View Full Version : Feral hog defense

11-27-2019, 09:02 PM
I see a Grizzly bear defense thread about every month and I've never seen a feral hog defense discussion.

So here it is and it's dedicated to everyone in Texas who has never even seen a grizz except maybe mounted in Cabelas.

My feral hog defense would be 9mm and lots of it cause evidently it will be more than one if you have to deal with them, like zombies.

They're also smarter than bears so they probably have some sort of command structure.

11-27-2019, 09:56 PM
I had never worried about hogs other than a female with piglets. My viewpoint recently became more cautious. But my experience has been that they run away from people. Now I have a hypothesis about their behavior. Those that do not avoid people learned this behavior from their group. Piglets born into populations that ignore human beings are reinforced to continue acting in this manner because it allows them to find food easily. Positive reinforcement occurs much more frequently than negative reinforcement. I observed the same phenomenon with crows. In my yard, they ignore me. In the country I can't get near them. Some coyote populations kill livestock. Others don't. Shooting coyotes might result in killing those who do not attack young calves with the result that more agressive dogs replace the first group.

I am not certain that one's sidearm would be much protection against a pack of hogs unless noise from firing would run them off. Whenever I would travel through thick underbrush in hog territory, I would blow an old school cop whistle in order not to surprise a female with babies. In my native Mississippi, hogs are great pests to moon shiners because fermenting mash attracts them. Like everybody else, they act stupid when drunk.

11-27-2019, 10:42 PM
Both times I've run into hogs in the field, I saw a huge set of balls running the opposite direction from me. I would guess there are probably more people killed per year by pit bulls than wild hogs. Now if you hunt them with dogs or trap them you're very likely to get charged. They can destroy a trap.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Totem Polar
11-27-2019, 11:26 PM

(Some folks here will get this)

11-27-2019, 11:51 PM
Both times I've run into hogs in the field, I saw a huge set of balls running the opposite direction from me. I would guess there are probably more people killed per year by pit bulls than wild hogs. Now if you hunt them with dogs or trap them you're very likely to get charged. They can destroy a trap.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk 34 Texans were killed by dogs from 2004 to 2013... Maybe we need a dog defense thread too.

11-28-2019, 12:10 AM
Jeff Cooper would say if you shot the leader, the rest of the group would have a major attitude adjustment.

11-28-2019, 12:13 AM
I don't know if hogs will turn away from OC/bear spray like dogs will.

Still, bear in mind a big dog is 150 pounds and a small feral boar is 150 pounds. If you're dealing with normal size feral hogs, you're starting to deal with a larger class of animal. It maybe thin-skinned, but it's fat, angry, stupid, and its vitals are better protected than a human's. Head shots or shots that break the shoulder/spine. A heart or lung shot hog could still fuck you up in a hurry.

Think about this one for a bit: Michigan Deputies Put Down 600-pound feral hog with 6" tusks (https://www.outdoorhub.com/news/2016/03/29/michigan-deputies-put-600-pound-wild-pig-6-inch-tusks/)


11-28-2019, 01:42 AM

(Some folks here will get this)

LARRY HARLEY BATTLE BOWIE, made for pig sticking. Mr. Harley told me " put the point where you want to thrust and push in hard." he was of the opinion that you were less likely to miss and hurt yourself that way. He was a good guy to talk to.

11-28-2019, 01:44 AM
I also think HK USP / .45 Super would help.

11-28-2019, 09:44 AM
I....... It maybe thin-skinned, but it's fat, angry, stupid, and its vitals are better protected than a human's.................

You just described my former mother-in-law.

11-28-2019, 10:13 AM
34 Texans were killed by dogs from 2004 to 2013... Maybe we need a dog defense thread too.
I think we haven't done it recently because it would give P-F a collective case of the sads.

If it works on bobcats, it should probably work on problem canines.

I think this has come up in the LE section a few times.

If I hear about feral hog attacks in my neck of the woods, I will start toting my Trooper with some 158 grain/180 grain JHPs, or maybe my 625 with .45 Super ammo.

I would probably get a shotgun rack for my riding lawnmower, too. 😀

11-28-2019, 12:20 PM
34 Texans were killed by dogs from 2004 to 2013... Maybe we need a dog defense thread too.

I’ve had many bad encounters with feral dogs, including in packs. Killing a feral dog with a Maglight and slicing another with a shovel caused me to lose zero sleep. Unfortunately none of my fights against dogs were in places where I could use guns.

