View Full Version : The problem with appendix carry, courtesy of the village idiot

05-02-2012, 11:13 AM

Being fairly new to appendix carry (just got a DFH Archangel for my 19, love it to death) I have been aggressively educating myself on this new method for carrying my gun. Came across this video in my search.

Now, admittedly, I am much more thoughtful of the adduct formed upon the reaction of a 147gr JHP and my nutsack, but I gotta say... have never worried about my bruce lee snap kicks with my appendix carry holster. And the rest of his concerns seem pretty much just made up.

05-02-2012, 11:17 AM
I stopped watching after he appeared to flag his assistant at the 1:25 mark.

Also, air quotes.

05-02-2012, 11:37 AM
was he serious?!

I don't carry AIWB, but I have no issue with those who do. Different strokes, different folks.

05-02-2012, 12:03 PM
Buckets of fail..... I will allow others to chime in while I am laughing my self to tears.

05-02-2012, 12:09 PM
Looks like I can cancel my ECQC plans... This guy looks like he knows way more than those "big name" instructors about ground fighting and pistol-craft. :D

05-02-2012, 12:16 PM
Looks like I can cancel my ECQC plans... This guy looks like he knows way more than those "big name" instructors about ground fighting and pistol-craft. :D

Your "big name" instructors probably don't know dragon stance... HIYAHHHHHH

05-02-2012, 12:20 PM
Buckets of fail is a good place to start.

I'm new to AIWB, I'm not SN, but I'm taking his class in 11 days, however, I do have 2 brain cells that I'll rub together and explode some knowledge on this dude.

1. As already stated, he flags his assistant on the first draw.
2. He explains that b/c someone can do something offensive to you, AIWB is bad, but offers no alternative.
3. Given #2, the only conclusion the viewer can imply is that no one should carry a gun, b/c people can attack you.
4. This is where my 2 brain cells come in. He obviously should not carry a gun, b/c HE has no skills, but I know that going for my gun while someone's slashing/punching me and I'm not moving/defending is a recipe for disaster.

Maybe it's my two brain cells or the fact that I stayed in a holiday inn last night, but I feel like I dropped some knowledge on the intertubz.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2

05-02-2012, 12:21 PM
Mr. LaMaster has shown up on a number of boards posting some rather dubious conclusions to facts, or to what he supposes to be facts. An example of this can be seen here:

http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_9_4/229701__ARCHIVED_THREAD____Using_Your_Front_Sight_ In_A_Confrontation.html&page=1

...where instead of having a reasonable discussion he performs the useless equivalent of showing his war face and then rage quitting the thread. Useful insights into the sort of personality you're dealing with and to how sound some of his instruction may be.

So as far as the video linked earlier goes:

1. Yes, AIWB points a gun at your genitals or your femoral. On PF.com we talk about that quite often. It's a major safety concern. It's why I carry a P30 (a hammer I can block) and why Todd and Tom came up with The Gadget. For more in depth discussion of the risks in this area, see the AIWB thread in the carry section.

2. Limited mobility. Ummm...that's a new one on me. I carry AIWB every day and I don't find that it impedes my ability to do anything. I can run, lift things, jump, climb things, and do any task as well with AIWB carry as I can when I don't have a gun on.

3. Can't defend myself if I need to kick with the back leg. Ummm....also new one on me. Admittedly I'm not in any way, shape, or form a martial arts expert, so perhaps I'm the wrong person to judge this, but just looking at the situation with my P30 in a CCC "Shaggy" I can freely rotate my hips and throw a shin at pretty good speed for a low kick. If somebody is trying to deliver a solid high kick perhaps it's an obstacle...but I don't have the ability to throw high kicks and to be honest the only time I've ever seen high kicks used was in dojos or when Crocop was knocking a competitor out in an MMA contest. I'll defer to guys like SouthNarc on the overall utility of high kicks as a useful tool of self defense and whether or not AIWB carry interferes.

4. Presenting the gun to the attacker. Ummm...if there's a dude 3 feet away swinging a knife, yeah...there's no way you're going to outdraw his swinging knife with an AIWB holster. You won't be doing that with any other conceivable holster position either. Yes, it's conceivable that both arms could get cut if you're in a draw position...but if we want to war game what's vulnerable from every conceivable draw position I don't think you'll find one that leaves you in any measurably better shape assuming you're in the stance he adopts in the video.

5. Defending against a weapon grab. I've said this before, but it bears repeating: Ever notice how none of the ECQC evolutions SouthNarc puts on look anything like most of the "disarm" techniques you see modeled in martial arts? I think that's something of a clue as to how relevant they are...but, again, I'm not a martial arts expert. If you're in extremely close quarters with somebody, yes...it's possible for them to feel the gun and realize it's there when you're carrying AIWB. No moreso, however, than if you were carrying strong side. Is it harder to defend the gun in an AIWB position? Ask SouthNarc...but I think he'll probably tell you that there's no waist placement that really offers spectacular advantages to the person who is trying to defend from a motivated opponent who is trying to take the gun.

