View Full Version : AOC Blowing up the DNC

01-10-2020, 11:50 AM

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has already topped the fundraising charts in her short time in Congress, but the liberal darling won’t donate a cent of her millions to Democrats' House campaign organization -- a position that has rankled some of her colleagues, Fox News has learned.

Instead, Ocasio-Cortez is building her own fundraising operation for fellow progressive candidates to bypass the official Democratic Party infrastructure. Already, she's actively funding primary challengers to oust certain Democratic colleagues.

1. There is no way AOC is smart enough to pull this off on her own or to even think of this on her own. Who is pulling the strings?
2. On the surface, this seems really bad for the DNC. I don't care if the DNC tanks but the progressive (socialist, communist) movement sounds like it's going to get a bump in representation in congress.

01-10-2020, 11:55 AM
A full blown American Socialist/Communist Party breaking away from the DNC would not only weaken the DNC but would unmask the true intentions of the hard left.
No matter what Twitter says the US is still a long, long ways away from embracing Progressive Socialism/Communism.

01-10-2020, 12:36 PM

Ni un centavo más

01-10-2020, 12:43 PM

1. There is no way AOC is smart enough to pull this off on her own or to even think of this on her own. Who is pulling the strings?
2. On the surface, this seems really bad for the DNC. I don't care if the DNC tanks but the progressive (socialist, communist) movement sounds like it's going to get a bump in representation in congress.

My guess would be the same far-left PAC that got her elected in the first place (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_Democrats).

01-10-2020, 12:54 PM
A full blown American Socialist/Communist Party breaking away from the DNC would not only weaken the DNC but would unmask the true intentions of the hard left.
No matter what Twitter says the US is still a long, long ways away from embracing Progressive Socialism/Communism.

I wouldn't bet on that.

The DNC is screwed no matter what. The last election should be all the evidence anyone needs. Progressives are in search of a new direction just like conservatives were when Trump came along. There really wasn't much difference in the two parties going into the last election. Trump was an outsider and the GOP tried to stop him initially. Dems also derailed Sanders and they will try to do the same to AOC.

The problem is billionaire elitists running the country and the shrinking middle class. AOC addresses that (70% marginal tax rate for incomes above $10 million) just like Trump addressed immigration and trade. That had a lot of resonance for a lot of people. Everyone thought Trump wasn't a contender.

01-10-2020, 01:02 PM

01-10-2020, 01:05 PM
Toothy McBigTits is a gift.

I bet she drive Pelosi batshit.

01-10-2020, 01:09 PM
Toothy McBigTits is a gift.

I bet she drive Pelosi batshit.

Come on, man. She doesn't even look Irish.

01-10-2020, 01:14 PM
Come on, man. She doesn't even look Irish.

And for that, we can all be thankful.

01-10-2020, 01:35 PM
"1. There is no way AOC is smart enough to pull this off on her own or to even think of this on her own. Who is pulling the strings?"

How smart does she have to be to think-I am riding a wave right now, we should fund raise and keep the money for ourselves since the Dem Machine tried to squash me the first go round and dismissed me as a lightweight. Noting to herself that she was outspent 18+ to 1 (195k v. 3.6 million) and managed to beat her longtime Irish Catholic male opponent by 15% despite his endorsements from all the sitting DEM pols in NY.

I find it moderately intriguing how quick many are to denigrate (re intellectual prowess and otherwise) those public figures ( it goes beyond politics imho) whose stated beliefs do not comport with our world view yet how tolerant we are of those public figures whose stated beliefs DO comport with our own.

I think your premise is flawed-both she and the "Justice Democrats" with whom she associates are smart enough to do this and more.

01-10-2020, 01:40 PM
1. There is no way AOC is smart enough to pull this off on her own or to even think of this on her own. Who is pulling the strings?

George Soros. Every day I pray for Soros. I pray he will go to Heaven very soon. However I think he will be getting on the down elevator.

01-10-2020, 01:41 PM
1. There is no way AOC is smart enough to pull this off on her own or to even think of this on her own. Who is pulling the strings?

Probably whoever persuaded Saikat Chakrabareti and Corbin Trent to hand over their puppet strings.

01-10-2020, 01:51 PM
And for that, we can all be thankful.

Low punch. Take 2 points.

01-10-2020, 02:11 PM
Comrades, I hope AOC succeeds beyond her wildest dreams. I look forward to our new Overlords.

01-10-2020, 02:28 PM
Come on, man. She doesn't even look Irish.

To the British, the Irish are the Puerto Rican’s so it all comes full circle.

01-10-2020, 02:33 PM
Comrades, I hope AOC succeeds beyond her wildest dreams. I look forward to our new Overlords.

