View Full Version : Interview with Steve Bannon

Totem Polar
12-29-2019, 12:48 AM
I’m sure people here are going to run hot and cold on Bannon, to varying degrees, but this interview leaves no doubt that he’s sharper than he looks. I was no Breitbart subscriber, myself, but I think Bannon displays a solid grip on the status of both parties, and where they’ve collectively brought us as a country right now.


12-29-2019, 09:08 AM
he’s sharper than he looks

One would have to be. (I just can't be bothered to read or listen to anything by or about him, however.)

12-29-2019, 09:59 AM
I follow Bannon. He's a straight up no BS guy. I don't agree with everything he says but he is responsible for getting Trump elected more than anyone that was associated with his campaign. He was literally the brains behind the campaign. Trump would have never been elected without Bannon driving the bus. He's a very competent political strategist.

I started paying attention to him when he resigned from Trump's staff. He thinks Trump has surrounded himself with idiots and he isn't wrong about that. He still gives Trump his due however but I don't think he will ever work for him again. Too much friction with Trump's family advisors.

12-29-2019, 02:47 PM
Long but excellent watch. I would like to see his opinion on Sessions recusal.
I imagine he probably pushed too hard on his visions. Had an elevated sense of self that couldn't work within the administration.
I think its impossible to watch this and not realize why Trump is president. The Average American has been wanting this re direction for a long time and it first manifested itself in Perot.
I wish there was a similar uprising against those that support the Chamber of Commerce. That would complete the picture.

Totem Polar
12-29-2019, 03:41 PM
(I just can't be bothered to read or listen to anything by or about him, however.)

It’s an excellent interview, by MSM standards. That said, you can probably get away with skipping it, because he likely didn’t say anything significant that you don’t already agree with. ;)

Long but excellent watch...

I think its impossible to watch this and not realize why Trump is president...

I was first turned on to this interview by a reasonably left-leaning musician. It’s interesting how the leftward response has so far been "the guy is spot-on. Oh, and by the way, fuck Trump..." and the conservatives in my circle respond "the guy is spot-on. Trump 2020!"


12-29-2019, 03:57 PM
Bannon has an interesting perspective on some things that rang true for a lot of people in the 2015 campaign. Zero tolerance Immigration and China trade tariffs were at the head of the list. If you want to know how Trump got elected this would be the best hour or so you could spend to get the inside story. I didn't know a lot of this and found it very informative. I believe Bannon to be an eccentric/visionary sort that sees things a lot of people don't. He pegged the elitist DC/MSM establishment pretty well. Conservative nationalist and liberal nationalist were new terms for me.

12-29-2019, 05:16 PM
I was first turned on to this interview by a reasonably left-leaning musician. It’s interesting how the leftward response has so far been "the guy is spot-on. Oh, and by the way, fuck Trump..." and the conservatives in my circle respond "the guy is spot-on. Trump 2020!"


You cant have it both ways. Personally I firmly believe Trump is the only one who could have delivered.

I would think Trump is a whole lot more aware much earlier on than anyone in the media and hence us mere citizens. To those who say hes unpresidental Id say , he knew the fight, and he was and is fighting it. No holds brawling because thats whats coming his way.

12-29-2019, 05:25 PM
He's smarter than I gave him credit for. I don't care for him and wouldn't go looking for his interviews etc, I but listened to his interview with the BBC people last summer while driving. He was both hoping for and predicting the rise of nationalism all over the West, UK included, mentioning Boris and Brexit. I thought that the BBC people sounded skeptical, at the minimum. That was at least six months before the referendum results and Boris becaming in charge of the Brexit. Come to think of it, he is right, the nationalism seems to be a strong playing card all around the globe.

Wondering Beard
12-29-2019, 05:35 PM
One would have to be. (I just can't be bothered to read or listen to anything by or about him, however.)

Just finished it, and while I'm far from a fan of Bannon, I think you'll find this interview valuable.