View Full Version : NEWS SOURCES

01-07-2020, 09:03 PM
This thread is for posting links to news sources, or specific articles, that hopefully offer insights into events that may not be covered by mainstream, are incorrectly reported by mainstream media, or that offer insights not available through mainstream media.
I just started following this guy.


01-07-2020, 10:08 PM
The best news sources I have found are Newsmax, the Washington Times, and Independent Journal Review.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-08-2020, 11:14 PM
I listen to the John Batchelor show pretty often. Lots of good in depth interviews.


01-08-2020, 11:28 PM
For Middle East related things, I like a couple "local" sources:

https://www.thenational.ae/international out of the UAE
https://www.aljazeera.com/ out of Qatar
https://www.jordantimes.com/ out of Jordan

And for a different take on international news, the BBC. https://www.bbc.com/news/world

01-09-2020, 01:39 AM

01-09-2020, 01:54 AM


Mr. Bloomberg: You’ve been criticized as puritanical and self-righteous for some of your more restrictive policies, like a ban on large sodas. You seem to lean into the accusation, stating in a 2014 interview that:

"I am telling you, if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in. I have earned my place in heaven. It’s not even close."

Let’s not focus on what this says about your humility, or about your religious beliefs. I want to focus on a different issue.

Despite spending $100 million in the first month of your presidential campaign, you are currently placed fifth – behind two socialists, a confused old man, and the mayor of South Bend, Indiana. In, let’s not forget, an increasingly shaky effort to prevent President Donald J. Trump from winning a second term.

So my question for you is: what makes you so sure you’re not in Hell already?

Mayor Buttigieg: You are a gay Navy veteran. Your last name is “Buttigieg”. You are mayor of “South Bend”. And you first achieved prominence on the national stage for a New York Times editorial about your travels in the Horn of Africa, which includes the country of “Djibouti”.

My question is: is your campaign just the setup for a gay porno? Do you really think viewers want this much backstory?

01-10-2020, 01:45 AM
StrategyPage | Military News Humor Photos (https://www.strategypage.com/default.aspx)

EDIT: Also

Rantingly (https://rantingly.com/)

Whatfinger – Whatfinger News (https://www.whatfinger.com/)

01-10-2020, 03:52 AM
Well I always take the info with the proverbial "grain of salt", but I enjoy reading some of the articles linked through Western Rifle, especially "knuckledraggin my life away" and posts from John Mosby.
I reiterate, taken with a grain of salt...but their viewpoints are interesting and entertaining. But I always enjoyed reading the old SOF magazine back in the day...

I actually look to P-F each day because there is generally intelligent and thoughtful discussion on current topics.

BBC news does give a different perspective.




At least I'm not listening to Alex Jones... :o

01-10-2020, 07:20 AM
WSJ for mainstream. For depth I read national review.

If you’re not paying for your news source, you’re getting what you pay for.

01-10-2020, 08:02 AM

I’m looking at this site more lately.

Strategy Page is bueno.

01-10-2020, 08:29 AM
News from a Christian perspective.

01-10-2020, 09:07 AM
For Germany/Switzerland I find a media navigator useful, which inserts media into a matrix with the axes left/right and Nato-compliant/Nato-critical:

swprs.org/medien-navigator (https://swprs.org/medien-navigator/)

Due to this thread, I've just looked it up after a while and found: Now there is matrix for English media, too. Have not checked it, yet. But I assume, it's useful, too:

swprs.org/media-navigator (https://swprs.org/media-navigator/)

For the German media matrix, I've found out that one should read one or more media so that the "centre of gravity" of all these media is in the middle of the matrix. Then you get the whole picture (at least the chances are better). Don't know if this applies for the English media matrix.

I sometimes read deutsch.rt.com (https://deutsch.rt.com/). There you have it, I've said "Jehova"! But it's really necessary as a compensation for German mainstream media, I mean in order to get a more balanced information input. I don't say RT is the pure and complete truth. But it helps in order to get a more complete picture.