You'll think so when you have to swap that Porsche for a Yugo, cause fairness and shit.:eek:

01-10-2020, 02:33 PM
To the British, the Irish are the Puerto Rican’s so it all comes full circle.

I thought that was the Scots. (Maybe just some of the Brits I was around.)

01-10-2020, 02:44 PM
I thought that was the Scots. (Maybe just some of the Brits I was around.)

Poor Island just off the coast, people speak a foreign language and like to party ? No, the Irish are definitely Britain’s Puerto Rican’s.

The Scots are the Britain’s Hill Billy’s.

01-10-2020, 02:47 PM

Ni un centavo más

She Che? That would be a great tee shirt.

01-10-2020, 02:50 PM
Comrades, I hope AOC succeeds beyond her wildest dreams. I look forward to our new Overlords.

If Dear Leader Ocasio-Cortez needs a first gentleman I could accommodate her. Solely for the glory of the Revolution of course ;-)

01-10-2020, 02:50 PM
"1. There is no way AOC is smart enough to pull this off on her own or to even think of this on her own. Who is pulling the strings?"

How smart does she have to be to think-I am riding a wave right now, we should fund raise and keep the money for ourselves since the Dem Machine tried to squash me the first go round and dismissed me as a lightweight. Noting to herself that she was outspent 18+ to 1 (195k v. 3.6 million) and managed to beat her longtime Irish Catholic male opponent by 15% despite his endorsements from all the sitting DEM pols in NY.

I find it moderately intriguing how quick many are to denigrate (re intellectual prowess and otherwise) those public figures ( it goes beyond politics imho) whose stated beliefs do not comport with our world view yet how tolerant we are of those public figures whose stated beliefs DO comport with our own.

I think your premise is flawed-both she and the "Justice Democrats" with whom she associates are smart enough to do this and more.

You make a really good point. I like to think that I'm not judging her intelligence based solely on her ideology but maybe I am. I've been around enough to know better than to underestimate "the bad guys". It's very possible that I need to check myself on this.

Totem Polar
01-10-2020, 03:13 PM
My guess would be the same far-left PAC that got her elected in the first place (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_Democrats).

This. Hell they got her elected twice (did y’all know that AOC actually won in two different races? She took the best seat of the 2...) Folks, I have been following TYT long enough to have seen Cenk being blown away by his own channel’s polls after the DNC fucked Bernie and the voters, and then declaring war on the Dem establishment, and rightfully so.

I dislike AOC’s platform, but I like her moxie. I have a soft spot in my heart for idealistic college kids.

As is often the case, JodyH has a tactical grasp of the sitch. The "old guard," collectively needs to be put in the dirt; they’re bad for America, and they’re bad for the dem party. I wish the justice dems luck. I won’t be voting for them, but I respect their willingness to go to war against their own party in an effort to fix things. They are looking at the party elite’s perpetual hand-jobbing of each other the same way a bunch of us look at WLP and the NRA board’s mutual weenie-pulling.

And, they are currently too left to go much beyond upsetting the apple cart. They will fracture the vote in favor of nationalist populism as currently displayed by DJT, until somebody can step through the opening down the road and run on a more moderate platform that actually aims to empower the people with checks against the gov’t. Assuming I’m still on earth and in possession of my cognitive mechanisms, I might even vote for that.

Anyhoo, everyone has an opinion; that’s mine for the moment.

01-10-2020, 03:54 PM
I dislike AOC’s platform, but I like her moxie. I have a soft spot in my heart for...

You're not fooling anyone...


And dare I say you may have used the wrong adjective, professor. :rolleyes:

01-10-2020, 04:10 PM
This. Hell they got her elected twice (did y’all know that AOC actually won in two different races? She took the best seat of the 2...) Folks, I have been following TYT long enough to have seen Cenk being blown away by his own channel’s polls after the DNC fucked Bernie and the voters, and then declaring war on the Dem establishment, and rightfully so.

I dislike AOC’s platform, but I like her moxie.

She won two primaries. The one she was running in on a shoestring budget and the other as a write in candidate. She can get people to participate in the electoral process in large numbers. What's amazing about this is that Democrat voter apathy played a huge roll Donald Trump's election, bottom line is that Hilary Clinton was so terrible that she could not get Democrats that voted for Barak Obama to bother to go the polls. 2020 is shaping up for the Dems to run a boring ass old white dude for president. They have a rock star that has the social networking to get young people to vote, and they lock her out.

AOC doesn't need that money, but the DNC really needs her moxie.

fly out
01-10-2020, 04:32 PM
While it is technically true that she won two primaries, the "other" win was nine total votes for her, out of 22 votes cast. Even in her race with Crowley, she only beat him by 4,100 votes and received fewer than 16,000 votes, total. The Dem machine fell asleep at the switch and didn't have a chance to find extra ballot boxes.

