View Full Version : Gun Control - Perhaps a little reminder?

11-26-2019, 06:31 AM
Just read the post on Biden’s comment about the guy who stopped a church shooting with an AR. It illustrates what I have wanted to say several times lately, which is, - for politicians, gun control is not about common sense or any sort of rational thought process. It’s about pandering and/or garnering votes (or maybe something more sinister) - full stop. It is an exercise in futility for us to try to grock what these guys must be thinking to advocate for some of the positions they take. We are trying to apply reason to a decision that someone did not reason themselves into. This just leads to frustration. We should stop.

Perhaps the place where logic and reason *does* have a place in conversation, is for citizens who have gotten on the gun control train without giving that position any real thought. Those folks might actually be swayed with some rational thought.

The upside is that, while it is a waste of effort to trying to apply reason to understand how the pols got to a pro-gun control position, we should be able to tear that shit down with some cold, rational, reason. For those who adopt a pro-gun control position based on emotion, they may be a lost cause.

There. I feel much better having gotten that off my chest. Ya’ll have a great day. :D

11-26-2019, 07:37 AM
This is why I recommended Jon Hauptman's new podcast, "Gun's Guide to Liberals"

...where he discusses how to talk to liberals about guns.
