View Full Version : Portland statue honoring Big George knocked down, defaced

06-19-2020, 10:57 AM
No not that one, the other guy


Portland, Oregon (CBS News) — A statue of George Washington was pulled down by protesters on Thursday night, which was Juneteenth eve, reports CBS Portland affiliate KOIN-TV. The nation’s first president owned slaves.

KOIN said Thursday marked the 21st day of demonstrations for racial justice and police reform sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police. Two groups — Rose City Justice and Lavender Caucus — hosted a sit-in rally at Jefferson High School in the evening where community members shared their experiences with racism with a crowd of a few hundred.

A separate group of about 20 people met around 10 p.m. at the site of the large bronze statue of Washington.

Some wrapped the statue's head in an American flag and lit the flag on fire.

Their numbers grew over the next hour until there were enough people to pull it down. They quickly scattered.

A KOIN news crew found the statue face down and covered in graffiti.


Portland police arrived a short time later.

Elsewhere in Portlant, a small crowd of demonstrators stood outside the Justice Center. They moved on after a short time and stopped near the Apple store but dispersed before midnight. Some said they wanted to rest ahead of Friday, when they planned to mark Juneteenth.

Thursday's events followed a peaceful march on Wednesday in which a large crowd walked through the streets of downtown Portland — eventually ending up in the Pearl District, where they tried to set up a so-called "autonomous zone" outside Mayor Ted Wheeler's residence.

06-19-2020, 11:07 AM
I really really wish these people would pack up their belongings and move to countries that have stated values or demographics more aligned with their ideologies instead of trashing my country. I'm sure they will enjoy the socialist paradise of China, Venezuela, and Cuba. I'm sure that they will love the racial harmony of Uganda, Somalia, or hell even South Africa - but no, they want to engage in vandalism by night while sipping $10 coffee's and surfing on their MacBook by day.

We are reaping the crop of more that 50 years of Marxist infiltration of our education, entertainment, and government.

P.S. I really liked Tulsi better than your current avatar.

06-19-2020, 11:18 AM
We can pretty much write off any monuments located in Downtown Portland. The rioters are actively supported by the city government. Portland Police did go on the offensive two days ago but that was only because BLM/Antifa attempted to erect a CHAZ style zone around Mayor Ted Wheelers upscale high rise tower residence in NW Portland.

06-19-2020, 11:43 AM
Is Liberia an option? Seriously, learning from the past is an actual thing.

Attempting to destroy the country over the past is going to lead to a lot more mothers on TV lamenting the dead.

This is mayhem for mayhem's sake. Nothing constructive comes from this...and it needs to be brought to an end.

06-19-2020, 11:48 AM
Is Liberia an option? Seriously, learning from the past is an actual thing.

Maybe we could try again - the capital could be named Trumptown?

06-19-2020, 11:48 AM
Jefferson High School is about a mile west of my house, and I pass it on my commute to and from work every day. They pulled down and defaced the Jefferson statue there last weekend. It seems they're using the football field to give speeches and act as a collection point for their marches in NE Portland.

06-19-2020, 12:00 PM
Jefferson High School is about a mile west of my house, and I pass it on my commute to and from work every day. They pulled down and defaced the Jefferson statue there last weekend. It seems they're using the football field to give speeches and act as a collection point for their marches in NE Portland.

Tell us more about Portland, why do it be like it is. Toppling a GW statue is a whole nother level. Has it always been like this? Are most people crazy out there or is it a vocal minority? About how many are there do you think? Just need a ballpark estimate for how many Carnival Cruise trips it's going to take to resettle these people OCONUS, after USA comes apart.

06-19-2020, 12:10 PM
Having spent a good part of my life in the state across the river from Portland, I imagine there could be a good home found for the statue there if it's not wanted where it is.

06-19-2020, 12:12 PM
Having spent a good part of my life in the state across the river from Portland, I imagine there could be a good home found for the statue there if it's not wanted where it is.

In the CHAZ?

At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if Washington State changes its name soon.

06-19-2020, 12:20 PM
Tell us more about Portland, why do it be like it is. Toppling a GW statue is a whole nother level. Has it always been like this? Are most people crazy out there or is it a vocal minority? About how many are there do you think? Just need a ballpark estimate for how many Carnival Cruise trips it's going to take to resettle these people OCONUS, after USA comes apart.

I'm not a native, I've only lived here for about 4 years.

My first taste of the protest-y side of Portland was the immediate aftermath of the 2016 election. I wound up stuck on a bridge over the Willamette River as protesters marched through all the lanes of traffic.

