View Full Version : 2020 SOTU

Kanye Wyoming
02-04-2020, 10:25 PM
Trump KILLED it tonight. Best I’ve ever seen.

02-04-2020, 10:37 PM
Agreed, and Pelosi tearing up the speech on national television says all that needs to be said about those kind of people.

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fly out
02-04-2020, 10:37 PM
Wait for the Trump campaign ads with his voiceover about America's wins, over the video of Nancy Pelosi tearing up his speech...

Who told her that would be a good idea? "The stupid. It burns."

Oh, well. "You do it to yourself."

02-04-2020, 10:40 PM
Solidly American and he took the high road. Couldn't ask for more.

02-04-2020, 11:01 PM
Transcript: https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/05/politics/donald-trump-state-of-the-union-2019-transcript/index.html

Trump won my vote with this speech. Outstanding. I did not watch.

the Schwartz
02-04-2020, 11:11 PM
Agreed, and Pelosi tearing up the speech on national television says all that needs to be said about those kind of people.

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Actions speak louder than words; such a childish display speaks volumes about the nature of the actor.

02-04-2020, 11:13 PM
Way too much pandering.

Welcome home SFC Townsend.
It's tragic that your return was turned into propaganda.

What was with the white dresses?

It would have been simple to brag with greater grace.

02-04-2020, 11:15 PM
He did a much better job than I anticipated though I'm sure the fact checkers will have something to say about it.

I thought Pelosi was going to have a stroke.

Between the speech, the weak Democratic candidates and the debacle that is Iowa, I think the election is his to lose.

Joe in PNG
02-04-2020, 11:19 PM
Nancy is one of those people who's great at the backroom backstabbing and power grabbing game, but is a horrible, terrible, awful disaster when put in a position of power.

I wasn't especially impressed with her leadership skills back in 2006-2010, and was frankly surprised (and delighted) she was placed as speaker again.

Seriously, if the Democrats really want to stop the guy, they need to treat him fairly and honestly. Instead, they are working like hell, double overtime and extra shifts to reelect him- including tons and tons of free campaign material.

02-04-2020, 11:24 PM
It was Trump doing what he does best; controlling his narrative. The Dems came across to me as smug and helpless.

The news outlets will burn up a bunch of airtime in critique of his speech and “fact-checking” as if anyone trusts a thing they are saying.

Trump probably pumped up his base and will keep most voters this year because he kept his eyes on the prize and renewed his intent to continue the issues that got him elected.

I didn’t like all the “I’s” and “My administration’s.” Didn’t give much credit to anyone but himself.

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Kanye Wyoming
02-04-2020, 11:35 PM

02-05-2020, 12:04 AM
Way too much pandering.

Welcome home SFC Townsend.
It's tragic that your return was turned into propaganda.

What was with the white dresses?

It would have been simple to brag with greater grace.

Lighten up Francis, I imagine all that were involved were consenting adults... and all politicians pander.

02-05-2020, 12:06 AM
It was Trump doing what he does best; controlling his narrative. The Dems came across to me as smug and helpless.

The news outlets will burn up a bunch of airtime in critique of his speech and “fact-checking” as if anyone trusts a thing they are saying.

Trump probably pumped up his base and will keep most voters this year because he kept his eyes on the prize and renewed his intent to continue the issues that got him elected.

I didn’t like all the “I’s” and “My administration’s.” Didn’t give much credit to anyone but himself.

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Agreed with the above but he did give credit and include some representatives in the speech, (I think 3-5?) he should have sprinkled in some more for good measure.

ETA: We will have to see if support continues through 2020 and if the market doesn’t dive dramatically...

02-05-2020, 12:15 AM

02-05-2020, 12:15 AM
I doubt he'll ever surpass the last guy for "I" and "Me"....

02-05-2020, 12:17 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aC9zQX01T8 It's not a snub if you don't see it coming. He didn't shake Pence's hand either.

02-05-2020, 12:57 AM
Watched the speech with my Mexican wife who was a doctor in a socialist medical system.

We loved it. A wonderful speech.

The democratic response was pathetic and sounded like something out of B movie. That or something a Democrat would come up with.

02-05-2020, 01:00 AM
Watched the speech with my Mexican wife who was a doctor in a socialist medical system.

We loved it. A wonderful speech.

The democratic response was pathetic and sounded like something out of B movie. That or something a Democrat would come up with.

This post adds some serious perspective!

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02-05-2020, 05:22 AM
I don't know if it was a scripted act, or just based on emotion.

But regardless of how you feel about the current President, I thought it was pretty silly to tear up a speech that included the honoring and recognition of black American's, a little girl that survived the impossible, and an American war veteran.

02-05-2020, 06:24 AM
Agreed, and Pelosi tearing up the speech on national television says all that needs to be said about those kind of people.

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Missed the speech.

But are you saying she actually tore up the speech on TV? In front of Congress and those watching on TV?

You must be kidding.

02-05-2020, 06:37 AM
Missed the speech.

But are you saying she actually tore up the speech on TV? In front of Congress and those watching on TV?

You must be kidding.