6. Blading...note how he blades to the guy with the knife as one would expect someone drawing strong side to do and still says he'd get cut and would be "presenting the gun to the threat". Of course, chief...and putting the gun a few inches further back on the belt doesn't change the realities that if there's a dude 3 feet away swinging a knife you're in deep ***CENSORED***.

7. Exposing the gun. Umm...hate to break this to you, chief, but I don't know of anybody who carries AIWB in a shoot-me-first vest. I mean, several of you have met several of us here at PF.com in person in one fashion or another...ever seen any of us carrying AIWB in one of those goofy things?

8. For some bizarre reason he mentions that AIWB complicates where he's going to carry his wallet and other sundries. I have to admit that I'm mystified how a few inches difference in placement on the waist complicates that issue for anyone who is wearing cargo pants and a shoot-me-first vest loaded with pockets. Somehow I manage to carry a P30, a spare mag, a wallet, two knives, keys, a flashlight, and a cell phone in a pair of Levis.

9. Air quote credentials...now there he's actually hitting on some truth. There are god-only-knows how many strip-mall dojo "martial arts" experts out there who consider themselves self defense experts and then share their "insights" on subjects they don't really understand. That leads to utter nonsense like...well...this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk59imFr6yI) So looking for ideas that have objective merit rather than just "I say so!" is a good approach.

It's just a darn shame he didn't follow that advice himself.

05-02-2012, 12:21 PM
In the event Innovative Tactical Concepts, LLC or any of its officers, third parties associated with this production are sued, the viewers of this video are subject to incur all charges and lawyer fees involved in defending said parties associated with this video or otherwise.

"I'm not trying to make fun of 'em," he says, after condescending air quotes and an audible scoff. I kept skipping through the video, and even in small chunks couldn't deal with the pompousness, much less the ridiculous points.

Now where can I get me one of them digital desert shoot-me vests!?!?

05-02-2012, 12:29 PM

Now where can I get me one of them digital desert shoot-me vests!?!?

Tier one operators only and Tactical Innovators only, bro.

05-02-2012, 12:35 PM
3. Can't defend myself if I need to kick with the back leg. Ummm....also new one on me. Admittedly I'm not in any way, shape, or form a martial arts expert, so perhaps I'm the wrong person to judge this, but just looking at the situation with my P30 in a CCC "Shaggy" I can freely rotate my hips and throw a shin at pretty good speed for a low kick. If somebody is trying to deliver a solid high kick perhaps it's an obstacle...but I don't have the ability to throw high kicks and to be honest the only time I've ever seen high kicks used was in dojos or when Crocop was knocking a competitor out in an MMA contest. I'll defer to guys like SouthNarc on the overall utility of high kicks as a useful tool of self defense and whether or not AIWB carry interferes.

You made me click on an Arfcom thread, I hate you.

I can speak to this point somewhat - I actually have black belts in TKD and Hapkido, both of which are Korean martial arts that absolutely love themselves some awesome roundhouse kicks to the head. Despite having used that kick to great effect in sparring sessions and tournaments where everyone was playing by the same rules, I never once used a back leg roundhouse during any of the recreational bar dust-ups in which I was fond of engaging in my younger and dumber years.

Also, my non-scientific test of stepping into my gym room and roundhouse kicking my punching bag while carrying appendix would indicate two things: 1) it's totally doable, and 2) I need to stretch more. Ow.

05-02-2012, 12:37 PM
Tier one operators only and Tactical Innovators only, bro.
Looks like you forgot one! I could become a Team Leader for a Church Security Team (http://www.right2defend.com/innovative-tactical-concepts-instructors/)

Oh wait... nevermind... you already said "Tier One Operators."

05-02-2012, 12:41 PM
Looks like you forgot one! I could become a Team Leader for a Church Security Team (http://www.right2defend.com/innovative-tactical-concepts-instructors/)

Oh wait... nevermind... you already said "Tier One Operators."

I love how EVERYONE has trained "military, law enforcement, including SWAT and Special Forces." Everyone.

05-02-2012, 12:45 PM
Am I the only one who immediately thought of Rex Kwon Do when the dude's logo first flashed on the screen?

05-02-2012, 12:51 PM
Am I the only one who immediately thought of Rex Kwon Do when the dude's logo first flashed on the screen?


...and for fun, more 21 foot rule guy:


What you don't see in the bottom gif is the section of that video where he passes the pistol behind his back with his finger on the trigger.

05-02-2012, 12:55 PM

...and for fun, more 21 foot rule guy:


What you don't see in the bottom gif is the section of that video where he passes the pistol behind his back with his finger on the trigger.

Oh man. I remember that guy. My jaw literally dropped when I saw that video.

05-02-2012, 01:21 PM

...and for fun, more 21 foot rule guy:


What you don't see in the bottom gif is the section of that video where he passes the pistol behind his back with his finger on the trigger.

