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01-20-2020, 08:58 AM
The other thread appears closed. Mods can choose to reopen and add this or kill this one as well.

NYT endorses both Warren and Klobuchar:


Article contains a great summary of the other current nominees as well.

Joe in PNG
01-20-2020, 06:56 PM
My personal suspicion is that the Democratic Party establishment fears and dreads Bernie. So, the word is out to support Liz as much as possible, the idea being that she and the Bern will cancel each other out.

They have to walk a fine line. Back in 2016, they just brute force shut him down, but that may have caused enough votes to turn to Trump. So, this time, they need to exercise caution. Propping up Liz and hoping she drains enough of his support is the safe way to do it.

01-20-2020, 07:19 PM
alles klar der Klobuchar...

01-20-2020, 11:42 PM
My personal suspicion is that the Democratic Party establishment fears and dreads Bernie. So, the word is out to support Liz as much as possible, the idea being that she and the Bern will cancel each other out.

They have to walk a fine line. Back in 2016, they just brute force shut him down, but that may have caused enough votes to turn to Trump. So, this time, they need to exercise caution. Propping up Liz and hoping she drains enough of his support is the safe way to do it.

Your political analytical skills are amazing.

Bernie's right. A woman can't get elected. Palin was an anchor tied to McCains ass. Hillary was an elitist train wreck.

It's interesting that Harris didn't make the cut and Klobuchar is still there. I'm thinking that the dems want Klobuchar because of her midwest heartland draw. My wife, who is educated way beyond her intelligence and is a liberal, won't vote for Warren. She rejects Warren's student debt forgiveness plan because she worked her way thru 6 years of college. She doesn't like Warrens health care plan either and she was a healthcare professional. That's the kiss of death right there.

I don't think Klobuchar has any flies on her, at least I don't see any. Hard on her staff? Try a real job and see how that compares.

01-21-2020, 12:20 AM
Bernie's right. A woman can't get elected. Palin was an anchor tied to McCains ass. Hillary was an elitist train wreck.

Palin was an anchor because selecting her was transparent pandering to avoid being cast as the old, white guy he was. People didn't have nearly the problem with his old whiteness that they had with the transparent pandering. Add in that she appeared to be terrifyingly stupid, and a whole lot of people I knew who had been considering voting for McCain the day before instantly came to see his ticket as a non starter.

Hillary got beaten because she is an elitist train wreck, not because she is a woman.

Obama got elected the first time by appearing to be the better candidate. He didn't say, "Vote for me because I'm black." A lot of people were willing to vote for him partly because he was finally a black candidate not saying that, the first in their living memories. It was, to many, a chance to say, "Finally, that's behind us. This country has fulfilled the dream of Dr. King. We don't care about the skin color (or gender) of the best candidate, if he (or she) is the best candidate. Now let's end that crap and get on with the business of the nation." Of course, he turned that upside down as soon as he was in and set about dividing the country on race issues.

Similarly, a woman can get elected only if she doesn't say, "Vote for me because I'm a woman." She has to appear to be the best candidate. When a candidate's appeal is based on the intersectional boxes they check, that's a sign that they are not the best candidate.

All the intersectional candidates that have fallen away in the current Democratic race have failed to be good candidates, so they banged the "Vote for me because I'm ________" drum until the screen door banged them in the ass on the way out. Even Democrats are smart enough to not care about you if that's the most important thing you have to offer.

Every time Warren does the "Vote for me because I'm a woman" thing, she puts another puff of wind in Bernie's sales. But she's a garbage candidate, so she keeps doing it to deflect attention from her garbaginess.

A woman can get elected. Just not any woman who's ever run for President in this country so far.

01-21-2020, 02:25 AM
The most recent polls, as of this weekend, have Biden leading Iowa at 24%, followed by Warren at 19%, Buttigieg at 16%, Sanders at 12%, and Klobuchar at 11%.

If Biden takes Iowa, he’ll gain useful momentum that can offset any potential difficulties is New Hampshire. He’ll win South Carolina handily, the net result putting him in a strong position for Super Tuesday. Anyone who doesn’t take a win in the any of the first three contests is looking at clock ticking down to the end of their campaign. Bloomberg remains an unknown, but I think that no matter how much he spends, it’ll be too little, too late.

The impeachment proceedings benefit Biden, Buttigieg, and Bloomberg, but if it gets messy with Hunter, it could harm Biden. I don’t think it’ll harm him much among his current supporters, but it might make it more difficult for people supporting other candidates to get eagerly behind him.

I don’t bet, but if I did, I would bet on Biden. Much will depend on his VP nomination.

01-21-2020, 09:01 AM
Kind of reminds me of back when it was GWB vs Kerry in the general election.

The NYT came out and said they were going to "do things differently" for their pick. They picked a few (5 maybe, my memory is not that great on it) topics such as Budget/taxes, foreign affairs, domestic affairs, etc, and then would devote a page on a specific one each week for a time. On each page they would compare and contrast the candidates' positions and declare a winner/loser for each topic. The man who wins the most topics wins their nomination.

Well each topic pretty much went the exact same way. The correct (not in our opinion or we believe but it's an absolute truth/law) position on X is this, and anything else is flat earther/racist/sexist/etc/etc. GWB says this, and it's the wrong answer.

We don't know what Kerry feels. In June he said one thing, in July something else, and in August yet again something else. But at least he's not GWB so he wins the topic for today.

Of course Kerry won all topics and went on to be their nominee.

Funny watching them come up with all sorts of contortions to get behind a man they plainly said was a major flip flopper and they couldn't tell what his real positions are.


Joe in PNG
01-21-2020, 03:16 PM
Your political analytical skills are amazing.

Bernie's right. A woman can't get elected. Palin was an anchor tied to McCains ass. Hillary was an elitist train wreck.

It's interesting that Harris didn't make the cut and Klobuchar is still there. I'm thinking that the dems want Klobuchar because of her midwest heartland draw. My wife, who is educated way beyond her intelligence and is a liberal, won't vote for Warren. She rejects Warren's student debt forgiveness plan because she worked her way thru 6 years of college. She doesn't like Warrens health care plan either and she was a healthcare professional. That's the kiss of death right there.

I don't think Klobuchar has any flies on her, at least I don't see any. Hard on her staff? Try a real job and see how that compares.

I'm going to also predict that should Bernie catch fire in Iowa & New Hamster, a bunch of MeeToo allegations are going to come out.

01-21-2020, 03:20 PM
I'm going to also predict that should Bernie catch fire in Iowa & New Hamster, a bunch of MeeToo allegations are going to come out.

Who's gonna admit they got it on with Bernie?


01-21-2020, 04:14 PM
A woman can get elected. Just not any woman who's ever run for President in this country so far.

Tulsi Gabbard would win if nominated.

However, the DNC will never let that happen, so it's almost not worth mentioning..

01-21-2020, 04:43 PM
If this country's politics veer back toward sanity, I could see either Gabbard or Nikki Haley pulling it off in 12-20 years from now. They are both pretty awesome (although I like Haley's politics a lot better), but I think still too young to be perceived as presidential by voters. If we continue to get more polarized and irrational, not a chance.

Joe in PNG
01-21-2020, 04:50 PM
Now this interesting. It appears that Hillary is doing Bernie a serious (and unintended) favor by speaking out against him (https://pjmedia.com/trending/hillary-blasts-bernie-sanders-suggests-hes-sexist-and-nobody-likes-him/).

I'm sure, in her little chardonnay addled mind, that this will cause the Dem caucuses to immediately appoint her as candidate. It's more likely to remind the Bernie Bros how this witch shafted their man back in 2016, and give that extra bit of kick to get out and vote.

And it's pretty clear that Bill is the one with the political savvy in that relationship.

01-21-2020, 04:50 PM
If this country's politics veer back toward sanity, I could see either Gabbard or Nikki Haley pulling it off in 12-20 years from now. They are both pretty awesome (although I like Haley's politics a lot better), but I think still too young to be perceived as presidential by voters. If we continue to get more polarized and irrational, not a chance.

Haley really disappointed me recently with her antics. I don't think I can trust her.

01-21-2020, 04:52 PM
Got a link? I must have missed that.

01-21-2020, 05:18 PM
Got a link? I must have missed that.

Let me try to find something relevant...

01-21-2020, 05:22 PM
I'm going to also predict that should Bernie catch fire in Iowa & New Hamster, a bunch of MeeToo allegations are going to come out.

It seems the dems are doing their best to trash old Bernie again. He seems to have something they all would like to have. Even Hillary is trash talking him now and she isn't even in the race. I think she knows that the DNC torpedoed Bernie so she could run. That's what you get with elitist politicians and their crony insider deals. Democrats deserved to lose in 2016. The entire convention was rigged.

01-21-2020, 05:26 PM
This article (https://thebulwark.com/nikki-haley-turns-trumpist/) states much of what I saw at the time as transparent political maneuvering by Haley outside of the sphere of integrity, which had appeared to be her strong suit at one time.

...Today, however, it seems that Haley has tied her fortunes to Trump. She has clearly calculated that her future political prospects depend on assuring the Trump base that she is with them and the president. Her abandonment of her own fiercely stated views in order to be accepted is more evidence of the rot that has overtaken the Republican party. Now speculation is rife that the president will bump Mike Pence off the ticket for Haley. Such a step might have the effect, Trump’s advisers clearly hope, of bringing back the suburban women who in the midterm elections moved toward the Democrats.

Many people—including both some Trump supporters and some Trump critics—undoubtedly agree with Haley that both Tillerson and Kelly should have made their opposition public and then resigned. For that matter, James Mattis and H.R. McMaster might have been expected to offer more forthright critiques of the administration once they were out of office, rather than the carefully guarded statements they have issued.

And here we must turn to John Bolton’s actions and statements since he left the White House as the National Security Advisor in September. The liberal community hated Bolton’s appointment, always depicting him as somewhat of a madman who might get our country into an unnecessary war (he had openly called for the bombing of Iran) and who favored regime change instead of diplomatically solving our differences with nations like Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba.

Like him or hate him, Bolton is consistent—and puts Haley to shame. We know from the testimony of others that he opposed the extortion of Ukraine and in a one-on-one meeting urged the president to release the delayed aid. Bolton also opposed the private foreign policy actions Rudy Giuliani was taking. “I am not part of whatever drug deal” Trump’s other advisers “are cooking up” in Ukraine, Bolton reportedly said.

Bolton did the honorable thing and resigned. But he has not been quiet... cont'd

01-21-2020, 05:40 PM
The opinions expressed are my own and do not constitute those of any employer, past, present or future.

I concur with the assessment re how Iowa is going to shore up Biden to at least #2 in NH and that he will win SC handily.
That will likely be the head of steam needed for Super Tues that will knock him over the top.

My prediction:


Joe in PNG
01-21-2020, 05:48 PM
The opinions expressed are my own and do not constitute those of any employer, past, present of future.

I concur with the assessment re how Iowa is going to shore up Biden to at least #2 in NH and that he will win SC handily.
That will likely be the head of steam needed for Super Tues that will knock him over the top.

My prediction:


Biden is the 'safe' candidate, the established party guy voters tend to default to when there's no one really exciting on the menu. The typical sort of candidate the party outside the WH tends to pick to run against an incumbent.

He's also safe when it comes to the big money contribution game- and that will be the thing to keep an eye on.

fly out
01-21-2020, 06:49 PM
...Even Hillary is trash talking him now and she isn't even in the race....

Are you sure about that?

Joe in PNG
01-21-2020, 07:17 PM
Are you sure about that?

While she may think differently, she's done, washed up, finished.
Do remember two things- she's not as good at the game as she thinks she is, and Biden is better at it than he looks.

Groping Joe may look like a genial gaffe prone goof, but he's also made it very, very far in a political party that isn't exactly all sweetness and light. He's not just going to allow someone like Hillary or Michelle Obama to become the last second convention Great White Hope- despite all the Right Wing Doom Porn to that effect.

01-21-2020, 07:49 PM
As a registered "Non Affiliated" I've never voted in Primary Elections.

It turns out the Democratic Primary in UT is open so I plan on voting for the least electable wacko who isn't the frontrunner. Just to help prolong that clownshow.


01-21-2020, 07:50 PM
As a registered "Non Affiliated" I've never voted in Primary Elections.

It turns out the Democratic Primary in UT is open so I plan on voting for the least electable wacko who isn't the frontrunner. Just to help prolong that clownshow.


Don't forget to bring along the sister wives. ;)

01-21-2020, 07:54 PM
Don't forget to bring along the sister wives. ;)

Wives? I ain't a masochist.

Bart Carter
01-21-2020, 08:11 PM
This article (https://thebulwark.com/nikki-haley-turns-trumpist/) states much of what I saw at the time as transparent political maneuvering by Haley outside of the sphere of integrity, which had appeared to be her strong suit at one time.

As I read the article, I see the same thing I saw in the "witness" testimony during the impeachment, no factual testimony, but second hand and hearsay. This coming from the author, whose friendship with David Horowitz of 65 years ended in 2016 when Horowitz endorsed Donald Trump for president. I think this shows where he is coming from.

As far as Haley's integrity, I guess I haven't been following that closely.

01-21-2020, 08:22 PM
As I read the article, I see the same thing I saw in the "witness" testimony during the impeachment, no factual testimony, but second hand and hearsay. This coming from the author, whose friendship with David Horowitz of 65 years ended in 2016 when Horowitz endorsed Donald Trump for president. I think this shows where he is coming from.

