View Full Version : What Cities/States Not Requiring Face Mask Use?

06-19-2020, 05:16 PM
I'm starting to see previously considered "free" states mandate face mask use. It will time for me to move soon. What places in the country are we seeing as not mandating face masks? It's a proxy for government overreach to me and I don't tolerate it.

The problem is private businesses are being mandated to self-enforce or receive fines. So even if the business thinks it's stupid or doesn't want to participate, then we have no choice as civilians. Because businesses always have the right to ask you to leave for any reason (I guess except if you're black and now as of this week, gay, they can't ask you to leave). And I support private entities being entitled the right to ask anyone to leave for any reason.

If they want you to leave because you aren't wearing a mask and they think wearing a mask is good, okay, there will be a competitor across the street that won't mandate it and I'll shop there or workout there or shoot at their gun range. But when the government steps in and demand businesses do it, now I quite literally can't go anywhere without a mask because the business themselves will ask me to leave.

This frog is starting to see his skin bubble in the scalding hot water.

Joe in PNG
06-19-2020, 05:47 PM
I'm not seeing a whole lot of mask in Central Florida.

06-19-2020, 05:48 PM
Do you honestly expect anyone here to take the time to compile such a list for you?

Figure out where you want to consider and Google it.

Thread closed.