View Full Version : Washington State -- Repeal I-1639

11-15-2019, 06:10 PM
Washington State Gun Control (https://www.waguncontrol.org/) has information about the petition to put Ballot Initiative 1094 on the ballot, to repeal I-1639.

Text of I-1094 (https://sos.wa.gov/_assets/elections/initiatives/finaltext_1732.pdf) in .pdf format.

Locations to sign here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRKDUTzNdNFHDi8fCVuOka1u01BDqZCNAMJCKkhKX7S99lhKb 2A2573YTdIheSqpZRGEBOhhXQsfucF/pubhtml?amp%3Bheaders=false&widget=true) in a spreadsheet, and here (https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/embed?mid=1oI0P6ekTFQwsu1CamwPaystMI1zMC6BQ&ll=47.30643884577828%2C-120.54816655000002&z=7)in a map.
There are even a couple in Seattle!

I was just at Federal Way Discount Guns, and they are all out; Mo showed me a stack of them, and said that the guy who is distributing them (a sheriff's deputy who also works with the state GOP) said that the opposition has been going around and "offering" to pick them up and turn them in... into compost, no doubt. We discussed the wisdom of checking to make sure those signing them were legit, as well. (I was pulling out my voters registration card as I asked for the petition.)

11-15-2019, 10:08 PM
Washington State Gun Control (https://www.waguncontrol.org/) has information about the petition to put Ballot Initiative 1094 on the ballot, to repeal I-1639.

Text of I-1094 (https://sos.wa.gov/_assets/elections/initiatives/finaltext_1732.pdf) in .pdf format.

Locations to sign here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRKDUTzNdNFHDi8fCVuOka1u01BDqZCNAMJCKkhKX7S99lhKb 2A2573YTdIheSqpZRGEBOhhXQsfucF/pubhtml?amp%3Bheaders=false&widget=true) in a spreadsheet, and here (https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/embed?mid=1oI0P6ekTFQwsu1CamwPaystMI1zMC6BQ&ll=47.30643884577828%2C-120.54816655000002&z=7)in a map.
There are even a couple in Seattle!

I was just at Federal Way Discount Guns, and they are all out; Mo showed me a stack of them, and said that the guy who is distributing them (a sheriff's deputy who also works with the state GOP) said that the opposition has been going around and "offering" to pick them up and turn them in... into compost, no doubt. We discussed the wisdom of checking to make sure those signing them were legit, as well. (I was pulling out my voters registration card as I asked for the petition.)

Thanks for posting that. I see my private range has the petition. I'll get that signed the next time I'm there.

Should be an interesting ballot initiative. Ran up against 1639 this week buying a pistol. Took two weeks to get a proceed and I have a CPL. I think somebody here went a month.

That's just nuts.

11-15-2019, 10:11 PM
What would your voter reg card show ?

One reminds there are those of us in the PNW who aren’t registered R (nor D in my case) who oppose stuff like 1639.

Washington State Gun Control (https://www.waguncontrol.org/) has information about the petition to put Ballot Initiative 1094 on the ballot, to repeal I-1639.

Text of I-1094 (https://sos.wa.gov/_assets/elections/initiatives/finaltext_1732.pdf) in .pdf format.

Locations to sign here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRKDUTzNdNFHDi8fCVuOka1u01BDqZCNAMJCKkhKX7S99lhKb 2A2573YTdIheSqpZRGEBOhhXQsfucF/pubhtml?amp%3Bheaders=false&widget=true) in a spreadsheet, and here (https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/embed?mid=1oI0P6ekTFQwsu1CamwPaystMI1zMC6BQ&ll=47.30643884577828%2C-120.54816655000002&z=7)in a map.
There are even a couple in Seattle!

I was just at Federal Way Discount Guns, and they are all out; Mo showed me a stack of them, and said that the guy who is distributing them (a sheriff's deputy who also works with the state GOP) said that the opposition has been going around and "offering" to pick them up and turn them in... into compost, no doubt. We discussed the wisdom of checking to make sure those signing them were legit, as well. (I was pulling out my voters registration card as I asked for the petition.)

11-15-2019, 10:36 PM
What would your voter reg card show ?

One reminds there are those of us in the PNW who aren’t registered R (nor D in my case) who oppose stuff like 1639.

Where I'm registered. I wanted to make sure I had the address correct, i.e., residential, vice mailing, address.