01-10-2020, 09:13 AM
News from a Christian perspective.
In that vein, https://www.ncregister.com/

01-10-2020, 09:17 AM
For Germany/Switzerland I find a media navigator useful, which inserts media into a matrix with the axes left/right and Nato-compliant/Nato-critical:

swprs.org/medien-navigator (https://swprs.org/medien-navigator/)

Due to this thread, I've just looked it up after a while and found: Now there is matrix for English media, too. Have not checked it, yet. But I assume, it's useful, too:

swprs.org/media-navigator (https://swprs.org/media-navigator/)

For the German media matrix, I've found out that one should read media so that the "centre of gravity" of these media is in the middle of the matrix. Then you get the whole picture. Don't know if this applies for the English media matrix.

From my perspective, their politically centered US sources are extremely liberal. The only politically centered, close-to-power outlet I can think of in the US is the WSJ.

01-10-2020, 10:07 AM
WSJ for mainstream. For depth I read national review.

This is generally the method I use.

Wondering Beard
01-10-2020, 11:20 AM
America's newspapers of record:

The Onion (https://www.theonion.com/)

Babylon Bee (https://babylonbee.com/)

01-15-2020, 10:35 AM

01-15-2020, 11:15 AM
In my experience - there are no news sources that are fair and balanced.

I still use a multiple outlet approach. If a story is interesting, I’ll read about it in multiple news outlets.

Initial Sources:

New York Times
Washington Post

Deeper Dive:

Wall Street Journal
National Public Radio (yes NPR)

Deepest Dive:

Al Jazeera
Christian Science Monitor

Reality Check:

The Onion
Babylon Bee

01-15-2020, 11:42 AM
What about RT? The German RT appears to me as a good counterbalance for German mainstream media. But I don't know the English RT.

Wingate's Hairbrush
01-15-2020, 01:16 PM
What about RT? The German RT appears to me as a good counterbalance for German mainstream media. But I don't know the English RT.RT and its many tendrils sometimes do some very fine reporting, investigation and analysis. Trouble is, most of that's purely to lend cover to all the disinformation. You want to talk fake news for real? Not the mealy-mouthed, we-don't-know-how-good-we've-actually-got-it version we whine about stateside?

RT. Enjoy it for the good reporting; enjoy it for the bad reporting; enjoy it for what it puts in that isn't true and what it leaves out that is; enjoy it for trying to read the tea leaves in Moscow and determining what the Kremlin wants people to know and what it doesn't.

But don't mistake it for a legit news source.

01-15-2020, 04:54 PM
RT and its many tendrils sometimes do some very fine reporting, investigation and analysis.
I agree and like that you see it so.

Trouble is, most of that's purely to lend cover to all the disinformation.

RT [...] But don't mistake it for a legit news source.
Is CNN a "legit news source"? Is RT worse than CNN?

I think, enough truth is only in the mix. And the mix exposes contradictions. And then the evidence of western mainstream media is rarely superior. So then I know that I don't know. But I know, war is shit. So I don't buy the war-mongering of western mainstream media.

01-15-2020, 04:58 PM
Is CNN a "legit news source"? Is RT worse than CNN?

I think, enough important truth is only in the mix. And the mix exposes contradictions. And then the evidence of western main stream media is rarely superior. So then I know that I don't know. But I know war is shit. So I don't buy the war mongering of western main stream media.

It can be legit if the "news" being reported doesn't conflict with an obvious agenda. (Same for FOX and most all of the outlets.)

I'll be damned if I can tell you a news outlet I trust.

Generally I try to go to the Associated Press, Reuters or some other news wire before it gets bent and remolded into something that fits a narrative.

Sad state of affairs.

01-15-2020, 05:06 PM
BBC+PBS+NPR+WSJ+the Guardian+FOX + CNN + 24-48 hours of the passage of time= a decent handle on what is happening in the world

01-15-2020, 05:14 PM
Also very important: Dare to think for yourself! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sapere_aude)

Don't drown in the information overflow with so many false and irrelevant informations.


01-15-2020, 05:21 PM
I tend to go after as many sources as I can and use the aggregate to determine/decipher a story. Certain outlets get tossed on certain subjects and used for others. For example, stories on bloomberg.com on guns and NYT stories on culture are ignored while Bloomberg financial stories and NYT investigative stories are read.