Yes, but in her defense she might have had a senior moment and thought it was the Constitution.

02-05-2020, 06:39 AM
The still shots of her in motion of tearing up the speech...she looks dead in the eyes.

Its beyond hilarious, and truly retarded, that Nancy thought she'd be owed even a handshake from Trump.

A true nut case.

02-05-2020, 06:41 AM
Yes, but in her defense she might have had a senior moment and thought it was the Constitution.

Dude...you win the internet and the sun isn't even up.

well done.

02-05-2020, 06:59 AM

02-05-2020, 07:23 AM
Yes, but in her defense she might have had a senior moment and thought it was the Constitution.

:D :D :D

Warped Mindless
02-05-2020, 07:25 AM
If nothing else it was at least one of the more entertaining State of the Union speeches I've seen.

Trump didn't stray from the script and came across professional.

Nacy looked childish but according to what I've seen on my FB feed from democrats and Reddit, the dems loved it. Of course they did.

Between the chaos in the democratic party, weak candidates, a strong economy, and Trump's pure skills at entertainment, Id say he will likely win reelection.

I'm ok with that. :D

02-05-2020, 07:38 AM
Won't be able to watch or read until the weekend,.
Did he have any pro2A things to say?


Stephanie B
02-05-2020, 08:12 AM
Agreed, and Pelosi tearing up the speech on national television says all that needs to be said about those kind of people.

Trump spurning Pelosi's outstretched hand says all that needs to be said about that kind of man.

02-05-2020, 08:22 AM
Meanwhile, Mayor Pete won the Iowa Caucus.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSuKODV92ah9pcvN4qw_iNfD5RqBIHYX Nlpn2Trc-Y7vSl7fZCD&s

02-05-2020, 08:27 AM
Won't be able to watch or read until the weekend,.
Did he have any pro2A things to say?



ETA: My statement above is incorrect. See video posted below.

02-05-2020, 08:28 AM

He did make a pro-2A statement.

02-05-2020, 08:28 AM
Trump spurning Pelosi's outstretched hand says all that needs to be said about that kind of man.Indeed? So professional courtesy and civil behavior is only a one way street now?

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02-05-2020, 08:30 AM
Trump spurning Pelosi's outstretched hand says all that needs to be said about that kind of man.
Did you see the video? I kinda thought the same before watching it. He didn’t shake Pence’s hand either. And to me it looks like he didn’t even see her but her reaction just after the perceived “snub” spoke volumes.

02-05-2020, 08:34 AM
Won't be able to watch or read until the weekend,.
Did he have any pro2A things to say?

FF to 0:30


02-05-2020, 08:42 AM
Indeed? So professional courtesy and civil behavior is only a one way street now?

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It is tradition for the President and SOTH to shake hands. Technically he is a guest speaker who has been invited.

02-05-2020, 08:47 AM
It is tradition for the President and SOTH to shake hands. Technically he is a guest speaker who has been invited.

I was not aware of the tradition. I think that is a legitimate point. It would have been better had he shook her hand.

On the other hand, he probably held that mocking clap the Speaker gave him last year at the State of the Union, and the House's Impeachment of him, against her. The Speaker would probably still have ripped up his speech at the end, even if he has shaken her hand. There probably isn't a tradition against that.

02-05-2020, 08:49 AM
It is tradition for the President and SOTH to shake hands. Technically he is a guest speaker who has been invited.Understood. It is also tradition that the opposing party accepts the results of a national election when they are defeated. Something the democrats have not done since 2000, to the cost of vast amounts of time and money spent on their behavior afterwards.

It is probably just me, but I prefer a more truthful portrayal of the feelings involved, than the "make nice" courtesies, particularly when dealing with that kind of an individual.

The rules of engagement politically have been changed. At this point it doesn't matter who changed them, it just matters that we behave honestly so that it is clear where, and for what, we stand, and, sometimes just as importantly, what we stand against.

As always, I have no expectation of convincing anyone here of anything, but I appreciate the opportunity to present my view.

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02-05-2020, 08:51 AM
I was not aware of the tradition. I think that is a legitimate point. It would have been better had he shook her hand.

On the other hand, he probably held that mocking clap the Speaker gave him last year at the State of the Union, and the House's Impeachment of him, against her. The Speaker would probably still have ripped up his speech at the end, even if he has shaken her hand. There probably isn't a tradition against that.

Both would be childish moves. Luckily I was warned ahead of time and was busy watching Hikock shoot a Martini Henry and Springfield trapdoor on Youtube while feeding the fat wiener dog bits of cookie. #feedyourwieniercookies (https://pistol-forum.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=feedyourwieniercookies)

the Schwartz
02-05-2020, 09:03 AM
I suspect that this--

Trump spurning Pelosi's outstretched hand says all that needs to be said about that kind of man.

--will be the exact language of the next set of Articles of Impeachment presented to the US House of Representatives next week.

02-05-2020, 09:08 AM
I don't know how or why the Dems picked the Governor of Michigan to present the rebuttal but it was less than weak, meandering and without focus.

In fact, it was difficult to follow and hard to watch.

