View Full Version : Breaking News 961 Defeated

Old Virginia
02-17-2020, 02:07 PM
On this great day, Let no man forget that he is from OLD VIRGINIA!


02-17-2020, 08:05 PM
Thanks to NRA members, but did NRA proper do anything on this?

(I am cynical enough to think LaPierre and crew are crying into their beers at the missed opportunity of having a ban to create another funding campaign)

Good job VA patriots!

But I imagine this will rear its head again soon.

02-17-2020, 09:11 PM
Congrats to the RKBA community in VA. From this distance I think it was the passion, commitment and persistence of so many that finally scared enough of the D's and killed this thing. Without all that hard work and determination of the tens of thousands at the grass roots level across the state, your rights would have been trampled.

Hopefully this woke a sleeping giant that will help you take back the state and send old Northam some place where "he can be kept comfortable" while the voters decide what to do with this wretched wicked person next election.

02-17-2020, 10:46 PM
Thanks to NRA members, but did NRA proper do anything on this?

(I am cynical enough to think LaPierre and crew are crying into their beers at the missed opportunity of having a ban to create another funding campaign)

Good job VA patriots!

But I imagine this will rear its head again soon.

There is no end to it. Been going on here for about 4 years now. We have a >15 rd. mag ban that will be voted on any day now. I expect it to pass.

02-18-2020, 05:18 AM
It's not dead, just tabled for the year while it goes to the Crime Commission for study. However, it was the same Crime Commission that essentially said there was no evidence an AWB would prevent mass shootings, so there's a chance for a full kill.


Glenn E. Meyer
02-18-2020, 10:01 AM
Heard NPR do a fair report on this. They interviewed one of the Democrats who switched sides (who?) and he said that his vote was based on the ill defined terminology of the assault weapons. He hoped next year they come back with a better bill.

02-18-2020, 10:14 AM
Heard NPR do a fair report on this. They interviewed one of the Democrats who switched sides (who?) and he said that his vote was based on the ill defined terminology of the assault weapons. He hoped next year they come back with a better bill.

I didn't hear the report, but IIRC, Creigh Deeds said the same thing.


02-18-2020, 10:48 AM
Congratulations you guys!!! I hope you stay strong and things go your way the next election. I don't live there but I'm very happy that you at least got this temporarily stalled. This is a fight for all of us gun owners and shooters