View Full Version : My kids/neighbor kids are trying to kill me.

Lost River
04-18-2020, 06:42 PM
So my two youngest kids outside are hollering like the feral animals they are, but they seemed to be a bit louder than normal, so I go to see what they are screaming their little heads off about. They are on the trampoline in our yard, and encouraging the 8/9ish year old boy next door to jump off the roof next door onto his trampoline that they just got. It has a net surrounding it, so while it is not a great idea, I am not overly worried.

As I go to the door to tell them to stop encouraging him to do things his parents would not exactly approve of, I look and see his 4 year old baby sister appear on the roof.. :eek:

She has climbed the ladder behind the brother and is trying to get on the roof! I literally am yelling,and ran so fast, I ran out of my shoes.

Fortunately their dad heard me yelling in their house and came outside to find out what I was yelling about. He and I got to the ladder about the same time, and he went up the ladder and grabbed her.

Scared the living crap out of both of us..

All I could think about was various accident scenes I have been on, and not getting there in time.

Little shits are trying to make me have a heart attack.:mad:

04-18-2020, 06:52 PM
Rope...lots of rope. (And not for hangin'.)

Glad it worked out safely.

04-18-2020, 07:18 PM
So my two youngest kids outside are hollering like the feral animals they are, but they seemed to be a bit louder than normal, so I go to see what they are screaming their little heads off about. They are on the trampoline in our yard, and encouraging the 8/9ish year old boy next door to jump off the roof next door onto his trampoline that they just got. It has a net surrounding it, so while it is not a great idea, I am not overly worried.

As I go to the door to tell them to stop encouraging him to do things his parents would not exactly approve of, I look and see his 4 year old baby sister appear on the roof.. :eek:

She has climbed the ladder behind the brother and is trying to get on the roof! I literally am yelling,and ran so fast, I ran out of my shoes.

Fortunately their dad heard me yelling in their house and came outside to find out what I was yelling about. He and I got to the ladder about the same time, and he went up the ladder and grabbed her.

Scared the living crap out of both of us..

All I could think about was various accident scenes I have been on, and not getting there in time.

Little shits are trying to make me have a heart attack.:mad:

Reminds me of the time I overdosed on adult strength rx nose spray. Two days in the hospital and they thought I was gonna die. WTF did they use to make nose spray out of.

Stephanie B
04-18-2020, 07:22 PM
Rope...lots of rope. (And not for hangin'.)

And a locking door in the basement...

My brother would have been the fool who jumped from the roof onto a trampline. He was a frequent-flyer in the ER.

04-18-2020, 07:33 PM
Next thing you will tell me is that they are not supposed to make a parachute and jump off the hay barn!

How else is a 9-year-old supposed to reenact 82nd Airborne during the Normandy Invasion??

04-18-2020, 08:15 PM
Isn't that how its supposed to work? They take years off your life while you add years to theirs?

Oh, and grey hairs. Those they don't cause to fall out that is...

04-18-2020, 08:20 PM
I did worse to my folks. Trampolines, 4 wheelers, snowboards, bicycles, all kinds of stuff.

I'm sure I'm in for it soon.


04-18-2020, 08:21 PM
Yes they are. And this is why you won’t feel any guilt when you embarrass the crap out of them when they get older. :cool:

04-18-2020, 09:23 PM
Little shits are trying to make me have a heart attack.:mad:

Dude, if you saw what the kids in my school district think is fun shit to do...last day of school, I just about tore the asses off five grade schoolers for riding their bikes like 15 feet behind the damn school bus. Two of the mothers wanted to know why I was yelling at their kids--helping the school district kill fewer children is literally my job--but the third knows me well enough to know that I really only haul off on a kid like that when the threat level is at "maimed/killed". Mostly because I don't usually yell at her kids too bad, even though they're animals and she knows it.

Trampolines are dangerous as fuck, though, even when you use them half-right. I can't believe the number of snapped-off lower tibias I've seen sticking out through the side of people's calves.

Lost River
04-19-2020, 08:19 AM
In my next life I am going to stay single and just have a dog!

04-19-2020, 09:16 AM
In my next life I am going to stay single and just have a dog!


Lost River, what is good in life?

"To shoot N Frames,
Eat elk steaks,
And listen to the lamentations of the coyotes!"

04-19-2020, 09:59 AM
Some good family friends had a trampoline when we were in high school. The big one from Costco that cost $300. No nets back in those days, or maybe they were just hopeful enough to not set it up. The kids were popular, and very large number of people came over and jumped. Of course, we figured out how to time it so multiple people would store energy and then release the energy into just one kid. Two football players launching a cross country runner could be pretty awesome. I'm pretty sure nobody got hurt seriously. Just more proof that the angels did take special interest in the kids from that one small town, as Garrison Keillor might say. Or maybe we had just all grown up playing with fireworks, shooting air rifles and jumping bikes in the woods without adult supervision, and had a pretty good handle on managing risk when playing with fire by the time we got to high school.

04-19-2020, 07:47 PM
In my next life I am going to stay single and just have a dog!

Your next life starts when you're promoted to Grampa

04-20-2020, 01:00 AM
Your next life starts when you're promoted to Grampa

Assuming you speak from experience, and not being to sure how old your grandkids are, what is priceless is when your kids (in my case the two oldest are boys, er. men) come to you and apologize for the shit they put you through.

04-20-2020, 01:25 AM
Assuming you speak from experience, and not being to sure how old your grandkids are, what is priceless is when your kids (in my case the two oldest are boys, er. men) come to you and apologize for the shit they put you through.

*Sigh* Not a grandfather yet.

Damn kids!

04-20-2020, 10:58 AM
Many years ago I was at a friend's house when he called his father to tell him he was going to be a grandfather to a boy. He was on the speaker phone in the other room and I heard his father say "In spades, Norm. I hope this kid pays you back in spades."