View Full Version : From the Fudd Files: high-vis sight upgrade for your Henry evil brown rifle

Totem Polar
04-15-2020, 07:32 PM
Regular readers may know that I'm tied with a couple other members for worst eyesight on the forum. Seriously, anyone with shittier eyes is probably reading "coterie" via Braille, so big-ass dots up front is the way to go for me, both hand and long arms.

This cowboy action enthusiast site:


sells some nifty FS upgrades for your hillbilly AR, including these little brass cylinders that tap on over the standard Marbles-style front. They come in two sizes, big (.155") or "roughly the size of Deimos (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deimos_(moon))" (.185")

This is the .185" version; similar to an XS big dot on a pistol or revolver. They come with the center channel of the tube sized for traditional Marlin/Winchester bead fronts, but sizing for this Henry was a simple matter of grabbing the drill bit one to the right of the one that fit the stock tube, and zapping it for 2.5 seconds to fit it over the Henry sight. Once tapped on with the small mallet, it isn't going anywhere until you want to tap it back off.

At any rate, it's cheap, fast to acquire, easy to put on, and still centers like the underlying brass bead for POA concerns. If you're a dude who shoots appleseed to patch with irons, this thread isn't for you, but if you have marginal eyes, this FS is a traditionalist's godsend. Pretty cool.