As far as Haley's integrity, I guess I haven't been following that closely.

I don't know anything about those folks but the article, (I didn't have time to search for others on the topic), does pretty much coincide with the reaction I had when Haley was interviewed and gave several quotes and sound bites basically buoying herself up by throwing others under the bus to gain favor with the man she had taken issue with previously.

I guess all's fair in politics. Which is why I have no respect for it.

(I wonder if Trump had insulted her husband's looks or accused her father of assassinating Gandhi if she'd be as forgiving as Ted Cruz.)

01-21-2020, 08:36 PM
Are you sure about that?

She kind of sounds like she is. Maybe it'll be old Shotgun Joe and Hill. Another insider job.

Barrack could even hold a cabinet post. I think he still lives in DC. The gang could all be back together just like old times. :D

Bart Carter
01-22-2020, 11:23 AM
...(I wonder if Trump had insulted her husband's looks or accused her father of assassinating Gandhi if she'd be as forgiving as Ted Cruz.)

I'm 100% with you on those kinds of things Trump does. Big character flaw to say the least. :(

Glenn E. Meyer
01-23-2020, 02:06 PM
Biden thinks Bernie is gun nut: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/01/22/joe-biden-bernie-sanders-feud-gun-reform-102042

Hillary said this in 2016. BTW, Hillary's attack on Bernie has been denounced even by feminist oriented women. Demonstrated her failed personality - what else is new.

Biden's response was one to Bernie's attack on Biden attacking Medicare and Social Security way back when. If you look at Biden's early record, he was a nasty piece of work given current Democratic priorities.

01-23-2020, 09:30 PM
Biden thinks illegals are more American than Americans, because they get good grades and believe in basic principles that we all share


Joe in PNG
02-03-2020, 11:25 PM
Holy cow, but Iowa is turning into a serious disaster. I don't know if it's sabotage by the establishment trying to stop Bernie, or the Bernie Bros trying to overthrow the establishment, or a generally high level of cock up, but wow, the Dems look like utter incompetent morons tonight.

This does not bode well for them, because this failure means their ground game is pretty much nonexistent. This is the one where you really really need to have your ducks lined up, your troops drilled, and generally work damn hard to project an air of tough, ready competence.
Even if Chicago style ballot stuffing is in the works, it has to be done sharp, disciplined, and with quick competence. This is like watching a painfully unfunny improv skit that just keeps going on and on.

02-03-2020, 11:31 PM

Kanye Wyoming
02-04-2020, 12:22 AM

02-04-2020, 07:16 AM
Iowa has convinced me that the Democrats should be running our healthcare. Yup.

02-04-2020, 08:41 AM
Well the Democrat Clown Car smashed into a loaded septic tank truck with all of the entertaining results.


Circular firing squads to commence...

02-04-2020, 09:23 AM
Schadenfreude. Schadenfreude for everyone!

Why the Iowa Caucus Could Have Three Winners This Year

02-04-2020, 09:50 AM
Schadenfreude. Schadenfreude for everyone!

Why the Iowa Caucus Could Have Three Winners This Year

Thus far it appears the winner of the Iowa Democratic Caucus is Donald Trump.

02-04-2020, 10:06 AM
Iowa has convinced me that the Democrats should be running our healthcare. Yup.

I worked for a gov't agency in a democratically controlled county. All I can say about that is if the taxpayers actually knew how much money was wasted there would have been riots in the streets. Fortunately they kept the inner workings of the gov't away from the public eye and discouraged employees to not get involved with local political issues........that is if you want to keep your job. :D

02-04-2020, 10:09 AM
Iowa has convinced me that the Democrats should be running our healthcare. Yup.

I mean, what's the point of healthcare if nothing makes you sick? ;)


02-04-2020, 10:18 AM
I mean, what's the point of healthcare if nothing makes you sick? ;)


It works in CA.:rolleyes:

02-04-2020, 10:32 AM
Holy cow, but Iowa is turning into a serious disaster. I don't know if it's sabotage by the establishment trying to stop Bernie, or the Bernie Bros trying to overthrow the establishment, or a generally high level of cock up, but wow, the Dems look like utter incompetent morons tonight.

This does not bode well for them, because this failure means their ground game is pretty much nonexistent. This is the one where you really really need to have your ducks lined up, your troops drilled, and generally work damn hard to project an air of tough, ready competence.
Even if Chicago style ballot stuffing is in the works, it has to be done sharp, disciplined, and with quick competence. This is like watching a painfully unfunny improv skit that just keeps going on and on.

Even Chicago Union Guys have to occasionally work. It may only be 2.5 hours a day, mandated by contract, but they do things. Doing things requires competency at some level.

When the entire skillsets of your volunteers and followers are limited to tweeting and asking for free stuff - it's difficult to expect competency.

Glenn E. Meyer
02-04-2020, 11:02 AM
Between the impeachment fizzle and Iowa - they will have to recoup. Blathering Joe Biden will not win this one. Their hope is strong turn out for a more extreme candidate. Worked for Trump.

02-04-2020, 11:09 AM

"It's just a minor setback. Nothing we shouldn't be able to recover from straightaway."

02-04-2020, 07:47 PM
I worked for a gov't agency in a democratically controlled county. All I can say about that is if the taxpayers actually knew how much money was wasted there would have been riots in the streets. Fortunately they kept the inner workings of the gov't away from the public eye and discouraged employees to not get involved with local political issues........that is if you want to keep your job. :D I live in supposed Republican run state and it's no better.

Joe in PNG
02-07-2020, 04:56 PM
Looks like Groping Joe managed to Jeb! himself. If he can't pick up a top 3 in New Hampsha, he's done.

02-07-2020, 05:05 PM

02-07-2020, 06:09 PM
My personal suspicion is that the Democratic Party establishment fears and dreads Bernie. So, the word is out to support Liz as much as possible, the idea being that she and the Bern will cancel each other out.

Agreed. The DNC loves to make overtures to the rabble that they are the party of the people and are more than willing to trade the tax dollars of the middle class and upper middle class for votes, but in the end they are bank rolled by the rich and by corporate America who I think are scared to death that Bernie is a real communist and just might bring the war of the classes to them.

Joe in PNG
02-07-2020, 08:42 PM
Well, isn't this interesting: Warren goes full weasel after campaign is accused of racism

Six African-American staffers from Elizabeth Warren’s Nevada campaign have resigned. They accused the campaign of “tokenism” and racial insensitivity, and claimed that their work environment was “toxic.”

There's a couple of possible takeaways, and none of them good for the Fake Indian:
-(Cynical) They've seen the handwriting on the wall is obvious, and they want to jump ship without looking like they're just jumping ship.
-She's toxic and racist.

There's also the option of "Both", which is my inclination as well.

02-07-2020, 08:57 PM
Honestly, I'm so cynical about the card being played for the advantage of the player that absent actual facts I'm loathe to accept any allegation on face value. (And I'm no fan of Princess Summerfall Winterspring.)

Joe in PNG
02-07-2020, 09:01 PM
Honestly, I'm so cynical about the card being played for the advantage of the player that absent actual facts I'm loathe to accept any allegation on face value. (And I'm no fan of Princess Summerfall Winterspring.)

Whatever the case, it's not a good look for her or her chances.

Josh Runkle
02-07-2020, 11:34 PM
Whatever the case, it's not a good look for her or her chances.

Doesn’t she have to stay in for Bloomberg to have a shot? (To force multiple revotes at the convention which then frees up the delegates from having to vote how their state’s citizens voted?) Maybe she’ll get some Bloomberg money?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Joe in PNG
02-07-2020, 11:41 PM
Doesn’t she have to stay in for Bloomberg to have a shot? (To force multiple revotes at the convention which then frees up the delegates from having to vote how their state’s citizens voted?) Maybe she’ll get some Bloomberg money?

If she was getting bankrolled enough to keep going, people wouldn't be jumping ship.
People will put up with a lot of crap if there's a possibility of success.

02-08-2020, 10:24 AM
Honestly, I'm so cynical about the card being played for the advantage of the player that absent actual facts I'm loathe to accept any allegation on face value. (And I'm no fan of Princess Summerfall Winterspring.)

Again, I'm not at all sure that all that many younguns here would have been round to see the Howdy Doody Show in the '50s...:D

02-08-2020, 10:26 AM
Again, I'm not at all sure that all that many younguns here would have been round to see the Howdy Doody Show in the '50s...:D

Quit reminding me...dagnabit. Problem is, those same folks think Pocahontas is a Disney creation. Can't win. ;)

02-08-2020, 11:44 AM
Agreed. The DNC loves to make overtures to the rabble that they are the party of the people and are more than willing to trade the tax dollars of the middle class and upper middle class for votes, but in the end they are bank rolled by the rich and by corporate America who I think are scared to death that Bernie is a real communist and just might bring the war of the classes to them.

That was pretty obvious when the DNC kneecapped Bernie. Actually, the same thing happened to Trump but Trump prevailed. The GOP just didn't have anyone who could go toe to toe with him. He had the numbers. Hillary didn't have the numbers and needed the DNC to rig the candidacy for her. Their way of "brokering" a convention. If the DNC had backed Bernie he would have won. They didn't want a socialist so they opened the door for Trump. That's fine with me because I would rather have Trump than a radical socialist who wants to bleed me dry with more taxes.

The voters are already turning away from Biden, who is nothing more than a reincarnation of the Obama adm and Hillary Clinton. The dark horse to watch in the campaigning is Bloomberg. Already being called the "American Oligarch" by the democrat field who's trying to tear him down because of his money. The fact is until the campaign finance laws are changed, money to campaign will always be a hurdle for candidates and that's one hurdle Bloomberg doesn't have to jump. The campaign finance system is actually vulnerable to someone like Bloomberg. Trump needed PAC money and the GOP coffers to win. He said he didn't but he did and he gladly accepted that. He said he was a champion of the RTKBA (took 20 million from the NRA) but he isn't. Bloomberg doesn't need the DNC coffers to run a campaign so he doesn't need the machines endorsement. People like Bloomberg have already run Trump out of NYC making it impossible to do business there. Money buys political influence just like it buys everything else in this country. Democrats will eventually see the writing on the wall and the advantages of supporting someone like Bloomberg. I think it will happen this spring sometime.

Democrats won't have to choose between a crook and a radical socialist this time. They have Bloomberg. That's his game.

02-08-2020, 12:30 PM
Iowa was originally supposed to narrow the field, but it didn’t. Everyone who can afford to stay in until Super Tuesday, will.

The number of delegates at play in IA, NH, NV, and SC is very small. The thing that matters will be the narratives surrounding the post-vote analysis, and the “momentum” accumulated.

I saw a claim that Bloomberg could spend $5B on this election and still be worth more money after the election than before it.

02-08-2020, 01:00 PM
That was pretty obvious when the DNC kneecapped Bernie. Actually, the same thing happened to Trump but Trump prevailed. The GOP just didn't have anyone who could go toe to toe with him. He had the numbers. Hillary didn't have the numbers and needed the DNC to rig the candidacy for her. Their way of "brokering" a convention. If the DNC had backed Bernie he would have won. They didn't want a socialist so they opened the door for Trump. That's fine with me because I would rather have Trump than a radical socialist who wants to bleed me dry with more taxes.

The voters are already turning away from Biden, who is nothing more than a reincarnation of the Obama adm and Hillary Clinton. The dark horse to watch in the campaigning is Bloomberg. Already being called the "American Oligarch" by the democrat field who's trying to tear him down because of his money. The fact is until the campaign finance laws are changed, money to campaign will always be a hurdle for candidates and that's one hurdle Bloomberg doesn't have to jump. The campaign finance system is actually vulnerable to someone like Bloomberg. Trump needed PAC money and the GOP coffers to win. He said he didn't but he did and he gladly accepted that. He said he was a champion of the RTKBA (took 20 million from the NRA) but he isn't. Bloomberg doesn't need the DNC coffers to run a campaign so he doesn't need the machines endorsement. People like Bloomberg have already run Trump out of NYC making it impossible to do business there. Money buys political influence just like it buys everything else in this country. Democrats will eventually see the writing on the wall and the advantages of supporting someone like Bloomberg. I think it will happen this spring sometime.

Democrats won't have to choose between a crook and a radical socialist this time. They have Bloomberg. That's his game.

Good analysis. Bloomberg does have me concerned and I think a lot of the GOP are more comfortable with him than they are Trump.

We might find ourselves allies with the radical left one day.

02-08-2020, 01:44 PM
Iowa was originally supposed to narrow the field, but it didn’t. Everyone who can afford to stay in until Super Tuesday, will.

The number of delegates at play in IA, NH, NV, and SC is very small. The thing that matters will be the narratives surrounding the post-vote analysis, and the “momentum” accumulated.

I saw a claim that Bloomberg could spend $5B on this election and still be worth more money after the election than before it.

5B staggers the imagination when you consider 1B is about all any campaign has ever spent. I'm pretty sure he's going to drop at least 2B into his campaign. Trump only had about 3.5B to his name when he started campaigning and only spent about 66 million of his own money.

I think corporations are going to spend big on Trump, at least he better hope they do. Bloomberg has already said wants to raise taxes on corporations.

Lex Luthier
02-09-2020, 12:47 AM
Apropos of little, I queued up a Youtube video of the band (?) Heilung from misanthropist 's link elsewhere, and it ran a political ad for Michael Bloomberg featuring visuals and audio endorsements from Barack Obama.