So she was thrust onto the national stage with fewer than 16,000 voters pulling the lever for her.

If her district ends up getting erased in redistricting, I smell a primary challenge to Schumer in 2022. She'll finally be old enough for president/vice president in 2028. We'll see. I hope America will be tired of progressives by then.

01-10-2020, 04:38 PM
One of my friends went to high school with AOC. He says she was fairly intelligent. I think many of us underestimate her intelligence just because she believes in policies we think are ridiculous.

01-10-2020, 04:57 PM

01-10-2020, 05:06 PM
To the British, the Irish are the Puerto Rican’s so it all comes full circle.

They even have their own version of Whisky.

Joe in PNG
01-10-2020, 05:16 PM
I get that she's young, perky, effervescent, probably smarter than she looks, and all that jazz.

What I don't like is the fact that her end goal is to turn the US into another failed People's Socialist Democratic Republic with her and her fellow nomenklatura getting all the nice stuff, and the rest of us getting crap.

01-10-2020, 05:23 PM

AOC won her primary with 16K vote cast. (56.7 %)

AOC won her general with 110K+ votes cast. (78.2%)

The incumbent was ripe for the picking and got picked.

01-10-2020, 05:26 PM
What was the AOC dancing video with the socialist workers song ?

01-10-2020, 05:30 PM
You'll think so when you have to swap that Porsche for a Yugo, cause fairness and shit.:eek:

It doesn't take 10 million to buy one of those. Hell, even I could buy one (with cash) and I don't even have a job.

01-10-2020, 05:30 PM
A few months old but still...


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) may be the progressive left's favorite new Congresswoman, but according to a new poll released by Stop The AOC PAC, her constituents aren't fond of her.

The group walked throughout New York's 14th Congressional District, which covers Queens and the Bronx. They knocked on 10,556 doors and spoke to 22,546 voters. They discovered that:

• 58.2 percent of those surveyed were unfamiliar with Ocasio-Cortez.
• 50.8 percent of those surveyed had an unfavorable opinion of AOC.
• 56. 6 percent of those surveyed said they were unsure if Ocasio-Cortez had their district's best interest at heart.
• 33.4 percent of those surveyed said they would oppose AOC running for reelection next year.

01-10-2020, 05:33 PM
Joe in PNG

says: "I get that she's young, perky, effervescent, probably smarter than she looks, and all that jazz."

What does smart looking look like?

She looks less smart than Ivanka Trump? Tiffany Trump? Charlotte Pence? Meghan McCain?

Explain Please.

01-10-2020, 05:34 PM
What was the AOC dancing video with the socialist workers song ?


01-10-2020, 05:38 PM
Joe in PNG

says: "I get that she's young, perky, effervescent, probably smarter than she looks, and all that jazz."

What does smart looking look like?

She looks less smart than Ivanka Trump? Tiffany Trump? Charlotte Pence? Meghan McCain?

Explain Please.

Well, she looks like Mr. Ed, so...

(A couple of shots though and my attitude might change...)



01-10-2020, 05:56 PM
What was the AOC dancing video with the socialist workers song ?

I am wondering about that video too. It was posted in a thread here.

Unless I am mistaken, the song was a communist workers song from Germany.

01-10-2020, 05:59 PM
Well, she looks like Mr. Ed, so...

(A couple of shots though and my attitude might change...)

We'll have to agree to disagree on this one... If I was single and she was willing...
Ok.. who am I kidding?... I'd rather slap her than screw her, but, not because she's unattractive.

Totem Polar
01-10-2020, 06:07 PM
A few months old but still...


Wait, wut?

According to the numbers, there are at least 8 percent who don't know her, but still don't like her. The hate of socialism is strong in her district, I guess...

https://i.imgflip.com/3ls1z8.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/3ls1z8)via grumpy farts who never saw "the breakfast club..." (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

PS: for HCM: the original is a play on the 80's flick. Someone just took the footage and spliced a commie soundtrack on top and it went viral.


01-10-2020, 06:24 PM
Wait, wut?

According to the numbers, there are at least 8 percent who don't know her, but still don't like her. The hate of socialism is strong in her district, I guess...

https://i.imgflip.com/3ls1z8.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/3ls1z8)via grumpy farts who never saw "the breakfast club..." (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

PS: for HCM: the original is a play on the 80's flick. Someone just took the footage and spliced a commie soundtrack on top and it went viral.


I know but I was looking for the commie one.

01-10-2020, 06:27 PM

No, that’s not it. It was some old hook anarchist workers song about letting your brother die for want if a little piece of bread or something. It had a fiddler on the roof feel to it and someone spliced in a bunch of commie anarchist quotes.

01-10-2020, 06:28 PM
I am wondering about that video too. It was posted in a thread here.

