View Full Version : Brave web browser

05-05-2020, 07:28 AM
Is faaaast. Recommended.

05-05-2020, 08:43 AM
Giving it a try now. Me gusto.

05-05-2020, 08:55 AM
I've used it since soon after launch, both mobile and pc. It's a pretty good browser. Built in site-by-site adblock is nice, more granularity than I need for scripts, cross-site cookies, trackers, etc. It's nice to see exactly what a given site is running under the hood.

Example of a minimally intrusive site:

Tom Jones and I had a brief interaction about it a few years back on this very site; he wasn't a big fan, and I think his reasons were sound.

The newest version has it's own internal ads every few minutes (swipe away at the top of the phone, or in the lower right corner for winders). Dislike it, but I'm using a free brower for free.

Brave is the only browser that even pretends to care about supporting your privacy. Some outfit posted a comparison recently, fairly high profile, so I'm sure it's searchable.

05-05-2020, 09:40 AM
Been using it on PC and Android for about a year now. It is indeed fast, the ad-blocker works well, and it still seems to be compatible with everything that claims to work on Chrome (I know, I know, it has the same core, but "Guerrera" said that if the browser didn't say "Chrome" it wasn't Chrome. I said it was [basically]. It's worked for her so far [*whew*].)

Also put it on daughter's (school) laptop. She loves it.

Caveat 1: I have noticed that it does break the occasional website, but turn the "shields" off and you're good to go.

Caveat 2: If your company is anal-retentive like mine, they may not allow it. I got gigged for having it on my work computers because it has built-in TOR functionality, which the company said had the potential for letting out sensitive intellectual property.

05-05-2020, 04:46 PM
How does it compare to duckduckgo?

05-05-2020, 06:53 PM
How does it compare to duckduckgo?

Good overview and comparison of these two here:


Mike C
05-05-2020, 07:06 PM
Been using for about a month or two I dig it. Really fast if not connected to the VPN. Maybe I just need to switch servers or services.

05-06-2020, 06:21 AM
I use it on my phone, but not my PC. I ran into a few issues with it on my PC (don't recall exactly what now). It may have been a "workflow" issue in how I like my browsers to manage settings or something.

It's my preferred browser on the phone though.


05-06-2020, 07:20 AM
How does it compare to duckduckgo?

I couldn't tell you, I didn't know that duckduckgo had a browser.

05-06-2020, 07:50 AM
I couldn't tell you, I didn't know that duckduckgo had a browser.

I don't know what that article purports to be about: comparing a browser to a search engine? My whiskey tango foxtrot sense is tingling.

Lex Luthier
05-06-2020, 08:09 AM
DuckDuckGo does have a stand-alone browser for Android. I'm using it at the moment.
Not sure about iOS.
Their product for Mac desktop is a plug-in for other browsers.

I'll take a look at Brave.

05-06-2020, 08:16 AM
DuckDuckGo does have a stand-alone browser for Android. I'm using it at the moment.
Not sure about iOS.
Their product for Mac desktop is a plug-in for other browsers.

A-ha: I'm pc/iOS only, so Android is off my personal horizon. Makes more sense.

Been using ddg for a replacement search engine for several years, too. Fewer complaints than with Brave, personally.

05-06-2020, 08:30 AM
I don't know what that article purports to be about: comparing a browser to a search engine? My whiskey tango foxtrot sense is tingling.

It's about the comparison between the Brave Browser and Duckduckgo's browser. Yes, most people know duckduckgo as an enhanced privacy web search engine. They also offer an Android and iPhone web browser, if you like the duckduckgo ecosystem.

Here is the iPhone version:


05-06-2020, 08:32 AM
Their product for Mac desktop is a plug-in for other browsers.

The duckduckgo extension is what I am using in my Linux box (Mint Tara) with Fire Fox.

05-06-2020, 11:56 AM
Downloaded Brave. It does seem quick so far, I'll give it that.

05-06-2020, 12:26 PM
Downloaded Brave. It does seem quick so far, I'll give it that.

Also seems to me that the built-in ad-blocker is one of the best I've seen.

David S.
08-25-2020, 08:47 PM

Have you looked into the Brave BAT (Basic Attention Token) system? Apparently it's a form of cryptocurrency that you and the users get for seeing advertisements. I don't know how intrusive the ads are, but might be some easy money from the 7 of us using the Brave browser.

08-25-2020, 09:29 PM

Have you looked into the Brave BAT (Basic Attention Token) system? Apparently it's a form of cryptocurrency that you and the users get for seeing advertisements. I don't know how intrusive the ads are, but might be some easy money from the 7 of us using the Brave browser. Make that 8.