View Full Version : Rant: I want to put a curse on anyone who uses grout in corners!

01-04-2020, 12:46 PM
I'm helping a relative and a friend with problems in their bathrooms. Both had the corners in their showers grouted, instead of caulked. Both now have cracks all along the corners. It appears the grout is original to construction on both, and I can't for life of me understand why the contractors would do that. One of my in laws has a business doing custom kitchen and baths, and has been in the business for 20 years. He said any contractor who grouts corners, instead of caulking them, is an idiot. I agree.

That's bad enough, but the previous owners at one house decided to "fix" the problem by slathering silicone caulk all over the cracks.

The cracked grout is bad enough, but a straight forward fix. However, the caulk over grout is a nightmare.

Anyone who does this is a horrible person.


01-04-2020, 12:49 PM
I'm helping a relative and a friend with problems in their bathrooms. Both had the corners in their showers grouted, instead of caulked. Both now have cracks all along the corners. It appears the grout is original to construction on both, and I can't for life of me understand why the contractors would do that. One of my in laws has a business doing custom kitchen and baths, and has been in the business for 20 years. He said any contractor who grouts corners, instead of caulking them, is an idiot. I agree.

That's bad enough, but the previous owners at one house decided to "fix" the problem by slathering silicone caulk all over the cracks.

The cracked grout is bad enough, but a straight forward fix. However, the caulk over grout is a nightmare.

Anyone who does this is a horrible person.


My bath is grouted with a tile wall on 3 sides. I chipped out all the grout between the tub and wall and caulked it. Was not a fun process.

01-04-2020, 12:49 PM
What are you using to remove caulk over grout?

01-04-2020, 01:00 PM
What are you using to remove caulk over grout?

4lb cross pein hammer. The Dewalt with the waffle pattern also does a good job.

01-04-2020, 02:26 PM
What are you using to remove caulk over grout?
I Peeled and scraped as much of the big pieces as I could, then used a razor scraper to get out more. Now I'm grinding away the grout with an oscillating tool, but the caulk residue causes the grout to gum up, and it's very slow.going. Once the grinding/chipping of the grout is done, it will be back to scraping, and then using wire brushes and scouring pads along with acetone, followed by more scraping to remove all the residue. My relative is old, and has health problems, so I'm doing all of this.

I was warned by a pro it would suck, and it does, big time.

Duces Tecum
01-04-2020, 04:32 PM
Had no idea. Your post made me curious enough to follow up.

The things you learn here!

01-04-2020, 04:49 PM
Damned if you do and damned if you don't. We've had customers complain that we use grout caulk in corners. I used to accommodate that, and offer to grout it. But I had so many problems with cracks (not really problems, we just had to redo it) that I refuse to do it now. I don't know any professional that recommends grout in corners, across bench/seat faces, or any other long grout run that may be under stress.

01-04-2020, 07:28 PM
I have recently come to understand this since moving to Michigan, our first house my wife an I bought “someone” not sure if it was a contractor or previous owner, grouted the entire backsplash into the countertop, then siliconed on top of the grout. Then decided to put liquid nail on top of that was a bitch to remove the black splash and countertop. Some contractors and / or people should never be allowed todo work on anything.