I would welcome a thread on dealing with dangerous canines.

11-28-2019, 12:37 PM
With their thick skull and shoulder shield, I would feel a bit under-gunned with a 9mm on a mature hog. I would think that would be more of long-gun territory. If it comes down to using a sidearm, I would think it needs to be a big one.

My opinion is not experience-based, just going off of what I have learned about feral hog anatomy.

11-28-2019, 12:48 PM
a small feral boar is 150 pounds.

Maybe in Chicago, but down here most hogs are probably 75-150 pounds. I've only killed two that were over 200.

11-28-2019, 01:46 PM
In Texas feral pigs often a generic term that include javelina/peccary, escaped domesticated livestock animals, Eurasian pigs/hogs/boars, and crossbreeds between the latter two.

In my limited experience javelina and true feral pigs are not aggressive towards people. Somewhere in the 10,000 year domestication Eurasian hogs to bacon on legs, someone figured out that it was a bad idea to let the piggies with human aggressive traits reproduce. The Eurasian hogs are another story, haven't seen one in a while but they would go out of their way to kill dogs. According to TPWD they are almost extinct due to cross breeding.

I wonder if there was a dog involved, the only cases of non-hunters being attacked by wild pigs that I'm personally familiar with have been people trying to stop attacks on their dogs.

Personally I'll stick with 9mm. I've never had a pig charge me, but I don't think shooting at a 150lb pig missile is a high probability target and would opt for capacity.

11-28-2019, 02:15 PM
Here are a couple pictures of pictures I saved a while back off of a traditional bow hunting forum that show the anatomy of pigs. Their hearts are farther toward and lower and the lungs don’t extend as far back as deer and other ungulates; this makes targeting a bit different than folks who shoot deer are accustomed to.



The orange spot in the top photo and pink spot in the lower are aiming points with the most forgiveness.

Stephanie B
11-28-2019, 08:10 PM
With their thick skull and shoulder shield, I would feel a bit under-gunned with a 9mm on a mature hog. I would think that would be more of long-gun territory. If it comes down to using a sidearm, I would think it needs to be a big one.

My opinion is not experience-based, just going off of what I have learned about feral hog anatomy.

This story (https://thelawdogfiles.blogspot.com/2016/02/well-that-was-festive.html) would seem to be in agreement with your impression.

Joe in PNG
11-28-2019, 08:18 PM
Sounds like a good excuse to get a 1911 in .38 Super to me.

11-28-2019, 09:38 PM
This story (https://thelawdogfiles.blogspot.com/2016/02/well-that-was-festive.html) would seem to be in agreement with your impression.

That was a good read.

Thank you.

Joe in PNG
11-28-2019, 10:00 PM
That was a good read.

Thank you.

He's got a couple of books out:

The Lawdog Files (https://www.amazon.com/LawDog-Files-D-Lawdog/dp/9527065461/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=lawdog&qid=1574996203&sr=8-2)

African Adventures (https://www.amazon.com/LawDog-Files-African-Adventures/dp/952706547X/ref=pd_bxgy_img_2/130-2145912-0534721?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=952706547X&pd_rd_r=4a5f58e8-8b37-497c-8c26-800641fb087c&pd_rd_w=fcTPh&pd_rd_wg=tGfws&pf_rd_p=09627863-9889-4290-b90a-5e9f86682449&pf_rd_r=8XT4YME6H4V072GQBMF2&psc=1&refRID=8XT4YME6H4V072GQBMF2)

Both are good- the Ratel saga especially so.

11-28-2019, 10:02 PM
I've been planning to pick up a few Barrett mags for the 6.8.

Lost River
11-28-2019, 10:28 PM
Hogs still don't have a candle of large domestic livestock

Depending on which report you read, the CDC says:

Cattle kill an average of 20 to 22 people a year.

They lump horses, cows and "other mammals" together but the best I could gather from reading multiple articles was averages ranging from 22 to 28 annually for damn horses.

Dogs kill more than horses or cattle, Ranging between 30 and 50, with fatal attacks increasing. My guess would be thanks to hood rats and their affinity for Pitt Bulls and similar breeds.

All that said, there is no reason one should not have a dedicated Perfect Packin' Pig Pistol, if one truly feels the need!

A Glock .45/10MM would be a pretty solid choice I would think.

IDK, I only have limited pig experience.