Hey get off 21 foot rule guy, he's "just hangin' out! " ;)

I read a blog post earlier this week deriding AIWB as extremely poor for standing clinch work and ground fighting. I'm no expert either, but the fact that SN carries that way makes me think different.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

05-02-2012, 02:12 PM
I fear for the people that actually take this self proclaimed ninja's instruction seriously.

05-02-2012, 02:13 PM
I don't like it. But that is because of my choice. I like 3:30 right hip to each their own

05-02-2012, 02:58 PM
(nothing of real content follows)
I don't know who SN is, but if it's Scott Norris, and he's related to Chuck, it's all good.

As an almost on-topic aside, I pocket carried my P238 in a pocket holster last week and was extraordinarily uncomfortable once I realized that when I crossed my leg I swept the table of people I was with. That SA trigger and single safety had me spooked. Give me a LEM pocket gun, please.

05-02-2012, 03:20 PM
Buckets of fail is a good place to start.

I'm new to AIWB, I'm not SN, but I'm taking his class in 11 days, however, I do have 2 brain cells that I'll rub together and explode some knowledge on this dude.

1. As already stated, he flags his assistant on the first draw.
2. He explains that b/c someone can do something offensive to you, AIWB is bad, but offers no alternative.
3. Given #2, the only conclusion the viewer can imply is that no one should carry a gun, b/c people can attack you.
4. This is where my 2 brain cells come in. He obviously should not carry a gun, b/c HE has no skills, but I know that going for my gun while someone's slashing/punching me and I'm not moving/defending is a recipe for disaster.

Maybe it's my two brain cells or the fact that I stayed in a holiday inn last night, but I feel like I dropped some knowledge on the intertubz.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2

And who ever posted the video misspelled appendix in the title.
Appedix Carry

Not HighSpeed
05-02-2012, 07:44 PM
Careful guys, they have a real ninja and they saved him for last on the Instructors page.

05-02-2012, 09:07 PM
Am I the only one who immediately thought of Rex Kwon Do when the dude's logo first flashed on the screen?


No you were not.

But hey, he's training realistically. He must be, he sounded like he was having such a hard time breathing that he was going to have a heart attack.

05-02-2012, 09:10 PM
I'm reading the comments, and this guy just punked someone by quoting Col Jessup from A Few Good Men, "You can't handle the truth!"

My god.

ETA: The stupidity is amazing. Time to turn up the Avicii mix I have going and just brain dump everything I've seen in the last 15 minutes.

ETA2: Yeah, after thinking about it, I think I'd learn more useful stuff about fighting from watching Turkish Star Wars than I would from listening to this guy:


05-03-2012, 07:18 AM

No you were not.

But hey, he's training realistically. He must be, he sounded like he was having such a hard time breathing that he was going to have a heart attack.

I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing the heavy breathing! lol

Also, this:

05-03-2012, 08:23 AM
I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing the heavy breathing! lol

Also, this:

According to the comments I was masochistic enough to read, he has "sinus issues", most likely related to having his head jammed up his <censored>.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

05-03-2012, 09:26 AM
I thought he was talking about Appendix carry and then I noticed the title of the video, it is Appedix carry that he is talking about.

Appedix carry is different, the letter "n" is left out because you will need your Ninja skills for this type of carry. ;)

05-03-2012, 03:31 PM
It's probably better this go to the romper room. keeping it in tactics would somehow legitimize what that video has to say.

05-03-2012, 07:00 PM
Epic fail...I did watch one other video regarding his concept of concealed carry and carry gear placement, fail!

05-03-2012, 11:21 PM
About to offer my take.

But I'd think having the gun infront of you, where you can fight with it, just about equally with both hands, versus on the small of your back, or on one hip where you have limited use of your non dominant arm.

If someone were reaching for my gun, I'd want it to be Appendix if I absolutely had to have someone reaching for it, you can at least counteract them the best. I mean imagine someone punching you in the back of the head, lifting up the back of your shirt and snatching the gun out of your holster in small of the back, versus having to approach you from the front, well, who says they have to.

Say they punch you in the back of the head carrying AIWB, at least they still have to turn you around so you're facing them before they can try to pull the gun off of you, or reach around where your hands are.

Both situations with a cheap shot to the back of the head end in drastically different way, even dazed you'd have a better chance fighting them off with the front.

Let's say you get knocked on the ground/tackled and you're on your back, you can still get to the gun much better than small of the back, ETA: especially since you won't be A) reaching behind you to dry to pull it around your body while in the midst of a scuffel and B) Laying ontop of it.

Let's say your seated in a car, still get to it much better then Small of the back with a seat belt.

Just my thoughts, but I work in Information Technology for a living.

05-04-2012, 10:47 AM
Just my thoughts, but I work in Information Technology for a living.

I think you've got good points.

