View Full Version : Week 349: Control

11-29-2019, 02:03 PM
Week 349: Control

Results may be posted until December 29th, 2019.

Designed by: Gabe White, inspired by Rob Leatham
Range: 7 and 15 yards
Target: USPSA Metric or IDPA
Start Position: Facing downrange, shooter's choice of hands either hanging naturally, at high torso, or surrender
Rounds Fired: 48
Procedure: Start facing downrange with handgun loaded with at least six rounds and holstered. Upon start signal, draw and engage the target with six rounds. More details below.

For this drill of the week, we'll shoot the classic Bill Drill four times each at two different distances, for a total of eight runs. But, each of the four runs at 7 yards and each of the four runs at 15 yards will be scored completely differently. This drill is an exercise in efficiency and control with different optimal combinations of accuracy and speed. Concealment is optional.

String 1: At 7 yards, shoot a Bill Drill and score it for Anywhere On Paper
String 2: At 7 yards, shoot a Bill Drill and score it for USPSA Hit Factor Approximation
String 3: At 7 yards, shoot a Bill Drill and score it for New IDPA Scoring
String 4: At 7 yards, shoot a Bill Drill and score it for All As or DQ
String 5: At 15 yards, shoot a Bill Drill and score it for Anywhere On Paper
String 6: At 15 yards, shoot a Bill Drill and score it for USPSA Hit Factor Approximation
String 7: At 15 yards, shoot a Bill Drill and score it for New IDPA Scoring
String 8: At 15 yards, shoot a Bill Drill and score it for All As or DQ

Score each string individually, then total them.

For the Anywhere On Paper drills, hits anywhere on the entire silhouette incur no penalty and misses are +10 seconds. Your score is your raw time plus penalties for any misses.

For the USPSA Hit Factor Approximation drills, hits to the A/-0 zone = no penalty, B/C/-1 zone = +.25 second per shot, D/-3 zone = +1 second per shot, Misses = +10 seconds per shot. Your score is your raw time plus penalties for hits outside the A/-0 zone.

For the New IDPA Scoring drills, hits to the A/-0 zone = no penalty, B/C/-1 zone = +1 second per shot, D/-3 zone = +3 seconds per shot, Misses = +10 seconds per shot. Your score is your raw time plus penalties for hits outside the A/-0 zone.

For the All As or DQ drills, hits to the A/-0 zone = no penalty, B/C/-1/D/-3 zones/Misses = +1000 seconds per shot. Your score is your raw time plus penalties for hits outside the A/-0 zone.

Please report the following when you post your results in this thread:

Equipment used: gun, holster, concealment (if any), USPSA Metric or IDPA target
7 yard raw time and penalties for the Anywhere On Paper drill
7 yard raw time and penalties for the USPSA Hit Factor Approximation drill
7 yard raw time and penalties for the New IDPA Scoring drill
7 yard raw time and penalties for the All As or DQ drill
15 yard raw time and penalties for the Anywhere On Paper drill
15 yard raw time and penalties for the USPSA Hit Factor Approximation drill
15 yard raw time and penalties for the New IDPA Scoring drill
15 yard raw time and penalties for the All As or DQ drill
Grand Total Score (raw time and penalties for all eight strings combined)
Anything you noticed

Training with firearms is an inherently dangerous activity. Be sure to follow all safety protocols when using firearms or practicing these drills. These drills are provided for information purposes only. Use at your own risk.

12-02-2019, 12:54 PM
G19 gen 4
Blade Tech hybrid holster, Tac Tailor bat belt.
No concealment.
USPSA target.

First run:

String 4:

End result and kit:

1. 3.08, no miss
2. 2.87-5A, 1D = 3.87
3. 3.86-4A, 1C, 1D = 7.86
4. 6.28, no miss, all A
5. 3.56, no miss
6. 3.84-2A, 4C = 4.84
7. 4.64-5A, 1C = 5.64
8. 19.92, no miss, all A

Total score: 55.08

Things I noticed:
As always, I'm sloppy when trying to go too fast, as evidenced by string 1.

I am not proficient enough to do string 4 or 8 like a straight across Bill Drill. At 15 yards, it was slow fire to get them all in the A.

It's amazing how much the timer can bug you, even when you tell yourself "don't think about the timer, only hits count".

12-18-2019, 01:59 PM
Beretta M9, TJIB
JM Custom AIWB
Running concealed with hoodie

It was a good exercise, ran completely cold.

Run 1 - 2.87 no misses
Run 2 - 2.72, -1 - 3, -3 - 1, miss - 1
Strung the whole run to the right, which is very atypical for me.
Run 3 - 2.90, -1 - 2
Run 4 - 5.06, no miss
Run 5 - 3.87 no miss
Run 6 - 3.34, -1 - 5, miss - 1
Run 7 - 4.00, -1 - 4, -3 - 1
Got hung up in my hoodie, cost me a good half a second on the draw.
Run 8 - 9.40, dropped one about an inch out of the -0...
Raw score - 34.16
Adjusted - 1056.66

Other than the couple misses, I felt pretty good about this performance. Run 1 was far more accurate than I expected completely cold and standards to keep it on paper. I definitely suck in recoil control, and have a hard time pacing myself. The 15 yard runs with .3-.35 splits felt pretty good in terms of cadence, even at that range.

Run 1

Run 4

Run 8