01-15-2020, 05:25 PM
Also very important: Dare to think for yourself! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sapere_aude)

Don't drown in the information overflow with so many false and irrelevant informations.

And consider other sources besides Neil deGrasse Tyson.

01-15-2020, 05:31 PM
Avoid ad hominem. His 5 rules are great. Very simple and very useful just like the Cooper rules.

01-15-2020, 05:34 PM
Avoid ad hominem. His 5 rules are great. Very simple and very useful just like the Cooper rules. I've got a master degree in computer science (the German equivalent), physics as minor subject. And on the way I experienced that this 5 rules really help in science. And not only there, also in everyday life.

Jawohl, mein Herr!

(My scholarships were for astrophysics...look where that got me.)

01-15-2020, 05:39 PM
Meanwhile I've removed the blabla about my humble scientific degree and experience. Too late, Blues has already quoted it. I don't want to try to speak as if I had authority. This contradicts one of Mr. deGrasse Tyson's rules. Makes me only ridiculous as Blues has already expressed.

01-15-2020, 05:46 PM
I agree and like that you see it so.


Is CNN a "legit news source"? Is RT worse than CNN?

I think, enough truth is only in the mix. And the mix exposes contradictions. And then the evidence of western mainstream media is rarely superior. So then I know that I don't know. But I know, war is shit. So I don't buy the war-mongering of western mainstream media.


RT is a state run media outlet. It is literal textbook propaganda, from the home of the masters of it, much like CCTV. Of course, there is good material they produce, because clear an accurate reporting muddies the waters when they produce BS. People that count on them as a source have to be educated enough on whatever issue is at hand to know if they are being fed solid reporting, or the Moscow party line...

If you want examples of straight up deliberately misleading coverage, look for issues where Moscow is trying to advance a position poorly supported by reality/facts. A good concrete example would be the coverage of the shoot-down of MH17 (https://foreignpolicy.com/2016/09/29/how-mh17-gave-birth-to-the-modern-russian-spin-machine-putin-ukraine/), or the way they covered the Russian assassination attempts in the UK (https://www.theguardian.com/media/2018/mar/16/how-rt-is-reporting-sergei-skripal-salisbury-spy-scandal-russia), or more recently the way they have covered the Syria war generally, or specific incidents in it like the Feb 7th battle where 300 + Russian mercs died attacking a unit with U.S. troops embedded in it. (https://taskandpurpose.com/russia-mercenaries-syria-defeat-details , https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/10/06/rise-fall-russian-private-army-wagner-syrian-civil-war/)

Please don't read this as an endorsement of CNN (I have my severe issues with their coverage), but RT is one of the clearest examples of a purveyor of unreliable information there is for someone looking for basic sources for an issue. There is value in reading it as a weathervane on Russian policy and positions, but it is worse than nothing as a primary source. Their various taglines and marketing strategies are centered around the fact that they are going to provide a different perspective from everyone else sometimes... unfortunately, that is because those are the times they are going to be peddling Russian lies.

01-15-2020, 05:57 PM
Just to piggy back on RT, they're no different than the Iranian state news or Xinhua.

CNN is putting out a tremendous amount of misrepresentations, a significant amount of half-truths, and even some total lies to serve an agenda and condition a population (propaganda)......but they're at least free to report things that happen even when the US Gov't doesn't like the publicity of whatever event is being reported.

01-15-2020, 06:01 PM
Thank you, JDD, for giving examples. Next step for me would be to verify them. But without having done so yet: Maybe RT US is just not as good as RT Germany. RT Germany also is not suitable as the only news source. But at least it's not worse than my experience of CNN and most western mainstream media (especially not worse than German MSM).

01-15-2020, 06:09 PM
(especially not worse than German MSM).

How do you characterize your MSM? What are the issues surrounding the media in Germany?

01-15-2020, 06:17 PM
How do you characterize your MSM? What are the issues surrounding the media in Germany?
They always say something like: "Russia is the devil. Germany is crap. Merkel is cool. Trump sucks, Hillary would be much better. Save the climate. Refugees will pay your retirement pensions. Pay more taxes. Buy more shit. Turn in your guns. If you don't believe us or say something else, you're a nazi!"

