View Full Version : Move over BoogBois, Bronazis are the new existential threat

06-27-2020, 09:07 AM
Coming to a LE bulletin board near you.


My Little Pony fans have had a Nazi problem for a long time.

That sounds just as strange no matter how many times you say it. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is a cartoon television show about friendship, compassion, and a group of magical horses with names such as Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy who live in a fantastical land called Equestria. It’s marketed to children. Nevertheless, it has an extremely dedicated adult fandom, which is mostly made up of men, or “bronies,” as they’ve been referred to for nearly a decade. Most of these men are white. Some of these men are vocal white supremacists.

06-27-2020, 09:13 AM
Literally every group except ANTIFA is a looming, terroristic threat right now (except ANTIFA).

Jerry Nadler just said in a speech, that ANTIFA is "imaginary." You can't make this shit up.


"They couldn't utter the phrase 'black lives matter' and could barely [broach] the subject of police reform," Nadler said of House Republicans. "Instead, their amendments ... were errant nonsense, off-topic, dealing with imaginary things like Antifa and completely negating the entire purpose of the bill."

Erick Gelhaus
06-27-2020, 09:31 AM
Literally every group except ANTIFA is a looming, terroristic threat right now (except ANTIFA).

Jerry Nadler just said in a speech, that ANTIFA is "imaginary." You can't make this shit up.

We Are So Screwed!

06-27-2020, 09:42 AM
Literally every group except ANTIFA is a looming, terroristic threat right now (except ANTIFA).

Jerry Nadler just said in a speech, that ANTIFA is "imaginary." You can't make this shit up.


Kinda have to be living with your eyes closed to not recognize ANTIFA adherents are often the catalyst for protest -> riot.

06-27-2020, 01:03 PM
Literally every group except ANTIFA is a looming, terroristic threat right now (except ANTIFA).

Jerry Nadler just said in a speech, that ANTIFA is "imaginary." You can't make this shit up.


If they are "imaginary" then there shouldn't be any opposition to declaring them a terrorist organization, seizing all their imaginary funds, freezing the assets of all their imaginary supporters and sending all their imaginary members and imaginary leadership to Gitmo.

06-27-2020, 01:21 PM
Coming to a LE bulletin board near you.


...which is mostly made up of men, or “bronies,” as they’ve been referred to for nearly a decade.

Had a some what strange conversation with the guy who runs the Philadelphia Comic-con part of which he tried to explain to me the difference between bronies, furries and something else that my memory has blacked out. Don't recall anything about white supremacists but maybe I blocked that out as well.

06-27-2020, 01:41 PM
When you point out threats everywhere, including places that are just silly, accusations of being a threat leveled at you are weakened to the point of being silly too.

The left's playbook is literally to dig a hole in shit and then declare it to be the moral high ground.

Running your own anarcho-communist revolutionary squad? Quick, accuse veterans on the internet of wearing hawaiian shirts.
Are you the party that defended the pres getting extramarital blowjobs in the oval office, saying character doesn't matter and "it's the economy, stupid"? Quick, point out that the current president talked about pussy grabbin', and that it doesn't matter if the stock market is up.
Have you destroyed generations of a racial group with oppressive policies veiled as helping? Quick, tear down some statues and change the syrup because it's got racist history. Shame everyone who ever laughed an old joke.

06-27-2020, 02:41 PM
Actual racists and terrorists have never had it better.

Totem Polar
06-27-2020, 02:54 PM
JodyH, goddamit, what did I just (partly) read? Bronys and Nazis in comicons and “the Atlantic” magazine.

Say what you will about 2020: the entertainment just doesn’t stop.

06-27-2020, 03:01 PM
Literally every group except ANTIFA is a looming, terroristic threat right now (except ANTIFA).

Jerry Nadler just said in a speech, that ANTIFA is "imaginary." You can't make this shit up.


Kinda have to be living with your eyes closed to not recognize ANTIFA adherents are often the catalyst for protest -> riot.

BBI is spot on, just because the Boogaloo movement is now on public radar doesn’t mean ANTIFA movement adherents are considered any less of a threat by those who actually deal with those things.

Just because some one in the media or on the internet claims something is fake news doesn’t make it so. It can be advantageous to do so. There is an old saying - the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.