Bad few days for the Dems...and nobody's fault but their own.

02-05-2020, 09:12 AM
I don't know how or why the Dems picked the Governor of Michigan to present the rebuttal but it was less than weak, meandering and without focus.

In fact, it was difficult to follow and hard to watch.

Bad few days for the Dems...and nobody's fault but their own.
I was also intrigued by the choice, not being familiar with her. Because of this, I did watch the early part of her speech, but I had the same feeling you had about meandering lack of focus and eventually turned it off.

02-05-2020, 09:15 AM
He did make a pro-2A statement.

I missed it in my reading of the speech. Can you share that part?

ETA: See video above at 30 second mark. Missed that.

02-05-2020, 09:17 AM
It is tradition for the President and SOTH to shake hands. Technically he is a guest speaker who has been invited.

Ahh that helps with context. Thanks.

02-05-2020, 09:24 AM
I missed it in my reading of the speech. Can you share that part?

ETA: See video above at 30 second mark. Missed that.
Yes, it was in the video.

The link you gave earlier to the speech, I believe, is to the 2019 speech and not the 2020 version.

02-05-2020, 09:41 AM
Dang, I wonder what VP Pence is going to tear up? He didn't get a handshake either.

02-05-2020, 09:57 AM
I'll just leave this here: no matter the President, I've come to think the following about the SOTU




02-05-2020, 10:03 AM
I'll just leave this here: no matter the President, I've come to think the following about the SOTU




Can't you just summarize your point of view so we don't need to read three articles on the topic?

02-05-2020, 10:15 AM
I suspect that this--

--will be the exact language of the next set of Articles of Impeachment presented to the US House of Representatives next week.

See, if you didn't quote her, I wouldn't have to read her shit. Ignore needs to function somehow on quotations as well.

02-05-2020, 10:17 AM
Can't you just summarize your point of view so we don't need to read three articles on the topic?

Yea. Some of us are getting too old to read that much shit, am I right? :D

02-05-2020, 10:20 AM
It is tradition for the President and SOTH to shake hands. Technically he is a guest speaker who has been invited.

It is also tradition and the intention of the Founding Fathers that no matter how uncivilized things are during an election, that civility return to all governing bodies for the sake of the nation after an election. Given the actions of the walking Blue Waffle I certainly would never accept her outstretched hand either. They have set the rules for the game, it's time we followed their own play book.

02-05-2020, 10:21 AM
Yea. Some of us are getting too old to read that much shit, am I right? :D

Well, if it's just shit, then I really don't have time for it. Otherwise, a few judiciously quoted paragraphs might provide sufficient meat for both context and providing an impetus to read further.

I just don't feel like doing that much work if my esteemed friend can't be bothered to offer up more than a link to articles that support his POV, whatever it may be.

You younger fellas may have more time for such frivolity. ;)

02-05-2020, 10:21 AM
It is also tradition and the intention of the Founding Fathers that no matter how uncivilized things are during an election, that civility return to all governing bodies for the sake of the nation after an election. Given the actions of the walking Blue Waffle I certainly would never accept her outstretched hand either. They have set the rules for the game, it's time we followed their own play book.

Whats this "they" and "we" thing? :rolleyes:

02-05-2020, 10:22 AM
Can't you just summarize your point of view so we don't need to read three articles on the topic?

They're worth the read, but here 'goes:

It is unseemly for the President to go and give an unopposed lecture/campaign speech to the other branches of government, often commanding them to do his bidding. Not to mention the human props, the staged applause (and the counting of such), the "sitting on our hands instead of applauding," etc.

The correct thing IMO, is for the President to deliver the SOTU via letter, like we did for over 100 years, and it should have all the pomp of a corporation's annual report.

02-05-2020, 10:23 AM
Yes, it was in the video.

The link you gave earlier to the speech, I believe, is to the 2019 speech and not the 2020 version.

Well, shit I am batting 1000 this morning. That would explain why I didn't notice the 2A stuff...

Here is the only one I found for 2020.


02-05-2020, 10:23 AM
They're worth the read, but here 'goes:

It is unseemly for the President to go and give an unopposed lecture/campaign speech to the other branches of government, often commanding them to do his bidding. Not to mention the human props, the staged applause (and the counting of such), the "sitting on our hands instead of applauding," etc.

The correct thing IMO, is for the President to deliver the SOTU via letter, like we did for over 100 years, and it should have all the pomp of a corporation's annual report.

Thank you, G.

02-05-2020, 10:38 AM
I don't know how or why the Dems picked the Governor of Michigan to present the rebuttal but it was less than weak, meandering and without focus.

In fact, it was difficult to follow and hard to watch.

Bad few days for the Dems...and nobody's fault but their own.

I think she was picked because Michigan is a key state if the D's want to win the White House.

I watched for a while but agree that it was not at all captivating. Maybe someone from Michigan was inspired?

02-05-2020, 10:51 AM
I think she was picked because Michigan is a key state if the D's want to win the White House.

I watched for a while but agree that it was not at all captivating. Maybe someone from Michigan was inspired?