Totem Polar
02-09-2020, 01:02 AM
Apropos of little, I queued up a Youtube video of the band (?) Heilung from misanthropist 's link elsewhere, and it ran a political ad for Michael Bloomberg featuring visuals and audio endorsements from Barack Obama.

I end up on youtube several times a day as part of my work, and that guy is everywhere. I’ve been subjected to *dozens* of his youtube buys.

02-09-2020, 09:51 AM
I end up on youtube several times a day as part of my work, and that guy is everywhere. I’ve been subjected to *dozens* of his youtube buys.

And they are making me sick. I hate that guy.

02-09-2020, 10:10 AM
uBlock Origin:


Never see a single YouTube ad again.

02-09-2020, 10:27 AM
uBlock Origin:


Never see a single YouTube ad again.

I love uBlock Origin. Been using it for the last few years and it's great. One of three or four excellent tools.

Lex Luthier
02-09-2020, 10:35 AM
Thanks for the tip, jellydonut & blues.

My point was that we now have an idea of 1) where Bloomberg will be making his alliances, and 2) why Obama has been so quiet regarding the Presidential candidate field. I wonder if O has been offered a VP slot or similar.
I can see him doing it just for the chance to officially use that middle finger at his rivals.

Totem Polar
02-09-2020, 12:08 PM
Thanks for the tip, jellydonut & blues.

My point was that we now have an idea of 1) where Bloomberg will be making his alliances, and 2) why Obama has been so quiet regarding the Presidential candidate field. I wonder if O has been offered a VP slot or similar.
I can see him doing it just for the chance to officially use that middle finger at his rivals.

Even Obama thinks Biden is a no-go, evidently. Brutal.

02-09-2020, 12:13 PM
Even Obama thinks Biden is a no-go, evidently. Brutal.

Et tu, Brute?

Totem Polar
02-09-2020, 12:24 PM
Et tu, Brute?

They spent 8 years working together; bi den, he was sick of de guy...

02-09-2020, 12:31 PM
They spent 8 years working together; bi den, he was sick of de guy...

Well played.

If he wins in spite of the snub, maybe he can get his attorney general to lynch Obama if he ever gets a holder him.

02-09-2020, 12:53 PM
Apropos of little, I queued up a Youtube video of the band (?) Heilung from misanthropist 's link elsewhere, and it ran a political ad for Michael Bloomberg featuring visuals and audio endorsements from Barack Obama.

Just looked at it.

Bunch of damned scandahovian throw backs with flutes and drums. :D

That's some weird shit right there but way cool. My wife is a huge fan of native American culture and has gone to the Gathering of Nations several times. I always kid her that she's mostly Norwegian and that's just wrong giving her heritage. She hasn't lived in the SW like I did (grew up there) and she can't understand why I don't have a connection to that cultural heritage because I know so much about it. My excuse is I'm not native American so I don't embrace it. You don't want to steal somebody's thunder like a well known political figure did.

Totem Polar
02-09-2020, 12:59 PM
Well played.

If he wins in spite of the snub, maybe he can get his attorney general to lynch Obama if he ever gets a holder him.


02-09-2020, 12:59 PM
Just looked at it.

Bunch of damned scandahovian throw backs with flutes and drums. :D

That's some weird shit right there but way cool. My wife is a huge fan of native American culture and has gone to the Gathering of Nations several times. I always kid her that she's mostly Norwegian and that's just wrong giving her heritage. She hasn't lived in the SW like I did (grew up there) and she can't understand why I don't have a connection to that cultural heritage because I know so much about it. My excuse is I'm not native American so I don't embrace it. You don't want to steal somebody's thunder like a well known political figure did.


02-09-2020, 01:28 PM
If she was getting bankrolled enough to keep going, people wouldn't be jumping ship.
People will put up with a lot of crap if there's a possibility of success.

Huma Mahmood Abedin did. Married to a pervert and was Hillary's hand servant. Never hear her name anymore. Dropped off the face of the earth.

02-09-2020, 01:30 PM

An Irish Berliner. I guess the connection is the beer.

Wondering Beard
02-09-2020, 01:46 PM
An Irish Berliner. I guess the connection is the beer.

Actually it's the donuts. ;-)

Joe in PNG
02-09-2020, 03:48 PM
My point was that we now have an idea of 1) where Bloomberg will be making his alliances, and 2) why Obama has been so quiet regarding the Presidential candidate field. I wonder if O has been offered a VP slot or similar.
I can see him doing it just for the chance to officially use that middle finger at his rivals.

I really doubt that Obama would accept the Veep spot, and I don't think he's Constitutionally eligible anyway. Like Bill Clinton, he's not going to be anyone's second banana.

The most likely reason he's been officially silent is probably because he's waiting to see who the most likely Non-Bernie winner is going to be.
While his endorsement has some value, using it too early or too often will cheapen it altogether.
He'll wait until the dust settles.

Let me add this: timing is important. If he endorses someone too soon, he may very likely be saddled with a loser, and be despised by the winner.
But, if he waits too long, he'll come across as just an opportunist.

Joe in PNG
02-09-2020, 08:42 PM
Finally, it's official that Mayor Pete officially won Iowa.

Bernie appears to be making recount noises, which is a stupid, dumb, and foolish mistake. The smart thing is to take your lumps, graciously congratulate your opponent, and move on.

Demanding a state do a do-over for a measly two delegates stinks of loser desperation.

(Yeah, yeah, I know, I know- when has Bernie been smart, gracious, ect.)

While not a fatal blow, it's not a good look.

the Schwartz
02-10-2020, 08:27 AM
Finally, it's official that Mayor Pete officially won Iowa.

Bernie appears to be making recount noises, which is a stupid, dumb, and foolish mistake. The smart thing is to take your lumps, graciously congratulate your opponent, and move on.

Demanding a state do a do-over for a measly two delegates stinks of loser desperation.

(Yeah, yeah, I know, I know- when has Bernie been smart, gracious, ect.)

While not a fatal blow, it's not a good look.

Perhaps, in the spirit of Socialism, where all inequality and the ugly need for competition is done away with, Bernie and Mayor Pete could each receive one of the two Iowa delegates so that both Socialists are treated fairly...y'know.....because Socialism.

02-10-2020, 09:15 AM
Perhaps, in the spirit of Socialism, where all inequality and the ugly need for competition is done away with, Bernie and Mayor Pete could each receive one of the two Iowa delegates so that both Socialists are treated fairly...y'know.....because Socialism.

From each according to their ability...to each according to their needs.

the Schwartz
02-10-2020, 12:52 PM
From each according to their ability...to each according to their needs.

Marx my words, this is going to be a fascinating election cycle.

02-10-2020, 01:20 PM
Marx my words, this is going to be a fascinating election cycle.

Bloomberg is saying he's going to keep pumping millions into "anti Trump" ads right up to the election even if he isn't the candidate. Looks like Bloomberg has a saturation bombing campaign strategy. Probably won't see anything like this one again for awhile.:D

02-10-2020, 01:23 PM

Joe in PNG
02-10-2020, 03:08 PM
Jerry Della Femina: “Sometimes, the advertising is better than the product. Nothing kills a bad product faster than good advertising."

A good of a quote as any regarding the Bloomberg Blitz.

Joe in PNG
02-10-2020, 05:17 PM
Marx my words, this is going to be a fascinating election cycle.

It's like watching two trains colliding, and both are full of flaming dumpsters.

02-10-2020, 05:21 PM
It's like watching two trains colliding, and both are full of flaming dumpsters.

A hunk, a hunk of burning dung...

Joe in PNG
02-10-2020, 06:03 PM
I'm surprised Biden hasn't plagiarized the Dean Scream yet.

02-10-2020, 08:01 PM
It's like watching two trains colliding, and both are full of flaming dumpsters.

Can we make a video of that? Trump train and Bloomberg train collide at high speed. Both carrying flaming toxic waste. Nobody survived the crash, massive evacuation underway.

02-11-2020, 08:07 AM
Can we make a video of that? Trump train and Bloomberg train collide at high speed. Both carrying flaming toxic waste. Nobody survived the crash, massive evacuation underway.

And then, from above, an inbound ICBM that sees the mess below and develops a cartoon face to grimace. The ICBM then turns around to intercept and nuke the moon instead.

02-11-2020, 08:33 AM
And then, from above, an inbound ICBM that sees the mess below and develops a cartoon face to grimace. The ICBM then turns around to intercept and nuke the moon instead.

That beats mine.:D

Joe in PNG
02-11-2020, 10:22 PM
So, Biden pulled out of NH to work on SC & Nevada. He's pretty much done.

Liz, too, is pretty much finished. Now the press is trying to bump Amy's numbers, and all Liz ever really had was a phony press bump.

Andrew Yang is gone, sad to say, and I suspect that Tulsi will also be gone soon enough. I hope they can give it another try in 2024.

We'll see who's standing after the next round.

And again, we'll have a really good idea of who it's going to be when Former President Obama endorses someone.

Joe in PNG
02-13-2020, 12:32 AM
Bernie is starting to remind me of the Quixotic presidential runs of George Wallace. He's an extremist who appeals to a very narrow, but fanatical core of his party's base- but has no appeal at all outside of it.

Like Wallace, he'll be able to pick up a good % of the early primaries right until the non-kooky front-runners emerge. Afterwards, he'll start to drop into the single digits. In the end, he may wind up with enough votes to be an annoyance at the convention, it won't be enough to get him the nomination.

Joe in PNG
02-14-2020, 09:33 PM
Now Liz is blaming the Media for her campaign's failure:

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) issued a scathing denunciation of the mainstream media on Friday, accusing several outlets of ignoring her campaign in favor of lesser candidates and blaming that coverage in part for her campaign's failure to gain traction with primary voters.

She's kind of right, but in a wrong way. The only thing the screechy fake Indian ever had was the media pretending she was A Real Candidate, to make the pre-primary season more interesting.
Now, it's obvious that she's pretty much done.

Totem Polar
02-14-2020, 09:41 PM
Man, the above pretty much reminds me of Hillary. The entire old guard of the democratic party contenders suffer from arrested emotional development.

Kanye Wyoming
02-14-2020, 10:40 PM

Totem Polar
02-15-2020, 10:30 PM
Data point of one op-ed. But I’ll leave it here anyways:


"But tomorrow, I’ll be changing my voter registration from Democrat to Independent and walking away from the party I’ve spent the past 20 years in to sit in the middle for a while. There are extremes in both parties that I am uncomfortable with, but I also fundamentally believe that most people on both sides are good, decent human beings who want the best for the country and have dramatic disagreements on how to get there. But until we start seeing each other as human beings, there will be no bridging the divide. I refuse to be a part of the divisiveness any longer. I refuse to hate people I don’t know simply because they choose to vote for someone else. If we’re going to heal the country, we have to start taking steps toward one another rather than away.
I think the Democrats have an ass-kicking coming to them in November, and I think most of them will be utterly shocked when it happens, because they’re existing in an echo chamber that is not reflective of the broader reality. I hope it’s a wake-up call that causes them to take a long look in the mirror and really ask themselves how they got here. Maybe then they’ll start listening. I tend to doubt it, but I can hope."

Old Virginia
02-16-2020, 01:52 AM
Al Sharpton missed his chance. With this Zany crew of misfits running for the Democrat Party, he might actually have had a chance. All of them remind me of something out of a Mad Magazine. For the Dems, it is not deciding which one you dislike the most, it is deciding which one is "less" crazy. I always thought it would pure Hell to have to live with Hillary Clinton, and then Elizabeth Warren comes along. My God, can you imagine what it must be like having her screaming at you all day long? Reminds me of some old lady that comes out daily to scream at the kids on her grass or cuss out the trash collectors. Bernie is out there in La La Land. Even Hillary thinks he is nuts. Bernie just waiting to be elected so he can have his own Bolshevik Revolution here in America. Biden quickly flew down to South Carolina after Iowa. Had to hurry to promise his followers more freebies if elected.
When I was a kid, I loved Mad Magazine. Now I get to see the real life version.

02-16-2020, 09:11 AM
Al Sharpton missed his chance. With this Zany crew of misfits running for the Democrat Party, he might actually have had a chance. All of them remind me of something out of a Mad Magazine. For the Dems, it is not deciding which one you dislike the most, it is deciding which one is "less" crazy. I always thought it would pure Hell to have to live with Hillary Clinton, and then Elizabeth Warren comes along. My God, can you imagine what it must be like having her screaming at you all day long? Reminds me of some old lady that comes out daily to scream at the kids on her grass or cuss out the trash collectors. Bernie is out there in La La Land. Even Hillary thinks he is nuts. Bernie just waiting to be elected so he can have his own Bolshevik Revolution here in America. Biden quickly flew down to South Carolina after Iowa. Had to hurry to promise his followers more freebies if elected.
When I was a kid, I loved Mad Magazine. Now I get to see the real life version.

If Al Sharpton, ever became president I'd have to move rather than witness firsthand the complete destruction of the nation. He's a lying, shit stirring POS. (And that's the nicest thing I have to say about him.)

It was troublesome enough when I had to do a Secret Service detail for Jesse Jackson during his presidential run, another one who would create and foment trouble for his own purposes and who had less than a passing acquaintance with truth and honesty. Of course it could be that coming from "Hymie Town" my opinion is somewhat skewed. :rolleyes:

Glenn E. Meyer
02-16-2020, 09:21 AM
I got trapped at work as they had a Jesse Jackson rally at school during his campaign. Their buses were parallel to a line of parked cars but blocking them from pulling around. It was at night. I asked some guy with the ear piece, if they could move one bus that would free us. Told me to get lost. Went back to the office to wait it out.

