View Full Version : Joe Biden’s brother owes a million dollar settlement

02-07-2020, 07:57 AM

Joe Biden's brother is a scofflaw who is defying paying almost $1 million in compensation to the family of a young single father killed in a horrific car crash more than 20 years ago, DailyMail.com can reveal.

Frank Biden has failed to pay a dime to the family of Michael Albano despite having defaulted on a lawsuit filed against him for the death, our investigation uncovered.

02-07-2020, 09:00 AM


02-07-2020, 09:30 AM
I could never run for public office. The amount of shady/criminal shit that can be lain at the feet of various family members would give the media mill grist for years. At least I don't have social media as a youngster to prove I did dumb shit then. I did, it's just not documented.

02-07-2020, 09:59 AM
Biden should win or lose on his own merits or lack thereof. I don't see any intrinsic value in dragging someone's family into the discussion of their suitability unless demonstratively relevant. How many folks would survive that litmus test?

I can think of many pols whose immediate and extended families are less than kosher.

02-07-2020, 12:30 PM
Biden should win or lose on his own merits or lack thereof. I don't see any intrinsic value in dragging someone's family into the discussion of their suitability unless demonstratively relevant. How many folks would survive that litmus test?

I can think of many pols whose immediate and extended families are less than kosher.

I know I wouldn't. As they say, you can choose your friends but not your relatives.

Josh Runkle
02-07-2020, 12:37 PM
Biden should win or lose on his own merits or lack thereof. I don't see any intrinsic value in dragging someone's family into the discussion of their suitability unless demonstratively relevant. How many folks would survive that litmus test?

I can think of many pols whose immediate and extended families are less than kosher.

I agree.

This seems to have nothing to do with Biden, and doesn’t really merit discussion in relation to Biden.

That being said, it’s entirely different if you use Biden’s connection to Public Resources to enrich yourself and Biden is aware or complicit in it. That would be an entirely different story, which should be discussed.

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02-07-2020, 01:04 PM
Anyone remember Jimmy Carter's brother Billy Bob or something like that?

Glenn E. Meyer
02-07-2020, 01:06 PM
Trump's grandfather ran a whorehouse. So what? Bush had a crooked brother. Kennedy's dad was bootlegger. I have some shady (now dead) uncles.

Biden is a bad candidate because he is Joe Biden.

I have friends who are wonderful, honest, etc. men - I trusted them as agents to help my family if I kicked off during a cardiac episode. Their kids - forget it.

02-07-2020, 02:00 PM
Biden should win or lose on his own merits or lack thereof. I don't see any intrinsic value in dragging someone's family into the discussion of their suitability unless demonstratively relevant. How many folks would survive that litmus test?

I can think of many pols whose immediate and extended families are less than kosher.

ON the flipside, I remember Billy Beer with fondness.:cool:

02-07-2020, 03:43 PM
ON the flipside, I remember Billy Beer with fondness.:cool:

I thought everyone in TX drank Lone Star.

Glenn E. Meyer
02-07-2020, 03:53 PM
Shiner Boch and Modelo Negra were the beers of choice at our favorite Mexican mom and pop restaurant after an IDPA or carbine match. I have found the former here and stocked the frig.

02-07-2020, 03:55 PM
I thought everyone in TX drank Lone Star.

Shiner or Ziegenboch.

Edit: Ninj'd, second the Modelo.

02-07-2020, 04:02 PM
Trump's grandfather ran a whorehouse. So what? Bush had a crooked brother. Kennedy's dad was bootlegger. I have some shady (now dead) uncles.

Biden is a bad candidate because he is Joe Biden.

I have friends who are wonderful, honest, etc. men - I trusted them as agents to help my family if I kicked off during a cardiac episode. Their kids - forget it.

Biden should have sewn this up before running. Also, it's a horrible story.

02-07-2020, 04:17 PM
It has nothing to do with joe unless he is still on good terms with his brother then it has something to do with him....lack of character

Glenn E. Meyer
02-07-2020, 04:19 PM
Biden should have moved to a retirement community and watched TV for the rest of his life. He is running for ego. Old farts (my age or older) need to move on. Sanders is in the game as he has a cause that he believes in (like that cause or not). Maybe Warren does. Biden, Trump, Bloomberg and Hillary - all had the narcissistic goal of being the big cheese. We don't need that sort of candidate.

When I sat with my buddies of my age, of various political persuasion but pretty intelligent and with it (not like Biden), we all agreed that despite political persuasion - when you are seventy or more, time to let it go.

There have been columns in the academic press, stating that older academics need to go, to open up positions for younger PhDs. I can see hanging on for financial reasons but some do for ego. Loss of prestige and position. However, analysis shows that your best creative research years are probably over. Same with politicians. Having a Biden Bus with a slogan, NO MALARKEY, evoked from young people, who's Malarkey. Is Biden running against some Irish guy. Play the record player (on a side note, I'm seeing high end turn tables in the stores - debate about analog vs. digital music - I wonder how many of the candidates would understand that concept?).