Unless I am mistaken, the song was a communist workers song from Germany.

Yes, that’s the one.

Totem Polar
01-10-2020, 06:33 PM
I know but I was looking for the commie one.

Ah. Copy. I've seen that version, but didn't bookmark. I suspect it may have been pulled.

fly out
01-10-2020, 06:45 PM
This one?


01-10-2020, 06:52 PM
This one?


That’s it.

Joe in PNG
01-10-2020, 07:27 PM
Joe in PNG

says: "I get that she's young, perky, effervescent, probably smarter than she looks, and all that jazz."

What does smart looking look like?

She looks less smart than Ivanka Trump? Tiffany Trump? Charlotte Pence? Meghan McCain?

Explain Please.

It's the lady who spews a lot of dumb on video (the one about growing cassavas in New York kind of sticks out). I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt.

Question, if a fairly attractive woman supports a philosophy that has a history of turning very very evil every time it's tried, does it make it right?

01-10-2020, 08:57 PM
Your Question, "if a fairly attractive woman supports a philosophy that has a history of turning very very evil every time it's tried, does it make it right?"

My Answer: Absolutely not.

My Question "does AOC look less smart than Ivanka Trump? Tiffany Trump? Charlotte Pence? Meghan McCain?

Your Answer: ???

LOOKS is the word you used- not the words behave, legislate, campaign ,comport, present etc...

Because what I see is someone that won an election that no one thought she could win by being incredibly transparent re what she wants to do politically and how she would like to do it.

One does not have to remotely agree with one's policies/politics/positions to acknowledge their successes to date.

IMNSHO-There are multiple incumbents on both sides of the isle that could lose because they continue to take their younger, less experienced opponents way too lightly because they they do not look like them, or sound like them, or act like them, or come from the same schools and/or background as them.

But what do I know, I was just a Poly Sci Undergrad from a 3rd tier state school.

01-10-2020, 09:04 PM
vcdgrips Respectfully, I'm trying to understand the core point you are trying to get across. Is it that one shouldn't underestimate their competition?

I think the comments about looks, dancing, bar tending etc are just us having a laugh and that most of us realize the challenges facing us by the "progressive" left. Need we look further than Virginia at the moment?

01-10-2020, 09:18 PM
A few months old but still...


And, last time I looked, the vast majority of the money she raised was from people outside her district.

01-10-2020, 09:21 PM
And, last time I looked, the vast majority of the money she raised was from people outside her district.

That's primarily, from what I can determine, because she spends so little time representing those she was elected to represent. (And many are not happy about it.)

01-10-2020, 09:59 PM
One of my friends went to high school with AOC. He says she was fairly intelligent. I think many of us underestimate her intelligence just because she believes in policies we think are ridiculous.

We want to believe. She says dumb shit, but a fair percentage of the time, it's dumb because it's quoted literally and taken out of context. And also, sometimes she just says some retarded shit. Same thing happens with Trump.

Personally, I think that a declining Democratic Party is not good for gun owners *collective gasps* shut up and listen. A system where your demographic (gun nuts) will only vote for one party means that you have no political power. The Bad Party has no reason to compete for your vote, because they know they won't get them. The Good Party has no reason to protect your interests, because what are you gonna do, go vote for those dirty Bad Party guys?

And protip: neither party is the Good Guys. Both of them will sell you up the river for the price of an extra value meal.

If you want to have power--and this is where the NRA fucks up hard--you have to be willing to sit out an election. Hey, the Democrat is an avowed gun grabber and the Republican folds like a towel every time there's a zomgschoolshooting? Stay home guys, everybody sucks in this one. Hell, sometimes you might have to vote for a Democrat if you find one with a strong commitment to gun rights and public safety.

As American politics grows increasingly divisive and partisan, political power lies with the swing vote. When they don't know what you're going to do, that's when you have them.

01-10-2020, 10:05 PM

The three devils are always planning some kind of shady fuck America business.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-10-2020, 10:15 PM
This one?


That’s the one. Thanks.

fly out
01-10-2020, 10:18 PM
The NRA routinely gave good ratings to pro-gun Dems. Are there any pro-gun Dems on the national stage anymore? Manchin might be the closest.

Maybe you can say that there are times to sit out an election? 2016 wasn't it. 2020 isn't going to be it.

01-10-2020, 10:26 PM
The NRA routinely gave good ratings to pro-gun Dems.

Correct. It's like people have a memory that isn't longer than 5 minutes.

The NRA has endorsed democrats in elections at the state and federal level many times.

The Democratic party, however, hasn't nominated a pro-gun candidate to high office in generations.

At one time there were pro-life democrats, too. That isn't acceptable anymore.

The NRA didn't make this phenomenon happen.

