View Full Version : Myth versus reality: The science of firearms training

12-21-2019, 10:55 AM
Myth versus reality: The science of firearms training is an article from the December issue of Blue Line (https://www.blueline.ca/) magazine.

When officers are forced to resort to deadly force, they cannot shoot to wound; they must shoot to stop. The fight needs to be over as quickly and efficiently as possible. The longer a gunfight lasts, the more people get hurt or killed. If citizens understood more about the science that goes into police firearms training, they may be less inclined to quickly condemn the actions of officers who have to react in fractions of a second to save lives.


Myth versus reality: The science of firearms training
By Dave Brown

12-21-2019, 11:11 AM
My two cents; the root of anti-police viewpoints is cultural and opportunity politics.

City Hall passes bad policies (because of corruption, optics ,utopian thinking etc) which kill business activity. Low skilled people end up unemployed, so some turn to crime to pay their bills. Cops show up to enforce the law, and politicians /media encourage the angry community to blame the police. Every rock thrown at a squad car is one less projectile hurled at the Mayors house.

The cycle continues and City Hall keeps laughing to the bank. Pointing out facts to the people won’t make a dent in the cycle, although it may open some folks’ eyes.