NH Shooter
02-16-2020, 01:15 PM
Since he is the designated "wife" in his same-sex marriage, would Pete Buttigieg be considered the first woman president if elected?

02-16-2020, 01:21 PM
Since he is the designated "wife" in his same-sex marriage, would Pete Buttigieg be considered the first woman president if elected?

I thought it was husband and husband. In any case, his spouse took his name. Not sure if that confers any particular meaning.

In any case, I think you need to attend the diversity training class I mentioned in the "meme" thread. ;):rolleyes:

NH Shooter
02-16-2020, 02:53 PM
In any case, I think you need to attend the diversity training class I mentioned in the "meme" thread. ;):rolleyes:

Truth. I'm such a luddite when it comes to this stuff.

And Hillary would be pissed if what I thought came to pass and was true.

Totem Polar
02-16-2020, 03:24 PM
In other news:


At a rally today at the Bessie Smith Cultural Center in Chattanooga, Democratic billionaire presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg announced that he has selected the Monopoly Man as his running mate.


Joe in PNG
02-16-2020, 08:18 PM
Bloomie's presidential run is an ego project akin to those times actors pretend to be rock stars, and go on to record terrible albums.

A cake in the rain, basically.

02-16-2020, 08:42 PM
I thought it was husband and husband. In any case, his spouse took his name. Not sure if that confers any particular meaning.

In any case, I think you need to attend the diversity training class I mentioned in the "meme" thread. ;):rolleyes:

From what I know about it, which isn't much, traditional roles are maintained. That would require one of the couple to be referred to as husband and one as the wife. I've heard gay couples say "my husband or my wife" like it was a straight relationship. I've also observed that during a lesbian marriage ceremony one person was dressed in a traditional long white gown and the other a traditional mens suit.

Now I'm not saying this is the norm, just what I've observed. I'm not opposed to SSM. I have close relatives who are either gay or lesbian. I just roll with it. It's their choice.

I've already done the diversity training and I got the credit. I'm just glad there wasn't a test.;)

02-16-2020, 08:52 PM
In other news:


At a rally today at the Bessie Smith Cultural Center in Chattanooga, Democratic billionaire presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg announced that he has selected the Monopoly Man as his running mate.



02-16-2020, 10:10 PM
Bloomie's presidential run is an ego project akin to those times actors pretend to be rock stars, and go on to record terrible albums.

A cake in the rain, basically.


02-16-2020, 11:16 PM
Since he is the designated "wife" in his same-sex marriage, would Pete Buttigieg be considered the first woman president if elected?

I don't think so Tim. He's definitely a dude with a SS partner. Maybe the first gay president but certainly not the first woman president. It's going to take someone like Klobuchar to claim that honor. You know, someone with the right equipment.

NH Shooter
02-17-2020, 06:13 AM
If Mini Mike chooses Hillary as his running mate and wins, odds are he will end up hanging himself.

02-17-2020, 11:15 PM

from 2:03 haha

02-17-2020, 11:32 PM
In other news:


At a rally today at the Bessie Smith Cultural Center in Chattanooga, Democratic billionaire presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg announced that he has selected the Monopoly Man as his running mate.


His ego could never deal with another rich guy. I think he would go "thimble" over Monopoly Man.

02-18-2020, 12:56 AM

please please please!!

02-18-2020, 08:33 AM

please please please!!

Bloomberg didn’t hang himself!

02-18-2020, 09:15 AM

02-18-2020, 10:36 AM
I thought he was a misogynist (https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/politics/michael-bloomberg-women/), not a predator? Link?



So, is the claim true?

Yes. Mike Bloomberg was one of numerous contacts listed in Jeffrey Epstein’s “little black book.” Many of the listed sought to distance themselves from Epstein after his arrest renewed interest in the book’s contents. However, what — if any — relationship Bloomberg maintained with Epstein was unknown, and he was far from the only prominent person to appear in the book.

02-18-2020, 06:06 PM

please please please!!

Drudge reported it? Gee, I have complete faith it's accuracy.

There is no significant portion of the Democratic electorate behind this potential ticket.

Anymore than there is a group of Republicans left who are still attached to Bush the lesser.

Kanye Wyoming
02-18-2020, 07:45 PM
Gotta hand it to a cousin of mine, who sent this to me today:

Time for Trump to say: “When the Jews send us their presidential candidates, they’re not sending us their best people. They’re sending Bernie, they’re sending Bloomberg . . . “

02-18-2020, 07:53 PM
I bet my mom's elderly Jewish cabal in SoFlo would still vote for this Petite Tyrant wannabe.

Bloomberg: We Can No Longer Provide Health Care to the Elderly (https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/02/18/bloomberg-we-can-no-longer-provide-health-care-to-the-elderly-n2561500)

"They'll fix what they can right away. If you're bleeding, they'll stop the bleeding. If you need an x-ray, you're gonna have to wait," Bloomberg said. "All of these costs keep going up. Nobody wants to pay any more money and, at the rate we're going, health care is going to bankrupt us."

But don't worry. He believes he has a way of addressing cost concerns.

"Not only do we have a problem but we gotta sit here and say which things we're gonna do and which things we're not. No one wants to do that," he said. "If you show up with prostate cancer, you're 95-years-olds, we should say, 'Go and enjoy. Have nice– live a long life.' There's no cure and there's nothing we can do. If you're a young person, we should do something about it. Society’s not willing to do that, yet. So they're gonna bankrupt us."

02-18-2020, 08:23 PM
Gotta hand it to a cousin of mine, who sent this to me today:

I feel pretty much the same way about the candidates the Republicans have sent us.

02-18-2020, 09:00 PM
I feel pretty much the same way about the candidates the Republicans have sent us.

You're just prejudiced. You hate on anyone from NYC that has a lot of money. Trump made his money fair and square. He defaulted. :D

Totem Polar
02-18-2020, 09:29 PM
You're just prejudiced. You hate on anyone from NYC that has a lot of money. Trump made his money fair and square. He defaulted. :D

Don’t forget the "old fashioned way" part: inheritance.

02-18-2020, 09:30 PM

please please please!!

They can reuse all the “I’m with her” logo stuff from 2016...

02-18-2020, 09:38 PM
Don’t forget the "old fashioned way" part: inheritance.

And the "new fashioned" way: sell your "brand" to others to put on overpriced crap.

Ivanka's strategy. No wonder he expressed his desire to jump her bones in public.

02-18-2020, 09:46 PM
Don’t forget the "old fashioned way" part: inheritance.

Well, there is that. That combined with leaving banks and investors holding the bag and the tax code will give you some room to maneuver.

02-18-2020, 09:48 PM
And the "new fashioned" way: sell your "brand" to others to put on overpriced crap.

Ivanka's strategy. No wonder he expressed his desire to jump her bones in public.

Ah Jeez, do we have to bring that perverted shit into a public conversation?

02-19-2020, 12:37 AM
I thought he was a misogynist (https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/politics/michael-bloomberg-women/), not a predator? Link?


I give that rotten P.O.S. a salute (albeit a one fingered salute) for introducing the specter of the guillotine into the 2020 election with his, "But the thing that is the most important, that will stop them from setting up a guillotine someday, is the dignity of a job":D It was almost as good as the unconfirmed report from 2016: "Rumors holding that Hillary Clinton had a “meltdown,” threw a water glass ... “If I lose, we all go down and that Fascist Fuck will have us swinging from nooses!

02-19-2020, 12:52 AM
“If I lose, we all go down and that Fascist Fuck will have us swinging from nooses! [/I]

I’m still waiting..

Joe in PNG
02-19-2020, 10:13 PM
Word on the street is that Mini Mike isn't doing so hot in the debates.
Which, as an old time Risk player, I should have seen coming a long way- the other players tend to unite around tearing that one guy down early in the game.

02-19-2020, 10:23 PM
Word on the street is that Mini Mike isn't doing so hot in the debates.
Which, as an old time Risk player, I should have seen coming a long way- the other players tend to unite around tearing that one guy down early in the game.

Watching now. He's been slaughtered, like needs to withdraw from the race slaughtered. The NDA thing utter obliterated any trust Dems can have in him.

Joe in PNG
02-19-2020, 10:27 PM
Watching now. He's been slaughtered, like needs to withdraw from the race slaughtered. The NDA thing utter obliterated any trust Dems can have in him.

This is the part where we find out how tough his ego is- will he be smart enough to drop out while he still can pretend that he's Good Enough, Smart Enough, and Gosh Darn It, People Like Him? Or will his ego push him into destroying his reputation and his fortune?

Kanye Wyoming
02-19-2020, 10:53 PM

02-19-2020, 11:08 PM
After watching the debate, Biden is DONE. Looks like Warren is courting Klobuchar as her running mate and I can’t fathom the appeal of Buttigieg.

02-19-2020, 11:16 PM
After watching the debate, Biden is DONE. Looks like Warren is courting Klobuchar as her running mate and I can’t fathom the appeal of Buttigieg.
He's the only one running who didn't know Methuselah on a first name basis.

I think Sanders was his crotchety old neighbor. +1 for saying Oligarchy in a debate though. :cool:

Joe in PNG
02-19-2020, 11:33 PM
I wonder. Bloomie reminds me of a spoiled rich kid. When you were a kid, have you ever had the misfortune of playing with spoiled rich kids?
They insist that everything be done by their rules, they get mad if you question them, and they rage quit if it looks like they're going to lose.

We may end up seeing a massive Mini Mike meltdown in the next couple of weeks.

Kanye Wyoming
02-19-2020, 11:46 PM

I really love the world sometimes.

Joe in PNG
02-20-2020, 12:02 AM
Heck, even the MSM is getting a few good licks in, as seen in this story from Australia:Michael Bloomberg torn to shreds in Democratic debate by Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden

Glenn E. Meyer
02-20-2020, 12:13 AM
They are all running to study up on the leaders of Crapistan, Whackmolevia, etc. Someone should ask them who the ruler of Wakanda is at the next debate.

No serious gun denouncing except a Joe shot at Bernie and the manufacturer's protection but that didn't go anywhere.

I go again with my guess of the Bernie, Amy ticket coming out of the convention.

02-20-2020, 01:12 AM
First dim debate I watched any part of. Tonight reinforced why I don't watch the dim debates.

The moderators weren't moderating a damn thing. At one point EW just flat cut a moderator off and just took over things because she had to take up for Amy in a fight she was having with someone else, all the while the moderator was trying to ask someone else a question over them. Hence EW stepping in. I thought for a few minutes I was watching a pack of monkeys having a poo fight. I seriously thought some big dude would appear from backstage with a cattle prod to restore order.

SNL had better be doing a skit on this one, lest they be guilty of comedic dereliction which would be a damn shame. Not one of those bastiges is fit to serve at a buffet, much less the WH...

02-20-2020, 06:38 AM
Is Bloomberg really dumb or really crazy?

I mean a hyper wealthy guy going into a Democratic candidate field, and debate stage, that has visceral hatred for hyper wealthy and capitalism in general.

This isn't going to end well for him.

Its a huge waste of his time, effort, and money. Why bother?

Can't figure him out...

02-20-2020, 06:41 AM
I don't see Warren doing well after this debate.

02-20-2020, 07:49 AM
She gave a shout out to her core supporters


02-20-2020, 08:17 AM
The left eats itself.


Glenn E. Meyer
02-20-2020, 09:13 AM
Trump will never be president - oops. We have no damn idea how the election will turn out. I was impressed by the incompetence of the moderators. Are moderators shit? Chuck Todd, you are bald, live it it. I had great hair, no I don't. So what?

Ditch the high school Spanish. Como esta usted?

Bloomberg - do some oppo research. Biden nailed you on Stop and Frisk. Biden as an equally bad racial crime record. That's how you respond.

There are many nuances to the health care debate. One thing that does piss me off is the refrain that 'you can keep your loved private insurance'.

I don't know about your plans but we went through hell with our private plans. Perhaps Medicare for all isn't the best but stop saying that we loved our plans as a general statement. Maybe the restaurant workers have a good one - not all of us did.

Our school decided to self-insure with some other small schools. Then the financial VP told us that we had to personally negotiate with our docs for price on a visit. That worked out really well - when I asked the office for a price - that started a chaotic screaming match.

Anyway - screw that beloved private plan.

Is it better to call someone a horse faced lesbian or a 'lying dog-faced pony soldier? Ah, the insults of old men. What Malarkey!

Get out the record player and head for the shuffle board.

02-20-2020, 09:32 AM
Sanders - Very smooth on bad policy.
Warren - Knows what's good for me better than I do. I find it impossible to watch her and not see Melissa Click (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/apr/25/melissa-click-former-university-of-missouri-profes/).
Bloomberg - "I've got money to spend to keep telling you why I know what's best for you stupid people." His chances died on his lame non-apology.
Klobuchar - Why is she here? What qualifies her to be POTUS? "I'm a lawyer with lady parts."(??) She's done less than then-Senator Obama, and that's saying not much.
Buttigeig - Pete is the only candidate I would have over for dinner. 3-years consulting for McKinsey does not qualify you for POTUS. Nor does being a small town Mayor.
Biden - Joe hides his deepening vacuousness behind fake anger. Not a good look.