Could very well be the reason, but it was like going hunting with a rifle you know is not loaded.

Duces Tecum
02-05-2020, 11:32 AM
Trump spurning Pelosi's outstretched hand says all that needs to be said about that kind of man.

(01) Pelosi has led the impeachment brigade for the past 3 years.

(02) On the previous SOTU (Feb 6, 2019) Pelosi applauded Trump in a mocking manner. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONtx9Q8bU2E)

(02) On Feb 04, 2020 Pelosi disrespectfully deleted the ceremonial prefix to the President's introduction, ". . . I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you . . ." and went straight to ". . . the President of the United States." which is a slap in the face in terms of protocol.

(03) The tearing of her copy of the speech on national tv could not have been known in advance, but does underscore her character.

(04) And now she's pissy about Trump ignoring her handshake? Really?

Pelosi's behavior these last three years says all that needs to be said about that kind of woman.

the Schwartz
02-05-2020, 11:38 AM
See, if you didn't quote her, I wouldn't have to read her shit. Ignore needs to function somehow on quotations as well.

I have your solution right here...

Put every P-F member on "Ignore" eliminating every chance that you will have to read something that you don't wish to read...it should be a fantastic "time-saver", too. Two birds, one stone.... Booyah!

02-05-2020, 11:39 AM
Trump spurning Pelosi's outstretched hand says all that needs to be said about that kind of man.

He is coming off of false impeachment effort #2, this time for having tried to investigate genuine corruption and for having done exactly the same “Obstruction” that was fine when his predecessor did it far more often. People in her caucus have openly advocated confronting his staff in public places to the point of illegal harassment. She and her party killed civility a long time ago, and criticizing him for refusing a handshake is the height of hypocrisy.

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Wondering Beard
02-05-2020, 11:49 AM
I liked the "shout out" to Annie Oakley at the end.

02-05-2020, 11:51 AM
He is coming off of false impeachment effort #2, this time for having tried to investigate genuine corruption and for having done exactly the same “Obstruction” that was fine when his predecessor did it far more often. People in her caucus have openly advocated confronting his staff in public places to the point of illegal harassment. She and her party killed civility a long time ago, and criticizing him for refusing a handshake is the height of hypocrisy.

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All of the above is true, however, I am a firm believer that the decorum of the House and Senate must be maintained. Holding the highest elected position in the country does require one "to be the adult in the room".

It's called LEADERSHIP.

02-05-2020, 11:56 AM
He is coming off of false impeachment effort #2, this time for having tried to investigate genuine corruption and for having done exactly the same “Obstruction” that was fine when his predecessor did it far more often. People in her caucus have openly advocated confronting his staff in public places to the point of illegal harassment. She and her party killed civility a long time ago, and criticizing him for refusing a handshake is the height of hypocrisy.

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In all fairness, shaking hands became a thing to show that you didn't have a dagger in your hand to shank the other person. I'd probably shake with Nancy. Ilhan probably not. Or at least have her hand swabbed for blowfish toxin's first.....:eek:

02-05-2020, 11:56 AM
All of the above is true, however, I am a firm believer that the decorum of the House and Senate must be maintained. Holding the highest elected position in the country does require one "to be the adult in the room".

It's called LEADERSHIP.

There was plenty of decorum during the closed-door, one-sided basement impeachment hearings.

I maintain friendly relations with opposing counsel all the time, sometime when they do not deserve it, but sometimes leadership also requires calling the complete BS that has been coming from the House by its proper name.

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02-05-2020, 12:18 PM
(01) Pelosi has led the impeachment brigade for the past 3 years.

(02) On the previous SOTU (Feb 6, 2019) Pelosi applauded Trump in a mocking manner. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONtx9Q8bU2E)

(02) On Feb 04, 2020 Pelosi disrespectfully deleted the ceremonial prefix to the President's introduction, ". . . I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you . . ." and went straight to ". . . the President of the United States." which is a slap in the face in terms of protocol.

(03) The tearing of her copy of the speech on national tv could not have been known in advance, but does underscore her character.

(04) And now she's pissy about Trump ignoring her handshake? Really?

Pelosi's behavior these last three years says all that needs to be said about that kind of woman.

He is coming off of false impeachment effort #2, this time for having tried to investigate genuine corruption and for having done exactly the same “Obstruction” that was fine when his predecessor did it far more often. People in her caucus have openly advocated confronting his staff in public places to the point of illegal harassment. She and her party killed civility a long time ago, and criticizing him for refusing a handshake is the height of hypocrisy.

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While I completely get and to an extent agree with the above, it still amazes me that Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and others who were viciously slandered by Trump, (including members of their family, which made it even more appalling), have found it in their (black little political) hearts to forgive him.

I must say that if Trump spoke of my wife, and father, as he did of Cruz', I'd have bloodied his nose at the very least...presidential candidacy notwithstanding.

So, I get that he's offended, but it's particularly amusing (among other things) when he's the one taking umbrage.

(I'd probably not want to shake her hand under the circumstances either...but I'm no politician.)

