View Full Version : Best action movie you’ve recently seen

02-13-2020, 08:47 PM
Even with Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu and now, Disney Plus (which we got for the kids), I struggle to find quality action movies. Do I have a dose of anhedonism, am I just too picky, or has the genre lost the attention of Hollywood?

I could always rewatch some classics like The Dogs of War, The Wild Bunch, Heat, Predator, The Final Option, First Blood, Way of the Gun, etc., but I’d love something moderately well done and fairly new. What do you guys recommend? I know we all have different tastes, but I’d love some suggestions!

02-13-2020, 08:53 PM
I enjoyed this movie. It was one of the better war movies in a long time.


02-13-2020, 09:09 PM
Hard to say action is a dying genre with the success of the John Wick franchise in recent years. Sicario was probably one of the best recent efforts. The latest Mission Impossible films have had some insane stunt work. Peppermint had some decent Honey Badger work; I was entertained. Triple Frontier was solid for a Netflix production, and it opened to Metallica.

Le Français
02-13-2020, 11:22 PM
« Mission Impossible — Fallout » is spectacular. I think it’s on Amazon Prime.

02-13-2020, 11:31 PM
Eastern Promises FTW!

02-14-2020, 01:17 AM
Eastern Promises FTW!

And The Accountant.

02-14-2020, 05:51 AM
I thought the new Bad Boys movie was pretty good.

Warped Mindless
02-14-2020, 08:22 AM

Also, not a movie, but the new season of Strike Back starts tonight.

02-14-2020, 08:35 AM
All our American awesomeness seems to have rubbed off onto South Korea in the past decade.

Check out Man from Nowhere. Ravenger. And Rampant.

02-14-2020, 09:07 AM
Thanks for this thread.

I think I have also become less tolerant of overlooking dumb shit in order to get to the shit that amuses me. Last night (even while stuck alone in a hotel room) I switched away from something (don't remember the name of the movie, not wanting to look it up) where Bruce Willis was obviously gonna be wreaking some entertaining havoc, but when the premise of the plot became the kidnapping of an oblivious girl who was sooooooooooo upset by the assault she just experienced in the bar that she just HAD to go stand by herself out in a dark alley behind the bar and try and call her boyfriend who didn't answer because he had a lap full of strippers, well that just exceeds my tolerance stack-up of dumb shit.

Josh Runkle
02-14-2020, 09:27 AM
1917 is good.

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02-14-2020, 12:07 PM
Eastern Promises FTW!

Looks interesting! "R (for strong brutal and bloody violence, some graphic sexuality, language and nudity)" Pretty much what every good action movie needs. :)


02-14-2020, 12:49 PM
Also, not a movie, but the new season of Strike Back starts tonight.

Thanks for the heads up. I thought this show was done.

Warped Mindless
02-14-2020, 01:08 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I thought this show was done.

The last season starts tonight.

Maaaaybe. This will be the third "final season ever."

Ill be sad to see it go. One of the better action series ive ever seen with pretty decent gun handling.

02-14-2020, 02:00 PM
Ill be sad to see it go. One of the better action series ive ever seen with pretty decent gun handling.

Yeah I was impressed by their gun handling. A lot of little things that only we would notice.

02-14-2020, 02:40 PM
Shot Caller was really good as well.

It's no NetFlix.

The Punisher series has some pretty good action as well.

02-14-2020, 02:56 PM


I think the full-on retarded comic book movies + the insipid Star Wars shit has been the death of action movies.

02-14-2020, 04:07 PM

02-14-2020, 05:17 PM
I'm surprised by the amount of people that consider 1917 an action movie.

02-14-2020, 05:35 PM
I thought "Debbie Does Dallas" was an action movie.

02-14-2020, 06:19 PM
If we're considering streaming-format internet shows...

...The Boys. Just watch it.

02-14-2020, 07:09 PM
« Mission Impossible — Fallout » is spectacular. I think it’s on Amazon Prime.