02-20-2020, 09:43 AM
They should just get the old Quaker Oats guy since they're all just copying him anyway...


"Nothing is better for thee than me!"

Warped Mindless
02-20-2020, 10:10 AM
The left eats itself.


The left is about to have an all out civil war with itself.

You have the far left "progressives" who are actually socialist. Mostly under age 40.

Then you have the moderates who are mostly older.

Of course, you also have the left leaning independents but the far left is turning them away which is a win for the right.

Then you have the FAR far left who think even the progressives arent communist enough.

Many people on the left have really gone off the deep end and purchased a one way ticket to Crazy Town and its really turning off the more "sensible" democrats.

If a democrat wins the presidency I predict the democrat party will be fine. If Trump wins again I really do see the democrat party nearly splitting in two.

Personally, im going to sit here with my popcorn, guns, and white privilege and watch the left destroy themselves.

Dog Guy
02-20-2020, 11:05 AM
https://www.yahoo.com/news/revenge-against-deplorables-193717988.html has a pretty good take on Bloomberg.
ETA: Basically says that Bloomberg's approach is to be proudly elitist since the elites are clearly the only ones who are elite enough to manage the affairs of the inadequately elite.

02-20-2020, 11:14 AM
The left eats itself.


Me and a certain PF member were chuckling over that yesterday. The little white guy looks exactly like how I would envision "liberal white guy that will start a fight that will be broken up".

02-20-2020, 11:22 AM

02-20-2020, 11:23 AM
Bloomberg's line did seem to be "I'm truly sorry that I got caught".

02-20-2020, 01:40 PM
After watching the debate, Biden is DONE. Looks like Warren is courting Klobuchar as her running mate and I can’t fathom the appeal of Buttigieg.

Laughed a lot. Stayed pretty cool with the mud slinging. I saw some old white guys ranting incoherently.

Can we just please pass some legislation to keep billionaires, and anyone over 70 out of the WH. Actors, professional wrestlers, car salesmen, swamp people or anyone who has held public office would still be acceptable.

Candidates should be means tested. If you're net worth is more than a billion, that means you can't run.

02-20-2020, 01:46 PM
Bloomberg's line did seem to be "I'm truly sorry that I got caught".

He's sorry he has a terrible reputation with women and minorities but it's never too late to change course. :D

He probably called Liz today and apologized.

02-20-2020, 01:46 PM
Can we just please pass some legislation to keep billionaires, and anyone over 70 out of the WH
The Wife agrees completely, although her cutoff is 65.

02-20-2020, 01:59 PM
The Wife agrees completely, although her cutoff is 65.

Age discrimination isn't necessarily a bad thing here. One needs to know one's limitations and I see a lot of people in their 70/80's who don't recognize those.

02-20-2020, 02:15 PM
The Wife agrees completely, although her cutoff is 65.

65 is the cutoff for commercial airline pilots, and 62 is mandatory retirement in the military, makes sense to me to limit the President to the similar. Maybe a maximum age for inauguration at 62 or 63 but then not allowed a second term.

Doesn’t sound like a bad idea for Congress too, which would help with turnover as well.

02-20-2020, 02:21 PM
Well, since Trump has named himself the chief law enforcement officer...perhaps he should step down. ;)

A. CSRS and FERS law enforcement officers and firefighters are subject to mandatory retirement at age 57 if they have 20 years of service. An agency head can retain an LEO until age 60 if he finds that the employee's continued service is in the public interest. The FBI has limited authority to raise the age to 65.

02-20-2020, 02:24 PM
65 is the cutoff for commercial airline pilots, and 62 is mandatory retirement in the military, makes sense to me to limit the President to the similar. Maybe a maximum age for inauguration at 62 or 63 but then not allowed a second term.

Doesn’t sound like a bad idea for Congress too, which would help with turnover as well.

As Doge say, one post such brilliance!

Joe in PNG
02-20-2020, 03:08 PM
Bloomberg would make a great villain in a "Caddyshack" remake.

02-20-2020, 03:36 PM
Bloomberg would make a great villain in a "Caddyshack" remake.

Here's another one.


02-20-2020, 03:57 PM
As Doge say, one post such brilliance!

I agree, term limits for Congress, and, mandatory permanent retirement from politics at 62,(meaning you cannot run for any federal,state, county, or local offices again) regardless if you’re term is finished or not. (hit the age limit and there’s still two years left on your term? Tough shit, you’re leaving, someone else will pick up the slack) None of these offices were ever designed to be lifetime careers, and it’s long past time to throw these scum suckers out, and keep them out..One should not hold a elected office, at any level, and be showing signs of dementia....

The Citizens United ruling should also be overturned, campaign contributions should be limited to a maximum of $200 per family, $500 per corporation, $0 from foreign entities, countries. Anyone caught cooking the books, taking money from foreign entities, countries, their campaign would be immediately disqualified, and their name removed from the ballots, Make these fuckers sweat..After all, when the Government fears the people, there is liberty, when the people fear the government, there is tyranny..

02-20-2020, 03:59 PM
First dim debate I watched any part of. Tonight reinforced why I don't watch the dim debates.

The moderators weren't moderating a damn thing. At one point EW just flat cut a moderator off and just took over things because she had to take up for Amy in a fight she was having with someone else, all the while the moderator was trying to ask someone else a question over them. Hence EW stepping in. I thought for a few minutes I was watching a pack of monkeys having a poo fight. I seriously thought some big dude would appear from backstage with a cattle prod to restore order.

SNL had better be doing a skit on this one, lest they be guilty of comedic dereliction which would be a damn shame. Not one of those bastiges is fit to serve at a buffet, much less the WH...

I can't watch them either but I watched the highlights on YT. I do the same thing with NFL games. 10 minutes will tell you everything you need to know. My wife accuses me of having attention deficit disorder which I readily admit to. I just barely made it thru HS but did OK in college. It wasn't easy however. James Carville has the same problem so I don't feel so bad.:D

Bart Carter
02-20-2020, 06:07 PM
...campaign contributions should be limited ... $0 from foreign entities, countries...

How about stopping enrichment of politicians that form "charities" and rake in millions in "donations"?

02-20-2020, 06:27 PM
How about stopping enrichment of politicians that form "charities" and rake in millions in "donations"?

You aren't referring to the Clinton Foundation by chance, are you? Blame the IRS tax code because there's always somebody that will leverage that. I actually know someone personally that uses it for a fairly substantial income. No it isn't me. I'm can barely pay the rent. ;)

02-20-2020, 06:28 PM
How about stopping enrichment of politicians that form "charities" and rake in millions in "donations"?
I’m fine with that, too.. It’s long past due that we have a system that continually monitors politicians 24/7, and when they get caught doing something illegal, instantaneous removal from office, a quick trial followed by most of the rest of their lives in prison at hard labor. After all, its ok for them to monitor us, via the NSA... It would be my goal to make politicians in this country afraid of the people...

02-20-2020, 06:32 PM
I’m fine with that, too.. It’s long past due that we have a system that continually monitors politicians 24/7, and when they get caught doing something illegal, instantaneous removal from office, a quick trial followed by most of the rest of their lives in prison at hard labor. After all, its ok for them to monitor us, via the NSA... It would be my goal to make politicians in this country afraid of the people...

I agree. They should be given a fair trial and then hung. Law west of the Pecos. A few mistakes were made but not enough to worry about.:D

Bart Carter
02-20-2020, 06:33 PM
You aren't referring to the Clinton Foundation by chance, are you? Blame the IRS tax code because there's always somebody that will leverage that...

Ahhh, who exactly wrote the IRS tax code again? :p

02-20-2020, 06:54 PM
Ahhh, who exactly wrote the IRS tax code again? :p

I know it wasn't me. I just did my taxes. :D

Bernie Sanders probably had something to do with it.

02-20-2020, 07:23 PM

02-20-2020, 08:17 PM
I agree. They should be given a fair trial and then hung. Law west of the Pecos. A few mistakes were made but not enough to worry about.:D

Yeah, but pilloried first, so their "constituents" (whose interests they never represented) could pee on them and pelt them with rotten eggs and garbage.

Kanye Wyoming
02-20-2020, 08:52 PM
Mark Steyn was on Tucker Carlson tonight and was at the top of his game. He was talking about Bloomberg’s NDAs and said (paraphrasing) Bloomberg is now going to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to have everyone who watched the debate sign an NDA.

Joe in PNG
02-20-2020, 08:56 PM
To be brutally honest, looking at a broad spectrum of my fellow American citizens- our various representatives are, sadly, a pretty fair representation.

02-20-2020, 09:34 PM
Mark Steyn was on Tucker Carlson tonight and was at the top of his game. He was talking about Bloomberg’s NDAs and said (paraphrasing) Bloomberg is now going to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to have everyone who watched the debate sign an NDA.

NDA's are like prenuptial agreements. If your soon-to-be asks you to sign one you probably should be looking someplace else.

02-21-2020, 06:46 AM
Bloomberg took a real ass whipping the other night, but he also brought some key talking points to the surface. For example, when he openly stated that the removal of capitalism from our economy was a bad idea, he was BOOED by the audience.

LOL. Where are they finding these rooms full of idiots?

And while Bloomberg made a good jab at Bernie regarding his wealth, he'd have cut a lot deeper if he asked Capt. Communism just where all of his money came from. The dude has never had a job in his entire life. And they're all up there talking about "corrupt politicians."


Josh Runkle
02-21-2020, 08:14 AM
NDA's are like prenuptial agreements. If your soon-to-be asks you to sign one you probably should be looking someplace else.

Only commenting since my Tapatalk swipe “liked” this post.

I agree that a friend or significant other asking you to sign an NDA is bullshit. It means that they don’t truly trust you to love them enough to protect their secrets from becoming public.

On the other hand, I think NDA’s are great for a lot of industrial/commercial purposes. They lay out expectations for parties ahead of time and allow a lot more information to be shared, which can benefit both the employee and company.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-21-2020, 08:42 AM
Only commenting since my Tapatalk swipe “liked” this post.

I agree that a friend or significant other asking you to sign an NDA is bullshit. It means that they don’t truly trust you to love them enough to protect their secrets from becoming public.

On the other hand, I think NDA’s are great for a lot of industrial/commercial purposes. They lay out expectations for parties ahead of time and allow a lot more information to be shared, which can benefit both the employee and company.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
In settling a civil claim, like workplace harassment, an NDA is routine.
Why would I pay someone to settle a claim against me and still allow them to talk bad about me?
Pretty basic.

That said..... Bloomberg being unprepared to answer that question shows that he's just phoning it in. Relying on his money to be able to outspend his lack of preparation and I-know-better-then-you attitude.

the Schwartz
02-21-2020, 11:10 AM
In settling a civil claim, like workplace harassment, an NDA is routine.
Why would I pay someone to settle a claim against me and still allow them to talk bad about me?
Pretty basic.

That said..... Bloomberg being unprepared to answer that question shows that he's just phoning it in. Relying on his money to be able to outspend his lack of preparation and I-know-better-then-you attitude.

Your right, of course. It—his ''I-know-better-than-you attitude''—makes him nothing more than a typical liberal.

I have to say that I enjoyed the latest Dem debate. Laughed my head off through the whole thing. You can't write comedy like that.

And, what is really funny is that they all believe the poo they're spewing.

02-21-2020, 11:13 AM
Bloomberg re harassment

"I made mistakes in my words and deeds which I have apologized,learned from and paid for...pivot to... this is how we beat DT. Repeat as needed.

Bloomberg re stop and frisk

"During a time when murders in NYC went from 650 to 650-x, the NYPD went too far with stop and frisk. In retrospect, we made a mistake and I now understand how a community policing model is a better way to combat violent crime...pivot to...and this is the way we are going to beat DT. Repeat as needed.

He was woefully under prepared and/or he did not take the preparation he was given to heart. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. If he was not up for that debate and given that he is not even on the NV ballot, IMHO, it was a big tactical mistake to go on the debate stage less than razor sharp.


Joe in PNG
02-21-2020, 03:58 PM
He was woefully under prepared and/or he did not take the preparation he was given to heart. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. If he was not up for that debate and given that he is not even on the NV ballot, IMHO, it was a big tactical mistake to go on the debate stage less than razor sharp.

It's probably been a few decades since he's ever had anyone tell him anything he didn't want to hear, and that shows.

Jumping in late like this was also a tactical mistake. It's a lot like that jerk in the BMW who wants to zoom to the head of a traffic jam, past all the cars who have already merged, and get let in ahead of the drivers who have been waiting to get into the construction lane. People hate that.

People are also bringing up Trump comparisons, but while both are crass, rich New Yawkers, there is an essential difference. At this point in 2016, Trump had a lot of people who were actually for him, personally.
One of my political guidelines is that one doesn't win elections by running against people, but by having something people can be for. Mini Mike comes across as being all for Mini Mike, and I'm really not seeing a lot of signs of support for the guy (and polls are only slightly less accurate than the entrails of a sheep).

02-21-2020, 04:15 PM
It's probably been a few decades since he's ever had anyone tell him anything he didn't want to hear, and that shows.

Jumping in late like this was also a tactical mistake. It's a lot like that jerk in the BMW who wants to zoom to the head of a traffic jam, past all the cars who have already merged, and get let in ahead of the drivers who have been waiting to get into the construction lane. People hate that.