Totem Polar
02-05-2020, 12:18 PM
On the handshake: if Pelosi wants to be treated as a gentlewoman and colleague, she should have behaved as one for the last 3 years. I think that Trump was very open and honest about how he feels about her, and that’s fine, considering the track record of the relationship.

I seem to remember Kavanaugh looking at Corey Booker’s outstretched hand like it was dipped in shit at one televised point towards the end of his confirmation circus too.

On the 2A: it was almost painful to watch all those dems sitting in protest—some with clear disdain on their faces—as the president promised to defend the constitution.

I didn’t vote for Trump and, as Bannon has stated "he’s an imperfect vessel," but it’s clear that Trump’s magnetism is so strong that it’s even caught up the zipper pulls and unzipped the human skin suits on a number of career dem trolls to clearly reveal what is underneath. JMO.

Wondering Beard
02-05-2020, 12:20 PM
Well, shit I am batting 1000 this morning. That would explain why I didn't notice the 2A stuff...

Here is the only one I found for 2020.


That's the better transcript.

More complete than the one put out at the White House website, that I came across, for some reason.

ETA: All the various transcripts I find online are missing things.

02-05-2020, 12:32 PM
Well, shit I am batting 1000 this morning. That would explain why I didn't notice the 2A stuff...

Here is the only one I found for 2020.


Pretty small part of the speech... and also a weak statement:

“So long as I am President I will always protect your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms”

02-05-2020, 12:33 PM
Pretty small part of the speech... and also a weak statement:

“So long as I am President I will always protect your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms”

Was he at the rally in Virginia...?

02-05-2020, 12:37 PM
Was he at the rally in Virginia...?

He was (geographically) close.

02-05-2020, 12:42 PM
Maybe he can cut off federal aid to VA like he has threatened to do with sanctuary cities harboring illegal undocumented aliens residents of those cities who may have entered in a fashion contrary to existing law.

Or, perhaps he's just a big believer in state's rights and doesn't want to interfere or cause another civil war.

02-05-2020, 12:43 PM
While I completely get and to an extent agree with the above, it still amazes me that Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and others who were viciously slandered by Trump, (including members of their family, which made it even more appalling), have found it in their (black little political) hearts to forgive him.

I must say that if Trump spoke of my wife, and father, as he did of Cruz', I'd have bloodied his nose at the very least...presidential candidacy notwithstanding.

So, I get that he's offended, but it's particularly amusing (among other things) when he's the one taking umbrage.

(I'd probably not want to shake her hand under the circumstances either...but I'm no politician.)

I would prefer to think that you would have maintained your dignity and not lowered yourself to that level of baseness.
True, it was crass and gross, but it occurred in the midst of a heated political campaign, and Trump is not an experienced politician.
It appears the good Senators have manged to get over it, and perhaps we can all take a lesson from that.

Violence does solve some problems, but this ain't one of them.

02-05-2020, 12:43 PM
But really all I want from him is one
more pro 2nd Amendment SCOTUS justice.

02-05-2020, 12:46 PM
I would prefer to think that you would have maintained your dignity and not lowered yourself to that level of baseness.
True, it was crass and gross, but it occurred in the midst of a heated political campaign, and Trump is not an experienced politician.
It appears the good Senators have manged to get over it, and perhaps we can all take a lesson from that.

Violence does solve some problems, but this ain't one of them.

You're a better man than I, W. (I won't hold that against you my friend.)

02-05-2020, 12:52 PM
You're a better man than I, W. (I won't hold that against you my friend.)

No, I'm not, not by a long shot.
I happen to be just smart enough to realize how fucking dumb I actually am. That is why my ignore list has a population of zero. No matter how much I may disagree with someone's opinion, I need to listen and possibly learn from them.

I just wish our current President could adopt the same thought process.

02-05-2020, 12:57 PM
In all fairness, shaking hands became a thing to show that you didn't have a dagger in your hand to shank the other person. I'd probably shake with Nancy. Ilhan probably not. Or at least have her hand swabbed for blowfish toxin's first.....:eek:

President Trump is a germaphobe who doesn’t like shaking hands and does not like people coughing/sneezing around him.

02-05-2020, 12:58 PM
No, I'm not, not by a long shot.
I happen to be just smart enough to realize how fucking dumb I actually am. That is why my ignore list has a population of zero. No matter how much I may disagree with someone's opinion, I need to listen and possibly learn from them.

I just wish our current President could adopt the same thought process.

You see? You prove my point right there. You're a dozen behind me...(though I'll admit to peeking from time to time when I can't help myself).

Anyway, before we get too far afield...

How about that State of the Union Speech last night?

Duces Tecum
02-05-2020, 01:13 PM
Pretty small part of the speech... and also a weak statement:
“So long as I am President I will always protect your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms”

Regarding 2nd Amendment references, I rather liked this part, too:

"With every action, my Administration is restoring the rule of law and re-asserting the culture of American freedom . . . we have confirmed a record number of 187 new Federal judges to uphold our Constitution as written. This includes two brilliant new Supreme Court Justices, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh".

That was followed by an extemporaneous "And there's many more in the pipeline!" Oftentimes impromptu remarks are telling.