Closer to home here on PF - the whole tribalism / denial I.e. no one believes in some of what I believe in can be bad thing is getting old. We have seen it from some of the left leaning members here in the past and it was just as disingenuous then as it is now.

Totem Polar
06-27-2020, 03:13 PM
Closer to home here on PF - the whole tribalism / denial I.e. no one believes in some of what I believe in can be bad thing is getting old. We have seen it from some of the left leaning members here in the past and it was just as disingenuous then as it is now.

This is a good point, and something that I am trying to be on guard against in myself, since I am absolutely as guilty as anyone of enjoying the comfort of a good whiskey and bolt gun echo chamber. Just to be clear—and I am asking—is this pony cult actually a thing, or are you referring to folks making fun of the boogaloo boys (which I do take to be an actual thing, despite the goofy-ass name origins)?

Again, I’m asking because I’m not LE, and I wouldn’t know directly.

06-27-2020, 04:30 PM
This is a good point, and something that I am trying to be on guard against in myself, since I am absolutely as guilty as anyone of enjoying the comfort of a good whiskey and bolt gun echo chamber. Just to be clear—and I am asking—is this pony cult actually a thing, or are you referring to folks making fun of the boogaloo boys (which I do take to be an actual thing, despite the goofy-ass name origins)?

Again, I’m asking because I’m not LE, and I wouldn’t know directly.

Do you mean is the Boogaloo a 2A community joke or is is an anti-Government /Anti Authority accelerationist movement that has killed people and wants to overthrow the government ?

The answer is "Yes"

It is both. It started as a joke and for most people in the 2A community it continues to be nothing more.

However, there is a substantive minority who have adopted the Boogaloo as an actual ideology. These people have acted on this in several incidents which have recently resulted in Death and serious injury to LEOs and Govt contractors in two states.

This begs the question are these "normal" gun owners gone bad or something else ? I personally dont think so. I think many of these people are the same types attracted to militia, sovereign citizen and InCel extremist circles who just happened to seize or stumble on the Boogaloo ideology instead.

They are as much about extremism as about the ideology it self.

Along those lines, there are antifa adherents who are the same way. Some of them are military veterans with time overseas in combat units gun owners with training etc - just because they dont get a lot of media attention doesn't mean they dont exist.

Totem Polar
06-27-2020, 04:34 PM
HCM, thanks for that.

06-27-2020, 05:29 PM
JodyH, goddamit, what did I just (partly) read? Bronys and Nazis in comicons and “the Atlantic” magazine.

There really should be warnings about some posts. I'll be holding an electromagnet next to my head in the hope of erasing that tape.

06-27-2020, 06:25 PM
There really should be warnings about some posts. I'll be holding an electromagnet next to my head in the hope of erasing that tape.

Your brain is not magnetic media. Therefore, physical destruction is the only sure method of safe erasure. #CISSP (https://pistol-forum.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=CISSP) :D


06-27-2020, 10:24 PM
Your brain is not magnetic media. Therefore, physical destruction is the only sure method of safe erasure. #CISSP (https://pistol-forum.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=CISSP) :D


Memories are written in sharpie in your brain, which is why alcohol wipes them out.

06-27-2020, 10:26 PM
Holy shit, that explains it


06-27-2020, 10:30 PM
Holy shit, that explains it


Damn, how long has that photo been waiting for this thread? Well done, sir!

Half Moon
06-27-2020, 10:30 PM
This is a good point, and something that I am trying to be on guard against in myself, since I am absolutely as guilty as anyone of enjoying the comfort of a good whiskey and bolt gun echo chamber. Just to be clear—and I am asking—is this pony cult actually a thing, or are you referring to folks making fun of the boogaloo boys (which I do take to be an actual thing, despite the goofy-ass name origins)?

Again, I’m asking because I’m not LE, and I wouldn’t know directly.

Not my thing, but bronies and furries are indeed real things. They are adjacent to sci-fi fandom so I've heard a few things.

To be fair with bronies, I haven't heard anything specifically white nationalist. The usual complaints are that some fans, particularly certain adult male fans, behave like jerks. Which jerkiness is something you can find in any fandom.

