View Full Version : Paul Gomez (Gomez Intl) deceased?

06-04-2012, 08:11 PM
Saw some postings via Facebook that Paul has passed. Trying to find out what happened...

06-04-2012, 08:30 PM
SN confirmed this on TPI just a bit ago. No details on what happened though.


06-04-2012, 08:58 PM
Rob Pincus posted on Facebook about his passing but also no details.

06-05-2012, 01:04 AM
Paul passed away Friday, apparently, while traveling in Washington state. Sadly, his passing was not discovered until Sunday.

06-05-2012, 07:47 AM
Very sad. I know he was a friend to a lot of folks over at TPI.

Kyle Reese
06-05-2012, 07:59 AM
RIP...My condolences to his loved ones...

06-05-2012, 08:16 AM
Very sad.

Al T.
06-05-2012, 08:43 AM
Horrible, horrible news.

On another board, someone mentioned that a Memorial event is in the planning stages. Purpose is to raise money for Paul's children. I'll post details as I know them.

06-05-2012, 08:44 AM
Horrible, horrible news.

On another board, someone mentioned that a Memorial event is in the planning stages. Purpose is to raise money for Paul's children. I'll post details as I know them.

Thank you. I'll be donating.

06-05-2012, 08:52 AM
Thank you. I'll be donating.


06-05-2012, 08:54 AM
I was literally just looking at his schedule and planning to make one of his classes here in TX.
Very sad, condolences to his family and many friends in the training community.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

Sheep Have Wool
06-05-2012, 10:23 AM
How tragic.

As I mentioned in my training journal, I had watched a bunch of the videos that he posted on YouTube. I also was planning on attending one of his classes in Austin later this year. If anyone knows the donation link, I'd be glad to help out.

06-05-2012, 10:59 AM
nice piece here:

Savage Hands
06-05-2012, 11:23 AM
RIP Mr. Gomez

David Armstrong
06-05-2012, 01:38 PM
Paul was a great guy and we talked often. We first met in person when he attended one of my Short-Range Carbine classes and since then our paths crossed somewhat regularly. Often he'd call me for info on the AR and I'd do the same with him for the AK. One of my fond memories is of him and Andy Stanford spending the weekend at my house when Andy used my range for a Surgical Speed Shooting class that Paul assisted. A really great guy with a wonderful, analytical mind, and a truly good person with a love of family. We've lost a good one, folks.

06-05-2012, 02:38 PM
This is a very sad day for his family, as well as the greater community...

06-05-2012, 03:22 PM
I first met Paul at a handgun class in early 2002 and bumped into him at training classes every year or two after.
Good dude.
I'll tip back a Diet Coke in his memory tonight.

06-05-2012, 03:54 PM
Paul was an incredibly knowledgeable guy. You could say the phrase "ankle holster" and Paul would tell you the entire history of ankle holsters. You'd mention "reloads" and Paul could explain every reload technique ever invented, by whom, how they taught it, and what he thought the strengths and weaknesses were of all of them.

Paul also had a long history of helping other instructors become famous while he quietly played a supporting role. He was an instructor under quite a few different well known folks in this community. Recently he'd made the decision to go out on his own and in no time was becoming very successful. His YouTube videos were popular and hosts all around the country were bringing him in to teach. After years of being someone that the insiders knew, he was finally getting the attention and respect he deserved.

His loss truly does diminish all of us in the firearms community.

06-05-2012, 03:59 PM
I didn't know him but watched a couple of his youtube videos and he seemed like a really good guy.

Best wishes to his family.

06-05-2012, 04:50 PM
Paul was an incredibly knowledgeable guy. You could say the phrase "ankle holster" and Paul would tell you the entire history of ankle holsters. You'd mention "reloads" and Paul could explain every reload technique ever invented, by whom, how they taught it, and what he thought the strengths and weaknesses were of all of them.

Paul also had a long history of helping other instructors become famous while he quietly played a supporting role. He was an instructor under quite a few different well known folks in this community. Recently he'd made the decision to go out on his own and in no time was becoming very successful. His YouTube videos were popular and hosts all around the country were bringing him in to teach. After years of being someone that the insiders knew, he was finally getting the attention and respect he deserved.

