles from the Blue Ridge Mountains and we now have bears in town (outskirts of Northern Virginia). It's not unusual for me to go for a hike or camping trip in the mountains and see more bears than deer these days.