And of course: "Freedom is slavery. War is peace."

And of course: I see all this quite differently.

Wingate's Hairbrush
01-15-2020, 06:28 PM
Thank you, JDD, for giving examples. Next step for me would be to verify them. But without having done so yet: Maybe RT US is just not as good as RT Germany. RT Germany also is not suitable as the only news source. But at least it's not worse than my experience of CNN and most western mainstream media (especially not worse than German MSM).Your experience carries with it the illusion of the central position.

Objectively, however, there is a world of difference between state run media (RT) and -- for all its many flaws -- free media (most western sources).

01-15-2020, 09:22 PM
Thank you, JDD, for giving examples. Next step for me would be to verify them. But without having done so yet: Maybe RT US is just not as good as RT Germany. RT Germany also is not suitable as the only news source. But at least it's not worse than my experience of CNN and most western mainstream media (especially not worse than German MSM).

Meaning no offense, you only think this because RT Germany is targeted at you, so it's specifically designed to appear like something you, personally, should trust.

01-15-2020, 09:38 PM
I have been enjoying thedispatch.com. They are a new center-right site with a concise daily email newsletter. And so far they are completely subscriber supported with no ads.

01-15-2020, 09:46 PM
Meanwhile I've removed the blabla about my humble scientific degree and experience. Too late, Blues has already quoted it. I don't want to try to speak as if I had authority. This contradicts one of Mr. deGrasse Tyson's rules. Makes me only ridiculous as Blues has already expressed.

Don’t sweat it, P, we know you’re a solid dude.

01-15-2020, 11:18 PM
The critical thing to learn about reading the news - is that you have to know how to find the slant.

That’s why multiple sources remains the only true solution. Pick two right leaners, two left leaners, and two mostly independents (like the CS Monitor and, believe it or not, Al Jazeera). Consistency in the story let’s you know, in effect, what the facts are, everything else is spin.

Learning to read spin isn’t easy, but isn’t hard, either. Once you know what it looks like, it is easy to spot.

Joe in PNG
01-16-2020, 12:21 AM
The critical thing to learn about reading the news - is that you have to know how to find the slant.

That’s why multiple sources remains the only true solution. Pick two right leaners, two left leaners, and two mostly independents (like the CS Monitor and, believe it or not, Al Jazeera). Consistency in the story let’s you know, in effect, what the facts are, everything else is spin.

Learning to read spin isn’t easy, but isn’t hard, either. Once you know what it looks like, it is easy to spot.

The right tends to go right into insults and childish names (Obummer, ect).
The left is a bit more sophisticated about it's slant, but it's there. People and ideas they like tend to get more positive wording and phrasing, usually accompanied by more flattering photos.
One classic trick is to humanize the person you're flattering in the beginning of an article, usually via a quick & flattering description of the surroundings of the interview or the person's dress/ body language/ pets/ ect.
People they don't like get saddled with more negative wording and adjectives, plus reminders of things that may be controversial or negative. Photos will be unflattering.

Another trick is to put something negative in the headlines, then basically say you didn't mean it after the fold, or it's unfounded ect.

And, as always, Gell-Mann amnesia comes into play. If a news source buggers up something you know about, why do we tend to trust them on everything else?

01-16-2020, 01:04 AM
Al Jazeera is an interesting channel that has had a lot of good documentaries over the years.
edit: compared to Fox, CNN and MSNPC, watching Al jazeera felt like 'news for grown ups'

01-16-2020, 01:50 AM
Not sure if its left, center or right but the North Korean news always has an interesting take on things:

01-16-2020, 08:07 AM
Not sure if its left, center or right but the North Korean news always has an interesting take on things:

I can't tell if you're kidding...

01-16-2020, 09:58 AM
I have been enjoying thedispatch.com. They are a new center-right site with a concise daily email newsletter. And so far they are completely subscriber supported with no ads.

I'm having trouble warming up to The Dispatch. I like Goldberg, and I really like French and Levin, but their new effort kind of falls flat for me.