His loss truly does diminish all of us in the firearms community.

Totally agree with every bit of this. He was seriously the most knowledgeable instructor I've ever met on so many different topics.

His passing literally stunned me. I only met him once, and I really liked him a lot. Great guy. I couldn't wait to train with him, as I think his RPM class pretty amazing.

Ed L
06-06-2012, 01:13 AM
Paul Gomez was one of my very best friends. He'd stayed at my house several times and we had spent hundreds if not thousands of hours discussing all manner of things over the 10 years that I was privileged to have known him. He was as sincere a person and as true of a friend as I could ask for. I will miss his company and our long conversations on the phone whenever one of us were on the road.

We didn't aggree on everything but had long stopped debating those issues. More likely we would engage in some sarcastic, hyperbolic banter with inside jokes that would leave anyone listening confused and perplexed while the two of us were silently yucking it up.

He was a model firearms trainer, with boundless enthusiasm to teach and increase his encyclopediac knowledge of the subject as well as more avant garde pursuits. He was a strong proponent of encouraging people to seek out a wide variety of professional training and in the forefront of new trends, like advocating woundcare training for the average person. He played a huge role in organizing conferences, convincing instructors to appear there, and convincing students to attend.

I feel especially bad for his three children, his family, girlfriend, and the many people in the firearms and tactical community that he rubbed shoulders with. He will be missed by many people. He spent many extra hours of his own time on the range working with students who had issues. He probably spent hundreds of hours a month answering questions from people he barely knew online or on the phone. He provided many people with private and semi private lessons for what they could afford if they were in his travel routes. This sometimes meant offering training in exchange for a meal and a place to crash. This is what you don't hear about because these students typically were not major participants in forums or attended many shooting classes.

I remember the mother of his children saying that if they were on the road and saw someone pulled off to the side with car problems who looked like it was beyond their ability to handle it, like an elderly person with a flat tire, she knew that Paul would pull over to lend a hand.

As Todd mentioned, Paul played a much bigger role behind the scenes than most people realize.

When I got one of the first FS2000s in the country, Paul immediately encouraged me to approach SWAT Magazine about doing an article on it since there was no first hand info on this gun, and I had been into firearms and training for a while and had gotten articles published elsewhere. And that turned out to be my first of many articles that SWAT printed. I had forgotten Paul's role in it until someone mentioned reading about Paul in an article that I wrote for SWAT on his AK class.

It's funny how the many ways people touch our lives that we sometimes forget.

I hope I'll see him on the other side.

06-06-2012, 07:26 AM
It seems that title of his last youtube video is very fitting, "Watching someone you love die sucks!"

Cookie Monster
06-06-2012, 09:03 AM
If any anyone knows where donations can be sent, please post. Be happy to donate.

Only knew him through his website and his you tube videos but respected him immensely.

Prayers to his family.

C. Monster

06-06-2012, 11:54 AM
If any anyone knows where donations can be sent, please post. Be happy to donate.

Only knew him through his website and his you tube videos but respected him immensely.

Prayers to his family.

C. Monster

Sherman House and his wife are getting this set up. I will post info when it is available.

06-06-2012, 01:02 PM
From Sherman:


Everyone...like I said, the news from Uncle Paul Gomez' passing is still a shock. I keep seeing things, hearing music, and having ideas that I want to talk to Paul about. Reading the comments, and seeing the photos that so many people have posted has been great. I'm spending my days at work here, reading all of these amazing memories and stories about Paul, in between pulling teeth, and making plans for our mutual friend.