01-10-2020, 10:39 PM
The NRA routinely gave good ratings to pro-gun Dems. Are there any pro-gun Dems on the national stage anymore? Manchin might be the closest.

Maybe you can say that there are times to sit out an election? 2016 wasn't it. 2020 isn't going to be it.

And Manchin got eviscerated by the party for questioning the character assassination of Kavanaugh. He's nearly on his way to being the next-generation Joe Lieberman.

01-10-2020, 10:47 PM
We want to believe. She says dumb shit, but a fair percentage of the time, it's dumb because it's quoted literally and taken out of context. And also, sometimes she just says some retarded shit. Same thing happens with Trump.

Personally, I think that a declining Democratic Party is not good for gun owners *collective gasps* shut up and listen. A system where your demographic (gun nuts) will only vote for one party means that you have no political power. The Bad Party has no reason to compete for your vote, because they know they won't get them. The Good Party has no reason to protect your interests, because what are you gonna do, go vote for those dirty Bad Party guys?

And protip: neither party is the Good Guys. Both of them will sell you up the river for the price of an extra value meal.

If you want to have power--and this is where the NRA fucks up hard--you have to be willing to sit out an election. Hey, the Democrat is an avowed gun grabber and the Republican folds like a towel every time there's a zomgschoolshooting? Stay home guys, everybody sucks in this one. Hell, sometimes you might have to vote for a Democrat if you find one with a strong commitment to gun rights and public safety.

As American politics grows increasingly divisive and partisan, political power lies with the swing vote. When they don't know what you're going to do, that's when you have them.

Been saying that for awhile now. I burned a vote for a pot smoking Libertarian in 2016. When somebody comes along I can vote for I'll vote. If everyone did that it would blow up both parties in one election cycle.

01-10-2020, 11:05 PM
Yes, let's game the gun control vote by sitting out and end up with a nation where you can set your newly born child in a dark room until it expires, or shank it in the back of the head as it emerges from the birth canal cause it's a reproductive right. Let's out-fox the elections and see open borders with chain migration rights. Let's be play it smart and get some folks in who'll decimate the armed forces, again, while doubling down on their operational tempo and giving them untenable rules of engagement. Let's thrill them with our acumen and let a terrorist organization teach our primary investigative body how to deal with terrorist organizations.

What have we got to lose? ;)

Joe in PNG
01-10-2020, 11:15 PM
If memory serves, the phrase "they are smarter than they look" is in common usage, or am I wrong?

The common meaning of that common phrase is that a person may project an aura of being less intellegent than they actually are- Peter Faulk's Colombo character comes to mind here. He acts clueless to trick people into letting their guard down. AOC may be doing something similar.

Which is the whole point of me using that commonly used common phrase in common use among common people.

So, like Blues, I'm confused at what you are trying to get at. Could you explain?

And why are you bringing up other people? I'm not talking about other people- I'm talking about someone who's being projected as being some kind of future of one of our major political parties.

01-10-2020, 11:37 PM
Correct. It's like people have a memory that isn't longer than 5 minutes.

The NRA has endorsed democrats in elections at the state and federal level many times.

I'm referring to the "sit it out". I know they've managed to find Democrats to support.

I've also seen them endorse complete asshat Republicans. I had one charmed soul show up to my gun club to plead for our votes in the primary. Now, she knew it was a gun club. Eventually the question came up, "Would you vote to repeal the SAFE Act?".

Her opponent--not beloved by the local (R) committee--knew the correct answer: "Absolutely." He then spent several minutes explaining exactly why it was a bad law--far beyond just the "they dun took yer guns!".

The Charmed Soul stands up, looks us in the eye, and says, "I'll have to look into that!". Lady...you're going to a gun club. Who the hell prep'd you for this?

Anyways, guess who got the NRA endorsement? The one that the committee had already rubber-stamp'd.

The NRA routinely gave good ratings to pro-gun Dems. Are there any pro-gun Dems on the national stage anymore? Manchin might be the closest.

Maybe you can say that there are times to sit out an election? 2016 wasn't it. 2020 isn't going to be it.

The war's being fought at the state level. Although I'd point out that nationally, Reps have failed to do much of anything for us.

Yes, let's game the gun control vote by sitting out and end up with a nation where you can set your newly born child in a dark room until it expires, or shank it in the back of the head as it emerges from the birth canal cause it's a reproductive right. Let's out-fox the elections and see open borders with chain migration rights. Let's be play it smart and get some folks in who'll decimate the armed forces, again, while doubling down on their operational tempo and giving them untenable rules of engagement. Let's thrill them with our acumen and let a terrorist organization teach our primary investigative body how to deal with terrorist organizations.

Prepare to get #triggered (https://pistol-forum.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=triggered) . Fair warning.

I don't care.