Watched it a few weeks back - IMO it's a rock-solid "meh" that failed to live up to the hype it was granted. It's well-acted and decently produced, but is at its core a generic, disposable action movie.

Not the worst way to kill a couple hours, but nowhere close to the "OMG gotta see this" that my co-workers were giving it.


Hieronymous, if you haven't seen it yet, The Highwaymen is on Netflix. Not a traditional action movie per se, but may scratch that itch (unless you're looking for full-on Predator/Commando/Expendables type) and worth the watch. Frankly, I've just about given up on Netflix and am close to cancelling due to a colossal lack of quality and significant dilution with garbage.

02-14-2020, 09:27 PM
Strike Back has new main characters, correct? How does the new compare to the original, if so?

02-14-2020, 09:32 PM
I thought "Debbie Does Dallas" was an action movie.


02-14-2020, 10:10 PM
For whatever reason I decided to watch Daylight's End, definitely a B roll movie. James Yeager had a part in the movie, and meets an interesting end.

02-15-2020, 06:53 AM
I thought "Debbie Does Dallas" was an action movie.
Says the guy with that mustache...

Warped Mindless
02-15-2020, 08:01 AM
Strike Back has new main characters, correct? How does the new compare to the original, if so?

Not as good but decent.

They added a "badass" female operator too so they could check the Politically Correct box. Unlike Hollywood bs though she almost always gets her ass kicked by men until she find a knife or other weapon to use on them.

As for the male characters, in the first new season with them I feel the writers tried make them.into clones of the original two instead of giving them their own personalities.

That said, still a great action show!

02-15-2020, 08:38 AM
Thanks for this thread.

I think I have also become less tolerant of overlooking dumb shit in order to get to the shit that amuses me. Last night (even while stuck alone in a hotel room) I switched away from something (don't remember the name of the movie, not wanting to look it up) where Bruce Willis was obviously gonna be wreaking some entertaining havoc, but when the premise of the plot became the kidnapping of an oblivious girl who was sooooooooooo upset by the assault she just experienced in the bar that she just HAD to go stand by herself out in a dark alley behind the bar and try and call her boyfriend who didn't answer because he had a lap full of strippers, well that just exceeds my tolerance stack-up of dumb shit.

Friend, that kind of systematic clusterfuck is literally every weekend at the bars and stupid places outside of every US Military post in the world. Minus Bruce Willis.... and usually the kidnapping. Usually.
The only real difference is the oblivious girl is a E4 or LT dressed like a glittery turboskank, or it's a 6'2" beefcake divorced E6 that's Jagerbombed out and sucked into his phone trying to text the glittery turboskank.

Yes, I'm a blast at parties. :)

02-15-2020, 04:26 PM
For whatever reason I decided to watch Daylight's End, definitely a B roll movie. James Yeager had a part in the movie, and meets an interesting end.

I saw that one. When I recognized Yeager I was about to turn it off but then he died and I decided I liked the movie.

02-15-2020, 08:38 PM
I don't know if it counts but I just watched the 1976 version of Midway.

I like to read the trivia notes from movies and supposedly with the exception of Charlton Heston, Edward Albert Jr. And Christina Kokubo (Haruko Sakura) every main American character in the movie was based on an actual historical figure.

02-16-2020, 12:16 AM
Watched it a few weeks back - IMO it's a rock-solid "meh" that failed to live up to the hype it was granted. It's well-acted and decently produced, but is at its core a generic, disposable action movie.

Not the worst way to kill a couple hours, but nowhere close to the "OMG gotta see this" that my co-workers were giving it.


Watched Fallout tonight with the family. Mostly because this thread reminded me I hadnt seen it yet. It was decent, and worth watching once. Probably not twice though. It’s two hours of stunts and fights, which isn’t the worst way to kick back on Saturday night.

And I dropped Netflix a while back. Don’t miss it. Only thing it has that I want is Stranger Things and Altered Carbon. But I think I can soldier on without them.

Old Virginia
02-16-2020, 12:59 AM
I love the "Narco" series. Netflix just added another one.

