View Full Version : Border Patrol Circulates Intel Alert : ‘Suspected Suicide Bomber en Route to the U.S'

01-10-2020, 11:42 AM
Authorities along the U.S. border are on alert after receiving a law enforcement intelligence warning about a possible suicide bomber heading north toward the U.S.-Mexico Border.


01-10-2020, 01:58 PM
Authorities along the U.S. border are on alert after receiving a law enforcement intelligence warning about a possible suicide bomber heading north toward the U.S.-Mexico Border.


It was only a matter of time. Attention Walmart shoppers.

Casual Friday
01-10-2020, 02:02 PM
Remember when they said this wasn't possible? Pepperidge Farm does.

INB4 "tHiS iS fRoM bReItBaRt"

01-10-2020, 02:57 PM
Breitbart? Fake News

01-10-2020, 09:10 PM
Breitbart? Fake News

What new source is not fake in your opinion?

01-10-2020, 11:34 PM
Breitbart? Fake News

Usually, but...not in this case.

01-10-2020, 11:37 PM
Breitbart? Fake News

Definitely partisan, not necessarily “fake.”

As for the report it self, it is a report to other agencies about something that was reported, the validity of the report is unknown.

Ironically, if it was true, the cartels in Mexico would have a vested interest in stopping a U.S. bound suicide bomber. Such a person entering the U.S. via Mexican Alien smuggling organizations would be very bad for business.

Lester Polfus
01-11-2020, 12:42 AM
... the cartels in Mexico would have a vested...

I see what you did there.

01-11-2020, 10:55 AM
Definitely partisan, not necessarily “fake.”

As for the report it self, it is a report to other agencies about something that was reported, the validity of the report is unknown.

Ironically, if it was true, the cartels in Mexico would have a vested interest in stopping a U.S. bound suicide bomber. Such a person entering the U.S. via Mexican Alien smuggling organizations would be very bad for business.

Until the price is right...

01-11-2020, 11:36 AM
To say that traffic of any kind is solely run by cartels is naive......majority yes, but not all. At the same time, Intel is rarely accurate.

01-11-2020, 11:43 AM
Until the price is right...

Not really. They aren’t stupid. First, why kill the golden goose ? Second, they remember what happened after the Kiki Camerena incident and that was handled as a law enforcement issue. That would be nothing compared to the response aiding a terror attack on the homeland would bring.

They very much understand you can’t spend money if you’re dead from a drone strike. A criminal organization that provides material support to a foreign terrorist organization by aiding in an attack on the homeland becomes a legitimate military target when the gloves come off. And the gloves would come off. Wherever they went in the world they would be found and dealt with.


01-11-2020, 11:44 AM
Could also be one cartel putting out a rumor to get added Customs/USBP scrutiny on a rival cartels smuggling routes.

01-11-2020, 12:54 PM
Not really. They aren’t stupid. First, why kill the golden goose ? Second, they remember what happened after the Kiki Camerena incident and that was handled as a law enforcement issue. That would be nothing compared to the response aiding a terror attack on the homeland would bring.

They very much understand you can’t spend money if you’re dead from a drone strike. A criminal organization that provides material support to a foreign terrorist organization by aiding in an attack on the homeland becomes a legitimate military target when the gloves come off. And the gloves would come off. Wherever they went in the world they would be found and dealt with.

Yeah I get this. Its an impressive 'argument' and perspective. I'm not denying that the economics of the current situation would support such a viewpoint. Just playing devil's advocate for a moment.

I'm just worried that one cartel out of many would actually be that dumb to support working with a terrorist state or organization.

If cartel x gets a profit increase of 300% ( or more?) by working with Islamic terrorists vs smuggling drugs and humans, then their attention is certainly going to be drawn. Maybe they play the odds that they can get a good number of terrorists shipped before the US sends ground troops to Mexico.

The US politics of gearing up to militarily handle the cartels because of their alliance and repeated support of terrorists would take a good bit of time. The optics would be ugly...just awful.

Maybe they partner with the terrorists to help take out other cartels, even. Consolidate power in Mexico. Take over entire swaths of the country.

In the end yes it makes their main source of income, smuggling humans and drugs, way more difficult; and for them it would suck mightily to be the target of every Special Forces team in the US and maybe Canada, but maybe they think they can get away with it.

Just sayin...terrorist groups know for a fact that cartels are quite good at smuggling into the US. Its just a matter of 'how to contact' and 'how much $' the terror groups will pay.

Again just playing devil advocate...

01-11-2020, 01:08 PM
Yeah I get this. Its an impressive 'argument' and perspective. I'm not denying that the economics of the current situation would support such a viewpoint. Just playing devil's advocate for a moment.

I'm just worried that one cartel out of many would actually be that dumb to support working with a terrorist state or organization.

If cartel x gets a profit increase of 300% ( or more?) by working with Islamic terrorists vs smuggling drugs and humans, then their attention is certainly going to be drawn. Maybe they play the odds that they can get a good number of terrorists shipped before the US sends ground troops to Mexico.