The furries on the other hand have had scandals with some members (not the majority) of the community having been revealed to have white nationalist ties going back at least 5 or 6 years. Lots of debate whether white nationalists were targeting a group that already felt marginalized or whether a group that felt marginalized was particularly vulnerable to adopting extremist views or maybe a mix of both.

Again not my thing, so third hand or more hearsay, but still been hearing it well before the current national state and not as a joke.

06-27-2020, 10:37 PM
Speaking of furries, I never get tired of watching this


06-27-2020, 10:49 PM
When I was an Army Basic Combat Training company executive officer back in the day, one of my drill sergeants found My Little Pony paraphernalia in one of his private’s wall lockers during a shakedown. Subsequent interrogation and further research uncovered the “Bronie” phenomenon, which was the first time any of us had even heard of such a odious thing.

Naturally, the cadre deemed it an abomination, so the drills had the paraphernalia burned and smoked the offender’s entire platoon.

And that’s pretty much the last I ever heard or thought of “Bronies.” I had no idea it had gotten so much more out of hand.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

06-27-2020, 10:52 PM
. Lots of debate whether white nationalists were targeting a group that already felt marginalized or whether a group that felt marginalized was particularly vulnerable to adopting extremist views or maybe a mix of both..

Or maybe crazy is crazy, and the ability to self define morals leads to self defined morals.

Half Moon
06-27-2020, 11:06 PM
The other item is whether Boog Bois and / or Antifa really exist.

I have no personal or even hearsay knowledge of either.

I was, though, invited to join a militia back in the 90's. These were folks that sincerely believed there was an impending civil war and were prepping to go all Red Dawn once Bill Clinton invited the blue helmets in to impose the New World Order. I could easily see them, or their ideological descendents, adopting the boogaloo scenario seriously.

The first person I heard say All Cops Are Bastards was an anarchist with loose ties to the Seattle WTO protestors. Again, I could easily see her, or her ideological descendants, going Antifa today.

I doubt either is an organized movement as such but more ideological fellow travelers with similar extremist bents on both sides.

06-28-2020, 04:54 AM
Speaking of furries, I never get tired of watching this


No fucking way am I clicking that.

06-28-2020, 12:10 PM
No fucking way am I clicking that.

Coward :p

It's a video of Mika Brzezinski learning what a furry is

06-28-2020, 12:17 PM
No fucking way am I clicking that. It's harmless. However, it only rated about a 4 on my funny meter.

06-28-2020, 12:28 PM
Coward :p

It's a video of Mika Brzezinski learning what a furry is

It's harmless. However, it only rated about a 4 on my funny meter.

Having read the OP about My Little Pony, adult fans of same, bronies, and Nazis, I felt it wise not to learn too much in one day.

06-28-2020, 12:34 PM
Having read the OP about My Little Pony, adult fans of same, bronies, and Nazis, I felt it wise not to learn too much in one day.

I get it. Several threads today have reinforced my opinion that many people have WAY too much free time on their hands.

06-28-2020, 12:55 PM
It's like Wolfenstein 3D but with sweet, colorful ponies!

06-28-2020, 01:01 PM
I was, though, invited to join a militia back in the 90's. These were folks that sincerely believed there was an impending civil war and were prepping to go all Red Dawn once Bill Clinton invited the blue helmets in to impose the New World Order. I could easily see them, or their ideological descendents, adopting the boogaloo scenario seriously.

We had three legit militia members show up to a meeting of our gun club, no invite. I pegged them as being batshit crazy (three people wearing identical camo pants and leather jackets), said hello, listened politely as they tried to soft-pitch me, and then got them to fill out membership applications. Quick research confirmed dangerous degrees of batshit crazy, membership applications found their way to the state police. Response was "Oh, these fucking guys" and "lolz, they put their real names and addresses on these apps". Leader found himself arrested months later on some child support/abuse stuff, which spiraled into a slew of gun possession charges.

Antifa is a loosely-organized thing, but it's a thing. People forget just how much havoc the BLA was able to accomplish with way less organization, numbers, and support than these folks have.

Boog is some tongue-in-cheek meme bullshit, but in any circle that condones batshit craziness, the dangerously-crazy are going to collect and organize. It doesn't take a whole ton of folks to cause problems.