I'm a single-issue voter. I will happily vote for anybody who will work to put a fully-automatic, suppressed SBR in my hands, sans Freedom Tax. That is my sole criteria. I don't even think that it's about some "guns are the most important issue-blah-bah-freedom-blah-blah" stuff.

(1) I am an asshole.
(2) Every other group wants to trade votes for Free Stuff. Why shouldn't I trade my vote for an M4?
(3) Government is completely inept anyway. Why do you think I prefer my government teensy and weak? Not to lower taxes, to limit the amount of damage they can do.

Now, it just so happens that the people that don't want to do all the crazy shit you mentioned, also are at least leaning towards giving me guns. Maybe not machineguns, but hey, baby steps. So I can be a single-issue voter without voting for anarchy. But yeah--I happily sit out of local elections.

Remember--the other side, the True Believers of Disarmament, they're completely fucking crazy. They'd do anything to achieve their goal. If you wanna fight 'em, you have to get crazy, too.

01-10-2020, 11:51 PM
Prepare to get #triggered (https://pistol-forum.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=triggered) . Fair warning.

I don't care.

I'm a single-issue voter. I will happily vote for anybody who will work to put a fully-automatic, suppressed SBR in my hands, sans Freedom Tax. That is my sole criteria. I don't even think that it's about some "guns are the most important issue-blah-bah-freedom-blah-blah" stuff.

(1) I am an asshole.
(2) Every other group wants to trade votes for Free Stuff. Why shouldn't I trade my vote for an M4?
(3) Government is completely inept anyway. Why do you think I prefer my government teensy and weak? Not to lower taxes, to limit the amount of damage they can do.

Now, it just so happens that the people that don't want to do all the crazy shit you mentioned, also are at least leaning towards giving me guns. Maybe not machineguns, but hey, baby steps. So I can be a single-issue voter without voting for anarchy. But yeah--I happily sit out of local elections.

Remember--the other side, the True Believers of Disarmament, they're completely fucking crazy. They'd do anything to achieve their goal. If you wanna fight 'em, you have to get crazy, too.

Your post doesn't trigger me. It just makes me sad. Different strokes.

01-10-2020, 11:56 PM
I appreciate the honest back and forth.

My core points are we are too quick to dismiss those with whom we do not agree

Admittedly painting w a bit of a broad brush

Those on the right are too quick to focus on how a female political figure on the left looks v. Her political prowess
Those on the right do not apply that same “standard” to females on the right. Ergo my mention of the Trump sisters, Meghan McCain etc.


Joe in PNG
01-11-2020, 01:33 AM
I appreciate the honest back and forth.

My core points are we are too quick to dismiss those with whom we do not agree

Admittedly painting w a bit of a broad brush

Those on the right are too quick to focus on how a female political figure on the left looks v. Her political prowess
Those on the right do not apply that same “standard” to females on the right. Ergo my mention of the Trump sisters, Meghan McCain etc.


I honestly don't really care how she looks, or how the other ladies you mention look. Truth is, I don't follow those gals either.

There are people who get more involved with how a person looks, or what group/ tribe a person represents over what they are actually saying. The stupid stuff she says tends to overshadow the substance of her position, and her position, while well intentioned, is to basically turn us into Venezuela.

One can make the point that she gets away with saying some pretty stupid stuff because she's attractive, or that she's in the place she is because of her youth and looks. The use of young and attractive spokespeople to sell a product is an old and honored tradition after all. And all this sudden national attention, backed by the very rich she supposedly is fighting aginst, gives the cynic in me pause. Why is she being pushed as some sort of party future?

01-11-2020, 06:59 AM
If Dear Leader Ocasio-Cortez needs a first gentleman I could accommodate her. Solely for the glory of the Revolution of course ;-)

I don't get it. No matter how many times I look at that woman I just can't see her as attractive.

ETA I don't understand how people can watch her discuss economic issues and NOT think she's stupid

01-11-2020, 09:14 AM
Her actions with her fundraising show she is not stupid. She is, she believes, the forefront of a political revolution.

It is her way or the highway. People who don’t obey don’t get resources. And should be run out of the party into darkness.

In other words, she’s being a good socialist.

01-11-2020, 10:03 AM
Her actions with her fundraising show she is not stupid. She is, she believes, the forefront of a political revolution.

It is her way or the highway. People who don’t obey don’t get resources. And should be run out of the party into darkness.

In other words, she’s being a good socialist.


"What're you in for, kid?

"I called AOC a horse-faced bitch on P-F"

"Jeez, that's some hard luck."

"How 'bout you?"

"Me?, I admitted to owning a Taurus."

Glenn E. Meyer
01-11-2020, 10:07 AM
As far as her being 'dumb' - here's her education background. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ocasio-cortez-resume/

Not bad. I will be gone when she is president, having beaten Ivanka.