11-28-2019, 10:33 PM
Went hogdogging in Toomsboro, GA a few years back. Catahoula hounds for tracking, a pit bull wearing Kevlar for a catch dog, and me armed with a Glock brand knife... though I admit a brought a pistol for a backup, LCR 357 with hard cast heavyweights.

Those dogs, especially that uparmored crazy pit bull, were all the backup anyone would ever need in that particular situation.

11-29-2019, 07:05 AM
New thread topic in the "what gun for..." theme? :D

uparmored crazy pit bull


11-29-2019, 07:31 AM
Hogs still don't have a candle of large domestic livestock

Depending on which report you read, the CDC says:

Cattle kill an average of 20 to 22 people a year.

I'd rather come around the corner of a trail and find hogs than this:


11-29-2019, 08:28 AM
Lost River
For the sake of all of those risking their lives in the pig woods, you probably had better share the details on that 3 screw.

Lost River
11-29-2019, 10:18 AM
That is a 60ish year old (late 1950s production ) 7.5" .44Magnum, which there were only 1,000 produced, making it one of the most uncommon and more desirable for collectors. I found it in a sort of local gunshop that was run by a former state trooper, and nice guy. It had some finish wear so I was not worried about wearing it into the field, and using it as it was built to be used.

I figured someone else can worry about diminished collector value after a get a few decades of fun out of it. When I retire I will whittle down my collection dramatically but until then, I will use the things I enjoy and not worry about it.

Shown here with a Milt Sparks 200AW high in the Lost River Range on an elk hunt last December:



And a cattle chute in northern Nevada in November 18:


GJM says I am stuck in the past with Elmer Keith, and while there may be an element of truth, since I enjoy the .44 Magnum and Elmer's writings, I find myself switching between my Glock 21 .45, my N Frame .44s and guns like this just too much fun not to do it!


11-29-2019, 10:45 AM
In order to avoid a close encounter of the hog kind: Make noise. Don't get between mother and children. When it's dark and windy, avoid walking against the wind or use a flashlight.

Why I know: I live in Germany and often hike in a forest. Only once I came very close to wild boars. It's only a few weeks ago, was a very windy day and already dark, had no flashlight with me. The wind made noise, I walked against the wind. I noticed that wild boars were close, I could hear them. I turned around but would have had to walk a long detour in order to avoid them. So I walked the original way. Suddenly I could hear a wild boar only a few meters to the left. Could not see it but I could hear that it was shocked because a human came so close. And it sounded pretty big. I walked on, nothing else happened.

They could not smell, see and hear me. Otherwise we would not have met. Next time, I would walk the long detour.

If I were allowed to, I would carry a strong firearm in the forest. But I think, wild boars are no big danger here in Germany if you leave them alone. If they can get away, they'll do (in 99,9999% of the cases). I'm not sure about feral hogs in the US. But the recent feral hog attack in your country was of an extremely rare kind, wasn't it?

11-29-2019, 11:11 AM
GJM says I am stuck in the past with Elmer Keith, and while there may be an element of truth, since I enjoy the .44 Magnum and Elmer's writings, I find myself switching between my Glock 21 .45, my N Frame .44s and guns like this just too much fun not to do it!


Is that a Trooper on the six inch?

11-29-2019, 11:20 AM
If I were allowed to, I would carry a strong firearm in the forest. But I think, wild boars are no big danger here in Germany if you leave them alone. If they can get away, they'll do (in 99,9999% of the cases). I'm not sure about feral hogs in the US. But the recent feral hog attack in your country was of an extremely rare kind, wasn't it?

Yes, very rare, and I imagine more of a terrible accident. The only time I’ve been actively trailed and hunted by animals (I don’t live in bear or big cat country) it was feral or semi feral dogs, and that has happened twice. Although one of those incidents was a pack of whippets which was more surreal/funny than scary

11-29-2019, 11:25 AM
My Google-fu is unable to find a good statisitic for attacks by rabid raccoon-- but lots and lots of news stories.

Seems unlikely that such an encounter would end in my death ( assuming I got treated for rabies), but the stories in the LE forum here about rabid raccoons are bizarre and NPR had a vivid first-person account from a woman who had to have her son beat the critter to death with a shovel to get off her--over the course of 10-15 minutes.

The old P-f consensus seemed to be "brainshot" or "disembowel with hollowpoints from a deer gun."

I don't want to think about a rabid hog.

Lost River
11-29-2019, 11:35 AM
Is that a Trooper on the six inch?

No but they do certainly look like them,

I had some troopers and they were just too big for me to shoot double action with.