Both groups are dangerous because they're not centrally-controlled, not in spite of a lack of leadership.

Half Moon
06-28-2020, 01:13 PM
We had three legit militia members show up to a meeting of our gun club, no invite. I pegged them as being batshit crazy (three people wearing identical camo pants and leather jackets), said hello, listened politely as they tried to soft-pitch me, and then got them to fill out membership applications. Quick research confirmed dangerous degrees of batshit crazy, membership applications found their way to the state police. Response was "Oh, these fucking guys" and "lolz, they put their real names and addresses on these apps". Leader found himself arrested months later on some child support/abuse stuff, which spiraled into a slew of gun possession charges.

Antifa is a loosely-organized thing, but it's a thing. People forget just how much havoc the BLA was able to accomplish with way less organization, numbers, and support than these folks have.

Boog is some tongue-in-cheek meme bullshit, but in any circle that condones batshit craziness, the dangerously-crazy are going to collect and organize. It doesn't take a whole ton of folks to cause problems.

Both groups are dangerous because they're not centrally-controlled, not in spite of a lack of leadership.

Yeah, I remember reading a RAND study back in the '90's on network warfare (not network as in computers but network as in loosely affiliated, decentralized, and not top down organized). It was mostly in reference to insurgency in one of the Mexican states. The authors saw it as the radical coming threat. At the time I thought it mostly read as academic overreaction to newer media technologies. Now it's looking pretty prescient.

06-28-2020, 02:45 PM
Having read the OP about My Little Pony, adult fans of same, bronies, and Nazis, I felt it wise not to learn too much in one day.

A buddy of mine used to run a comic book store and opened another location. I briefly worked for him to help him out. This was back when the Internet was a thing but not nearly what it is today. Oddballs still mostly met in meat space and apparently comic book shops were a hot option. I learned things. Like the "naughty box", which was a box of comics (often Japanese in origin) that were for "special" customers who knew to ask for it and the comics weren't to be displayed. You know what they say about cats and curiosity? I opened one comic one time and it was minotaurs having an orgy with whatever the horse equivalent of a minotaur is. And that's why it was called the naughty box, obviously.

One of the primary customers was a doughy middle aged guy. I once remarked to my buddy about how much that guy's girlfriend looked like him and learned it was his identical sister. And that they lived together and always had. And neither had ever dated. And they were always together. You make the call.

06-28-2020, 03:08 PM
Antifa is a loosely-organized thing, but it's a thing.
And it's been a thing since around 1932.
It's always been the useful idiot thugs and agitators of the local communist shot callers.
Black Bloc, ANTIFA, "students", "yellow vests", etc... all pawns of shit stirring commies and socialists.

06-28-2020, 03:18 PM
We had an ET on my ship who was in charge of the sight TV system onboard. If someone pissed him off he'd show nothing but Care Bears and My Little Pony to get even.

06-28-2020, 03:42 PM
I opened one comic one time and it was minotaurs having an orgy with whatever the horse equivalent of a minotaur is. And that's why it was called the naughty box, obviously.

There's only one way to un-see that.

Your brain is not magnetic media. Therefore, physical destruction is the only sure method of safe erasure. #CISSP (https://pistol-forum.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=CISSP) :D


06-28-2020, 03:51 PM
And neither had ever dated. And they were always together. You make the call.


06-28-2020, 03:58 PM
Yeah, I remember reading a RAND study back in the '90's on network warfare (not network as in computers but network as in loosely affiliated, decentralized, and not top down organized). It was mostly in reference to insurgency in one of the Mexican states. The authors saw it as the radical coming threat. At the time I thought it mostly read as academic overreaction to newer media technologies. Now it's looking pretty prescient.

If you haven't, check out Bryan Burrough's Days of Rage. I read it on recommendation in Tam's blog, and it was excellent.

And it's been a thing since around 1932.
It's always been the useful idiot thugs and agitators of the local communist shot callers.
Black Bloc, ANTIFA, "students", "yellow vests", etc... all pawns of shit stirring commies and socialists

I don't know what their motivation is, or what the degree of individual agency is like. I think the useful idiots are the protesters and looters, but I'm more interested in the lawyers throwing molotovs, the guys materializing with ARs and body armor, etc.