Here's something to chew on:

During ECQC in Culpeper this year, everyone who didn't have a holster for the Glock Sim-gun ended up going Mexican AIWB if they couldn't borrow an AIWB holster (I used Craig's Desbiens and Dropkick was loaning out his VG2). So, you've got all these guys who usually carry their *insert favorite gat here* at or behind the hip, now instinctively shoving the simgun into the vasectomy position in preparation for a fight, simply because they knew it was the most secure and accessible position. I even think there was 1 or 2 guys that didn't bother to put on their regular 3-4 O'Clock Glock rig and instead chose to just go Mexican vasectomy.....probably because they thought, "Huh, I'm about to get in a fight, appendix is probably better anyways..."

Its definitely got it's advantages. At the same time, if I wasn't carrying a hammered weapon as I am now, I sure as hell would have a hard time convincing myself to carry AIWB.

05-04-2012, 11:07 AM
FWIW: John Holschen (Insights Training) thinks AIWB has far more drawbacks than advantages WRT FoF.

I haven't done ECQC or one of John's FoF classes, I'm just throwing it out there to show that it's not universally accepted that AIWB is better for that type of fighting.

05-04-2012, 11:25 AM
This is good new thread material!

05-04-2012, 11:55 AM
FWIW: John Holschen (Insights Training) thinks AIWB has far more drawbacks than advantages WRT FoF.

I haven't done ECQC or one of John's FoF classes, I'm just throwing it out there to show that it's not universally accepted that AIWB is better for that type of fighting.

I hope he can at least make valid arguments, whereas this clown (LaMaster) doesn't know what he doesn't know.

05-04-2012, 11:55 AM
Mr. LaMaster isn't a fan of handgun RDS either;


05-04-2012, 11:58 AM
Mr. LaMaster isn't a fan of handgun RDS either;



for... pretty much everything he says.

05-04-2012, 12:08 PM
After viewing both the appendix video and the red dot video I suspect this dude has some sort of hard on for Gabe Suarez (if I'm understanding his veiled references to "other instructors")

05-04-2012, 12:54 PM
Mr. LaMaster has shown up on a number of boards posting some rather dubious conclusions to facts, or to what he supposes to be facts. An example of this can be seen here:

http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_9_4/229701__ARCHIVED_THREAD____Using_Your_Front_Sight_ In_A_Confrontation.html&page=1

...where instead of having a reasonable discussion he performs the useless equivalent of showing his war face and then rage quitting the thread. Useful insights into the sort of personality you're dealing with and to how sound some of his instruction may be.

So as far as the video linked earlier goes:

1. Yes, AIWB points a gun at your genitals or your femoral. On PF.com we talk about that quite often. It's a major safety concern. It's why I carry a P30 (a hammer I can block) and why Todd and Tom came up with The Gadget. For more in depth discussion of the risks in this area, see the AIWB thread in the carry section.

2. Limited mobility. Ummm...that's a new one on me. I carry AIWB every day and I don't find that it impedes my ability to do anything. I can run, lift things, jump, climb things, and do any task as well with AIWB carry as I can when I don't have a gun on.

3. Can't defend myself if I need to kick with the back leg. Ummm....also new one on me. Admittedly I'm not in any way, shape, or form a martial arts expert, so perhaps I'm the wrong person to judge this, but just looking at the situation with my P30 in a CCC "Shaggy" I can freely rotate my hips and throw a shin at pretty good speed for a low kick. If somebody is trying to deliver a solid high kick perhaps it's an obstacle...but I don't have the ability to throw high kicks and to be honest the only time I've ever seen high kicks used was in dojos or when Crocop was knocking a competitor out in an MMA contest. I'll defer to guys like SouthNarc on the overall utility of high kicks as a useful tool of self defense and whether or not AIWB carry interferes.

4. Presenting the gun to the attacker. Ummm...if there's a dude 3 feet away swinging a knife, yeah...there's no way you're going to outdraw his swinging knife with an AIWB holster. You won't be doing that with any other conceivable holster position either. Yes, it's conceivable that both arms could get cut if you're in a draw position...but if we want to war game what's vulnerable from every conceivable draw position I don't think you'll find one that leaves you in any measurably better shape assuming you're in the stance he adopts in the video.

5. Defending against a weapon grab. I've said this before, but it bears repeating: Ever notice how none of the ECQC evolutions SouthNarc puts on look anything like most of the "disarm" techniques you see modeled in martial arts? I think that's something of a clue as to how relevant they are...but, again, I'm not a martial arts expert. If you're in extremely close quarters with somebody, yes...it's possible for them to feel the gun and realize it's there when you're carrying AIWB. No moreso, however, than if you were carrying strong side. Is it harder to defend the gun in an AIWB position? Ask SouthNarc...but I think he'll probably tell you that there's no waist placement that really offers spectacular advantages to the person who is trying to defend from a motivated opponent who is trying to take the gun.

6. Blading...note how he blades to the guy with the knife as one would expect someone drawing strong side to do and still says he'd get cut and would be "presenting the gun to the threat". Of course, chief...and putting the gun a few inches further back on the belt doesn't change the realities that if there's a dude 3 feet away swinging a knife you're in deep ***CENSORED***.