01-16-2020, 10:13 AM
Lawfareblog is IMO required reading to get analysis on major national security and national security related legal topics.

Some think it's a leans left place. I don't see it that way. On numerous topics over the last few years I've seen them publish on different sides of an argument. It's contributors seem to be well placed in whatever space they are writing about.


To prove the point they are not tribal/partisan, here is a very good piece about the recent strikes at Iranian government officials/terrorists.

"2. Okay, so the issue is self-defense. Now we have to argue about “imminence,” right? No, we don’t have to do that. Everyone is doing that, to be sure. But it is not obvious that these strikes depend legally on whether there really was an imminent attack to be averted."


01-16-2020, 10:33 AM
WSJ is having an introductory special pricing on subscriptions. $1 for two months then 50% off for a year on digital subscriptions. https://store.wsj.com/shop/US/US/wsjusnys20/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8fSGpriI5wIVip-zCh3xcgvZEAAYASAAEgL8-fD_BwE&trackingCode=aaqvkcdp&cid=WSJ_SCH_GOO_ACQ_NA&n2IKsaD9=n2IKsaD9&Pg9aWOPT=Pg9aWOPT&Cp5dKJWb=Cp5dKJWb&APCc9OU1=APCc9OU1&gclsrc=aw.ds&ef_id=XRfuZgAABceb1Gyg:20200116153316:s

01-16-2020, 10:41 AM
Two good sites for situational awareness



01-16-2020, 11:25 AM
One of the last remaining honest lefties, independent journalist Michael Tracey





Duces Tecum
01-16-2020, 11:30 AM
For the Levant: https://www.memri.org/

01-18-2020, 12:41 PM
And consider other sources besides Neil deGrasse Tyson.
When I was a boy, astronomy fascinated me. I liked Carl Sagan's Cosmos series very much. It was like an adventure, educational and gave serenity. Awesome combination. Mr. Tyson's remake of the Cosmos series was good IMHO but not as great as the original.

Which astronomical or astrophysical sources do you recommend besides Mr. Tyson?

When I answered to your posts last time, I came right from the pizzeria where I had a good time with an old friend and had some wine intus. Made me think less before posting, sorry.

Do you have an example, what astrophysics did teach you? Perhaps you have a nice lesson to share?

01-18-2020, 12:49 PM
For Middle East related things, I like a couple "local" sources:

https://www.thenational.ae/international out of the UAE
https://www.aljazeera.com/ out of Qatar
https://www.jordantimes.com/ out of Jordan

And for a different take on international news, the BBC. https://www.bbc.com/news/world

Second on BBC and AJ. Also Wall Street Journal and Financial Times.

01-18-2020, 12:59 PM
When I was a boy, astronomy fascinated me. I liked Carl Sagan's Cosmos series very much. It was like an adventure, educational and gave serenity. Awesome combination. Mr. Tyson's remake of the Cosmos series was good IMHO but not as great as the original.

Which astronomical or astrophysical sources do you recommend besides Mr. Tyson?

When I answered to your posts last time, I came right from the pizzeria where I had a good time with an old friend and had some whine intus. Made me think less before posting, sorry.

Do you have an example, what astrophysics did teach you? Perhaps you have a nice lesson to share?

No apology necessary. I enjoy reading your posts and didn't find anything you said offensive.

I don't have any great insights. I developed a love for astronomy as a young boy in the late 50's and early 60's. Took weekend classes at the Hayden Planetarium in NYC. Kept up with some amateur astronomy and independent study and did well enough on the testing to get some scholarships and offers of a free ride at some universities. (I still have an 8" reflector and a library of books on the subject that get occasional use.)

I ended up in law enforcement so let's just say the passion wasn't sufficient to motivate me toward the degrees which would have been necessary to pursue a career in the field. I have no regrets...I still find the subject of great interest though I struggle at times wrapping my head around various theories.

What has it taught me? I think it dovetails with a lifelong respect for Zen and the mirroring of the universe in all things from the great to the small. It's a mystery I know I'm a part of, but in only the faintest way, like motes of dust seen floating in the light of day.


