View Full Version : Sexual assault case at sheriff's office costs 3 their job, including woman who filed

01-14-2020, 12:32 PM

What started out as a #MeToo sexual assault complaint at one metro sheriff’s office has now turned into a full-blown sex scandal. And not the way anyone might have predicted.

Three longtime employees of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office have lost their jobs. That includes the woman who filed the complaint in the first place.

01-14-2020, 12:40 PM
Everyone has a better job than me :(

01-14-2020, 12:46 PM
Everyone has a better job than me :(

Username checks out lol

01-14-2020, 12:59 PM
Fishing off the company dock never ends well.

01-14-2020, 01:14 PM
Lurid, but I think there is constructive discussion to be had here.

POST must now decide whether the three should have their certifications revoked, barring them from ever working in law enforcement again.

Sheriff Pounds hopes that doesn't happen.

"An affair's an affair no matter where it was happening at," he said. "I don't see people losing certification because of an affair. Folks do what they've done every day and it's really not a crime. Just unethical that they do it here at this sheriff's office."

01-14-2020, 05:44 PM
Had a some similar shenanigans at the S.O. where I’m from roughly 10 years back. Female deputy was sleeping around with a few other deputies. One of the involved was the son of one of my grandmother’s close friends, and he was a patrol Lieutenant at the time. Got fired from there and re-hired at an adjacent county S.O. as a Sgt in the jail.

01-14-2020, 08:27 PM
Reminds me of the office where I used to work. I didn't work in the office, I had a field assignment, but I was in and out enough to know the players and the score. Our married director had a menage a trois with two single women in the organization. Must have been a real stud. The thing fell apart and one woman was charged with stalking and harassing the other woman. She was eventually sentenced but I never knew what the sentence was. She was bat shit crazy. Put every detail of the affair, from her perspective, on some social media website and had everyone in our office following along. It was great entertainment. The other woman and the director had to quietly move on. Management had to spin that one way past believable. :D

01-14-2020, 09:19 PM
OMG. My dept has had numerous things like this. I don’t care how hot a fellow officer is, there is absolutely no freaking way I’d date anyone at work. But oh man, it happens a lot though.

01-14-2020, 09:27 PM
I've seen this go real sideways in LE, MIL, and my brief attempt at a real job. Hard pass.

01-14-2020, 11:08 PM
Y'all is trying to make them olympic athletes look positively puritan. :D

01-15-2020, 09:59 AM
The only thing surprising to me here is people got fired. This type of crap is rampant in LE. I've seen it lead to promotions more often than disciplinary actions. Biology and human nature trump policies every time the two come into conflict.

01-15-2020, 11:31 AM
The only thing surprising to me here is people got fired. This type of crap is rampant in LE. I've seen it lead to promotions more often than disciplinary actions. Biology and human nature trump policies every time the two come into conflict.

It sounds like the two who were terminated were fired for lying to investigators, not for the affairs themselves.

01-15-2020, 11:34 AM
I've seen this go real sideways in LE, MIL, and my brief attempt at a real job. Hard pass.

My psycho ex was my MD PhD classmate. Never again.

Now happily dating a woman who has nothing to do with medical practice or scientific research. It's fantastic.

01-15-2020, 11:38 AM
It's too easy to paint with a broad brush, imho. I've seen many happy relationships that came out of the same work environment.

There are bound to be staggering numbers either way.

01-15-2020, 03:47 PM
It sounds like the two who were terminated were fired for lying to investigators, not for the affairs themselves.

I've seen people survive lying in an investigation too.

01-15-2020, 03:56 PM
First rule of professional life -

Don't dip your pen in company ink.

Second rule of professional life -

If you do dip your pen in company ink. Don't fucking talk about.

Third rule of professional life -

If you talk about it, don't fucking lie about it.


But if you follow Rule 1, you'll never have problems. Kinda like Rule 1 of guns. It's always fucking loaded, act like it.

01-15-2020, 04:28 PM
Those who haven't been to the inkwell shouldn't opine about things they have not experienced. Just sayin'. There's what you know and what you think you know...and what you've heard. If you've gone down that road, then your experience is what it is.

Lotta people pontificating and bloviating.

Joe in PNG
01-15-2020, 04:47 PM
You can successfully start a relationship with co-workers, BUT, you both need to be adults about it. If things don't work out, you are still going to have to see each other on a regular basis.

With that in mind, one has to realize work is not a jump 'em and dump 'em single's hookup joint. Nor is it the junior high romance drama show. Unlike casual relationships outside, there are actual consequences should things turn nasty. People will lose their jobs, and there may even be harassment and similar complaints.