7. Exposing the gun. Umm...hate to break this to you, chief, but I don't know of anybody who carries AIWB in a shoot-me-first vest. I mean, several of you have met several of us here at PF.com in person in one fashion or another...ever seen any of us carrying AIWB in one of those goofy things?

8. For some bizarre reason he mentions that AIWB complicates where he's going to carry his wallet and other sundries. I have to admit that I'm mystified how a few inches difference in placement on the waist complicates that issue for anyone who is wearing cargo pants and a shoot-me-first vest loaded with pockets. Somehow I manage to carry a P30, a spare mag, a wallet, two knives, keys, a flashlight, and a cell phone in a pair of Levis.

9. Air quote credentials...now there he's actually hitting on some truth. There are god-only-knows how many strip-mall dojo "martial arts" experts out there who consider themselves self defense experts and then share their "insights" on subjects they don't really understand. That leads to utter nonsense like...well...this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk59imFr6yI) So looking for ideas that have objective merit rather than just "I say so!" is a good approach.

It's just a darn shame he didn't follow that advice himself.

Lol @ TC putting more thought and effort into critiquing a video than the video maker put into making it.

Odin Bravo One
05-04-2012, 01:04 PM
After letting it buffer due to a slow connection, I want to thank you all for that experience. I am now 10x's dumber than I was 20 minutes ago. I gotta stop letting my curiosity get the best of me.

05-04-2012, 02:53 PM
Sounds like the philosophy at "innovative" tactical concepts is to never try any thing new. People who come up with new ideas are just trying to sell you something. But, at innovative tactical concepts they never come up with something new. Instead they just try to sell you the old ideas of other people. Seems like a noble concept. Why actually innovate when you can ride coattails and put the word in your name with so little effort comparatively?

05-04-2012, 05:20 PM
This guy is just a damn train wreck. Absolutely amazing.

05-05-2012, 10:03 PM

Apparently red dots are only for shooting 125 yards away. So glad he was able to clear that up. and GLOCK GOT IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME AROUND! Because they had RMRs in 1984...

Am I the only person that thinks his eagle logo looks a little bit Downsy?

I think I had a better vocabulary and public speaking skills at age 11.

05-05-2012, 10:30 PM
FWIW: John Holschen (Insights Training) thinks AIWB has far more drawbacks than advantages WRT FoF.

I haven't done ECQC or one of John's FoF classes, I'm just throwing it out there to show that it's not universally accepted that AIWB is better for that type of fighting.

Do you have anything I can read about this? I searched with no luck, and I do believe this is the first time I've ever gotten 2 pages or less of results in a Google search.

Long tom coffin
05-06-2012, 10:47 PM
Do you have anything I can read about this? I searched with no luck, and I do believe this is the first time I've ever gotten 2 pages or less of results in a Google search.

I'll second that request. I'd be interested in reading some of his opinions on the matter.

I don't carry AIWB for a wide variety of reasons, as from my own standpoint the benefits do not outweigh the obvious drawbacks. As stated, however, that's a standpoint matter, and other individuals may have differing opinions on the weights of those benefits and drawbacks, and choose AIWB. More power to them, if that's works for them.

As for this low class tard, I don't know what's more amusing, his inability to utilize common grammar conventions, or his wannabe tacticool get up. Did anyone else notice how he completely mangled the English language? I didn't know there were "Mindsets of carry".

05-07-2012, 02:51 PM
Do you have anything I can read about this?

No. It was out of scope for the class I took, I only get a few tidbits of why; in short - he think its easier to prevent someone from getting the gun out of their holster if it's AIWB vs. IWB.

To counter that point it, as others have noted, fights are pretty dynamic. What works right now won't work a few seconds later. This might be a nuance of his tactics and the move/methods that he uses .... but he was pretty adamant about it.

05-07-2012, 04:13 PM
No. It was out of scope for the class I took, I only get a few tidbits of why; in short - he think its easier to prevent someone from getting the gun out of their holster if it's AIWB vs. IWB.

To counter that point it, as others have noted, fights are pretty dynamic. What works right now won't work a few seconds later. This might be a nuance of his tactics and the move/methods that he uses .... but he was pretty adamant about it.

Kinda hard to get your gun from 4 o'clock when fighting from your back. Every carry position has drawbacks in different situations. I still believe that for me AIWB offers me more advantages than disadvantages

Long tom coffin
05-07-2012, 06:54 PM
Kinda hard to get your gun from 4 o'clock when fighting from your back. Every carry position has drawbacks in different situations. I still believe that for me AIWB offers me more advantages than disadvantages

That's why I also carry a BUG on my ankle and one in my pocket. Always one within easy reach :cool:

05-10-2012, 09:51 PM
That's why I also carry a BUG on my ankle and one in my pocket. Always one within easy reach :cool:

I carry it air marshall style :D


Brian LaMaster
05-11-2012, 08:32 AM
OHHHH…. Here’s where all the experts are. Man am I glad that I found you guys… Teach me the way oh wise ones.