The grips shown are $10 gunshow finds about 20ish years ago that I reshaped to fit my hands. They are actually one of my all time favorite sets.

They have been re finished a couple times, now I don't bother. That gun was my first M29, and is my favorite to shoot. While the 5" guns are a favorite for "all around" purposes the 6.5" barrel is the one I prefer for a dedicated hunting gun (back when irons were not starting to get a little fuzzy). That gun has seen a bunch of trail miles and use.


Lost River
11-29-2019, 11:54 AM
I have had more problems with damned badgers than anything.

Those things are the pissed off ex wives/girlfriends of the animal world.

Over the years I can think of 3 or 4 times I have had "Oh Shit" pure self defense, shoot right freaking now incidents with badgers.

One was a literal swing the shotgun off my shoulder and shoot as the little prick launched at me. I was on a hill hunting birds and he was above me on the hill and would have landed somewhere on my stomach/belt line area. I shot him at contact distance, right at the end of my muzzle as I was stepping/ staggering back.

My dad was laughing at the look on my face.

Little pricks.

This one was another. He full on came at me and even though I had hit him multiple times he did not stop until I brained him, right through the top of his skull at a distance of about 2-3 feet.

Proof you can walk backwards, cuss, and shoot all at the same time.


I have had a couple more incidents of exploring stuff that turned out to be badger territory.

Per pound, I don't think there is an angrier creature on the planet.

Except Redheaded EXs

11-29-2019, 02:17 PM
I swear, that guy looks like a caricature of Ross Perot.

11-29-2019, 02:42 PM
have had a couple more incidents of exploring stuff that turned out to be badger territory.

Better or worse than bat country?



Lost River
11-29-2019, 04:43 PM
I like bats.

For whatever reason I give off a scent the mosquitoes absolutely LOVE, and while they will ignore a person next to me, they come after my blood like Hillary going after the White House!

Bats are totally good to go in my book!

Bloodthirsty mosquitoes not so much..

11-29-2019, 05:03 PM
I like bats.

For whatever reason I give off a scent the mosquitoes absolutely LOVE, and while they will ignore a person next to me, they come after my blood like Hillary going after the White House!

Bats are totally good to go in my book!

Bloodthirsty mosquitoes not so much..



11-29-2019, 06:46 PM
Glock 19 worked for me. And they certainly will charge for no reason. I was on my back porch just minding my own business trying to get my boots on.

Stephanie B
11-29-2019, 08:04 PM
For whatever reason I give off a scent the mosquitoes absolutely LOVE, and while they will ignore a person next to me, they come after my blood like Hillary going after the White House!
Some decades ago, I visited Rome with a friend. We stayed in some budget hotel that didn't have screens on their windows. The skeeters feasted on her every night, leaving me unscathed.

Lost River
11-29-2019, 08:11 PM
My wife thinks its funny, we will be walking though the sage during certain parts of the year, and the damned skeeters won't touch her, while I am getting drained alive. I have literally taken off jogging the last 1/4 mile back to the cabin to escape them, while she cracks jokes.

Probably getting even for all my Jeff Foxworthy-esque comments I have burned her with over the years..

11-29-2019, 08:15 PM
My wife thinks its funny, we will be walking though the sage during certain parts of the year, and the damned skeeters won't touch her, while I am getting drained alive. I have literally taken off jogging the last 1/4 mile back to the cabin to escape them, while she cracks jokes.

Wifey and I have the opposite problem. She's the one that gets eaten alive while they ignore me.

That said, years ago, someone gave me some "Skin So Soft" with the explanation that it would keep the mosquitoes off me. They *only* bit me where I had applied that stuff. :mad:


11-29-2019, 08:18 PM
wild boars around here are mean as F. and I regularly see 150lb ones come back from hunts

El Cid
11-29-2019, 08:41 PM
Personally I'll stick with 9mm. I've never had a pig charge me, but I don't think shooting at a 150lb pig missile is a high probability target and would opt for capacity.

I concur. Although sometimes P-F can make a person wonder if it’s not a bad idea to dress like a cross between Doc Holliday and Tackleberry. Maybe Doc’s actual words were, “I’m your tackleberry!” A 9mm on the belt for people. A 10mm for mountain lions and small bears. A .357 Magnum for wild hogs. A 500 Magnum for large bears. And a revolver full of snake shot for... you know... snakes. That’s assuming we set down our Beretta 1301 and can’t get to our slung AR. Lol!