Last weekend, a protest started with some speeches at Jefferson HS, then a march went a couple miles down the street to a nearby park. I was able to stand on my back porch and look through the neighbors yard to the protesters marching on the other side of the block. I'd estimate that it took 10-15 minutes or so for them to completely move past us. There were marchers of every apparent race and social class, and I saw signs that identified the person carrying them as doctors, nurses, teachers, etc.

Portland obviously leans left, and I get the impression that many folks (at least in my neighborhood) are sympathetic to the goals of BLM. I live in a historically black, currently gentrifying neighborhood, and I'd be hesitant to lump anyone into categories or ideologies.

06-19-2020, 12:24 PM
If Mexico had a trustworthy police and judicial system, it would be a serious option for me.

06-19-2020, 12:36 PM
If Mexico had a trustworthy police and judicial system, it would be a serious option for me.

The food probably wouldn't agree with you.


06-19-2020, 12:39 PM
As a tangentially related aside, the city council recently caved to the calls to defund the police and cut $15mil from the PPB budget. They're pulling school resource officers out, and disbanding the Gun Violence team among other things.


06-19-2020, 12:42 PM
They're pulling school resource officers out, and disbanding the Gun Violence team among other things.

Why aren't the Bloomberg groups and Giffords group screaming bloody murder?

Oh yeah - they are too busy protesting the cops........ :rolleyes:

06-19-2020, 12:52 PM
Why aren't the Bloomberg groups and Giffords group screaming bloody murder?

Oh yeah - they are too busy protesting the cops........ :rolleyes:

Their claim was that the Gun Violence Reduction Team disproportionately targeted minority communities. Read into that what you will.

Moving further into the weeds, my wife is a former high school teacher and started her career in a bad neighborhood in Inglewood, CA. She has said that virtually all of her students had personal experience with gang violence, drive by shootings, etc.

She pointed out that school resource officers do much more than act as disciplinarians or armed guards on campus. Instead, they showed students that not every interaction with the police had to be adversarial or confrontational. Portland isn't Inglewood, but I can see the removal of SROs having unintended consequences in certain communities.

06-19-2020, 12:58 PM
Their claim was that the Gun Violence Reduction Team disproportionately targeted minority communities. Read into that what you will.

Moving further into the weeds, my wife is a former high school teacher and started her career in a bad neighborhood in Inglewood, CA. She has said that virtually all of her students had personal experience with gang violence, drive by shootings, etc.

She pointed out that school resource officers do much more than act as disciplinarians or armed guards on campus. Instead, they showed students that not every interaction with the police had to be adversarial or confrontational. Portland isn't Inglewood, but I can see the removal of SROs having unintended consequences in certain communities.

That meant that more Blacks and Latinos were arrested with firearms than Whites...upsetting the chosen narrative.

Rule #1: Never allow facts to dispute the agenda.

06-19-2020, 12:59 PM
I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. Moving to Portland 20 years ago was one of the biggest one...

06-19-2020, 01:03 PM
Portland gonna Portland tho

06-21-2020, 06:40 PM
So glad I escaped from there.

06-21-2020, 06:52 PM
Meh. No place is perfect. My wife and I are getting pretty annoyed by all the antics here. But in some other place the weather would be as or more annoying. No way we could handle living in a hot, humid place without irritating mobs of social justice warriors, looters, vagrant campers, and right wing trolls.

The food, beer, and outdoor activities are still good, even though a lot of downtown is a no-go zone now. We have good friends here.

But, we are seriously looking elsewhere, and I'm running the numbers to see if I can retire a few years early.

06-21-2020, 07:18 PM
If Mexico had a trustworthy police and judicial system, it would be a serious option for me.

Camping south of Ajo AZ for awhile I saw many motor homes heading into MX. They have several places in Ajo where you can buy insurance for your vehicle before you cross the border. Many Americans winter in Puerto Penasco, MX on the Sea of Cortez.. I used to know a guy that moved down there and built an RV park and a marina. Last I heard he was still there. I think it's fine in the resort towns, border towns, not so much. If it weren't all those gringos wouldn't be spending the winter down there. Americans can now own property in MX. That changed a few years ago.

06-21-2020, 07:25 PM
Interesting to hear some of you could live in Mexico. That's awesome, but we couldn't. I've spent quite a bit of time in 3rd world countries, and have no desire to live in one. Unfortunately, Portland is becoming a pocket of 3rd world poverty, ugliness, and unrest. I want to live somewhere that is affluent, clean, and safe--and where I have my freedom and the US constitution to protect it. Anywhere that has Mexico level corruption, or Euro style socialism is a hard no.

06-21-2020, 07:30 PM
I hear Flagstaff is going to be in the mid-eighties next week.

06-21-2020, 07:33 PM
I really wonder what happens after all the statues are knocked down, and all the schools renamed, and all the Army bases, and all the offensive movies deleted from the servers...