I have no use for Biden - he keeps saying this is the DEAL, I did this or that. Well, how come things still stink? He said the he stood up to the dictator of Venezuela. Hey, Joe - he's still there.

People critiqued Rudy's run for President as he was just a Noun, a verb and 9/11. Biden is a noun, a verb and Obama.

As we can see, I don't care for Biden - don't care about crappy family. He's crappy enough for my decision making.

02-07-2020, 04:57 PM
It has nothing to do with joe unless he is still on good terms with his brother then it has something to do with him....lack of character

That’s like saying Joe’s son has nothing to with him. It’s a presidential campaign, any immediate family scandals matter nowadays.

02-07-2020, 05:06 PM
Ideally, the families should be next out if this, but we ain’t living in times where common sense prevails. Winning or losing on your own merits, accomplishments and platforms takes work. Slandering your opposition with as much poo as you can fling is easy and is the MO for too much in politics.

Joe interfering in a corruption investigation that would have nailed his son and possibly a lot of others is a viable attack. This crap not so much, unless uncle Joe can be tied to the act somehow.

02-07-2020, 05:28 PM
That’s like saying Joe’s son has nothing to with him. It’s a presidential campaign, any immediate family scandals matter nowadays.

Exactly. We couldn't allow Ted Cruz' father to get off with his role in killing JFK. And come to think of it, I've never seen a high res image of Obama's birth certificate.


02-07-2020, 10:22 PM
If one of my LCpl's can be and was denied a security clearance because a uncle he has never met in his life is a big name in one of the Mexican drug cartels and that is valid and accepted then everyone in the family circle of a Presidential candidate is fair game to scrutiny as far as I am concerned.... I've had multiple excellent junior Marines denied for clearances for piddly shit like this, but people running for POTUS get a pass cause they can't help who their family is.....NOPE.

This of course applies to both parties, so honestly if I was in charge then none of the current hopefuls of either party are qualified....

02-07-2020, 10:36 PM
I'm shocked at these allegations, I say! SHOCKED!

"Biden’s relatives have previously been accused of using their access to enrich themselves but the latest allegations, which are detailed in a number of sworn declarations filed in federal court on Friday, represent the first example of Biden’s relatives promising that he would use his influence to directly promote private businesses.

Executives at Azzam Medical Services and Diverse Medical Management sued James Biden in June, alleging that he offered to partner with them in 2017 as part of a ploy to steal their intellectual property.

One declaration, filed as part of the suit by Diverse Medical Management’s CEO Michael Frey, claims that James suggested that his brother could ensure that the company was contracted for court-ordered outpatient care.

“During my presentation regarding intensive outpatient treatment, James Biden interrupted me to say, ‘My brother needs to have you in every court system in America,’” Frey wrote in the declaration, which was obtained by Politico.

"James promised his brother would promote a healthcare firm's oral rinse used by cancer patients as part of the Biden Cancer Initiative. The foundation was an extensions of the Obama administration's Cancer Moonshot program, which Biden oversaw during the last year in the White House.


02-08-2020, 08:58 AM
ON the flipside, I remember Billy Beer with fondness.:cool:

Came out while I was in college. Great looking can but the beer inside was the worst. Falls City I think, worse than the other Ohio river valley breweries of the day, Stroh's, Hudepohl, or Eagle Piss (Weideman).

02-08-2020, 09:34 AM
That’s like saying Joe’s son has nothing to with him. It’s a presidential campaign, any immediate family scandals matter nowadays.

They only matter to me if Biden is selling his influence. If somebody is riding his coattails, that's on them. And I get that it matters in the media. That's why nobody with half a fucking brain would run for high public office these days and most of our choices are just variations on the same me-first narcissists. There's no way I'd subject my family and friends to that level of bullshit. I believe, literally believe and am not saying this for comedic value, that you have to be mentally ill to run for POTUS today.

02-08-2020, 09:42 AM
...most of our choices are just variations on the same me-first narcissists. I believe, literally believe and am not saying this for comedic value, that you have to be mentally ill to run for POTUS today.




Inkwell 41
02-08-2020, 10:47 AM
Sanders is in the game as he has a cause that he believes in (like that cause or not).

Not to derail the thread but, I don’t believe that Sanders truly believes the crap that spews out of his suck hole. His personal net worth is counter to that belief. Now, he might believe in it for all of us. But I think Bernie Sanders is, at best, a fraud.

02-08-2020, 11:08 AM
Not to derail the thread but, I don’t believe that Sanders truly believes the crap that spews out of his suck hole. His personal net worth is counter to that belief. Now, he might believe in it for all of us. But I think Bernie Sanders is, at best, a fraud.