I kid of course. All we really need is to open carry (at low ready) an MP-5 10mm clone. ;)

In all seriousness though... it’s sad what happened to that woman in Texas. The main lesson in my mind is for folks to improve their situational awareness. That will save more lives than a gun of any caliber most days.

11-29-2019, 09:12 PM
That is a 60ish year old (late 1950s production ) 7.5" .44Magnum, which there were only 1,000 produced, making it one of the most uncommon and more desirable for collectors. I found it in a sort of local gunshop that was run by a former state trooper, and nice guy. It had some finish wear so I was not worried about wearing it into the field, and using it as it was built to be used.

I figured someone else can worry about diminished collector value after a get a few decades of fun out of it. When I retire I will whittle down my collection dramatically but until then, I will use the things I enjoy and not worry about it.

Shown here with a Milt Sparks 200AW high in the Lost River Range on an elk hunt last December:


And a cattle chute in northern Nevada in November 18:


GJM says I am stuck in the past with Elmer Keith, and while there may be an element of truth, since I enjoy the .44 Magnum and Elmer's writings, I find myself switching between my Glock 21 .45, my N Frame .44s and guns like this just too much fun not to do it!

That is one badass six-shooter. Thanks for the pix. Makes me want to go and re-read some Elmer Keith and Skeeter Skelton writings. I love that stuff.

Did you shoot the hog with a jacketed or hard-cast bullet? What weight?

As far as the mosquitos, I generally get exsanguinated while my wife doesn't get touched.

11-29-2019, 10:46 PM
Hogs still don't have a candle of large domestic livestock

Depending on which report you read, the CDC says:

Cattle kill an average of 20 to 22 people a year.

They lump horses, cows and "other mammals" together but the best I could gather from reading multiple articles was averages ranging from 22 to 28 annually for damn horses.

Dogs kill more than horses or cattle, Ranging between 30 and 50, with fatal attacks increasing. My guess would be thanks to hood rats and their affinity for Pitt Bulls and similar breeds.

All that said, there is no reason one should not have a dedicated Perfect Packin' Pig Pistol, if one truly feels the need!

A Glock .45/10MM would be a pretty solid choice I would think.

IDK, I only have limited pig experience.



That looks like a Javelina, is it not?

11-29-2019, 11:46 PM
That looks like a Javelina, is it not?

That looks like a feral pig, and in the US Javelina are found along the southern border in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. They are really prolific in the areas around Eagle Pass to Laredo. The snow is one clue, javelina have comically skinny legs and would get high centered in a drift or get frost bite (I made that up). The other is that revolver is a bit over a foot long, so pig is at about 2 gun lengths too long.

11-29-2019, 11:55 PM
I also am a mosquito attractor. Makes living where I do extra-suck.

11-30-2019, 12:08 AM
New thread idea: Mosquito EDC....


11-30-2019, 12:09 AM
New thread idea: Mosquito EDC....


Wait. What? I didn't get past the pic.

11-30-2019, 12:16 AM
Wait. What? I didn't get past the pic.

Yeah I love flamethrowers too.

Lost River
11-30-2019, 12:22 AM
New thread idea: Mosquito EDC....


Yes, whatever we were talking about

Lost River
11-30-2019, 12:24 AM
That looks like a Javelina, is it not?

Russian Boar.

11-30-2019, 11:18 AM
I'd rather come around the corner of a trail and find hogs than this:


Absolutely agree with this post.
I know one man who was killed by a bull, another who almost was. Those wild range cows that haven't seen a human for a long time can be a obnoxious.
I'm currently over run with javelina, they can cut up dogs but pay little mind to humans.

11-30-2019, 11:46 AM
I got butted and trampled by a cow when I was backpacking. Fortunately most of the impacts were to my pack.

11-30-2019, 12:03 PM
I hunt a private ranch in central Florida that’s 27,000 acres of cattle. There are two groups of people , 3 each , who hunt hogs yearly. We pulled just shy of 1,000 hogs off of the ranch for the last three years straight . We run two female black mouth cur dogs as bay dogs and two cur/pit mixes as RCD ( running catch dogs). We use custom made knives to kill them,after the dogs anchor them by the ears or jaws. Male boar hogs are angry animals and will charge in the confined spaces of the palmetto bushes. I carry a Glock 19 with Winchester 147gr bonded ranger. I have shit hogs with everything from 12ga buck and slug, 5.56 70gr tsx, 308 bonded bear claw, 30-30, 17hmr, 40, 45 and 9mm. I’m fully comfortable carrying my edc Glock as my sidearm in hog country. The females normally scatter even if they have shoats (piglets). The males will stand there ground and fight. There also very cannibalistic , they will eat wounded and/ or dead pigs that are left to lie.