If Trump does nothing but saturate the federal judiciary with counterparts of Justice Gorsuch, he'd earn my vote.

02-05-2020, 01:17 PM
How about that State of the Union Speech last night?

Bottom line?
The smile on that child's face when his dad came down the stairs in his Class A's made the petulant, childish behavior of both the President and the SOTH bearable.
I'm a firm believer in respecting the decorum and sanctity of our institutions and traditions, and neither performed to my expectations.

They could have done better. We deserve better.

ETA: OTOH, Kyrsten Sinema sure seems to be her own person, and not afraid to show it. I may not agree with all of her positions, but I can certainly respect her courage to buck the women in white caucus.

02-05-2020, 01:41 PM
They're worth the read, but here 'goes:

It is unseemly for the President to go and give an unopposed lecture/campaign speech to the other branches of government, often commanding them to do his bidding. Not to mention the human props, the staged applause (and the counting of such), the "sitting on our hands instead of applauding," etc.

The correct thing IMO, is for the President to deliver the SOTU via letter, like we did for over 100 years, and it should have all the pomp of a corporation's annual report.


02-05-2020, 01:44 PM
But really all I want from him is one
more pro 2nd Amendment SCOTUS justice.

I'd lay money you get your wish. Ginsburg can't last much longer.

02-05-2020, 01:45 PM
You are talking about the current president of the United States, right? [emoji38]Unseemly is the way he rolls.

It is unseemly for the President to go and give an unopposed lecture/campaign speech to the other branches of government, often commanding them to do his bidding. Not to mention the human props, the staged applause (and the counting of such), the "sitting on our hands instead of applauding," etc.

The correct thing IMO, is for the President to deliver the SOTU via letter, like we did for over 100 years, and it should have all the pomp of a corporation's annual report.

02-05-2020, 01:46 PM
I'd lay money you get your wish. Ginsburg can't last much longer.

This assumes a GOP Senate.

02-05-2020, 01:47 PM
But really all I want from him is one
more pro 2nd Amendment SCOTUS justice.

I want him to promise me the entire bench.

That would be bullshit but I would believe it.

Joe in PNG
02-05-2020, 04:29 PM
Nancy's actions remind me of an anecdote relayed by Hunter S Thompson about LBJ:

“The race was close and Johnson was getting worried. Finally he told his campaign manager to start a massive rumour campaign about his opponent’s life-long habit of enjoying carnal knowledge of his barnyard sows. “Christ, we can’t get away with calling him a pig-f****r,” the campaign manager protested. “Nobody’s going to believe a thing like that.”

“I know,” Johnson replied. “But let’s make the sonofab****h deny it.”

I don't know if this was some of dat 4d chess, but Nancy couldn't have done Trump a better favor.

02-05-2020, 04:51 PM
Pelosi caught pre-ripping the SOTU address. Basically it was all planned ahead of time. (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7970209/It-felt-like-Mike-Pence-accuses-Nancy-Pelosi-planning-rip-speech.html). But Trump didn’t shake her hand, so fuck the economy and fuck the 2A, I’m voting for Bernie :D

02-05-2020, 04:53 PM
Pelosi caught pre-ripping the SOTU address. Basically it was all planned ahead of time. (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7970209/It-felt-like-Mike-Pence-accuses-Nancy-Pelosi-planning-rip-speech.html). But Trump didn’t shake her hand, so fuck the economy and fuck the 2A, I’m voting for Bernie :D


02-05-2020, 04:57 PM
President Trump is a germaphobe who doesn’t like shaking hands and does not like people coughing/sneezing around him. He shook dozens of hands on his way out.. :confused:

02-05-2020, 05:16 PM
Pelosi caught earlier in the evening ripping phone books in preparation for the SOTU...


Bart Carter
02-05-2020, 05:20 PM
My wife and I saw several views of the Pelosi non-handshake. We concluded that Trump was handing the speech copies to Pence and Pelosi and not looking for anything else. As he handed Pelosi her copy and was turning, her hand shot out for a hand shake. At worst, he wasn't paying attention and at best, his eyes were already looking to his left and he never could have seen her hand move.

Our call: Nothing Burger either way.

02-05-2020, 05:41 PM
Sometimes it is not a v. b, but rather c, ALL OF THE ABOVE.

While it has been reported that Trump is a germaphobe, he simply knows he has to shake hands all of the time, just part of the job when you have to rub shoulders with the masses as a public figure. Multiple people around him to include the USSS protection detail augmentees, at times, provide him "skelgel"/hand sanitizer on demand.

a. He was completely volitional and knew exactly what he was doing when he refused to shake her hand. The fact that he did not shake Pence's hand is irrelevant. Frankly, from the custom/practice/tradition POV, he was wrong on that one as well.

b. She was completely volitional re the abbreviated intro and tearing up the speech.

ergo c, all of the above.

When you are a professional, you conduct yourself as such, even when you deal with people you do not like as a person or respect as a person etc. because you are in a "realm" that is bigger than both of you, existed before you and will exist after you.


02-05-2020, 06:07 PM
Yes, but in her defense she might have had a senior moment and thought it was the Constitution.