THANKS TO the efforts of many of Paul's friends and colleagues, we have many fish in the water at the moment. I'll review them in no particular order:

1. PAUL-E-PALOOZA (aka, "The Paul Gomez Tactical Conference Memorial") For those of you that knew Paul well, you knew that he would be less than pleased to hear that anything closely resembling a memorial golf tournament, even in name only, would be dedicated to him! Thus, the more appropriate, "PAUL-E-PALOOZA," name is chosen, and so mote it be. Paul's birthday is August 19th, and serendipitously, the 19th falls on a Sunday this year. So the conference will be set for August 17, 18 and 19. The location is STILL tentative. I've had a few GREAT offers on locations, it's just a matter of measuring how the logistics line up. So stay tuned. Thanks to Aaron Little, the RECURRING theme of the PAUL-E-PALOOZA will be topics and lectures that are either: TOPICS Paul would have lectured on HIMSELF, or TOPICS Paul would have liked to attend, however esoteric. The proceeds from PAUL-E-PALOOZA will go into a fund for Paul's children. Anyone that hasn't already, can still email me shermanahouse "at" gmail.com if you are interested in presenting or helping make this event happen, and continue to happen, from now on. Much like Tom Givens and Lynn Givens', "Polite Society," event that Paul so enjoyed and loved being a part of, I would like the PAUL-E-PALOOZA to become a regular event, that will continue to keep us all tied to Paul and Paul's legacy, as well as maintain the fellowship that those of us in this unique "fra-sority," share.

My wife, Ami'ee Montiel House, along with our family attorney, are making steps towards setting up a trust fund for Paul's children, Gabby Gomez, Spenser and Lillith. Once this is in place, anyone who wishes to can make contributions, to a national bank chain, and have their donation deposited in the trust. Also, the proceeds from the aforementioned, PAUL-E-PALOOZA will go into the fund, along with the other projects we have in the works...

Paul was in the creative process of creating a t-shirt/schwag logo when he passed. I've contacted the vendor he was working with, to continue the project, and get the logo and shirts, to market. Again, the proceeds from this effort will all go to Paul's kids, and we will all get a respectful, yet uniquely, "Paul," shirt/hoodie to have.

Efforts are underway to create a, "tome," of Paul knowledge. Perhaps his PSP's from TPI, as well as his essays, writings and course material. This may be available in an e-book format, or as a hardcopy. Also, creating a compilation video of his combined YOUTUBE videos is also in discussion. The proceeds of which, would also go to Paul's kids!

I'm sure I'm forgetting something...if you emailed me and I haven't returned your email, I promise I'm not ignoring you, I'm just up to my neck in it at the moment, and you will hear from me!

PLEASE SHARE THIS on web forums, Facebook, etc. And please email me, shermanahouse "at" gmail.com if you have anything to add, contribute or help, and I will incorporate you as best I can!

Thank you, EVERYONE, in your efforts to immortalize our Uncle Paul's ideas. I OWE Uncle Paul my best, and I will continue to do what I can for him, his kids and for Rachel IsBlessed, as well as all his friends and comrades.

06-06-2012, 01:02 PM
The Gomez family has posted the following:

"Services for Paul Gomez will be held Friday June 8, 2012. Viewing will be from 10am-12pm with a memorial service at 12pm at Greenoaks 9595 Florida Blvd, Baton Rouge, La 70815"

Al T.
06-06-2012, 01:19 PM
Thanks for posting that. I've taken the liberty to post that on The Highroad.org.

06-07-2012, 08:39 AM
Also this which will be the start of Tactical Response's Alumni weekend

Paul's Bonfire Tribute Service will be July FRIDAY THE 13th at 7:00 p.m. CST in Camden, TN.

Sherman should have more info on any details regarding Paul

Al T.
06-07-2012, 09:27 AM
Any particular place (web site?) where Dr. House is posting?

06-07-2012, 09:48 AM
Any particular place (web site?) where Dr. House is posting?

He's posted preliminary plans for a memorial event over at TPI, that might be the best place to keep up with it.
Edit: to remove content already posted above.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

06-07-2012, 06:34 PM
Any particular place (web site?) where Dr. House is posting?

He's been posting it on his Facebook page as well

Al T.
06-07-2012, 08:02 PM
Massad Ayoob sent this thoughtful eulogy out today:


Posted: 07 Jun 2012 04:52 PM PDT

All of us in the tactical firearms training world were stunned at the untimely death this past weekend of Paul Gomez. Paul was in many ways the ideal instructor for life-saving topics. Devoid of ego, he was devoted to studying what was out there with an analytical mind, correlating it with observed street reality, and seeking out new approaches that worked better. He taught synergistically, with a mix of combat shooting, hand to hand fighting, and tactical emergency medicine.

