View Full Version : Bernie’s Bad Ticker

10-02-2019, 01:23 PM
It sounds like Bernie got admitted to the hospital for acute coronary syndrome yesterday and got 2 stents. This is actually a pretty big deal to his campaign in multiple ways. First and foremost, it raises big questions about his stamina and ability to sustain a campaign or run the country. Second, it comes at a very good time for Warren. She has been surging a bit in the polls but there was some concerns that Biden-Ukraine could suck up all the oxygen. Progressives who might have lost confidence in Bernie’s ability to keep it up are most likely to defect to America’s least favorite school librarian...

10-02-2019, 01:42 PM
Second, it comes at a very good time for Warren. She has been surging a bit in the polls but there was some concerns that Biden-Ukraine could suck up all the oxygen. Progressives who might have lost confidence in Bernie’s ability to keep it up are most likely to defect to America’s least favorite school librarian...
Perhaps the reason for today's 500ish point drop in the DJIA. The thought a President Warren could be scaring investors into taking profits while they can.

Glenn E. Meyer
10-02-2019, 01:53 PM
Bah, you can have a stent and be quite active in a short time - assuming, you don't have something else go wrong. Biden had an aneurysm and look at him. Oh, wait!

10-02-2019, 01:55 PM
Perhaps the reason for today's 500ish point drop in the DJIA. The thought a President Warren could be scaring investors into taking profits while they can.

No, weak earnings reports.

10-02-2019, 02:13 PM
...America’s least favorite school librarian...


10-02-2019, 02:23 PM


10-02-2019, 03:19 PM
Warren is a Nutbag. Biden is Damaged Goods. Bernie has Plumbing problems and is Nuts too. None of the rest of the field is viable. Dems are trying every dirty trick they can think of to tarnish Trump. Never before have we seen a scenario like this begging for a white knight to ride in.

Waiting in the wings is the Savior of the democratic party.


10-02-2019, 04:00 PM
Warren is a Nutbag. Biden is Damaged Goods. Bernie has Plumbing problems and is Nuts too. None of the rest of the field is viable.

white knight...


10-02-2019, 05:34 PM
Probably a good reason not to vote for anyone that could drop dead while in office. Bernie, Biden and Trump are all too old to be president. Sanders is 78, Biden is 76 and Trump is 73. I think the cut off for president should be 70 at the time of inauguration. Most people are retired by that age and declining both mentally and physically.

None of those guys are playing with a full deck.

10-02-2019, 06:02 PM
Warren is a Nutbag. Biden is Damaged Goods. Bernie has Plumbing problems and is Nuts too. None of the rest of the field is viable. Dems are trying every dirty trick they can think of to tarnish Trump. Never before have we seen a scenario like this begging for a white knight to ride in.

Waiting in the wings is the Savior of the democratic party.

After giving Vlad control of all our yellowcake, Vald has been more than accommodating helping H orchestrate the Trump and Biden Ukraine revelations. 5D chess and H is still in the game.

Gotta respect her moxie.

10-02-2019, 06:14 PM
Funny - If we had the kind of health care system Bernie and the other socialist dipshits wants he wouldn't have been worked on so quickly.

10-02-2019, 06:15 PM
Funny - If we had the kind of health care system Bernie and the other socialist dipshits wants he wouldn't have been worked on so quickly.

Not at all. He would still have been first in line.

You or me, OTOH...

Joe in PNG
10-02-2019, 06:25 PM
Not at all. He would still have been first in line.

You or me, OTOH...

There's always a special clinic for the Nomenklatura, and with actual trained doctors, and meds that aren't just placebos.

10-02-2019, 06:34 PM
There's always a special clinic for the Nomenklatura, and with actual trained doctors, and meds that aren't just placebos.

Yep - But the Millennial and X'ers who are living their downtrodden lives wile blogging on their MacBooks and sipping $6 coffees just don't believe it.

Joe in PNG
10-02-2019, 06:37 PM
Yep - But the Millennial and X'ers who are living their downtrodden lives wile blogging on their MacBooks and sipping $6 coffees just don't believe it.

1) They’ve never been taught the actual dismal record Socialism has when it’s in power. The Killing Fields? The Great Leap Forward? The Holodomor? They have no idea that any of those ever happened.

2) But for the few who have somehow slipped through the cracks and learned about these things, the excuse is as always “But That’s Not Real Socialism!”. Even though that’s what they boldly claimed to be doing. Even though other Socialist nations praised and supported and guided them. Even though professed Socialist in other nations heaped praise and support on their actions- until long, long after it became quite clear that another People’s Republic has turned into another destroying monster.

3) “But Sweden! Denmark! Europe!” they cry in response. Those nations are Socialist, and it works! In this case, one can honestly retort “that’s not real Socialism”. That their little high tax, high government service system appears to work is because of a current combination of factors. Not having to spend money on national defense is a big one.

4) And there’s the just plain silly dramatics of youth, where every small crisis is The Absolute Worst Ever. They really don’t grok how good they got it.