01-11-2020, 10:11 AM
As far as her being 'dumb' - here's her education background. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ocasio-cortez-resume/

Not bad. I will be gone when she is president, having beaten Ivanka.

Either of those two bitches fine women run and I will be starting a new birther movement.

01-11-2020, 10:17 AM
Yes, let's game the gun control vote by sitting out and end up with a nation where you can set your newly born child in a dark room until it expires, or shank it in the back of the head as it emerges from the birth canal cause it's a reproductive right. Let's out-fox the elections and see open borders with chain migration rights. Let's be play it smart and get some folks in who'll decimate the armed forces, again, while doubling down on their operational tempo and giving them untenable rules of engagement. Let's thrill them with our acumen and let a terrorist organization teach our primary investigative body how to deal with terrorist organizations.

What have we got to lose? ;)

AOC is demonstrating that the DNC needs to be kneecapped, just like Trump kneecapped the GOP. He was their last choice as a candidate and in time he became their only viable candidate. Early on the GOP tried everything they could to stop him. People like Trump and AOC get elected in spite of 2 party politics and PAC's, which is bad for this country. If you don't believe me just look around.

01-11-2020, 10:49 AM
A full blown American Socialist/Communist Party breaking away from the DNC would not only weaken the DNC but would unmask the true intentions of the hard left.
No matter what Twitter says the US is still a long, long ways away from embracing Progressive Socialism/Communism.

This is my positive side and I agree with it.

Everything else I consume as information inflames the pessimistic side: America is on a hopeless future train wreck of socialism and it will occur in the remainder of my time on earth. There are huge swaths of folks who want their damn socialism and they will have it. They won't re think their plans, if even then, when the conflict goes hot.

01-11-2020, 11:10 AM
As far as her being 'dumb' - here's her education background. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ocasio-cortez-resume/

Not bad. I will be gone when she is president, having beaten Ivanka.

I don't care what fancy pants credentials, awards or degrees someone has attached to their name. It doesn't take much to figure out that most all schools today have lowered standards to ridiculous levels. When I look at my once a week hometown newspaper when they publish the high school honor role you would think everyone in town is headed to a Rhodes Scholarship.

I ran across an interesting conversation between a HVAC guy and the M. D. landlord he was working for about AOC on a Youtube video.

https://youtu.be/T6VDYRReB_A?t=985 If it doesn't cue up correctly go to 16:25 to listen.

01-11-2020, 11:26 AM
I think we are well on our way to a move from two party rule to the coalitions that exist in much of the rest of the world.

01-11-2020, 11:34 AM
I think we are well on our way to a move from two party rule to the coalitions that exist in much of the rest of the world.


01-11-2020, 11:49 AM
Maybe the swap or deep state will go after her for her campaign violations and misappropriation of campaign funds since she’s pissing off the old money and power.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

01-11-2020, 11:50 AM
Her actions with her fundraising show she is not stupid. She is, she believes, the forefront of a political revolution.

It is her way or the highway. People who don’t obey don’t get resources. And should be run out of the party into darkness.

In other words, she’s being a good socialist.

I see it differently.

AOC was an insurgent progressive primary candidate and the DNC wouldn't back her. Trump was an insurgent conservative candidate and the GOP wouldn't back him either until he demonstrated that they really had no choice.

I'm not looking at this from a political ideology, but our political party system. Of course people in NYC are going to vote for a socialist just like the pavement dwellers in N. VA are going to vote D. It runs with the territory.

So what happens in the future to somebody like Trump who won't bow to the party line. It doesn't really matter what the party is. If they exclude candidates because they don't conform to the party platform they'll go rogue like AOC. When they do go rogue with a popular message like 'I'm not taking any PAC money because it corrupts' and people get on board with that you get a first term Obama. Then you get a second term Obama when he switches to PAC money to win another election.

Rogue political insurgents, no matter what their stripe, is trending. It's the future. Mostly people are just looking for a change from what we have now which is just more of the same tired old crap like political parties being dominated by PAC's and special interests. The mess in congress right now is a shining example of how our two political system doesn't work. If a dem says it's white, a rep will say it's black.

An independent political party that listens to the voters instead of PAC money and special interests sure would be nice.

01-11-2020, 11:55 AM
Maybe the swap or deep state will go after her for her campaign violations and misappropriation of campaign funds since she’s pissing off the old money and power.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

There have been some recent news stories (legitimately) criticizing her for neglecting her actual duties representing the people of NY in favor of grandstanding on the national political stage.

01-11-2020, 11:57 AM
Maybe the swap or deep state will go after her for her campaign violations and misappropriation of campaign funds since she’s pissing off the old money and power.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

It will be deemed as sexist and racist and an attempt to marginalize people of color. (Doesn't much matter if the underlying facts support the allegation.)