At conclaves of those who teach these things, there would be some who would come, dispense their wisdom, and then leave, as if to say “There is nothing my peers can teach me.” Then there were those like Paul, who when he wasn’t teaching was absorbing someone else’s training, filtering it through both his intensive study and his own analytical mind, to see what newer, better things he could share with good people who would find themselves in harm’s way. Paul Gomez was utterly devoted to the art and science of defeating violence, by strategy and negotiation if possible, and by expertly applied countervailing violence if not.

I knew Paul as a student in his class, and as an instructor when he was in my class, and he was a professional on both ends of it. (The ideal teacher generally is the ideal student.) I didn’t know him as well as I wish I could have, though, and will leave his eulogy to those who knew him longer and better. One such is the testament of our mutual friend Andy Stanford, which can be found in the opening post of the thread on Paul’s untimely death in the excellent Smith & Wesson Forum, at http://smith-wessonforum.com/lounge/253192-rip-paul-gomez.html. If you can access Facebook, you’ll find a moving testimonial to Paul Gomez written by another mutual friend and colleague, Dr. William Aprill, at http://www.facebook.com/PaulGomez.TheTrainingBum/posts/3720833392127

This good man died far too soon, not yet at his 41st birthday. You can share some of his wisdom on his YouTube Channel, http://www.youtube.com/user/Gomez8136. He left young children behind. Colleagues and friends in the training community are putting together a memorial seminar, which will gather many of the top names in self-defense, with all proceeds going to Paul’s kids. As soon as I have the details, I’ll post them here. It will be a great opportunity to get some top-quality training from “the best and the brightest” all at once with a huge saving in travel expense, and to pay tribute to a fine human being who devoted his life to teaching good people to protect themselves and others from evil.

Vaya con Dios, Brother Gomez. You were taken from us far too soon. May you rest in the same peace you worked so hard for others to achieve.

06-08-2012, 01:24 AM
I'll definitely be supporting the efforts of Sherman to give back to his children.

Do we know what happened to him yet officially? I debated even asking, but since I'm out of the loop with some of the others who I know personally, I figured I would ask here. My Mother recently passed at a relatively young age after suffering for a long time from complications related to Type 1 diabetes (she was 54), so I have seen first hand what diabetes can do. I can totally feel for Paul's children right now, having gone through the same thing not too long ago.

06-30-2012, 01:25 AM

A Memorial Training Conference
To Benefit the Children
Our Great Friend
Paul E. Gomez

Saturday and Sunday, August 18-19, 2012
8:00am to 5:15 pm daily
Raven Concealment Systems Range
Garrettsville, OH

Please direct all inquiries to paul.e.palooza@gmail.com
(with the exception of camping...see below)

Faculty of Trainers
Honoring Paul’s memory and status in the community, an unprecedented cast of instructors will be donating training time to the cause, including:

Craig Douglas (aka “Southnarc”)--Rob Pincus--Cecil Burch--Tom Givens
Andy Stanford--Dr. Keith Brown--Dr. Sherman House--Greg Ellifritz--Aaron Little
Paul Sharp--Larry Lindemann--Steve Fisher
Michael DeBethencourt--Bobby Mac--Jeremy Decker--Jeffrey Bloovman
Chris Fry--Spencer Keepers--Taylor Mock--Tom Fineis--Michael Goerlich
Claude Werner--Shane Gosa--John Hearne
William Aprill--Caleb Causey--Morgan Atwood--Chuck Haggard
Shay VanVlymen--Jay Hinton

In order to maximize learning potential with this unique gathering of talent, 2-hour blocks of instruction will be conducted from 8:00am to 5:15pm on 4 simultaneous tracks:
Classroom A
Classroom B
A detailed program schedule will be emailed to all registered attendees prior to the dates of the conference. Attendance at all courses is “first-come-first served”, and instructors reserve the right to limit class size in the interest of safety and comfort.

Registration fee for the conference is $200, with 100% of the proceeds going to the Paul Everett Gomez Memorial Fund, dedicated to the support and education of Paul’s minor children. Registration is limited based on the size of the facility, and demand is high, so please do not delay in signing up.