Well, I just had to chime in with all of the experts here and say a few things. First of all, I’m glad that you all have so much knowledge that you have nothing new to learn. And that you always buy into whatever the “big name” people sell. But, when someone who doesn’t go along with the rest of the people teaching, his MUST be wrong or doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

I’m SO overwhelmed with all the preschoolers posting here that I just don’t know which one to address first.

I love a good debate where people actually make good points. However, that is rarely the case with any comments here or on the videos we make. Usually the people are not open to new ideas, realistic and practical concepts, etc. Just about everyone one of you have crossed the “idiot” line and you do not deserve an ounce of respect or fair treatment. But, I will TRY to not be too harsh.

Most of you wasted more time with your nonsense here making yourselves feel good than you did watching the video. The majority of the people are guncentric and are limited in their training. This is very obvious due to the comments made here and on YouTube.

And the rest of his concerns seem pretty much just made up.
If you would actually get out and train you might actually find out what I’m talking about. And, not to mention if you could comprehend what I was saying in the video it might make sense. I’m confident that other than using your gun, you really don’t have much of a plan for survival.

Personally, I don’t care for Gabe and I have my reasons for that. However, that does not concern you. The important thing is that you all want to sit here like you are 100% correct. I simply make a video telling SOME of the flaws in this method of carry for people to consider. But, obviously a lot of you know it all and know more than I do. Great, I hope that you are right. However, I have the right to dislike ANYTHING that anyone teaches.

As far as ranting… whatever. If you are saying something it is worth listening to… If I say something in detail, I’m ranting. It is a discussion forum. Grow up and act like adults.

There’s a lot more to the video than what you are picking up on because you are so hung up on your own egos that you can’t even comprehend what I said. And, we DON’T train like most people do and appendix carry actually hinders what you are doing. But, since your training hinges on the use of the gun training using “traditional” defensive handgun tactics you wouldn’t understand what I’m talking about. I will be shooting another video stating some of this stuff. I doubt that you will get that either so don’t bother watching it. I WILL delete stupid comments.

Sounds like the philosophy at "innovative" tactical concepts is to never try any thing new. People who come up with new ideas are just trying to sell you something. But, at innovative tactical concepts they never come up with something new. Instead they just try to sell you the old ideas of other people.
Really, now that is pretty funny. The fact of the matter is YES, people do create new things simply to have something new to sell you. Obviously you don’t know anything about marketing and business. Old ideas? Yeah, okay. First of all, you will see VERY FEW things taught by us that other people teach. Maybe some basic shooting and marksmanship, etc. But when it comes to self defense with a handgun… probably not going to see the same thing that others teach because they are more focused on the gun and not survival. We teach you how to survive with and without a handgun.
Sounds like to me you are judging our entire business on what little you know about us from a video or two. Of course I’m going to talk about things that I don’t agree with and so are you.

As for this low class tard, I don't know what's more amusing, his inability to utilize common grammar conventions, or his wannabe tacticool get up. Did anyone else notice how he completely mangled the English language? I didn't know there were "Mindsets of carry".
Seriously, this is the kind of crap you all get off on? Whatever… I’m pretty confident that this low class tard can teach you a thing or two. NO ONE speaks perfectly and if you do, great. I’m not perfect and I’ve not seen a perfect video either. None of our classes are perfect. However, it doesn’t mean that I don’t have something to teach you. So, what you are saying that you can teach CRAP as long as you use big words and correct grammar. Then people like you are going to train on it because they must be right since they impressed you with their speech. Lol. Whatever!

1. As already stated, he flags his assistant on the first draw.
2. He explains that b/c someone can do something offensive to you, AIWB is bad, but offers no alternative.
3. Given #2, the only conclusion the viewer can imply is that no one should carry a gun, b/c people can attack you.
4. This is where my 2 brain cells come in. He obviously should not carry a gun, b/c HE has no skills, but I know that going for my gun while someone's slashing/punching me and I'm not moving/defending is a recipe for disaster.
You’ve GOT to be kidding me. Is this the preschool audience here? I’ve got no skills. I would love to show you if you ever get out from behind the keyboard and train.

Limited mobility. Ummm...that's a new one on me. I carry AIWB every day and I don't find that it impedes my ability to do anything. I can run, lift things, jump, climb things, and do any task as well with AIWB carry as I can when I don't have a gun on. Can't defend myself if I need to kick with the back leg.
That’s great. But I’m confident that not everyone is the same way. It depends on your gun, holster, body build, etc. So, your statement is crap because YOU can do it and get by with it with YOUR setup. Then carry there. No one is telling you not to.