All of the candidates being labeled "socialists" have greater income and wealth than the average or mean American citizen. That said, if they are Social Democrats or Democratic Socialists, they are not necessarily arguing for an equal distribution of assets and wealth among the masses...but greater taxation of those with higher incomes and greater accumulated wealth.

It's redistribution but not the same as everyone ends up with the same pail of slop as the next guy.

Now, whether they would find and leave loopholes for the already privileged, and the political class is another matter entirely.

Some animals are more equal than others.

Inkwell 41
02-08-2020, 12:12 PM
All of the candidates being labeled "socialists" have greater income and wealth than the average or mean American citizen. That said, if they are Social Democrats or Democratic Socialists, they are not necessarily arguing for an equal distribution of assets and wealth among the masses...but greater taxation of those with higher incomes and greater accumulated wealth.

It's redistribution but not the same as everyone ends up with the same pail of slop as the next guy.

Now, whether they would find and leave loopholes for the already privileged, and the political class is another matter entirely.

Some animals are more equal than others.

Agree with your statements. I just don’t believe the premise that Sanders is really a true believer. And I don’t really believe that any in the current politically privileged class (except for real conservatives) would be affected by the policies that are being espoused by any of the socialists running. It doesn’t seem to work that way in in socialism. There is always the elite political class and the rabble.
If, by some happenstance of fate, one of the elites wins, I just hope we can all commiserate, either online or in a re-education camp, together.

Glenn E. Meyer
02-08-2020, 12:28 PM
I've told folks who argue for this or that political system, that narcissistic butts will rise to the top and make the bucks and privileges. They will screw the workers. If a capitalist has a $400 million yacht and pays his warehouse folks crap or you work in the USSR T-54 factory and the commissar has a datcha by the sea - you are still rules.

Your kids go to the best schools, etc. They get princeling jobs. I think we have more chance for opportunity with our systems that a pure socialist one but all societies have class distinctions. Are ours getting worse? Interesting question. College admissions suggests this. Eric, Ivanka, Chelsea - they aren't successful because of their brilliant minds.

02-08-2020, 12:52 PM
Agree with your statements. I just don’t believe the premise that Sanders is really a true believer. And I don’t really believe that any in the current politically privileged class (except for real conservatives) would be affected by the policies that are being espoused by any of the socialists running. It doesn’t seem to work that way in in socialism. There is always the elite political class and the rabble.
If, by some happenstance of fate, one of the elites wins, I just hope we can all commiserate, either online or in a re-education camp, together.

It'll be just like Hogan's Heroes...a laugh a minute. ;)

Inkwell 41
02-08-2020, 12:57 PM
It'll be just like Hogan's Heroes...a laugh a minute. ;)

I’ll cut a lid into the tree stump that tunnel #3 is under. It’s beyond the wire and the lousy Krauts won’t suspect a thing.

Inkwell 41
02-08-2020, 01:06 PM
I've told folks who argue for this or that political system, that narcissistic butts will rise to the top and make the bucks and privileges. They will screw the workers. If a capitalist has a $400 million yacht and pays his warehouse folks crap or you work in the USSR T-54 factory and the commissar has a datcha by the sea - you are still rules.

Your kids go to the best schools, etc. They get princeling jobs. I think we have more chance for opportunity with our systems that a pure socialist one but all societies have class distinctions. Are ours getting worse? Interesting question. College admissions suggests this. Eric, Ivanka, Chelsea - they aren't successful because of their brilliant minds.

Money = privilege. That’s an immutable law of the universe. Cronyism is worse under socialism, is my underlying meaning. I guess it’s human nature. Like Quid Pro Quo Joe’s brother, some people are just dirtbags and choose the low road.

Totem Polar
02-08-2020, 01:17 PM
It'll be just like Hogan's Heroes...a laugh a minute. ;)

Can I be Newkirk? I wanted to be Newkirk when I was a kid, because I was always throwing knives at things, and he threw knives at things. #BelikeNewkirk (https://pistol-forum.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=BelikeNewkirk) .

02-08-2020, 01:51 PM
Can I be Newkirk? I wanted to be Newkirk when I was a kid, because I was always throwing knives at things, and he threw knives at things. #BelikeNewkirk (https://pistol-forum.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=BelikeNewkirk) .

I was gonna make you LeBeau...but if I happen to find a parcel on my doorstep with the commensurate, ahem, contribution to my as yet undetermined good cause, I'll make like a good politician and grant your wish. ;)

Totem Polar
02-08-2020, 03:13 PM
I was gonna make you LeBeau...but if I happen to find a parcel on my doorstep with the commensurate, ahem, contribution to my as yet undetermined good cause, I'll make like a good politician and grant your wish. ;)

I can probably Klink a few coins in the kitty, Colonel.