Good one!

We should do a top 10 on this. Like "the Iowa caucus results " too.


02-05-2020, 06:35 PM
Good one!

We should do a top 10 on this. Like "the Iowa caucus results " too.


Dog ate my homework.

02-05-2020, 06:40 PM
Dog ate my homework.

No, Nancy just ripped it up.

02-05-2020, 06:44 PM
No, Nancy just ripped it up.

Now, how would she get near my homework? No way she gets in the house. (This house, anyway.)

02-05-2020, 06:48 PM
Now, how would she get near my homework? No way she gets in the house. (This house, anyway.)
Impersonated one of the neighborhood dogs?
Wouldn't take too much work to get that look .


02-05-2020, 06:48 PM

Joe in PNG
02-05-2020, 06:56 PM
Alternate take- as I said above, Nan is good at the interoffice game, but sucks as a national leader.
And while tearing up the speech is terrible optics, and looks bad on a national level, it makes sense in the interoffice game.

Tearing up the speech is a move calculated to appeal to the kook wing of her party, so they don't toss her incompetent, bony arse off the podium for the suck and fail utter goat rope impeachment turned into.

Nancy is only in this for the benefit of only Nancy.

02-05-2020, 06:56 PM
Pelosi caught pre-ripping the SOTU address. Basically it was all planned ahead of time. (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7970209/It-felt-like-Mike-Pence-accuses-Nancy-Pelosi-planning-rip-speech.html). But Trump didn’t shake her hand, so fuck the economy and fuck the 2A, I’m voting for Bernie :D

Because it's what is being talked about, not the speech. Plus Trump will rant about it.

Casual Friday
02-05-2020, 09:18 PM
My wife and I saw several views of the Pelosi non-handshake. We concluded that Trump was handing the speech copies to Pence and Pelosi and not looking for anything else. As he handed Pelosi her copy and was turning, her hand shot out for a hand shake. At worst, he wasn't paying attention and at best, his eyes were already looking to his left and he never could have seen her hand move.

Our call: Nothing Burger either way.

I rewatched that part a couple times and I agree with you and your wife's assessment.

02-05-2020, 09:37 PM
Trump spurning Pelosi's outstretched hand says all that needs to be said about that kind of man.

I wouldn’t piss in her mouth if her teeth were on fire.

Kanye Wyoming
02-05-2020, 09:42 PM

This right here.

02-05-2020, 09:43 PM
I don't know how or why the Dems picked the Governor of Michigan to present the rebuttal but it was less than weak, meandering and without focus.

In fact, it was difficult to follow and hard to watch.

Bad few days for the Dems...and nobody's fault but their own.

It’s not who they are; it’s what they believe.

02-05-2020, 10:13 PM
Y'know, I've met two members of this forum in-person whom elected not to shake my offered hand; and I don't think too much about that. I wasn't whom they were there to meet, and it is neither the first nor the last time that such a thing has happened. They're thought well of, and it doesn't seem worth the ruckus.

Totem Polar
02-06-2020, 12:19 AM
Y'know, I've met two members of this forum in-person whom elected not to shake my offered hand; and I don't think too much about that. I wasn't whom they were there to meet, and it is neither the first nor the last time that such a thing has happened. They're thought well of, and it doesn't seem worth the ruckus.

For what it’s worth, I’d sure shake your hand.

I wouldn’t walk across the street to shake Pelosi’s though.

Joe in PNG
02-06-2020, 12:40 AM
And let's be brutally honest here- a lot of Trump's supporters aren't looking for the classic, GOPe Bush style nice guys who meekly let the Democrats throw all sorts of insults and nastiness at them, then act all nice and polite afterwards.
They want someone who's going to stand up and fight.

02-06-2020, 04:56 AM
I don't know if this was some of dat 4d chess, but Nancy couldn't have done Trump a better favor.

I agree.

Once the nutbag Identity Marxists infiltrated the Democratic party they were doomed - at least for a while. I disagree with just about everything Pelosi, Schumer, but about a third of their party is completely batshit insane which is leaving moderates relatively homeless (similarly to how the neocon warhawks left us conservative constitutional libertarians relatively homeless). If the party actually splits, which it very well may do in the not so distant future, neither will have enough votes to win on a national scale for some time. Thus the focus on 'we all hate Orange Man! Orange Man is the enemy! We must stop Orange Man.' It's like their last ditch rallying cry to have a majority voting block. Pelosi has to play up to the batshits. They have no actual policies because the each faction wants something different - to the apparent exclusion of the others. Most of them seem to firmly believe that the ends justifies the means.

Hell, my dad voted republican up until the day he died. He's been voting democrat ever since.

02-06-2020, 05:44 AM
If the party actually splits, which it very well may do in the not so distant future,

I think this is a very plausible scenario. Bernie and his clan may be considered the new Ross Perot.

PS May he rest in peace, but LOL at your dad's voting record. You owe me for a new keyboard though :cool:

Kanye Wyoming
02-06-2020, 08:47 AM

02-06-2020, 10:25 AM

You forgot the "Zoink"!

the Schwartz
02-06-2020, 11:54 AM
You forgot the "Zoink"!