Glenn E. Meyer
01-11-2020, 12:00 PM
So we have determined that all politicians across age, sex, orientation, race, political leanings, etc. are primarily egotistic crooks?

What a surprise!

Of course, if my crook supports my crackpot idea - it's excused. Said crook still counts the money.

You will get your guns or your decorated birthday cake - But I got your money!

01-11-2020, 12:48 PM
There have been some recent news stories (legitimately) criticizing her for neglecting her actual duties representing the people of NY in favor of grandstanding on the national political stage.

AOC blew up Amazons plans to move to NYC. A lot of people didn't like that but guess who's the richest guy in the US, the one eyed jack Jeff Bezos. Right behind him is Bill Gates. They both have a yuge presences in WA. We lose more gun rights every year because of billionaires like that. If you don't believe that live here for awhile and try to buy an AR. They sink millions into our initiatives and they get passed because too many people get lost in party politics and the money that backs it. It wasn't always like that. I was here when microsoft stock went public.

I'm aware that she's anti-gun (no big shocker there considering where she's from) but so are most billionaires like Bloomberg, Gates and Ballmer. They move a lot more votes than someone like AOC by donations to democrats. They're finding out how that works in VA right now. VA voted the most friendly state for business and where Amazon ended up. See any correlation there?

Glenn E. Meyer
01-11-2020, 01:52 PM
Billionaires remember the Guillotine, thus they are naturally opposed to armed peasantry. Remember that the mob would storm the arsenal in the good old days.

If ARs weren't tainted as being totems of the right wing, you might see AOC stocking up. There have been articles by progressives arguing for the 2nd Amendment and tooling up.

01-11-2020, 01:56 PM
Billionaires remember the Guillotine, thus they are naturally opposed to armed peasantry. Remember that the mob would storm the arsenal in the good old days.

If ARs weren't tainted as being totems of the right wing, you might see AOC stocking up. There have been articles by progressives arguing for the 2nd Amendment and tooling up.

She'd be an AK girl.

01-11-2020, 02:04 PM
She'd be an AK girl.

I've seen several of those socialist/communist pigs at my range. :confused:

01-11-2020, 02:39 PM
Billionaires remember the Guillotine, thus they are naturally opposed to armed peasantry. Remember that the mob would storm the arsenal in the good old days.

If ARs weren't tainted as being totems of the right wing, you might see AOC stocking up. There have been articles by progressives arguing for the 2nd Amendment and tooling up.

AKs aren't cheap anymore. The leftist, communist milita types ARE stocking up. Mostly on cheap ARs and 80% lower ARs.

01-11-2020, 02:44 PM
I've seen several of those socialist/communist pigs at my range. :confused:

Guns are just objects.

WA state has plenty of socialist / communist pigs with guns though there is one less after Tacoma PD took out the John Brown Gun Club’s Willem Van Spronsen.

01-11-2020, 04:51 PM
Guns are just objects.

WA state has plenty of socialist / communist pigs with guns though there is one less after Tacoma PD took out the John Brown Gun Club’s Willem Van Spronsen.

We have a few neo-nazis also. :(

01-11-2020, 04:59 PM
As far as her being 'dumb' - here's her education background. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ocasio-cortez-resume/

Not bad. I will be gone when she is president, having beaten Ivanka.

Some of the dumbest people I've ever met were great students. An educated idiot is still an idiot.

Glenn E. Meyer
01-11-2020, 05:19 PM
There are different forms of hypothesized intelligence.

1. The standard academic type
2. Emotional
3. Practical

Folks usually comment that someone with #1 acts acts poorly in the second and third dimensions. So someone with great scientific or mathematical skills can be a political fool. A very glib politician might be good at 2 but you won't want him or her to design a circuit board.

What else is new? You don't like her so she is stupid. You don't like Trump so he is an idiot.

01-11-2020, 05:19 PM
We have a few neo-nazis also. :(

They're mostly broke with crappy guns too.

01-11-2020, 07:49 PM
You don't like her so she is stupid. You don't like Trump so he is an idiot.

No. She's stupid because she says things and she puts forth economic policies that even an uneducated person such as myself knows won't work.

She's either really dumb practically or she's being deliberately disingenuous

01-11-2020, 09:35 PM
No. She's stupid because she says things and she puts forth economic policies that even an uneducated person such as myself knows won't work.

She's either really dumb practically or she's being deliberately disingenuous

She isn't dumb. She found a political nisch and uses it. She exploits media coverage by saying outrageous crap. Trump plays the same game.

01-11-2020, 09:42 PM
Come on, man. She doesn't even look Irish.

If Beto can be Hispanic, she can be Irish.