I mean, will everything be better then?

06-21-2020, 07:54 PM
Interesting to hear some of you could live in Mexico. That's awesome, but we couldn't. I've spent quite a bit of time in 3rd world countries, and have no desire to live in one. Unfortunately, Portland is becoming a pocket of 3rd world poverty, ugliness, and unrest. I want to live somewhere that is affluent, clean, and safe--and where I have my freedom and the US constitution to protect it. Anywhere that has Mexico level corruption, or Euro style socialism is a hard no.

My connection with Mexico is a little different, but it’s not a great option at this time. Lots of people have no issues down there, but lots of people do.

Mexico is a special place, but there are a couple of serious cultural changes, and a few government changes, they need to make before I would say it’s a better option.

Right now, the USA is still the best place on earth. We are a resilient nation who has fought through really bad times before. While I do believe that these times are some of the most perilous, I do think we can battle back. The odds are not as good as in the past, but we can still keep America as America if we work at it.

06-21-2020, 07:58 PM
I really wonder what happens after all the statues are knocked down, and all the schools renamed, and all the Army bases, and all the offensive movies deleted from the servers...

I mean, will everything be better then?

No, it's setting the stage for the alternate narrative of history to be proliferated - you can't accomplish that if the original narrative prevails. Not "better", but "conditions met for the next phase".

06-21-2020, 07:58 PM
Meh. No place is perfect. My wife and I are getting pretty annoyed by all the antics here. But in some other place the weather would be as or more annoying. No way we could handle living in a hot, humid place without irritating mobs of social justice warriors, looters, vagrant campers, and right wing trolls.

The food, beer, and outdoor activities are still good, even though a lot of downtown is a no-go zone now. We have good friends here.

But, we are seriously looking elsewhere, and I'm running the numbers to see if I can retire a few years early.

My area of Texas is nice on the social side of things, but the weather is not pleasant for some. My wife was used to near perfect weather in Mexico City, but she is adjusting. Personally, I love going out in the extreme heat and working out or just working around the yard.

It’s an odd kind of love, because I hate it in some ways, but I appreciate for how it allows me to push myself. Of course I’m often too exhausted to enjoy my post hot weather time.

06-21-2020, 08:08 PM
weather, food, beer..... I thought we were talking about ideas...

06-21-2020, 08:37 PM
weather, food, beer..... I thought we were talking about ideas...

Not me. I don't care that much about ideas. Honestly I don't care what people believe. I care about actions, environment, and resources that affect me and my family.

I think the country would be a better place if people cared less about ideas. Unfortunately, everyone seems to want to tell other people what to think and how to act.

06-21-2020, 08:42 PM
I really wonder what happens after all the statues are knocked down, and all the schools renamed, and all the Army bases, and all the offensive movies deleted from the servers...

I mean, will everything be better then?

Absolutely, because that’s what’s holding back minorities from economic advancement. (obligatory /sarcasm)

That is a real issue, and far more nuanced than I’m qualified to weigh in on, but tearing down statues and whitewashing - er, rewriting - history doesn’t put money in anyone’s pockets.

06-21-2020, 08:48 PM
I think the country would be a better place if people cared less about ideas. Unfortunately, everyone seems to want to tell other people what to think and how to act.

Agree 100%. Unfortunately, too late. Wishful thinking is not going to help either

06-21-2020, 09:19 PM
Portland will have it's very own CHAZ soon enough. I think the difference is Seattle has a lot more money and the income equality is more pronounced. Average income in Seattle is about 3X that of Portland. Small wonder you have a bunch of disgruntled people who want social change. I don't think it has anything to do with BLM. I think it's more hatred for the affluent and wealthy in the city than anything else. If everyone else can live like a king there should be no reason the street people shouldn't have free everything. The cops just get in the way of all of that so getting rid of the cops is the first order of business.

06-22-2020, 03:25 PM
A buddy from out of state texted me this weekend upset about it. He asked if there were any petitions he could sign to stop such things from happening :rolleyes:

07-03-2020, 09:42 AM
Apparently the Portland Elk, a statue which has stood in the city for 120 years, is now racist and must be burned down:


PORTLAND, OR (KPTV) - The iconic elk statue in downtown Portland was removed Thursday after it was damaged by fires lit during a demonstration, according to police.

Demonstrators gathered Wednesday evening once again near the Justice Center. Police said the crowd blocked the streets surrounding the Justice Center.

According to police, some demonstrators lit fires on and near the elk statue on Southwest Main Street. The fire damaged the stone surrounding the basin around and beneath the statue.

Glenn E. Meyer
07-03-2020, 09:50 AM
Sigh, we live in the area for 20 years. It had its up and downs. Never could afford a decent house there. Sad to see.