Totem Polar
06-28-2020, 04:15 PM
One of the primary customers was a doughy middle aged guy. I once remarked to my buddy about how much that guy's girlfriend looked like him and learned it was his identical sister. And that they lived together and always had. And neither had ever dated. And they were always together. You make the call.

This waiter guy calls in sick to work one afternoon.

“Boss, I can’t work today, I’m really sick.”

“Dude, we are already getting slammed here! How sick are you?”

“I’m in bed with my twin sister...”

“Uh... well... is she dead?

“What? No, she’s not dead, jeez..”

“Well then, you aren’t that sick. Get your ass down here and work your shift.”


06-28-2020, 04:30 PM
If you haven't, check out Bryan Burrough's Days of Rage. I read it on recommendation in Tam's blog, and it was excellent.

I don't know what their motivation is, or what the degree of individual agency is like. I think the useful idiots are the protesters and looters, but I'm more interested in the lawyers throwing molotovs, the guys materializing with ARs and body armor, etc.

Guys didn't just “materialize” with body armor, they have been part of left wing extremist circles for years.

The fact that there are vets with combat experience and left wing extremists making 80% lower ARs, conducting training forming left wing armed groups etc just hasn’t gotten a lot of media attention and it doesn’t fit the average conservative gun owner’s preconceived image of left wing extremists as gender conflicted soy boys who don’t know what bathroom to use.

The information has been there open source for years, it’s just most people didn’t pay attention or take it seriously.

Some examples -

The Army Iraq/AFG vet killed in a confrontation with police at a Eugene Oregon middle school who was the chief firearms instructor for several leftist “community defense” organizations.

The Anarchist with an 80% lower AR and Molotov cocktails who attacked an ICE detention center in Tacoma, WA last year before being killed in a shoot out with police.

These are just two of dozens of examples.

You also have had armed Black Racially motivated extremist groups who are armed, trained and include military combat vets. Examples in crude Gavin Johnson, the Dallas police shooter and vet who trained with the Huey P Newton Gun Claud, the Black Hebrew Israelites, the New Black Panther Party. Etc.

Again, most are not paying attention and the media doesn’t highlight them because they don’t fit the “peaceful /victim” narrative.

06-28-2020, 07:19 PM
Guys didn't just “materialize” with body armor, they have been part of left wing extremist circles for years.

That's not how I'm using the word. None of these things came as a great shock to me. A place I used to live had a wee little problem with a couple Black Hebrew Israelites earlier this year--and there were plenty of warning signs before that.

Like I said, though, I'm interested in motivations.

06-28-2020, 07:46 PM
Guys didn't just “materialize” with body armor, they have been part of left wing extremist circles for years.

The fact that there are vets with combat experience and left wing extremists making 80% lower ARs, conducting training forming left wing armed groups etc just hasn’t gotten a lot of media attention and it doesn’t fit the average conservative gun owner’s preconceived image of left wing extremists as gender conflicted soy boys who don’t know what bathroom to use.

The information has been there open source for years, it’s just most people didn’t pay attention or take it seriously.

Some examples -

The Army Iraq/AFG vet killed in a confrontation with police at a Eugene Oregon middle school who was the chief firearms instructor for several leftist “community defense” organizations.

The Anarchist with an 80% lower AR and Molotov cocktails who attacked an ICE detention center in Tacoma, WA last year before being killed in a shoot out with police.

These are just two of dozens of examples.

You also have had armed Black Racially motivated extremist groups who are armed, trained and include military combat vets. Examples in crude Gavin Johnson, the Dallas police shooter and vet who trained with the Huey P Newton Gun Claud, the Black Hebrew Israelites, the New Black Panther Party. Etc.

Again, most are not paying attention and the media doesn’t highlight them because they don’t fit the “peaceful /victim” narrative. I've been preaching this for years at our gun range. The old guard seems to not even be aware that liberals and leftists shoot as well. They are a minority, but they exist.

I know several GWOT vets that are open anarchists or communists. I cringe whenever I see those "soy boy" memes making fun of leftists. Underestimating your opposition is a quick way to lose.

06-28-2020, 07:55 PM
I’ll just leave this here....