01-18-2020, 01:25 PM
I don't have any great insights. [...]

What has it taught me? I think it dovetails with a lifelong respect for Zen and the mirroring of the universe in all things from the great to the small. It's a mystery I know I'm a part of, but in only the faintest way, like motes of dust seen floating in the light of day.
Wow, I think this alone is quite a great insight. Reminds me of probably the most beautiful German song from the 80s. I still like it, even my mother still likes it. It starts with:

"Im Sturz durch Raum und Zeit
Richtung Unendlichkeit
Fliegen Motten in das Licht
Genau wie du und ich"

My humble translation:

"In the fall through space and time
towards infinity
Moths are flying into the light
Just like you and I"

In 2002, Nena performed it together with Kim Wilde, half in English. I've found only a low-quality video of it in YT, but happiness still comes through.


01-21-2020, 03:56 PM
How do you characterize your MSM? What are the issues surrounding the media in Germany?
One more example that shows how bad German MSM are. Tagesschau is the biggest news broadcast, here. In the first two sentences, they wrote:

tagesschau.de/ausland/richmond-waffen-101.html (https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/richmond-waffen-101.html):

Im Zentrum der Stadt Richmond herrscht Ausnahmezustand: Am Mittag will die Waffenlobby im US-Bundesstaat Virgina gegen geplante schärfere Gesetze demonstrieren.

My translation:

The state of emergency prevails in the centre of Richmond: At noon the gun lobby wants to protest in the US state of Virgina against planned stricter laws.

Compare this with the description of the Richmond rally (https://pistol-forum.com/showthread.php?40336-En-route-to-the-Richmond-rally) in this forum:

Peaceful, polite, orderly, CROWDED.

I just checked the NRA twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts. Not.a.single.mention. of the Virginia rally on any of it.

So Tagesschau distorted the facts twice in their first two sentences:
- There was de facto no state of emergency. It was peaceful, polite and orderly.
- Not the "gun lobby" but grassroots demonstrated. The people.

This is how they report every day.

01-21-2020, 05:42 PM
Excellent example. Thanks for the perspective, P30.

01-21-2020, 05:44 PM
Speaking of news sources, it's pathetic that some of the (liberal) mainstream media here are terribly disappointed that the pro-2A rally in VA was non-violent and didn't spark civil unrest (in furtherance of their agenda).

Shameful at best...

01-21-2020, 06:03 PM
tagesschau.de/ausland/richmond-waffen-101.html (https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/richmond-waffen-101.html):

Im Zentrum der Stadt Richmond herrscht Ausnahmezustand: Am Mittag will die Waffenlobby im US-Bundesstaat Virgina gegen geplante schärfere Gesetze demonstrieren.
Damn, I've just noticed: They can't even spell the name of the state correctly. They are so bad. Every German household must pay 52.50 € per quarter for them. And this is what they deliver.

01-21-2020, 06:15 PM
WSJ is having an introductory special pricing on subscriptions. $1 for two months then 50% off for a year on digital subscriptions. https://store.wsj.com/shop/US/US/wsjusnys20/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8fSGpriI5wIVip-zCh3xcgvZEAAYASAAEgL8-fD_BwE&trackingCode=aaqvkcdp&cid=WSJ_SCH_GOO_ACQ_NA&n2IKsaD9=n2IKsaD9&Pg9aWOPT=Pg9aWOPT&Cp5dKJWb=Cp5dKJWb&APCc9OU1=APCc9OU1&gclsrc=aw.ds&ef_id=XRfuZgAABceb1Gyg:20200116153316:s
I didn't read it that way, it looks like EITHER $1 for two months OR $19.50 a month, for either 6 or 12 months. Says you can cancel any time so not exactly sure what the 6mo offer does.

But I am tempted, just am getting tired of spending as much effort as I do to avoid shit that is gonna piss me off.

01-21-2020, 08:43 PM
Damn, I've just noticed: They can't even spell the name of the state correctly. They are so bad. Every German household must pay 52.50 € per quarter for them. And this is what they deliver.


I wouldn't hit them for that. I can't imagine how the spelling errors are for American media reporting on German news. :p