The US politics of gearing up to militarily handle the cartels because of their alliance and repeated support of terrorists would take a good bit of time. The optics would be ugly...just awful.

Maybe they partner with the terrorists to help take out other cartels, even. Consolidate power in Mexico. Take over entire swaths of the country.

In the end yes it makes their main source of income, smuggling humans and drugs, way more difficult; and for them it would suck mightily to be the target of every Special Forces team in the US and maybe Canada, but maybe they think they can get away with it.

Just sayin...terrorist groups know for a fact that cartels are quite good at smuggling into the US. Its just a matter of 'how to contact' and 'how much $' the terror groups will pay.

Again just playing devil advocate...

None of these are realistic concerns.

They are good at it because 1) they have been at it for over a century and 2) they are more than smart enough to walk the line between doing what they want to do and not waking the sleeping giant.

They fully understand that having any part of facilitating an attack against the US homeland by foreign terrorist organization orange them a drone strike, not extradition or a trial.

These guys don’t need to partner with terrorists to take out other cartels. ISIS copied their beheading videos from the cartels, not the other way around. You were talking about people whose answer to communication security is not to hire some expert or try to sweep their phones for bugs, they will spend millions of dollars to set up their own radio repeaters and cell phone towers and run their own cell phone network.

The cartels make billions (with a b) on dope, human trafficking, stolen oil etc. there is no terror group in the world that could provide them a financial enticement

01-11-2020, 01:14 PM
Thanks for the input HCM. Appreciate it.

01-11-2020, 02:00 PM
None of these are realistic concerns.

They are good at it because 1) they have been at it for over a century and 2) they are more than smart enough to walk the line between doing what they want to do and not waking the sleeping giant.

They fully understand that having any part of facilitating an attack against the US homeland by foreign terrorist organization orange them a drone strike, not extradition or a trial.

I see what you did there.

For fixer here’s a photo of some CNGJ cartel guys. Do they look like they need to import help when they have an almost unlimited recruiting grounds in their own country and plenty of money to arm and equip them.


01-11-2020, 05:35 PM
I would be more concerned about the Canadian border. Trump says otherwise.

Despite their portrayal of Mexico as a teeming portal for terrorists, the State Department issued a report in September finding “no credible evidence indicating that international terrorist groups have established bases in Mexico, worked with Mexican drug cartels or sent operatives via Mexico into the United States.”

State Department reports on terrorism have expressed more concern about Canada, which unlike Mexico has been home to “violent extremists inspired by terrorist groups such as ISIS and al-Qaida and their affiliates and adherents,” as it said in 2017. When it comes to land crossings, Canada has more often been the source of terrorism suspects entering the U.S., though not in great numbers. By far the majority of people who arouse concern try to enter by air.


01-11-2020, 06:22 PM
I would be more concerned about the Canadian border. Trump says otherwise.


Canada is a big empty country that wants immigrants for economic reasons. As such they Have tended to be less discerning when making security decisions about who to let in or who to grant asylum status to. They have tightened things up a bit but the barn door was wide open for a long time.

01-11-2020, 07:33 PM
Canada is a big empty country that wants immigrants for economic reasons. As such they Have tended to be less discerning when making security decisions about who to let in or who to grant asylum status to. They have tightened things up a bit but the barn door was wide open for a long time.

That must be a relatively recent change. My first solo trip to a foreign country was to Canada in 1999ish. When asked by the Border Agent my reason for visiting Canada, I said "work" as I was there to support a system migration for a couple weeks. He just about had a cow, accusing me of taking work from Canadians, etc. He finally settled down and let me through, but from there on out, any time I traveled for work, my reason was "meetings".


01-11-2020, 08:26 PM
That must be a relatively recent change. My first solo trip to a foreign country was to Canada in 1999ish. When asked by the Border Agent my reason for visiting Canada, I said "work" as I was there to support a system migration for a couple weeks. He just about had a cow, accusing me of taking work from Canadians, etc. He finally settled down and let me through, but from there on out, any time I traveled for work, my reason was "meetings".


It is not, I'm talking about people formally applying to immigrate to Canada or come to Canada as refugees. Not a one time interaction with somebody just showing up at the border.

An example would be the aspiring millennium bomber intercepted on a WA ferry on his way to bow up LAX.

01-11-2020, 08:33 PM
My funniest Canadian border experience was at Toronto.

Pretty girl carrying some illegal drugs gets chatted up and let go. Me, the Yank with ID and creds has his gear examined from top to bottom.

I guess my pants made my ass look big. :rolleyes:

01-11-2020, 08:59 PM
It is not, I'm talking about people formally applying to immigrate to Canada or come to Canada as refugees. Not a one time interaction with somebody just showing up at the border.

An example would be the aspiring millennium bomber intercepted on a WA ferry on his way to bow up LAX.

I remember that. Some very astute customs guy nailed his ass. IIRC that was before 911.

01-12-2020, 12:56 AM
I remember that. Some very astute customs guy nailed his ass. IIRC that was before 911.

Astute Customs Gal actually.

01-12-2020, 01:32 AM
The plan was to blow the Space Needle and LAX on 01/01/2000.