Since it is Velma who is uncloaking Hillary, wouldn't it be "Jinkies!" ???

02-06-2020, 01:20 PM
Since it is Velma who is uncloaking Hillary, wouldn't it be "Jinkies!" ???

You're a stickler for pedantic details. We will get along well.

the Schwartz
02-06-2020, 04:31 PM
You're a stickler for pedantic details. We will get along well.

We will indeed. ;)

02-06-2020, 06:05 PM
The GOP went thru this same metamorphosis with Trump in 2015. Old guard politics was whisked away in the presidential campaign. The GOP damn near had a meltdown when Trump's popularity surged. Because we're so early in the 2020 campaign I don't think I want to predict if the same thing will happen in the dem party, but it's beginning to look like it might with Joe getting stomped in the Iowa primary. The things that used to work don't work anymore. GOP found that out with McCain and Romney. Now the holdouts are all on the Trump train because what else are they going to do. There was even some talk of Romney being censured by his fellow GOP senators for defecting in the impeachment vote. If McCain were still alive he probably would have voted right along with him.

So the dem party machine is broken. They can't seem to get a handle on the mood that voters are in like Trump did. What was Biden thinking? Does he think people are going to vote for him because he was Obama's VP. The dem candidate is going to have to have some street credibility. A college professor or someone who's been in DC politics for 50 years isn't going to move the needle. If Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs) were a candidate I'd probably vote for him. The DNC will never get behind Bernie. They would rather run another loser like Hillary. I'm sure they would rather see old Bernie freeze to death in snowbank. They've already wasted 3 years trying to bring down Trump without any plan B. Bunch of F'in idiots in congress.

the Schwartz
02-06-2020, 07:06 PM
The GOP went thru this same metamorphosis with Trump in 2015. Old guard politics was whisked away in the presidential campaign. The GOP damn near had a meltdown when Trump's popularity surged. Because we're so early in the 2020 campaign I don't think I want to predict if the same thing will happen in the dem party, but it's beginning to look like it might with Joe getting stomped in the Iowa primary. The things that used to work don't work anymore. GOP found that out with McCain and Romney. Now the holdouts are all on the Trump train because what else are they going to do. There was even some talk of Romney being censured by his fellow GOP senators for defecting in the impeachment vote. If McCain were still alive he probably would have voted right along with him.

So the dem party machine is broken. They can't seem to get a handle on the mood that voters are in like Trump did. What was Biden thinking? Does he think people are going to vote for him because he was Obama's VP. The dem candidate is going to have to have some street credibility. A college professor or someone who's been in DC politics for 50 years isn't going to move the needle. If Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs) were a candidate I'd probably vote for him. The DNC will never get behind Bernie. They would rather run another loser like Hillary. I'm sure they would rather see old Bernie freeze to death in snowbank. They've already wasted 3 years trying to bring down Trump without any plan B. Bunch of F'in idiots in congress.

If there is a desire within the Democratic Party to unite behind a A.) candidate who can B.) present a platform composed of policies other than investigate, litigate, and prosecute POTUS that will unite the party and, in conjunction with that, C.) draw supporters to the polls in November in droves, time is growing short (less than 9 months to election day) and so far have nothing to show for the last three years of what they've been attempting. Doubling down on their failure to convict President Trump in the Senate seems to be where they're headed for the time being...let's hope they stick with that as it is the biggest gift that they can give to Mr. Trump. Keep it up, Dems!

02-06-2020, 07:25 PM
The DNC will never get behind Bernie. They would rather run another loser like Hillary. I'm sure they would rather see old Bernie freeze to death in snowbank. They've already wasted 3 years trying to bring down Trump without any plan B. Bunch of F'in idiots in congress.

The President is just a function. While personalities are important, majority of people have a clear understanding of the agendas of any Republican or any Democratic President. (It was not clear, however in 2016, that Trump's policies would be conservative enough. Now we know what to expect. They tuned out to be better than expected).

On the other hand, it is also clear that regardless of who is the Democratic nominee, the policies of the Democratic party today are coming from Bernie. It is remarkable and very depressing that only 5-10 yeas ago he was a joke even among Democrats. Today they are all Socialists. BTW, Obama was not that far from him either. So DNC should look at the mirror. The difference between Bernie and the rest - he is not hiding much.

02-06-2020, 07:32 PM
On the other hand, it is also clear that regardless of who is the Democratic nominee, the policies of the Democratic party today are coming of Bernie. It is remarkable and very depressing that only 5-10 yeas ago he was a joke even among Democrats. Today they are all Socialists. BTW, Obama was not that far from him either. So DNC should look at the mirror. The difference between Bernie and the rest - he is not hiding much.
Every time I read that Obama is urging his party to avoid socialism, what I hear in my head is "Stop being so obvious about it."

Kanye Wyoming
02-06-2020, 11:19 PM
You're a stickler for pedantic details.
I finally realized the words my kids were trying to articulate when they would groan with exasperation “Daaaaaaaaaaaad.”