People are also bringing up Trump comparisons, but while both are crass, rich New Yawkers, there is an essential difference. At this point in 2016, Trump had a lot of people who were actually for him, personally.
One of my political guidelines is that one doesn't win elections by running against people, but by having something people can be for. Mini Mike comes across as being all for Mini Mike, and I'm really not seeing a lot of signs of support for the guy (and polls are only slightly less accurate than the entrails of a sheep).

I've never been a fan of Bloomberg or what he represented for NYC. That said, I think the biggest thing Trump had going for him was Hillary. I don't think you can overestimate how much people disliked her, her style and her brand. (The 2nd Amendment aside, since it's such an obvious factor here on this site, it doesn't even bear mentioning.)

Trump, a man who had no discernible identity as a Democrat nor a Republican, who essentially stood for nothing personally but his own brand, was in my view, simply a gun for hire, an ad man and carnival barker who would say whatever you wanted him to for the support promised. I don't believe the man has any fundamental beliefs beyond how they profit him or his family...

...and yet that was enough to gain my vote...because he wasn't Hillary, there was a chance he would "do no harm" re the 2nd Amendment, and possibly put some judges in so that we might actually get some judicial precedents supported by the spirit of the Constitution.

But "for him" personally? I can only imagine others like him or with similar financial interests who could really be for him.

He's basically running uncontested in this election...in my own personal view. (I know that's not the feeling around the country, as there are many millions who will turn up at the ballot box to challenge his incumbency.) I only wish there were a viable alternative that shared the values I treasure most about this country. He doesn't measure up in my view and I detest being faced with choosing the least worst option...again...or not choosing at all if it comes to it.

Joe in PNG
02-21-2020, 04:25 PM
Trump, a man who had no discernible identity as a Democrat nor a Republican, who essentially stood for nothing personally but his own brand, was in my view, simply a gun for hire, an ad man and carnival barker who would say whatever you wanted him to for the support promised. I don't believe the man has any fundamental beliefs beyond how they profit him or his family...

...and yet that was enough to gain my vote...because he wasn't Hillary, there was a chance he would "do no harm" re the 2nd Amendment, and possibly put some judges in so that we might actually get some judicial precedents supported by the spirit of the Constitution.

But "for him" personally? I can only imagine others like him or with similar financial interests who could really be for him.

I knew a lot of people in early 2016 who were seriously sold on MAGA and Drain The Swamp, and not just Beat Hillary. They may have not liked his crass ways, but they liked what he was selling, and supported him. The Hillary thing was enough to put him over.

This kind of positive support is what is essential. While Beat the Other Party is an important factor, it alone is not a winning strategy. Beat Obama didn't work for Romney in 2012, and Beat Bill didn't work for Dole in 96. And Bill didn't run on Beat George in 92- he sold himself and what he could do.

02-21-2020, 04:27 PM
I knew a lot of people in early 2016 who were seriously sold on MAGA and Drain The Swamp, and not just Beat Hillary. They may have not liked his crass ways, but they liked what he was selling, and supported him. The Hillary thing was enough to put him over.

This kind of positive support is what is essential. While Beat the Other Party is an important factor, it cannot be the sole winning strategy. Beat Obama didn't work for Romney in 2012, and Beat Bill didn't work for Dole in 96. And Bill didn't run on Beat George in 92- he sold himself and what he could do.

If only I'd seen evidence of the swamp being drained. I just see newer and more resistant mutations dwelling in the place of others formerly living in the muck.

NH Shooter
02-21-2020, 04:29 PM
If only I'd seen evidence of the swamp being drained. I just see newer and more resistant mutations dwelling in the place of others formerly living in the muck.

You can drain the swamp, but without term limitations the swamp critters remain.

02-21-2020, 05:38 PM
You can drain the swamp, but without term limitations the swamp critters remain.

I agree, until term limits are in place, the swamp is going to continue on.. At least with term limits, we the people, can get a change up every so often, and then there’s the possibility that without having to worry about getting re-elected, Congress could actually get things done besides endless investigations, and impeachment attempts, you know, actually take care of the country’s business/issues that need addressed.. But, who am I fooling.. the pigs in congress are never going to vote themselves away from the trough..

Honestly, at this point, I see change coming in one of two ways..
A. When the money runs out, and the EBT cards quit working, expect rioting within days of that happening.
B. From the end of a rifle barrel.. this is, IMO the least preferable option, as what happens after, is anyone’s guess, But, could easily devolve into this as a result of “A” above..
The point is, change is likely to come from force, rather than voluntarily..

Wondering Beard
02-21-2020, 06:12 PM
I agree, until term limits are in place, the swamp is going to continue on..

The "swamp" is not primarily made of up of elected critters but rather bureaucrats.

02-21-2020, 06:32 PM
The "swamp" is not primarily made of up of elected critters but rather bureaucrats.

That may be so, but many of those bureaucrats were appointed by the elected critters, So, IMO, they’re cut from the same cloth..

Josh Runkle
02-21-2020, 08:35 PM
I knew a lot of people in early 2016 who were seriously sold on MAGA and Drain The Swamp, and not just Beat Hillary. They may have not liked his crass ways, but they liked what he was selling, and supported him. The Hillary thing was enough to put him over.

This kind of positive support is what is essential. While Beat the Other Party is an important factor, it alone is not a winning strategy. Beat Obama didn't work for Romney in 2012, and Beat Bill didn't work for Dole in 96. And Bill didn't run on Beat George in 92- he sold himself and what he could do.

In a very small sample size here in Ohio, nearly every conservative I knew in 2016 either voted anti-Hilary or third party. Of the 100 or so people I knew voting for Trump, only 2 were voting pro-Trump in 2016 (rather than just anti-Hilary). Nearly all of them are voting pro-Trump in 2020, I just never saw that from nearly anyone in 2016.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-21-2020, 09:30 PM
Donald must've really pissed Vlad off by fucking with the German gas line. Since Vlad has this penchant for subtlety, like leaving traces of Russian military grade radioactive shit or gas around, I'd take this as another subtle message to all interested parties.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/bernie-sanders-briefed-by-us-officials-that-russia-is-trying-to-help-his-presidential-campaign/2020/02/21/5ad396a6-54bd-11ea-929a-64efa7482a77_story.html (https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/bernie-sanders-briefed-by-us-officials-that-russia-is-trying-to-help-his-presidential-campaign/2020/02/21/5ad396a6-54bd-11ea-929a-64efa7482a77_story.html)

Joe in PNG
02-21-2020, 09:31 PM
In a very small sample size here in Ohio, nearly every conservative I knew in 2016 either voted anti-Hilary or third party. Of the 100 or so people I knew voting for Trump, only 2 were voting pro-Trump in 2016 (rather than just anti-Hilary). Nearly all of them are voting pro-Trump in 2020, I just never saw that from nearly anyone in 2016.

Central Florida was just the opposite. There was a LOT of enthusiastic pro-Trump people in my personal circle, and lots of folks sporting bumper stickers & yard signs long before the convention.

I should mention that I was not happy about voting for the guy until it was time to mark the ballot, so I did get a chance to have a lot of arguments with supporters, both in real life and online.

02-21-2020, 11:48 PM
I only wish there were a viable alternative that shared the values I treasure most about this country. He doesn't measure up in my view and I detest being faced with choosing the least worst option...again...or not choosing at all if it comes to it.

Amen, Brother Blues.

I foresee a second election (in my voting lifetime) where I look at the General Election candidates and say, with a heavy heart “is this really the best we can do?”

I want to apply a higher standard than “who will do the least damage to our country in the next four years?”

02-22-2020, 09:55 AM
Donald must've really pissed Vlad off by fucking with the German gas line. Since Vlad has this penchant for subtlety, like leaving traces of Russian military grade radioactive shit or gas around, I'd take this as another subtle message to all interested parties.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/bernie-sanders-briefed-by-us-officials-that-russia-is-trying-to-help-his-presidential-campaign/2020/02/21/5ad396a6-54bd-11ea-929a-64efa7482a77_story.html (https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/bernie-sanders-briefed-by-us-officials-that-russia-is-trying-to-help-his-presidential-campaign/2020/02/21/5ad396a6-54bd-11ea-929a-64efa7482a77_story.html)

This might be deeply concerning had we not just lived through four fucking years of Russian paranoia fueled by the DOJ and the "intelligence community" fabricating a bunch of shit.

In the intervening years and with all the multitudinous investigations we have since learned that claims that the DNC got "hacked" by the Russians rely on the statements of a politically connected DNC contractor and nothing was ever independently verified by the FBI because the DNC wouldn't allow their servers to be examined. Which might have been useful seeing as how the person at the top of the D ticket had actually destroyed evidence in a previous investigation, but whatevs.

They got a "dossier" full of nonsense from a foreigner...who, got a lot of the information from a known Russian disinformation specialist...and then broke several laws in the effort to use that as the basis of a warrant to spy on a political campaign predicated on the fear of "russian collusion!". Key figures then selectively leaked information from these investigations to the media, and lied to federal investigators about having done so. Crimes they were referred for criminally, but surprise surprise...nobody seems inclined to prosecute them.

Meanwhile a staffer on the Senate Intelligence Committee leaks what turns out to have been AN ILLEGALLY OBTAINED WARRANT to his reporter girlfriend despite the fact that this was still classified information. He gets caught, lies to investigators, gets charged with a series of serious crimes, and his lawyers file notice to call a bunch of senators from the SIC to testify. Shortly thereafter a letter emerges from that senate committee requesting lenience for the poor dear and he gets a slap on the wrist for worse shit than Roger Stone or Mike Flynn did. But whatevs.

As a consequence of all this leaking (that the officials lied about) we get a special counsel "investigation" that we were promised for years was drawing the noose around Donald Trump and was going to expose him as the Russian "asset" he was. Or at least that's what Rachel Maddow, Adam Schiff, and CNN said. Every. Goddamn. Day.

Only to find out in July that nah, that was never the case.

So color me 9 flavors of fucking skeptical about the Russian threat narrative suddenly emerging yet again when the DC club doesn't like how the election is shaping up.

I wouldn't make Bernie Sanders dog catcher. He would be an unmitigated disaster as a president. Dude can't even keep control of a microphone against half naked vegans.

But I would much rather see Breadline Bernie elected than allow this cabal of oath-violating fucksticks to continue to fuck with elections. If Bernie gets elected, at least people's votes matter. But if this cabal of fucking traitors doesn't get cleaned up then votes don't fucking matter anymore.

Russian facebook ads are nowhere near the level of threat that the PROVEN OUTRIGHT CRIMINALITY taking place in the "intelligence community" and the DOJ is.

The only help Breadline Bernie is getting from the Russians is the decades of communist agitprop that has been fed into our country (lest anyone forget how many important government, academic, and media figures were on the KGB payroll) by the actual communists. Most of whom are dead now, even though their poison lives on. The fact that people actually believe communism is a good idea helps Bernie out. But that's about it.

02-22-2020, 10:07 AM
That may be so, but many of those bureaucrats were appointed by the elected critters, So, IMO, they’re cut from the same cloth..

What we have at the moment is the bureaucrats using their powers to try and make sure they have control over who gets elected and what they can do once in office.

Like Lt. Colonels on the NSC trying to get investigations started because the guy elected to be president disagrees with the "inter agency consensus" on something.

02-22-2020, 10:32 AM
Donald must've really pissed Vlad off by fucking with the German gas line. Since Vlad has this penchant for subtlety, like leaving traces of Russian military grade radioactive shit or gas around, I'd take this as another subtle message to all interested parties.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/bernie-sanders-briefed-by-us-officials-that-russia-is-trying-to-help-his-presidential-campaign/2020/02/21/5ad396a6-54bd-11ea-929a-64efa7482a77_story.html (https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/bernie-sanders-briefed-by-us-officials-that-russia-is-trying-to-help-his-presidential-campaign/2020/02/21/5ad396a6-54bd-11ea-929a-64efa7482a77_story.html)

That is ironic. Trump had to ask the Russians to help him. Bernie just gets it without asking. Does this mean we will have a socialist president in 2020?

02-22-2020, 10:44 AM
That is ironic. Trump had to ask the Russians to help him. Bernie just gets it without asking. Does this mean we will have a socialist president in 2020?


"I see much of interest in your future. You will shortly be visiting with many of your friends here and providing reviews on new equipment."


Warped Mindless
02-22-2020, 11:23 AM
I keep hearing people say things like "Trump would dominate Bernie in the general."

Would he? Im not so sure. I live in a pretty red area and yet I have still came across quite a few Trump voters who have said they would vote for Bernie if he becomes the nominee.

Personally, I hate Bernie and think he is a complete POS, but I also recognize that he has a very good chance of beating Trump if he becomes the nominee.

Im not a huge Trump fan but a Bernie presidency would bad.

02-22-2020, 11:35 AM
Trump, a man who had no discernible identity as a Democrat nor a Republican, who essentially stood for nothing personally but his own brand, was in my view, simply a gun for hire, an ad man and carnival barker who would say whatever you wanted him to for the support promised. I don't believe the man has any fundamental beliefs beyond how they profit him or his family...

...and yet that was enough to gain my vote...because he wasn't Hillary, there was a chance he would "do no harm" re the 2nd Amendment, and possibly put some judges in so that we might actually get some judicial precedents supported by the spirit of the Constitution.

But "for him" personally? I can only imagine others like him or with similar financial interests who could really be for him.