We run across crossbred pigs all the time , mottled in color , they have bread with domesticated pigs. I think it all depends on the circumstances, but most of the hogs are more aggressive than most people think or believe.

12-02-2019, 11:36 AM
My experience with hogs is pretty limited, but I had the opportunity a few years ago to do some wild pig hunting near the Central California coast with some buddies. Rifles used included a .308 Saiga, a 16" AR in 5.56 (mine, loaded with 62gr TSXs), a Shuff's Mini G Tanker Garand, and some flavor of bolt gun in .257 Roberts (we're an odd bunch). Pistols were mostly service size 9mms loaded with Hornady Critical Duty 135 +P, along with a S&W 6" 686 with generic soft points.

The rifles all performed fine as long as shots were well-placed. We shot several hogs with the handguns, and used the pistols to put down a handful of mortally wounded animals. While Critical Duty likely wouldn't be my first choice these days, they performed pretty well out of a 19, 34, and 92FS. I'd feel fairly confident in hog country with a 9mm that I shot well, loaded with a deep-penetrating bullet (especially with 15+ rounds on tap).

Lost River
12-02-2019, 11:58 PM
That is one badass six-shooter. Thanks for the pix. Makes me want to go and re-read some Elmer Keith and Skeeter Skelton writings. I love that stuff.

Did you shoot the hog with a jacketed or hard-cast bullet? What weight?

As far as the mosquitos, I generally get exsanguinated while my wife doesn't get touched.

Sorry I missed this the first go-round.

I hit him with a 240 hard cast SWC and 10 grains Unique. Right where they say not to, on the tough shoulder. Went right on through and dropped it.

The close up revolver pic where the snow is wiped away below it, is actually showing where the bullet entered. The little grey circle on his shoulder.

12-03-2019, 11:07 AM
LARRY HARLEY BATTLE BOWIE, made for pig sticking. Mr. Harley told me " put the point where you want to thrust and push in hard." he was of the opinion that you were less likely to miss and hurt yourself that way. He was a good guy to talk to.

I wish I would have bought one when I had the chance.

Agreed, great guy to talk to.

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

12-04-2019, 11:42 PM
I thought of this thread and especially Lost River when I saw this on the youtubes


Totem Polar
12-05-2019, 12:10 AM
LARRY HARLEY BATTLE BOWIE, made for pig sticking. Mr. Harley told me " put the point where you want to thrust and push in hard." he was of the opinion that you were less likely to miss and hurt yourself that way. He was a good guy to talk to.

Missed this last pass through; you are an educated individual. I am happy that someone got the subtlety.

12-05-2019, 12:17 AM
I thought more would get it. I have bits of knowledge about odd weapons. I don't know about educated ?

12-05-2019, 04:19 PM
My experience with hogs is pretty limited, but I had the opportunity a few years ago to do some wild pig hunting near the Central California coast with some buddies. Rifles used included a .308 Saiga, a 16" AR in 5.56 (mine, loaded with 62gr TSXs), a Shuff's Mini G Tanker Garand, and some flavor of bolt gun in .257 Roberts (we're an odd bunch). Pistols were mostly service size 9mms loaded with Hornady Critical Duty 135 +P, along with a S&W 6" 686 with generic soft points.

The rifles all performed fine as long as shots were well-placed. We shot several hogs with the handguns, and used the pistols to put down a handful of mortally wounded animals. While Critical Duty likely wouldn't be my first choice these days, they performed pretty well out of a 19, 34, and 92FS. I'd feel fairly confident in hog country with a 9mm that I shot well, loaded with a deep-penetrating bullet (especially with 15+ rounds on tap).

Was anything resembling a post mortem done on bullet performance, specifically the Hornady Critical Duty load?

Rex G
12-19-2019, 07:45 AM
Interesting; a major news media outlet advocates carrying guns for defense against feral hogs. This is, of course, the area where a woman was recently killed by feral hogs.


12-19-2019, 07:53 AM
Thornberry also adds that people carry a gun and stay close to the trees in case they need to make a quick escape

Oy. :rolleyes:

In terms of numbers, the best way to get rid of hogs is corral trapping. It's not as much fun as hunting them, but it will clean out an area pretty quickly.