Washington does not show alleged party affiliation on the registration card. Go wave that chip on your shoulder in a thread about Oregon politics.

11-15-2019, 10:41 PM
Where I'm registered. I wanted to make sure I had the address correct, i.e., residential, vice mailing, address.

Washington does not show alleged party affiliation on the registration card. Go wave that chip on your shoulder in a thread about Oregon politics.

Cool. So what would your reg card show that your driver license or cpl doesn’t, in that case? Not required to keep voter reg in sync with dL or cpl ? And how does showing an address show you’re legit and not gonna collect the petitions and misdeliver them as you referenced in your post?
ETA I fully expect we will face this sort of stuff in Oregon.

Totem Polar
11-15-2019, 11:36 PM
Thanks for posting that. I see my private range has the petition. I'll get that signed the next time I'm there.


Should be an interesting ballot initiative. Ran up against 1639 this week buying a pistol. Took two weeks to get a proceed and I have a CPL. I think somebody here went a month.

That's just nuts.
And this. I was the guy on here sitting on my thumbs for weeks, despite CPL, a pile of class certs, and... let’s just say.. a lot of prior successful checks. Turns out that part of the delay was things were so backed up in Oly, that they had to re-submit the check for going over the 30-day limit. The range/store owner called the PD chief, and explained the situation, and my background, and the chief fast-tracked my app the second time. Crazy.

11-16-2019, 10:41 AM

And this. I was the guy on here sitting on my thumbs for weeks, despite CPL, a pile of class certs, and... let’s just say.. a lot of prior successful checks. Turns out that part of the delay was things were so backed up in Oly, that they had to re-submit the check for going over the 30-day limit. The range/store owner called the PD chief, and explained the situation, and my background, and the chief fast-tracked my app the second time. Crazy.

Lots of people predicted that 1639 was going to jam up a lot of folks being an unfunded mandate. More work for everyone, including the FFL. I had to pay for the purchase when I filled out the paperwork even though I had nothing in hand, new twist. I think it's caused some problems for dealers with exceptionally long waiting periods. Might put some of the brick and mortar places out of business. Before they were working on a 3 business day cycle, now it's indefinite. I noticed inventories are dropping where I shop and prices are going up.

Totem Polar
11-16-2019, 11:12 AM
One interesting bit of trivia: my favorite local place told me that they haven’t sold a single semi-auto rifle since July 1. No 10/22s, no nothing. 10/22s used to be brisk sellers for them.

11-16-2019, 12:32 PM
All that's required on a WA initiative petition is signature, printed name and legal voting address (county record).

Has nothing to do with how you vote or what party affiliation you may have. The petition signatures get checked. Lots of them are not valid.

The initiative process is bogus. Nothing but an end run around the state legislature. WTH is the point of duelling initiatives, or any initiative for that matter? Mob rule. Lets lynch all gun owners this year. Somebody get a rope.

12-17-2019, 07:07 PM
Apparently we're still short on signatures.
WA gun rights initiative in trouble as recall filed against AG Ferguson ⋆ Conservative Firing Line (https://conservativefiringline.com/wa-gun-rights-initiative-in-trouble-as-recall-filed-against-ag-ferguson/)

Feel like tilting at windmills?
Petition to impeach Gov. Inslee, AG Ferguson has thousands of signatures | KOMO (https://komonews.com/news/local/petition-to-impeach-gov-inslee-ag-ferguson-has-thousands-of-signatures?fbclid=IwAR2-hJwQ6DsNpuxQfAIFGfIzaZV8MIHGY9117hRGIfARiJJ-DdYIIWNIee0)

At least in part because WA Attorney General Ferguson Announces Sweeping Gun Control Agenda (https://www.ammoland.com/2019/12/wa-attorney-general-ferguson-announces-sweeping-gun-control-agenda/#axzz680CU6Fv0)

Totem Polar
12-17-2019, 07:20 PM
Don’t look at me, I signed that thing weeks ago.

Moving on, it’s clear that AG Ferguson won’t stop until utopia.

12-17-2019, 07:50 PM
Don’t look at me, I signed that thing weeks ago.
To say the least, I'm appalled by the friends and coworkers who are demonstrating previously unsuspected creativity generating excuses for not doing so.

Moving on, it’s clear that AG Ferguson won’t stop until utopia.

Totally not his fault the description of I-976 was so flawed the court used it as an excuse to impose the injunction...