02-16-2020, 06:17 AM
I don't know if it counts but I just watched the 1976 version of Midway.

I like to read the trivia notes from movies and supposedly with the exception of Charlton Heston, Edward Albert Jr. And Christina Kokubo (Haruko Sakura) every main American character in the movie was based on an actual historical figure.

That is a great movie.

The new one... not so much.

02-16-2020, 09:19 AM
I love the "Narco" series. Netflix just added another one.

It's an excellent series. It was good to see a little payback early in this new season...

...but as I tell my wife, having worked on some of the cases and with some of the folks mentioned in the series (Narcos: Colombia, mostly), it also reminds me of how futile the whole thing seems on the whole.

(I wouldn't have missed it though.)

02-16-2020, 10:35 AM
That is a great movie.

The new one... not so much.

Last night was the first time I've seen the movie since 1976, I've never seen the new one. When I was a kid I had no idea that they were trying to make the movie as accurate as possible. Donald Sanford (the author of the screenplay and book) researched this topic well. The only thing they didn't really cove was that the USS Yorktown was apparently sunk by a Japanese submarine on June 6 1942

Old Virginia
02-16-2020, 10:40 AM
It's an excellent series. It was good to see a little payback early in this new season...

...but as I tell my wife, having worked on some of the cases and with some of the folks mentioned in the series (Narcos: Colombia, mostly), it also reminds me of how futile the whole thing seems on the whole.

(I wouldn't have missed it though.)

It is such a interesting study. American has no idea of the terrorism Cartels have caused. Pablo Escabar killed of 50% of the Supreme Court judges, bombing all over the country, practically own the Police and military. Now Mexican cartels makes them look like rookies. It was also interesting to see how Pablo used the many gangs across the country. Would supply them with dope and guns and put bounties on Police. Think about how gangs here in America. Lol, and the Libs want to take away the ordinary, honest citizen from defending himself.

02-16-2020, 10:40 AM
I watched The Patriot Games last night. I understand completely why Tom Clancy went out of his way to distance himself from the movies.

02-16-2020, 11:00 AM
I don’t know if it counts as action but there is a lot of action in it. Spider-Man: into the Spiderverse is a movie our family just watches over and over again and it never fails to delight. Sony knocked it out of the park with this one.

02-17-2020, 11:03 AM
On Netflix;

Triple Frontier
Outlaw King

There’s a bunch of foreign ones too, but I hate the English dubs and it throws me off

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02-17-2020, 11:19 AM
I don’t know if it counts as action but there is a lot of action in it. Spider-Man: into the Spiderverse is a movie our family just watches over and over again and it never fails to delight. Sony knocked it out of the park with this one.

In the same vein, "Captain America: Winter Soldier" is one of my favorite action/technothriller movies ever, with a superhero veneer.

David C.
02-17-2020, 05:38 PM
I saw that one. When I recognized Yeager I was about to turn it off but then he died and I decided I liked the movie.

I am SOO watching that now.

David C.
02-17-2020, 05:45 PM
In the same vein, "Captain America: Winter Soldier" is one of my favorite action/technothriller movies ever, with a superhero veneer.

Yeah, except Chris Evans advocates "common sense gun reform". Hump him.


02-17-2020, 07:10 PM
Yeah, except Chris Evans advocates "common sense gun reform". Hump him.


Yeah... much to my chagrin.

02-17-2020, 08:19 PM
Yeah, except Chris Evans advocates "common sense gun reform". Hump him.


Question: Is it necessary to culturally blacklist everyone who doesn't agree with us? That's what the other side does, because they hate freedom and want everyone to be just like them.

I think there's a limit, at which someone is so vitriolic about their hatred that I can't enjoy their art, but to tell you the truth, most people like that don't produce art I like anyway.

02-18-2020, 08:52 AM
Looks interesting! "R (for strong brutal and bloody violence, some graphic sexuality, language and nudity)" Pretty much what every good action movie needs. :)


Oh, there's nudity alright. If you like sweaty naked bodies showing full bush, this will be right up your alley.