View Full Version : Another reason to lose that Punisher sticker (Car Burglaries)

11-06-2019, 06:25 PM

PS- don’t leave loaded weapons in unlocked cars. Thats cretin behavior.

11-07-2019, 01:49 PM
Stickers on a car is the equivalent of putting an advertising sign on your ride for anyone who wants to target you.

It could say "Edelbrock"

It could say "Hilary 2020"

It could say "Glock"

It could be a stick figure family

Whatever it says, it gives everyone else intelligence data to use against you for whatever nefarious purpose they want.

So stop putting that shit on your ride.

Kanye Wyoming
11-07-2019, 08:57 PM
Stickers on a car is the equivalent of putting an advertising sign on your ride for anyone who wants to target you.

It could say "Edelbrock"

It could say "Hilary 2020"

It could say "Glock"

It could be a stick figure family

Whatever it says, it gives everyone else intelligence data to use against you for whatever nefarious purpose they want.

So stop putting that shit on your ride.
Fuck you douchebag.



11-07-2019, 09:17 PM
Stickers on a car is the equivalent of putting an advertising sign on your ride for anyone who wants to target you.

It could say "Edelbrock"

It could say "Hilary 2020"

It could say "Glock"

It could be a stick figure family

Whatever it says, it gives everyone else intelligence data to use against you for whatever nefarious purpose they want.

So stop putting that shit on your ride.

This to the nth degree

I’ve noticed more folks putting their Instagram on their vehicles lately. Nothing like giving criminals an invitation in to see what they might want to steal from you...

Kanye Wyoming
11-07-2019, 09:23 PM
Stickers on a car is the equivalent of putting an advertising sign on your ride for anyone who wants to target you.

It could say "Edelbrock"

It could say "Hilary 2020"

It could say "Glock"

It could be a stick figure family

Whatever it says, it gives everyone else intelligence data to use against you for whatever nefarious purpose they want.

So stop putting that shit on your ride.
But seriously . . . 100% this. I put a Phillies World Series Champs sticker on my car in 2008, and later thought that was really stupid and scraped it off. Who knows if some nutcase Mets fan having a bad day decides to cut you off or some such because he’s triggered.

11-07-2019, 09:43 PM
We recently bought a used pickup. It had a deer hunter decal on the back window. I scraped it off immediately and now it looks just like the thousands of other white pickups on the road. Be the grey man. ;)

Joe in PNG
11-07-2019, 10:01 PM
Now, over here in the 3rd, we have "Trackpro" stickers on our vehicles (as do a fair few), and wonder if that may be of a benefit.

11-07-2019, 11:27 PM


Someone will just break into that car to look for some tampons.:D

Joe in PNG
11-07-2019, 11:41 PM
Someone will just break into that car to look for some tampons.:D

Or weed.

11-08-2019, 12:21 AM
Profiling from other drivers was one of the reasons I chose not to renew my FOP plate.

11-08-2019, 12:49 AM
Every Bubba around here has an NRA, Browning or Bone Collector sticker. It doesn’t really stand out. That said, I just slap all my gimme stickers on the workbench and tool boxes.

Somehow I ended up with a Meat is Murder sticker, and stuck it on my friend’s truck. He drove around for about a week before he noticed.

11-08-2019, 07:39 AM
I some times wonder if I'm just a shit magnet but I seem to have nothing but trouble with bumper stickers. I actually had a guy try to start a fight with me because I had a "Cabella's Field Tester" bumper sticker on my car.

I've mentioned this before but somebody vandalized my car at work one day because of a political bumper sticker on it. There's no doubt in my mind that the bumper sticker is what caused it because that's where the damage was.

My wife has her concealed handgun permit and never goes anywhere uarmed because somebody chased her halfway across Colorado Springs because of the same bumper sticker on my car. It came off that day and there has not been another bumper sticker on my car since.

The older I get the more I find that I’d rather not invite random strangers into my world. And I’ve also been around long enough to figure out that one of the best ways to invite people in is to have a shirt or a hat or a sticker on my car with a logo on it that they disagree with. I’ve come to a place in my life where I just don’t need the drama and I choose not to present myself to the world in a way that seems to invite it.

Casual Friday
11-08-2019, 08:32 AM
Tool boxes and safe doors are where you put gun stickers.

My oldest is 13 and she's developed an interest in movies and tv shows beyond Disney and Fuller House. We watched all 5 Bourne movies over the summer, even the Jeremy Renner one, and there's a scene in the first movie where him and Marie are in a cafe' and he's telling her about how he sized up the people in the cafe, how many and where the exits are, and how if he needed a gun, the cab of the gray truck in the parking lot would be the best place to find one. She asked me how he'd know that and I explained that it could have had a gun sticker on a window or a gun rack. A week or so later we're driving through the grocery store parking lot and she blurts out "I bet that truck has a gun in it" and I look over and there's a pickup with a Glock and NRA sticker on it.

11-08-2019, 09:13 AM
Or weed.

Or tofu.

11-08-2019, 10:08 AM
Tool boxes and safe doors are where you put gun stickers.

I mentioned the guy that chased my wife earlier. I had a similar sticker on my rollaway at work. I came to work one morning and some asshole wrote "Bush sucks Arab dick" on a piece of cardboard and leaned it up against my toolbox.

When I discussed with him my point of view about you don't fucking touch my tools he actually said that that bumper sticker gave him the First Amendment right to express his point of view.

Kyle Reese
11-08-2019, 11:49 AM
When I discussed with him my point of view about you don't fucking touch my tools he actually said that that bumper sticker gave him the First Amendment right to express his point of view.

Did he skip civics in HS?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Casual Friday
11-08-2019, 12:15 PM
I mentioned the guy that chased my wife earlier. I had a similar sticker on my rollaway at work. I came to work one morning and some asshole wrote "Bush sucks Arab dick" on a piece of cardboard and leaned it up against my toolbox.

When I discussed with him my point of view about you don't fucking touch my tools he actually said that that bumper sticker gave him the First Amendment right to express his point of view.

I don't doubt it. I was referring to tool boxes at home though. When I was a tradesman I kept my work toolbox and hardhat free of anything that might lead to conversations about, well, anything.

11-08-2019, 12:48 PM
No stickers on my vehicles. Occasionally if something needs to be left inside where someone could see it I use red Medical Waste bags with Bio-Hazard symbols. Idiots may not understand but I figure it's better than nothing.