He's basically running uncontested in this election...in my own personal view. (I know that's not the feeling around the country, as there are many millions who will turn up at the ballot box to challenge his incumbency.) I only wish there were a viable alternative that shared the values I treasure most about this country. He doesn't measure up in my view and I detest being faced with choosing the least worst option...again...or not choosing at all if it comes to it.

An articulate representation of my own perspective, sir.

How unfortunate that our country has come to such a time and circumstance, when genuine and well-considered patriotism (rather than the opportunistic rah-rah drum-beating faux sort) and belief in and stalwart support for our Constitution (rather than mere lip service toward it) are only remembered shadows, and the best choice that we're given as supposedly representing "our side" is a greedy and self-interested incumbent billionaire who gives every indication of being woefully ignorant of history and careless of ethics, against those alternative POTUS candidates who pander to newer generations' anticipation of a socialist utopia with "free everything" with never-ending handouts, and who view the Constitution not as a unique document setting forth carefully-considered guidelines and rules for enacting and retaining our freedoms, but as an outmoded and unreasonably restrictive parchment rag which limits their abilities to enact their "wiser" and "more-modern" policies.

A truly awful Hobson's Choice for conservatively-inclined adults (some of whom have been around as far back as the presidencies of Truman and Eisenhower, and remember qualities like honor and dignity in a President), since they will either vote for Trump or simply refrain from voting, but obviously without enthusiasm in either case.

Wondering Beard
02-22-2020, 11:36 AM
That may be so, but many of those bureaucrats were appointed by the elected critters, So, IMO, they’re cut from the same cloth..

I don't worry much about the politically appointed heads and deputies, but the unelected directors of, for example, HR, budget, personnel etc.. for any 'insert your acronym here' agency wield an enormous amount of power over regular folks that congress critters rarely have any clue about, and those bureaucrats are constantly in the lobbying to civil service revolving door. The only members of congress that could exercise meaningful oversight over the bureaucrats are those who have been there long enough to figure out the labyrinth that is bureaucratic DC. Not only does that take an incredibly long time (as in 8 years minimum), but by that time the politician has likely become an insider and supporter of that system, while the newly elected one is floundering, trying to figure out which way is up.

Wondering Beard
02-22-2020, 12:18 PM
For your amusement and a bit of edification:





02-22-2020, 12:19 PM
An articulate representation of my own perspective, sir.

How unfortunate that our country has come to such a time and circumstance, when genuine and well-considered patriotism (rather than the opportunistic rah-rah drum-beating faux sort) and belief in and stalwart support for our Constitution (rather than mere lip service toward it) are only remembered shadows, and the best choice that we're given as supposedly representing "our side" is a greedy and self-interested incumbent billionaire who gives every indication of being woefully ignorant of history and careless of ethics, against those alternative POTUS candidates who pander to newer generations' anticipation of a socialist utopia with "free everything" with never-ending handouts, and who view the Constitution not as a unique document setting forth carefully-considered guidelines and rules for enacting and retaining our freedoms, but as an outmoded and unreasonably restrictive parchment rag which limits their abilities to enact their "wiser" and "more-modern" policies.

A truly awful Hobson's Choice for conservatively-inclined adults (some of whom have been around as far back as the presidencies of Truman and Eisenhower, and remember qualities like honor and dignity in a President), since they will either vote for Trump or simply refrain from voting, but obviously without enthusiasm in either case.

You honor me with your support and good words.

Kyle Reese
02-22-2020, 12:26 PM
Well, the one net positive that we’ll see if Bernie wins the nomination and general election is no more grousing about the Bad Orange Man. It’ll be endless praise for our new Chairman, right?

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02-22-2020, 12:33 PM
Well, the one net positive that we’ll see if Bernie wins the nomination and general election is no more grousing about the Bad Orange Man. It’ll be endless praise for our new Chairman, right?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

"Curb Your Enthusiasm" will become the official TV show through which the exalted leader communicates with the public.

02-22-2020, 12:38 PM
The establishment wing of the Democratic party despises the Bernie/AOC radical socialist wing of their party. If Bernie has the most of delegates, but not enough to win on the first ballot, the DNC will do a harsh political calculation. The DNC will realize that the Democrats will lose badly to Trump, regardless of which weak candidate that they nominate. The DNC will then decide to just go ahead and give the nomination to Bernie via the superdelegates (which they don't have to do).
Here's why. When Bernie goes down to a Trump landslide, and he will, the Democrats can say "See, we tried a socialist and America rejected him in spades, so let's get back to establishment candidates to give us a chance going forward." That profound loss will allow the Democrat establishment to jettison their radical wing to the back bench again.

Kanye Wyoming
02-22-2020, 01:01 PM
"Curb Your Enthusiasm" will become the official TV show through which the exalted leader communicates with the public.
The one and only one consolation if Bernie wins will be seeing Larry David’s impression of him on SNL every week.

Perhaps another one - things will go so badly for 4 years that we’ll have put socialism to bed for the next 50 years.

Warped Mindless
02-22-2020, 02:13 PM
The establishment wing of the Democratic party despises the Bernie/AOC radical socialist wing of their party. If Bernie has the most of delegates, but not enough to win on the first ballot, the DNC will do a harsh political calculation. The DNC will realize that the Democrats will lose badly to Trump, regardless of which weak candidate that they nominate. The DNC will then decide to just go ahead and give the nomination to Bernie via the superdelegates (which they don't have to do).
Here's why. When Bernie goes down to a Trump landslide, and he will, the Democrats can say "See, we tried a socialist and America rejected him in spades, so let's get back to establishment candidates to give us a chance going forward." That profound loss will allow the Democrat establishment to jettison their radical wing to the back bench again.

Another person claiming Trump would easily beat Bernie yet im not seeing evidence of that. I know some polls show that but we have seen how reliable polls are.

I've met quite a few former Trump voters who said they would vote for Bernie over Trump if he won the nomination. Whats surprising is that I live in a very red area and some of these people have been life long republicans.

Bernie also has a highly energetic and passionate cult following.

I hate Bernie but we should be cautious believing he woulfld be no match for Trump.

the Schwartz
02-22-2020, 02:22 PM
The one and only one consolation if Bernie wins will be seeing Larry David’s impression of him on SNL every week.

Perhaps another one - things will go so badly for 4 years that we’ll have put socialism to bed for the next 50 years.

Which is sad commentary on its own face. History, and the present, is replete with examples of the failures of Socialism, however, it seems that we might have to learn about those failures the hard way by directly experiencing them ourselves.

Totem Polar
02-22-2020, 02:28 PM
Bernie also has a highly energetic and passionate cult following.

I hate Bernie but we should be cautious believing he woulfld be no match for Trump.

I think Bernie would have won the last election, had the DNC made a less overtly corrupt choice.

This time around, it’s not such a slam dunk. Bernie has suffered a bit in the image dept (mostly by being an angry rich old white guy), and Trump has exceeded many voter’s expectations of him—by which I mean: a lot of nose-holding swing voters had extremely low expectations of Trump going into 2017, and he seems to have been a surprise in that regard, if not always a welcome one.

What remains to be seen is how many of the same voters who kept their mouths shut throughout the entire campaign season, and then quietly voted for Trump have been paying attention to the D party’s behavior since then. I’d like to think that a lot of folks have been silently observing the tantrums... but nothing surprises me these days.

OMMV, of course.

02-22-2020, 03:26 PM
Another person claiming Trump would easily beat Bernie yet im not seeing evidence of that. I know some polls show that but we have seen how reliable polls are.

I've met quite a few former Trump voters who said they would vote for Bernie over Trump if he won the nomination. Whats surprising is that I live in a very red area and some of these people have been life long republicans.

Bernie also has a highly energetic and passionate cult following.

I hate Bernie but we should be cautious believing he woulfld be no match for Trump.

Warped, I agree, predicting the future can be tricky. I say let’s put Bernie and socialism up against Trump and capitalism in a head to head and find out where Americans really stand! IF the election is an overwhelming landslide for Trump, can we finally put the socialists to bed???

02-22-2020, 03:28 PM

"I see much of interest in your future. You will shortly be visiting with many of your friends here and providing reviews on new equipment."


As long as they don't give me a short handled shovel I should be OK. ;)

02-22-2020, 03:48 PM
Which is sad commentary on its own face. History, and the present, is replete with examples of the failures of Socialism, however, it seems that we might have to learn about those failures the hard way by directly experiencing them ourselves.

This country needs a few lessons. The first one should be in economics. Socialism will provide that because the first thing that will happen is a yuge stock market crash. Once that happens corporations will lose working capital. When the economy grinds to a halt unemployment will skyrocket. No employment, no credit to buy a car or a house. With fewer people working tax revenue will fall and social services will be cut, not enhanced. There will be no guaranteed jobs, no medicare for all and no free college tuition. Should be a fun 4 or 8 years and it will make what we have now seem like we were all living in luxury.

Then in another 100 years we'll forget it ever happened.

Dog Guy
02-22-2020, 03:50 PM
I think Bernie would have won the last election, had the DNC made a less overtly corrupt choice.

This time around, it’s not such a slam dunk. Bernie has suffered a bit in the image dept (mostly by being an angry rich old white guy), and Trump has exceeded many voter’s expectations of him—by which I mean: a lot of nose-holding swing voters had extremely low expectations of Trump going into 2017, and he seems to have been a surprise in that regard, if not always a welcome one.

What remains to be seen is how many of the same voters who kept their mouths shut throughout the entire campaign season, and then quietly voted for Trump have been paying attention to the D party’s behavior since then. I’d like to think that a lot of folks have been silently observing the tantrums... but nothing surprises me these days.

OMMV, of course.

A case in point is my 93 year old very conservative mother who has never voted Dem in a presidential or congressional election in her life. She is so revolted by Trumps low-life behavior and his demands for sycophantic loyalty that she absolutely will not vote for him this year. Whether she votes Dem or sits it out remains to be seen.

02-22-2020, 03:52 PM
My wife just told me that Clint Eastwood has thrown his support to Bloomberg. (Somewhat surprised but not entirely. Plus I don't care who an actor pulls for.)

02-22-2020, 04:37 PM
My wife just told me that Clint Eastwood has thrown his support to Bloomberg. (Somewhat surprised but not entirely. Plus I don't care who an actor pulls for.)

Maybe he mistook Bloomberg for an empty chair.

02-22-2020, 04:41 PM
This is really off topic for this thread but the only thing I keep thinking about is who the republican candidate will be in 2024. I’m ready for the 2020 shit show to be over.

02-22-2020, 05:42 PM
What we have at the moment is the bureaucrats using their powers to try and make sure they have control over who gets elected and what they can do once in office.

Like Lt. Colonels on the NSC trying to get investigations started because the guy elected to be president disagrees with the "inter agency consensus" on something.

Maybe I’m out of my lane here, but if I’m not mistaken, the president is also the commander in chief, I don’t see any reason why said LT Colonels couldn’t get busted down to First Lt, and then shipped off to Alaska, when they pull this shit.

02-22-2020, 05:49 PM
Maybe I’m out of my lane here, but if I’m not mistaken, the president is also the commander in chief, I don’t see any reason why said LT Colonels couldn’t get busted down to First Lt, and then shipped off to Alaska, when they pull this shit.

Maybe he can render and write Supreme Court opinions as well. Heck, he can do any job since he's also the nation's top cop. Patrol Chicago? He's on it. Seems the only thing he can't do is fight a battle himself. Bone spurs...dagnabit. He'd have been great at it though. Just ask him.

(Somewhat sarcastic. Sue me. I may have had an adult beverage prior to posting. ;))

02-22-2020, 06:12 PM
Maybe he mistook Bloomberg for an empty chair.

10 bonus points. :D

02-22-2020, 06:16 PM
Maybe I’m out of my lane here, but if I’m not mistaken, the president is also the commander in chief, I don’t see any reason why said LT Colonels couldn’t get busted down to First Lt, and then shipped off to Alaska, when they pull this shit.

Has to be a military trial. President can't do it. UCMJ. I know first hand. :D

02-22-2020, 06:38 PM
Has to be a military trial. President can't do it. UCMJ.

Not his first rodeo (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/21/us/trump-seals-eddie-gallagher.html)...

Mr. Spencer tried to head off further intervention. On Nov. 14, the Navy secretary sent a note to the president asking him not to get involved again. But Pat A. Cipollone, the White House counsel, called to say Mr. Trump would order Chief Gallagher’s punishment reversed and his rank restored. In addition, he pardoned Major Golsteyn and Lieutenant Lorance.

“This was a shocking and unprecedented intervention in a low-level review,” Mr. Spencer wrote. “It was also a reminder that the president has very little understanding of what it means to be in the military, to fight ethically or to be governed by a uniform set of rules and practices.”

02-22-2020, 07:22 PM
Looks like Bernie is winning the Nevada caucus at the moment.

02-22-2020, 09:20 PM
This might be deeply concerning had we not just lived through four fucking years of Russian paranoia fueled by the DOJ and the "intelligence community" fabricating a bunch of shit...

Bunch of shit or not, as a result we have a U.S. Govt, under the current President, very formally, impose sanctions on and indict several dozen Russian top brass and operatives specifically for the election interference. Needless to say that they don't give a shit about their indictments, but fucking with America has been a favorite recreational activity of KGB/ FSB, GRU, and others, for a long time. They really like mixing business with pleasure. I hope you're not under illusion that they will not try to get into it because they will, with any opportunity they can get.