So, while it can be done, often times it's better to just skip it.

01-15-2020, 06:26 PM
I'm not saying work relationships can't do well. I'm saying work relationships where one or both parties are cheating on existing spouses tend to not go well. People get fired, workplace violence occurs, etc. If you're going to cheat, doing it at work compounds the negative blowback.

01-15-2020, 11:31 PM
My wife has been a dispatcher for about 5 years, I’ve been doing this job for over 20. My wife was a bit naive when she decided to go into this profession, I told her everyone fucks everyone. She was shocked that I wasn’t kidding. Thankfully I haven’t dipped my pen in the company ink.

01-16-2020, 08:41 AM
The only thing surprising to me here is people got fired. This type of crap is rampant in LE. I've seen it lead to promotions more often than disciplinary actions. Biology and human nature trump policies every time the two come into conflict.

Same. Plus it leads to awkward conversations on barricaded subject command post.

"Hey look, there's your ex husband in law"......one male captain to another male captain referring to second male captain's current wife's ex husband walking by the command post.

Yes....you probably need a flow chart to keep up with that last part but .......that's police for you.

Thank goodness this was all pre-social media days. LOTS of debauchery back in the day.


01-16-2020, 09:05 AM
I want to know what you guys think regarding the involved parties' POST certifications.

01-16-2020, 12:55 PM
I want to know what you guys think regarding the involved parties' POST certifications.

I’m guessing, purely speculation, that the sheriff wasn’t passing the opportunity to get rid of one of them up, and if he had to gig 2 others, well that’s just what happens when a squeaky wheel gets greased.

01-16-2020, 03:18 PM
So just for the record:

I've been to the inkwell.

I've been personal witness to at least a dozen others who have done it too.

Thus far, I can count on one hand with four fingers left over, the number of times I've seen dipping into the company inkwell work out. It can work out, but it so rarely does.

My default advice is, "Don't."

Followed by, "If you do. Be transparent, clear, and smart."

Le Français
01-16-2020, 04:41 PM
I’ve seen this sort of behavior result in some very unpleasant complications for the participants. Such drama is very unprofessional and distracting for an agency, to say nothing of the moral problems.

This apparent reversal is pretty funny:

Second rule of professional life -

If you do dip your pen in company ink. Don't fucking talk about.

My default advice is, "Don't."

Followed by, "If you do. Be transparent, clear, and smart."

Transparency and clarity, or absolute silence? (Not that I’m soliciting advice.)

01-16-2020, 04:49 PM
I’ve seen this sort of behavior result in some very unpleasant complications for the participants. Such drama is very unprofessional and distracting for an agency, to say nothing of the moral problems.

This apparent reversal is pretty funny:

Transparency and clarity, or absolute silence? (Not that I’m soliciting advice.)

Sorry, should have been clearer. Transparent, clear, and smart between the two consenting parties who are hooking up. And quiet about it with anyone else in the workplace. If you are caught, being transparent, clear, and smart with each other, helps you keep from fucking lying about it to cover it up.

When asked, "Why didn't you report it?"

Your response is an easy, "There was no conflict of interest and we kept it out of the workplace, by doing X, Y, and Z."


It should also be noted - if there IS a conflict of interest it should be reported to HR immediately to avoid issues.

01-16-2020, 07:08 PM
At one point, I worked in an office where only one of the female admin/managers on the floor wasn't hooking up with her boss. She was also the awesome and intelligent one, and thankfully, the main one I worked with directly. "We" knew this, because the women all talked to the gay guy, who talked to the metro guy, who talked to the rest of us.

I got tired of the world of b.s. around that company and bailed. Six months later, a bunch of higher-level people were gone. It was kinda like walking out of the building and having it implode behind me.


The rule I was taught is, "Don't crap where you eat."

01-16-2020, 11:17 PM
I want to know what you guys think regarding the involved parties' POST certifications.

I am a huge libertarian, the Department should keep its freaking nose out of my life type, but if they lied in the investigation, burn them down. Honesty and integrity is all I have, at the end.

01-17-2020, 01:32 AM
In my state lying during the IA (regardless of what was being investigated or if the party was guilty of the allegations being investigated) would get the dishonest party on our state-wide list of officers with credibility (Brady) issues. Once on the list, even if their certification hasn’t been pulled, they are nearly unemployable outside a couple problem agencies. I don’t know how or why some end up being decertified and some retain their cert given similar dishonestly. I suspect it has to do with how their employer files the paperwork with PSTC.

Without regard to what the underlying case is about- dishonesty by officers in an official matter cannot be tolerated. The profession has enough challenges as it is and we’re nothing if we’re not credible.