View Full Version : Avoiding Civil Unrest: Where Should You Live?

06-18-2020, 03:29 AM
I know this will come across as racist, but about a decade ago I vowed that once I had the money to move and was able to severe some family ties, I would a place with a little racial diversity as possible from racial groups that get aggressive. I’ve traveled extensively through the country over my years as a sales rep and have experienced most of it for at least some periods of time.

Take that as you may, but in New Jersey with a large Poor Indian immigrant population, I’ve never seen Indians riot in the streets and set buildings on fire. In San Jose with a large poor Vietnamese immigrant population, I never saw them act that way as well. A few places come to mind I had always planned to avoid prior to 2020 - Chicago, Atlanta, Cincinnati, Milwaukee. And sure enough, we’ve seen some pretty big damage going on in those places.

In the last 5 years, I added to the list of places to never live as those with antifa-like white people. No Seattle, no portland.

Cities like NYC and LA were always no-goes for me due to high cost of living, garbage gun laws and high traffic.

Well, it turns out I was right. Cities with huge diverse populations of certain kind are becoming war zones in certain areas. So, in a few years when I get my life together enough to move, where do I consider?

I like living near a big metro area for airport access and amenities of the city. The least diverse populations in big cities are probably Salt Lake City, Boise, and Phoenix metro area. I’ve never seen poor Hispanic-Americans rioting in the streets, they’re too busy working three jobs.

The issue for me is I think all of this chaos is done by two types of people. Poor people who come from a violent subculture and middle class or upper class white super liberals under 30. The problem is I’m not rich so I can’t afford to live in a wealthy suburb like Park City or Scottsdale or Carmel Indiana.

I almost feel dirty for even posting this question, like I should be asking it on a website named after folks who chase hurricanes... but that’s not my intent. I’m not looking to be surrounded by white people out of a belief white people are better. I’m looking to live somewhere that isn’t going to be set on fire the next time a spark drops into the tinder.

I’ve thought about places like Wyoming or the Dakotas, but they seem too cold and too rural for my tastes and if I get back into sales, I need a major airport nearby. Maybe the answer is to look for suburbs of away from the “core” where this crap occurs. Like maybe Marietta Georgia on a dirt road abutting a forest is close enough to Atlanta proper for the occasional trip or airplane ride but far enough away to avoid my house being set on fire in the next wave of race wars.

Could also be an interesting discussion of which metro areas are most likely to get more dangerous over time. It seems the more liberal a city gets, the worse off it becomes, if only because the liberals vote to increase welfare which lures more poor people over and vote to cut the balls off police for “harassing“ homeless minding their own business shooting up heroin and shitting On the sidewalk.

Also for those of you older than me, maybe 50 to 60+, if I asked this question to you 20 years ago, would you have predicted this outcome? And what have you learned over the last 20 years that might predict the next 20 years? Personally I have spent a lot of time in Seattle and Portland over the last decade and at least 10 years ago, I wouldn’t have predicted antifa and their shenanigans.

06-18-2020, 04:59 AM

I don't think racial makeup has anything to do with it. I think the key factors are the size of the population and the local PD's ability to deal with unrest. There are plenty of municipalities that got out in front of this, arrested bad actors, and made it severely un-fun. Get away from major hubs and you're fine, the nation is awash in international airports.

06-18-2020, 05:05 AM
You do realize there’s been plenty of rioting and property damage that followed things like Super Bowl wins and things like that right? Riots ain’t all about commies and minorities.

Old Virginia
06-18-2020, 05:47 AM
You do realize there’s been plenty of rioting and property damage that followed things like Super Bowl wins and things like that right? Riots ain’t all about commies and minorities.

You would have to be living in a Bubble if you think Race is not a major factor in the Riots, looting, burning etc. You do not even have to look at statistics to see where the majority of violent crime comes from. Want to move to DC, Baltimore, LA, etc? All you have to do in my town is watch the even local news every day and when a shooting has happened, it is always the "Usual Suspects" by a huge margin. If a person is going to be a victim in my area, then you do not have to be a Rocket Scientist to figure the odds of who it will be.
The Problem is the Liberals have used the politically Correct" weapon so well that no one is willing to speak the truth. Scared of loosing their job etc.
The discussion of where to live is a big topic where I live. And the first thing people do is look at the demographics.

Lol, watch his video and then tell me which Walmart you see this Carnage, and despicable, disgusting, vile crime that is now so frequent in the South.


06-18-2020, 06:24 AM
I feel pretty “safe” where I’m at. We had a BLM march in our sub-rural area (all lots are 1.25 acres or more, no city water or sewer, still a fair number of dirt roads). Went off peacefully, and other than one known neighborhood whack job trying to blame her shitbag daughter’s DUI crash on racism and defaming the neighborhood FD in the process, all seems to have returned to normal pretty much instantly.

But I hate not having closer access to “things”. Literally anything but the grocery store, pizza, and Mcdonald's is 30+ minutes away. Its not bad in the grand scheme but I’d sure love to be able to pop out for takeout from one of 50 different locations and be back home before it stops steaming like I could when I lived in a more urban setting.

I’d sure love to find a happy medium. I like having the land and the workshop and the gap between me and the neighbors for now, but eventually, when the kids are a little older, I think we’ll be looking for a more entertaining locale. Just don’t know where that would be. Maybe we just keep the same latitude and move East “into town”.

06-18-2020, 06:39 AM
Anyone with an IQ in triple digits (and not blinded by political correctness) could have predicted where the disruptions we're witnessing today were likely going to occur. Demographics and politics are very reliable indicators of all sorts of things.

06-18-2020, 06:43 AM
Will somebody take this thread out back and tell it about the rabbits one last time.

06-18-2020, 06:50 AM
Let's not.