02-22-2020, 09:38 PM
Not his first rodeo (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/21/us/trump-seals-eddie-gallagher.html)...

Looks like the pres can reverse some things but the military trial has to take place first along with a verdict and sentence. It's a new found authority that he's discovered (or maybe Miller discovered it) and using it to throw a wrench into military discipline and the authority of the UCMJ.

Having served I find this an aberration of the military judicial system. But then I understand why he has no understanding of it. He never served his country. He only served himself.

02-22-2020, 09:48 PM
Bunch of shit or not, as a result we have a U.S. Govt, under the current President, very formally, impose sanctions on and indict several dozen Russian top brass and operatives specifically for the election interference. Needless to say that they don't give a shit about their indictments, but fucking with America has been a favorite recreational activity of KGB/ FSB, GRU, and others, for a long time. They really like mixing business with pleasure. I hope you're not under illusion that they will not try to get into it because they will, with any opportunity they can get.

That's a pretty safe bet. Already on the radar screen. GD Russians are not your friends. I don't care what Trump says. :D

02-23-2020, 09:06 AM
Looks like Bernie is winning the Nevada caucus at the moment.


02-23-2020, 03:24 PM
This country needs a few lessons. The first one should be in economics. Socialism will provide that because the first thing that will happen is a yuge stock market crash. Once that happens corporations will lose working capital. When the economy grinds to a halt unemployment will skyrocket. No employment, no credit to buy a car or a house. With fewer people working tax revenue will fall and social services will be cut, not enhanced. There will be no guaranteed jobs, no medicare for all and no free college tuition. Should be a fun 4 or 8 years and it will make what we have now seem like we were all living in luxury.

Then in another 100 years we'll forget it ever happened.

I couldn’t agree with you more, after 4-8 years of having ol’ Bern at the wheel, I think this country will have had enough of communism.. Trouble is with communism, you can vote your way in, but you’ll likely have to shoot your way out..Communism will not go peacefully, nor will it go willingly, it’ll have to be run out at the point of a rifle barrel..

Speaking of economics, I was watching a vid this morning that suggested that the Corona virus in China is way worse that they want to admit, and the effect on the supply chain in the very near future, they think is going to be dramatic, last week for example, I saw an article on zerohedge, where Jaguar/Land Rover were looking at closing some plants temporarily,because they were running out of Chinese made car parts...And, the plants that were making them, were shut down..Oh well, that’s what happens when you put all your eggs in one basket.. Expect the same to happen here to companies heavily invested in China..

Joe in PNG
02-23-2020, 03:33 PM
At this point, it's kind of obvious that if the Dems can't get together behind someone who isn't Bernie soon, he'll get the nomination.

But the Dem field is pretty much that dinner scene from "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom".

02-23-2020, 03:44 PM
I'd like to point out the implication of "down-ballot" effects. Regardless of my party affiliation, I have tended to prefer divided government, and I think that's not uncommon.

I do wonder how the electorate will vote for House and Senate representation if Bernie is the nominee, and how that would change if a more centrist Dem gets the nomination.

I think that Bernie attracts "anti-establishment" voteers in a somewhat similar fashion that Trump did back in '16. I still think that everyone in the race will be staying in it as long as finances will hold- and to me, that means that we'll get some drop-outs after Super Tuesday ends, and that it'll be a month-long grind after that happens.

02-23-2020, 03:52 PM
I'd like to point out the implication of "down-ballot" effects. Regardless of my party affiliation, I have tended to prefer divided government, and I think that's not uncommon.

I often feel that way as well. Less likely for any one party to "have their way" to one extreme or another.

02-23-2020, 04:12 PM
At this point, it's kind of obvious that if the Dems can't get together behind someone who isn't Bernie soon, he'll get the nomination.

But the Dem field is pretty much that dinner scene from "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom".

538 seems to think Bernie will be the dem candidate after he crushed everyone in NV. I think his chances are better than 50/50, maybe 60/40 now. He'll have the lion's share of the minority vote simply because he's pro labor. Although he's the best known socialist millionaire he talks a good game to the unwashed masses. I know a few millennials that will vote for him.

Joe in PNG
02-23-2020, 04:16 PM
538 seems to think Bernie will be the dem candidate after he crushed everyone in NV. I think his chances are better than 50/50, maybe 60/40 now. He'll have the lion's share of the minority vote simply because he's pro labor. Although he's the best known socialist millionaire he talks a good game to the unwashed masses. I know a few millennials that will vote for him.

And, as per my point above, he's running on more than just "Beat Trump".

02-23-2020, 04:21 PM
I often feel that way as well. Less likely for any one party to "have their way" to one extreme or another.

This is pretty much how I always feel.

Is there a label for this belief system?

Obstructionist? 😎

02-23-2020, 04:40 PM
This is pretty much how I always feel.

Is there a label for this belief system?

Obstructionist? 😎

Middle of the road. Moderate. Even keeled. Temperate. I dunno.

02-23-2020, 08:32 PM
Middle of the road. Moderate. Even keeled. Temperate. I dunno.

I doubt anyone would buy those descriptors applied to me. 😈

But I do find myself feeling more "centrist" than I ever have before. Aside from 2A issues, where I unabashedly call myself an extremist. ("To the right of the NRA" is usually how I put it.)

Issues where I would have been considered left (social) in college are now to the right/center of the Democratic party, and issues where I would have been considered right (economic freedom) are pretty middle-of-the-road now, at least compared to laissez-faire or actual socialism(in the true meaning of "the state controls the means of production.") I believe in fairly unfettered capitalism with a decent social safety net and services.

Totem Polar
02-23-2020, 08:41 PM
*"To the right of the NRA"

*fairly unfettered capitalism

*with a decent social safety net and services.

Add a shot of craft whisky (ey) and a live and let live approach to our bedrooms and free speech, and we can totally hang out.

02-23-2020, 08:47 PM
Add a shot of craft whisky (ey) and a live and let live approach to our bedrooms and free speech, and we can totally hang out.

Just one shot? Piker.

Totem Polar
02-23-2020, 09:03 PM
Just one shot? Piker.

Hey hey hey... it’s a work night.

And I’ve already had a pint of the local craft brew made from the leavings of the artisanal bakery—both just down the block.


02-23-2020, 09:13 PM
This is pretty much how I always feel.

Is there a label for this belief system?

Obstructionist? 😎

This idea has merit.

If Romney or McCain were president during Obama's second term I believe the 2nd Amendment would have taken a serious beating.

02-23-2020, 09:15 PM
At this point, it's kind of obvious that if the Dems can't get together behind someone who isn't Bernie soon, he'll get the nomination.

But the Dem field is pretty much that dinner scene from "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom".

The NBC panel I watched was blasting Bernie something fierce.

Almost Trump levels.

Totem Polar
02-23-2020, 09:18 PM
Seriously, gridlock is good. If we had people in charge who actually cared about the country and the people in it as much as they do their own capital, gridlock would be a shame, but we don't, and it isn’t. JMO.

02-23-2020, 09:35 PM
Add a shot of craft whisky (ey) and a live and let live approach to our bedrooms and free speech, and we can totally hang out.

Just one shot? Stingy.

Yeah, I also think governments have no place in the bedroom (unless you have underage/unwilling participants in your bedroom) and I am for unfettered free speech as long as your speech doesn't involve showing off criminal acts you committed victimizing others (unsimulated kiddie porn and terror/murder porn with real victims are the only things that come to mind--- oh, and knowing fraud).

I haven't drifted too far from my heavily-Heinlein influenced early morality and my very pro-capitalist, who-cares-what-other-people-do upbringing.

I helped push my parents to the right on guns. Mom wouldn't let me have toy guns, then little girls who liked to play "cowboy" burned that red line down. Now dad has a ccw, mom has a pistol, etc.

02-23-2020, 09:35 PM
Both of the major political parties really lean into their worst habits when in control of both the legislature and the executive.

In general, as a voter, there are already sooo many laws, but being legislators being themselves, and usually also being lawyers, want to keep making more and more laws. At least in a divided government, there are some impidements to the process.

I was taking high school civics when Clinton won his re-election. The morning after, our teacher asked the class why we though the Democrats had won the White House, while the Republicans had won Congress. I piped up from the back: "Damage control!"

Joe in PNG
02-23-2020, 10:35 PM
I like gridlock, but kind of wish we had more of it BEFORE most of our busybody regulations and Good Idea Fairy legislation and acres of red tape and all the rest of the bureaucratic nonsense got passed.

02-24-2020, 07:48 AM
Just one shot? Stingy.

Yeah, I also think governments have no place in the bedroom (unless you have underage/unwilling participants in your bedroom) and I am for unfettered free speech as long as your speech doesn't involve showing off criminal acts you committed victimizing others (unsimulated kiddie porn and terror/murder porn with real victims are the only things that come to mind--- oh, and knowing fraud).

I haven't drifted too far from my heavily-Heinlein influenced early morality and my very pro-capitalist, who-cares-what-other-people-do upbringing.

I helped push my parents to the right on guns. Mom wouldn't let me have toy guns, then little girls who liked to play "cowboy" burned that red line down. Now dad has a ccw, mom has a pistol, etc.

I’m all in favor of Heinlein’s Constitutional Tyranny. A document so strict that the government can’t do squat.

02-24-2020, 10:25 AM
Has Trump caused enough hysteria among progressives to generate the backlash that we saw in 2015 against Hillary? Bernie is a backlash candidate just like Trump was, only as Joe pointed out, he is actually a lot more. More because he is reinforcing the concept of more gov't, not less, which is yugely popular with younger voters. Trump mortgaged their future by giving away money to corporations and shareholders. The last balanced budget happened during Clinton's adm. 20 plus years ago. I'm not sure that people understand that social programs like a guaranteed job, medicare for all and free college put an enormous burden on taxpayers. This isn't the first time we've had a the tax structure that Bernie wants. It happened under Hoover (depression) and FDR, which Bernie idolizes. Here's a good read about FDR and taxes.


My mom was an FDR democrat. My wife's mom (90) still is and she will vote for Sanders. The reason I think is they both lived thru the depression and WW2. The standard of living is declining in the US and has been since the 60's. It hasn't hit 1940's conditions yet but personal and fed debt is the only thing preventing it. We will eventually succumb to the debt load and the economy will crash. I think with Sanders, what we are seeing is a preview of 30's/40's conditions and the wealth redistribution that happened under FDR. The fed made college available for millions of vets after WW2. That was a real popular socialist program that I used myself but is no longer available. Bernie wants to dial back the clock to 1946. All of the signs are there and the conditions may be right.

02-24-2020, 11:36 AM
I’m all in favor of Heinlein’s Constitutional Tyranny. A document so strict that the government can’t do squat.

A lot of that would depend on the interpretation of the document by the courts.

02-24-2020, 02:41 PM

"My campaign manager informs me that we now know how we are going to fund Medicare for all, and child care. Chris Matthews is going to pay for it."

02-24-2020, 04:32 PM
^^^ I heard Bernie saying it in my mind as I read that....

Kyle Reese
02-24-2020, 05:00 PM
Praising Fidel Castro and his policies will certainly resonate with the average voter, right?


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02-24-2020, 05:13 PM
Praising Fidel Castro and his policies will certainly resonate with the average voter, right?


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There’s a lot of Cubans who had to literally grab their wives, and kids and flee Cuba.. A lot of those same Cubans, and their wives, and now older adult kids are still alive in Florida, and they hate Castro and everything he stands for... These people get it..Bernie will never convince them communism is a good idea...That’s the problem with Bernie and people like him, they are in love with communism, but yet have no real first hand experience with it..

02-24-2020, 05:45 PM
The NBC panel I watched was blasting Bernie something fierce.

Almost Trump levels.

I was thinking today, maybe Bernie is the Democrat 2020 version of the Republican Voter 2016 Trump "FU"?

In that, now in 2020, Democratic voters have had their fill of being managed by the Democratic Party elites on the left and right coast, and are saying a big "FU" to the Democratic National Committee by voting for Bernie? (much the same way that voters were characterized as "throwing a Molotov Cocktail" in 2016 by supporting Trump against the establishment?

02-24-2020, 05:46 PM
Praising Fidel Castro and his policies will certainly resonate with the average voter, right?


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Dat dog won't hunt in Florida.

02-24-2020, 05:49 PM
I’m all in favor of Heinlein’s Constitutional Tyranny. A document so strict that the government can’t do squat.

I like Herbert's BuSab. "Bureau of Sabotage." It exists to slow down government.

Sounds like a hell of a job.

02-24-2020, 05:56 PM
Bernie's idealism, (which no one can seem to figure out how to pay for or survive), reminds me of throwing the proverbial baby out with the bathwater.

Trump, on the other hand, would incarcerate the baby, and lacking papers ship it off to a "shithole" country where it would never be heard from again.

Neither solution being particularly satisfying or elegant.

02-24-2020, 06:01 PM
I was thinking today, maybe Bernie is the Democrat 2020 version of the Republican Voter 2016 Trump "FU"?

In that, now in 2020, Democratic voters have had their fill of being managed by the Democratic Party elites on the left and right coast, and are saying a big "FU" to the Democratic National Committee by voting for Bernie? (much the same way that voters were characterized as "throwing a Molotov Cocktail" in 2016 by supporting Trump against the establishment?

I think Trump said what every right leaning individual had been waiting for somebody to say. Regardless of age.

I think Bernie is saying the things that make everybody older than 35 ask "WTF have we done?"