10-02-2019, 06:46 PM
An actuary could probably give us an estimate, but considering the age of Trump, Sanders, Warren and Biden, and both the length and stress of the campaign, what percentage would be expected to have a significant health issue between now and next November. Didn’t Hillary have multiple health issues during the campaign.

10-02-2019, 07:33 PM
It should be a requirement that everyone who runs for a pres gets a coronary angiogram, an MRA of cerebral vessels and aorta, a chest CT, upper and lower endoscopies, a rectal exam, and a mammogram. Irrespective of age and sex.

10-02-2019, 07:39 PM
1) They’ve never been taught the actual dismal record Socialism has when it’s in power. The Killing Fields? The Great Leap Forward? The Holodomor? They have no idea that any of those ever happened.

2) But for the few who have somehow slipped through the cracks and learned about these things, the excuse is as always “But That’s Not Real Socialism!”. Even though that’s what they boldly claimed to be doing. Even though other Socialist nations praised and supported and guided them. Even though professed Socialist in other nations heaped praise and support on their actions- until long, long after it became quite clear that another People’s Republic has turned into another destroying monster.

Please let's not turn this into a "but millenials" thread.

10-02-2019, 07:42 PM
It should be a requirement that everyone who runs for a pres gets a coronary angiogram, an MRA of cerebral vessels and aorta, a chest CT, upper and lower endoscopies, a rectal exam, and a mammogram. Irrespective of age and sex.

I don’t see cognitive testing on that list; checking for early stages of dimentia/ alzheimers. Not a Dr. so no clue on how to check for that.

Joe in PNG
10-02-2019, 07:42 PM
Please let's not turn this into a "but millenials" thread.

True. The comments also applies to folks of my generation (Gen x) and older.

10-02-2019, 07:53 PM
Please let's not turn this into a "but millenials" thread.

I believe Gen X’ers were also implicated.

10-02-2019, 07:55 PM
I believe Gen X’ers were also implicated.

Yeah but I'm not one of them, just married to one.

10-02-2019, 08:11 PM
Yeah but I'm not one of them, just married to one.

And let’s face it - the boomers are the worse offenders of all.

Joe in PNG
10-02-2019, 08:14 PM
And let’s face it - the boomers are the worse offenders of all.

At least the young have the excuse of ignorance and lack of experience.

The Boomers have seen multiple Socialist governments rise, be praised by various intellectuals, and then collapse into oppression and gross poverty.

10-02-2019, 08:16 PM
My wife was a doctor in a socialized medical system. Her opinion of socialized medicine is not great.

The wait times are insane.

Kanye Wyoming
10-02-2019, 08:23 PM
It should be a requirement that everyone who runs for a pres gets a coronary angiogram, an MRA of cerebral vessels and aorta, a chest CT, upper and lower endoscopies, a rectal exam, and a mammogram. Irrespective of age and sex.
Easy to say when you’re not the one who has to do Hillary’s rectal exam.

10-02-2019, 08:32 PM
And let’s face it - the boomers are the worse offenders of all.

I resemble that remark!

10-02-2019, 09:00 PM
I resemble that remark!

I got your back...

10-02-2019, 09:06 PM
It should be a requirement that everyone who runs for a pres gets a coronary angiogram, an MRA of cerebral vessels and aorta, a chest CT, upper and lower endoscopies, a rectal exam, and a mammogram. Irrespective of age and sex.

Yeah, they all need rectals. Oops. I almost wrote wrectals like in wrectums. Such might be good therapy for politicians.

10-02-2019, 09:07 PM
An actuary could probably give us an estimate, but considering the age of Trump, Sanders, Warren and Biden, and both the length and stress of the campaign, what percentage would be expected to have a significant health issue between now and next November. Didn’t Hillary have multiple health issues during the campaign.

She sure as hell did.

All this tells me that anyone in their 70's running for president is out of touch with a lot of things, including their mental capacity and their health.

Rudy Giuliani is the best example I've ever seen of an old demented fool.

10-02-2019, 09:14 PM
I get my money out of the mailbox. Please keep it coming. Thank you.

Paul D
10-02-2019, 09:30 PM
It should be a requirement that everyone who runs for a pres gets a coronary angiogram, an MRA of cerebral vessels and aorta, a chest CT, upper and lower endoscopies, a rectal exam, and a mammogram. Irrespective of age and sex.

and a neuropsych exam. I dunno about the rectal exam if you already did the colonoscopy unless you are feeling the prostate. Just because you're old doesn't mean you can't serve as president. But then again if you're that old, you should know better and thus the average voter should get suspicious.

10-02-2019, 10:37 PM
I dunno about the rectal exam if you already did the colonoscopy unless you are feeling the prostate.

Or trying to find their heads.

Paul D
10-02-2019, 11:13 PM
Or trying to find their heads.

Well....you're going to need to have Kareem do that exam then...


10-02-2019, 11:32 PM
Anyone that would run for president nowadays is a sociopath at best.