To register, send a check for $200US payable to Paul Everett Gomez Memorial Fund to:
c/o WTA
5721 Magazine St., Unit 180
New Orleans, LA 70115
Please include your full name, mailing address, and email address with your payment. Upon receipt of your payment, you will receive a confirmatory email.

Many have inquired about making donations to the Memorial Fund even though they are unable to attend the ‘Palooza. We appreciate this generosity immensely and encourage you to follow the above directions to donate any amount large or small.

Range Location
Paul-E-Palooza will be held in Garrettsville, OH, at a private range under the administration of Raven Concealment Systems. Exact address and directions will be emailed to registered participants in advance of the conference date.

Travel Information
Garrettsville, OH, is approximately 50 miles southeast of Cleveland. Multiple connecting flights are available daily into Cleveland Hopkins International Airport (CLE) and Akron Canton Airport (CAK), each roughly 50 miles from the training site.
Please note; We strongly encourage attendees to carpool, ride-share, and be creative! There is the possibility of some form of shuttle service between CLE and the training site, and any developments in that area will be distributed to registered attendees as early as possible.

There are several hotels within driving distance of the training site, including:

Holiday Inn Express Lordstown-Newton Falls/Warren
4185 State Route 5
Newton Falls, OH 44444
(330) 872-6000

Budget Lodge
4100 Ohio 5
Newton Falls, OH 44444
(330) 872-3833

Econo Lodge
4248 Ohio 5
Newton Falls, OH 44444
(330) 872-0988

Comfort Inn
136 North Park Avenue
Warren, OH 44481
(330) 393-1200

Fairfield Inn Warren Niles
1860 Niles Cortland Road Southeast
Warren, OH 44484
(330) 544-5774
Holiday Inn Express*Hotel*Youngstown N (Warren/Niles)
135 Highland Terrace Boulevard
Warren, OH 44484
(330) 544-8807

In addition, campsites are available on the Conference site, for both RV (with utility hookups) and tents (with shower and restroom facilities) for $25 per person/night. Contact trek@ravenconcealment.com directly for these reservations.

And for the truly discerning among you, desirous of the true full-Gomez experience, we will provide the number to the sleaziest local skank-pit of a dive-motel-from-hell upon request...just don’t say you weren’t warned.

The Conference will be conducted at an outdoor facility in August. Please prepare accordingly. Plenty of water will be provided for hydration safety, lunch will be available for purchase onsite both days, and attendees are welcome to bring any food and drink they desire. The facility features electric power, potable water, and restrooms, though it is best described as “Spartan chic”.

Auction, Bonfire, and Celebration of Paul’s Life
On Saturday evening following the last class block, an auction of various highly desirable goodies for the discerning tacticophile will be conducted before a raging bonfire; 100% of proceeds to enrich the Memorial Fund. Following the auction, many adult beverages will be slaughtered and many tales of Paul told....BYOB and LYDG, of course.

Check for yourself, of course, but it is believed that Ohio honors concealed carry permits from WA, ID, WY, UT, AZ, NM, AK, ND, NE, KS, OK, MO, AR, LA, MI, KY, TN, WV, VA, NC, SC, FL, AND DE.

06-30-2012, 02:04 AM
wish I could go.

Al T.
06-30-2012, 05:53 AM
Rob, I can't go either, but I will be making a donation.

To register, send a check for $200US payable to Paul Everett Gomez Memorial Fund to:
c/o WTA
5721 Magazine St., Unit 180
New Orleans, LA 70115
Please include your full name, mailing address, and email address with your payment. Upon receipt of your payment, you will receive a confirmatory email.

Many have inquired about making donations to the Memorial Fund even though they are unable to attend the ‘Palooza. We appreciate this generosity immensely and encourage you to follow the above directions to donate any amount large or small.

07-14-2012, 07:28 PM
I knew Paul personally. I met him thru Andy Stanford and actually met up with him in Baton Rouge. Paul was much, much more than a firearms instructor. He was exceedingly well read and had an engaging personality.

He's sorely missed by all in South Louisiana.