06-28-2020, 07:58 PM
That's not how I'm using the word. None of these things came as a great shock to me. A place I used to live had a wee little problem with a couple Black Hebrew Israelites earlier this year--and there were plenty of warning signs before that.

Like I said, though, I'm interested in motivations.

The motivations of black nationalist and white nationalists are remarkably the same once you strip away the superficial trappings just like left vs right.

06-29-2020, 02:03 AM
The motivations of black nationalist and white nationalists are remarkably the same once you strip away the superficial trappings just like left vs right.

Yep. They both hate the Jews.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

06-29-2020, 02:05 AM
Yep. They both hate the Jews.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

True but there’s a lot more than that.

Half Moon
08-25-2020, 07:56 PM
If you haven't, check out Bryan Burrough's Days of Rage. I read it on recommendation in Tam's blog, and it was excellent.

Thanks for putting Days of Rage on my radar. Just finished it a few minutes ago. Lot I already knew but a lot I didn't. It was a solid read and good recommendation.

08-26-2020, 01:03 AM
Thanks for putting Days of Rage on my radar. Just finished it a few minutes ago. Lot I already knew but a lot I didn't. It was a solid read and good recommendation.

Thank Tamara. I only heard about it from her personal blog.

08-26-2020, 12:20 PM
That's not how I'm using the word. None of these things came as a great shock to me. A place I used to live had a wee little problem with a couple Black Hebrew Israelites earlier this year--and there were plenty of warning signs before that.

Like I said, though, I'm interested in motivations.

Orwell has an essay where he compares the appeal of capitalism and socialism vs fascism. Paraphrasing, the former two offer a comfortable life, (yeah capitalism does it better long term) fascism has folks like Hitler offering the chance to die for a greater cause.

Self-radicalizing/"lone wolf" terrorism/"leaderless resistance" offers the excitement and sense of meaning that fascism provides without the pesky leader telling you what NOT to do.

A man writing "BOOG" in his own blood while in the middle of fighting cops is a hard thing to process, but it happened. Symbols can "mean" almost nothing, yet folks will latch on when they have a desperate need to feel part of something larger.

Another way to think about it is as crowdsourced terrorism. Which is why it is so incoherent. It has no actual intellectual core, or essential message, which is a feature not a bug in terms of its spread. "Boog" and the like are mostly blank mirrors individuals can peer into and see themselves as heroes in their own story, no matter how silly that story is.

Joe S
08-26-2020, 08:23 PM
A man writing "BOOG" in his own blood while in the middle of fighting cops is a hard thing to process, but it happened.

I missed that, but am morbidly curious. Can you give any more info?

08-26-2020, 08:34 PM
I missed that, but am morbidly curious. Can you give any more info?


08-27-2020, 02:41 AM
Another way to think about it is as crowdsourced terrorism. Which is why it is so incoherent. It has no actual intellectual core, or essential message, which is a feature not a bug in terms of its spread. "Boog" and the like are mostly blank mirrors individuals can peer into and see themselves as heroes in their own story, no matter how silly that story is.

I was kind've thinking about that the other day. Namely: why was I so unhappy and generally miserable to be around in my 20s? Why am I happy and approximately 10% more bearable now? Well, I was either unemployed or working in the private sector. My economic activity consisted working for a little money so somebody else could make a bunch of money (which would be fine, I'm arguing that organizing labor and capital to create wealth and allow other people to make a living is good). I didn't really create anything, I just sort've worked and consumed stuff to entertain myself. Literally nothing I did had any meaning to anybody. But the last few years, I worked in the public sector, serving people. I have meaning because I work hard at being the best at it, so the people I serve are safer because of it.

I think that where I was at is an increasingly common condition in America, more than a lot of other things I've thought about when wondering why there are more mass shootings and now civil unrest. I think most people, especially those in the age groups we see acting out, are not engaged in meaningful work, both out of necessity and by an increasingly service-oriented economy. And I think that most people, particularly young men, don't have the resources or skills to engage in any sort of creative activity or meaningful pursuit outside of work, turning instead of entertainment.

Now, I actually kind've think that that might work for a lot of folks, particularly if those folks can do things like start a family. It was not working for me. Now, I found meaning in public service. How many of the left-leaning white militants we're seeing hit on...well, whatever dipshit thing they think they're doing?