What you geniuses don’t get is that I am making SOME points. I didn’t demonstrate real tactics or anything much because it is a FREE video. And I would be giving away some of our tactics that people pay for that NO ONE ELSE TEACHES. If you can’t comprehend what I’m saying in this SIMPLE video, then there is no possible way you keyboard experts will ever understand the real stuff.
Everyone wants to bash, but I can assure you that 99% of the people on forums wouldn’t survive long enough to draw their gun because they spend more time typing than training. Where’s YOUR videos? I would love the chance to pick them apart. Oh wait, you can’t leave the keyboard long enough to go and train and if you are honest, you probably haven’t fired a gun in the past year, if ever.

I'll defer to guys like SouthNarc on the overall utility of high kicks as a useful tool of self defense and whether or not AIWB carry interferes.
Of course, he knows it all too just like you guys. Oh, and I NEVER recommend anyone kicking high.

...where instead of having a reasonable discussion he performs the useless equivalent of showing his war face and then rage quitting the thread. Useful insights into the sort of personality you're dealing with and to how sound some of his instruction may be.
As far as abandoning posts… whatever man. I just get tired of dealing with people that cannot grasp simple concepts. To be honest on the example you provided, I didn’t get any emails stating that there were more posts. Unlike you, I get out and train as much as I can. I don’t surf and post everyday because I’m out figuring things out that you highly skilled typers and jokesters aren’t. Then, I make a video on it because I feel the information needs to get out and YOU can decide what YOU want to do.

It is easy to tell who knows what and how limited their training AND mindset is by the way the talk about what they THINK they know. By no means do I know it all. And I will NOT take any instructors word about anything. I go and train on it and find out why it does or does not work. Maybe YOU should try this too. Oh, and just because something works in FOF, doesn’t mean it DOES work in real world encounters.

In all seriousness, you all really need to get over yourselves and stop limiting your abilities. If someone is teaching something about handguns, I’ve probably been there and done that. And, the SOLE reason that I’m in business is because I disagree with 99% of what is being taught as “defensive handgun training”. Why teach what others are teaching? There’s already 50k + instructors out there teaching.

Most people, yes including you, don’t have any idea the difference between civilian, law enforcement, and military tactics. The majority of so called defensive handgun tactics stem from LE and military training. However, what most people don’t know is that these tactics do not always or even often cross over to civilian encounters.

What you wise cracks didn’t pick up on is that I was talking a lot about the average person. The average person doesn’t have good abilities to defend the gun when carried anywhere, but when they go to draw when carrying AIWB they are giving the threat a good chance to take it, etc. Safety with most people is a concern to. People are taught to shoot from iso stance so they will be or try to be squared up to the target. Thus presenting the issue of “presenting” the gun to the threat. Oh, and not everyone conceals without printing. I’ve seen A LOT of people walking around that have guns “concealed”. Just because I wore a shoot me vest in the video doesn’t mean that I do in everyday life. You won’t see a video that says, “Wear one of these…” Again, you all are just being stupid and nit picking at things that are not important to make yourselves look like you actually know something. It was summer in the heat of August and the vest provides ventilation better than other things and doesn’t blow around much in the wind.

For some bizarre reason he mentions that AIWB complicates where he's going to carry his wallet and other sundries. I have to admit that I'm mystified how a few inches difference in placement on the waist complicates that issue for anyone who is wearing cargo pants and a shoot-me-first vest loaded with pockets. Somehow I manage to carry a P30, a spare mag, a wallet, two knives, keys, a flashlight, and a cell phone in a pair of Levis.
What the crap?! Listen moron, yes it does alter how you carry. Again Einstein just because I wore something in the video doesn’t mean I do everyday.

Air quote credentials...now there he's actually hitting on some truth. There are god-only-knows how many strip-mall dojo "martial arts" experts out there who consider themselves self defense experts and then share their "insights" on subjects they don't really understand. That leads to utter nonsense like...well...this. So looking for ideas that have objective merit rather than just "I say so!" is a good approach.
REALLY?! You must be the CEO of morons here. You have no idea what you are talking about. So, let me get this straight, I can defend myself unarmed with my bare hands. I can use a knife, stick, etc., but for some reason when it comes to the use of a HANDgun, I am suddenly ignorant to how to do that? LMFAO!!! You all don’t really have a clue. So, I need someone that only knows gun stuff to teach me how to use a HANDgun. Man you guys are suckers and I see why all are so naïve to things and make your stupid comments. So in YOUR minds I need to go and take classes from people who rely solely on the use of a gun to save their life. RIGHT! Man, why didn’t I think of that? They MUST know what they are doing.

Well, truth be known, the likelihood of you immediately incapacitating someone with a handgun is next to impossible. Even the FBI’s report from 1989 states that unless you hit the brain or upper spinal cord there is NO reason for the body to quit functioning IMMEDIATELY. Yet there are thousands of instructors teaching “defensive handgun training” that state differently. Hell, most people can’t hit center of mass but I’m sure that you guys can deliver 100% hit ratio at a target that is moving fast paced as you are. I’m confident that you bozos can hit the head and take someone immediately out of the fight. I mean, after all, you practice on stationary zombie targets.

You all need to quit breast feeding on these trainers because you are being led astray. If you think for one second that you ARE going to stay alive long enough to draw your gun, hit & immediately reduce the threat, then I would say that you are a fool who is falling for a bunch of bs when people that are shot are living by the thousands. In fact, only about 20% of people who are shot die. How many die on the spot? Probably less than half. Do the math people. That’s not very good odds of you taking someone immediately out of the fight.

The handgun is the diet pill of self defense. Unfortunately people believe in the instant killing power of a handgun. Only in HOLLYWOOD does it happen that way. We call typical defensive handgun training “The Matrix training” because people believe something that just isn’t true about real world confrontations.

It appears that everyone here CAN defend their AIWB. I mean, who would admit they can’t?!

Different strokes, different folks.
That was THE most valuable and decent comment. IF you really listened to what I was saying, I don’t recommend AIWB carry. But you idiots MADE it a big deal.

Enough said, I can’t wait to read more of your highly intelligent comments. Now, who is going to be the first idiot to comment on my rant?:rolleyes:

05-11-2012, 08:41 AM

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05-11-2012, 10:57 AM
Mr. LaMaster's appearance on PF.com gives us the opportunity for a teachable moment.

As a forum we're still pretty new, and because of that I know that we as members of staff are very concerned about precedents. We believe the value of PF.com will lie in doing things differently than other forums in terms of the conduct we tolerate. We've seen the arc of some other forums where bad behavior became the rule more than the exception and noted the decline of the utility of those forums as a resource for information...eventually declining until the point where some were just a small group of people with severe personality problems congratulating one another on being awesome.

In the great big wide world of the internet we fully expect that from time to time folks will encounter something that they regard to be silly, or to contain bad information, etc. Sometimes these things will have some actual merit, other times not so much.

What we would like to do is have everyone on the forum engage these things on the merit of what is presented. I remind folks of what it says in our code of conduct:

Remain polite and professional in your conversation with others. Demeaning, insulting, and berating other members will not be tolerated. You are free to disagree, but do so respectfully and with humility.

We're perfectly fine with examples of sub-optimal, or just flat out bad instruction/behavior being brought up as a means of learning, especially when someone is marketing it in the firearms or training world...but the discussion needs to be centered around objective discussion of the merits/liabilities of an approach or an idea, and not simply be about pointing at what we may think is bad behavior and laughing as we don't think that really adds value to the site or to others.

Mr. LaMaster was not a member of our forum when this thread was originally posted...but in this day and age what's said on one part of the internet may as well be treated as if it was addressed directly to the other party. In the future we're going to ask that members of Pistol-Forum.com avoid the personal nature of the attacks seen in this thread. Attack ideas freely, but let's leave the personal stuff out. The personal stuff pulls us into the muck rather than keeping us above it. That's not the outcome we'd like to see.

This is largely my fault, because I neglected to say this earlier. I responded to Mr. LaMaster's video in an attempt to discuss the merits of his presentation. I neglected to add in a reminder that I would like to see everyone else follow suit. I think his video does present a good touchstone for conversation about a number of things, not least of which is actually finding out who is knowledgable versus those who simply assert that they are knowledgable. If it had stayed around that area, it could have been a good discussion. Unfortunately it kind of jumped the shark and went in a direction that eventually led to Mr. LaMaster showing up on the forum and behaving in an unacceptable manner.

Returning to that bit about precedents mentioned earlier, while we're setting precedents I'm going to go ahead and say that no one is going to be allowed to show up on Pistol-Forum.com and in their first post completely ignore the rules of the forum and start calling names in the way Mr. LaMaster has done. I don't care who said what first, sir, that's unacceptable. A wise tactician might have signed up for the forum and made his first post about how the behavior seen in the thread falls short of the standards we generally espouse on the site. Instead, you chose to insist that you're more high speed than everyone else and call names. I note that this seems to be a pattern with you. Speaking again of precedent, when it's clear that someone exhibits a pattern of bad behavior in other places and they exhibit the same on Pistol-Forum.com, we'll waste no time in showing them the door.

Mr. LaMaster's boorish screed almost had a couple of useful points that would have been a reasonable basis to discuss things...unfortunately they were hopelessly swallowed up in the nonsense that was the rest of it. Had he simply stuck to those points, then he'd still have posting privileges on PF.com. Since he did not, his posting privileges are terminated. We don't tolerate that sort of behavior on this forum from anyone. Not the top level competitive shooters, not the active duty law enforcement officers, not the numerous subject matter experts (titled and untitled) in various fields, not from our members who are active duty in the military, not from combat-experienced trainers with combat decorations and commendations, not even from our active duty members of SOCOM/SF. It would be rather ridiculous, then, for us to carve out an exception for his bad behavior.

So we won't.

If anyone has any questions or concerns about anything, please don't hesitate to contact me through private messages.
