View Full Version : Our OCD thread

09-29-2019, 02:07 PM
Come out of the closet, this is a safe space to list your OCD tendencies.

I can’t run the dishwasher without sorting the utensils into their respective groups.

09-29-2019, 02:12 PM
I put clear packing tape on the spine of every paperback book I buy.

I have two identical belts, one for work one for home.

09-29-2019, 02:14 PM
I carefully put the clean utensils and dishes under the ones already put away.

09-29-2019, 02:15 PM
My book sorting method has so many layers of organization that I can't even try to explain it. I think books are the only thing I'm extremely OCD about, if that's the right term. I prefer respectful.

09-29-2019, 02:16 PM
If Im at work my phone must be 100% charged.

09-29-2019, 02:17 PM
I don't know if I feel like outing my current self...but during my college years I was very particular about how I ordered my books in my bookcase.

While I was out drinking one Friday evening, my roommate told a friend to swap two books which looked virtually identical in size, color etc.

When I walked into the room, three sheets to the wind, the first thing out of my mouth was "who's been fucking with my books?".

09-29-2019, 02:19 PM
My Car must be clean inside and out.

Visible nose hairs, dirty ears and dry skin are unacceptable.

09-29-2019, 02:23 PM
My Car must be clean inside and out.

Visible nose hairs, dirty ears and dry skin are unacceptable.

Thank God I don't have that madness.

I bought my 4Runner in 2016. It's never known soap.

And hairs? Well, wait until you're in your 60's. They grow everywhere but the top of your head.

09-29-2019, 02:28 PM

09-29-2019, 02:50 PM
I always wash in between the tines of forks with the green scotchbrite on the dish sponge. ive also had food poisoning when camped out in the mountains. Brutal. Not sure if theres a connection, but like having it to fall back on. A friend commented I must work part time at the hospital sterilizing surgical instruments when she saw me washing dishes.

I check every single powder charge on the Dillon 550 with a light and watch all operations. Every primer has to be below flush or it gets more attention, no exceptions. Ever.

Im obsessive about not washing my vehicles, only on special occasions. :)

Always keep spare ammo in the vehicle.

09-29-2019, 02:59 PM
ive also had food poisoning when camped out in the mountains. Brutal.

I got dysentery (or something akin) back in 1974 a day or two into a five week venture into the Wind Rivers.

Oh, that was an unhappy couple of days until I came around. Having to hike for several miles each day with a 90 lb pack in the heat, and gaining elevation along the way, despite feeling so low, was character building.

09-29-2019, 03:00 PM
I count stairs. Every time. I can't help myself and it's really annoying, because I'll interrupt a conversation to count stairs in my head, and if I don't count the stairs I wonder how many stairs I should have counted.

09-29-2019, 03:05 PM
Anyone check door locks?

09-29-2019, 03:20 PM


09-29-2019, 03:29 PM



the Schwartz
09-29-2019, 03:33 PM
Anyone check door locks?

Yep, but only when leaving for the long term like a vacation or business trip. After I leave, I always circle back around the block to drive past my house about 5 minutes later to make sure that the place is secure. In the past it has paid a good dividend. One time, upon circling back, I found that the automatic garage door had cycled back up for some unknown reason, perhaps the wind had blown a leaf into the garage that tripped the door's safety sensor. Mine is a very nice neighborhood, but I suspect that I may have saved myself from at least some inconvenience in that case.

I always answer my door with a gun ready to go, but just out of sight. We've seen a slight uptick in bad actors willing to visit my little neck of the woods in search of fertile grounds for burglaries and home invasions.

09-29-2019, 03:36 PM
Anyone check door locks?

Always. Twice.

09-29-2019, 03:42 PM
Anyone check door locks?

Every night before going to bed unless I know I was the last person through the door(s).

The only OCD-like thing I have otherwise is that I have to use matching plates at the gym. See, the gym bought a bunch of new plates about a year ago, and also acquired some other random ones, so we now have three different types (each type is significantly different). Even though they should weigh the same per their labels, I can't mix them up side to side (ie plates on one side have to match their counterparts on the other on the other). I feel foolish going to another rack to get plates when the rack I'm using has the weight classes I need. "Just ignore me, I'm crazy...".


09-29-2019, 03:46 PM
Every night before going to bed unless I know I was the last person through the door(s).

The only OCD-like thing I have otherwise is that I have to use matching plates at the gym. See, the gym bought a bunch of new plates about a year ago, and also acquired some other random ones, so we now have three different types (each type is significantly different). Even though they should weigh the same per their labels, I can't mix them up side to side (ie plates on one side have to match their counterparts on the other on the other). I feel foolish going to another rack to get plates when the rack I'm using has the weight classes I need. "Just ignore me, I'm crazy...".


Plates, even of the same make or current paint scheme etc are notoriously off. I've not gone so bad as to weigh mine, nor have I ever not done a set due to unmatched plates, but I know it's common.

The funny thing is that I have a set of fractional plates I'd use until someone mentioned that the standard plates are probably off by more than my fractionals. So, mostly they go unused these days.

Fortunately I lift at home, so the plates, which probably still don't weigh the same, are all pairs I bought myself.

09-29-2019, 03:46 PM
Anyone check door locks?

Only when I look at the door...

09-29-2019, 03:49 PM
If the incels and clowncels think they're bad, they're going to find they have another thing coming. Again and again.

And again.


09-29-2019, 04:04 PM
Anyone check door locks?

Not repetitively, but yeah, and especially when I get that weird feeling that I didn't lock my car. I figure it's easier to just take the 30 seconds to go back and check than to spend the next X minutes/hours worrying about it.

09-29-2019, 04:27 PM
I carefully put the clean utensils and dishes under the ones already put away.

I've always done that.
It may be an OCD trait, but it "rotates your stock" so you don't always use the very same dishes and utensils.

09-29-2019, 04:31 PM
Anyone check door locks?

Every night.
Sometimes I find one left open.

So...not really necessarily OCD unless you do it again right after having done it once. :)

09-29-2019, 04:34 PM
Every night.
Sometimes I find one left open.

So...not really necessarily OCD unless you do it again right after having done it once. :)

I do that sometimes. I don't know if it's OCD or forgetfulness or a combination.

I'd take Prevagen (which I know is b.s.) but I'd probably forget to take it. ;)

09-29-2019, 04:39 PM
When I have cash, all the bills have to be facing the same way and in the same orientation. It was a requirement for cash deposits when I worked at Publix and has followed me ever since.

09-29-2019, 04:42 PM
When I have cash, all the bills have to be facing the same way and in the same orientation. It was a requirement for cash deposits when I worked at Publix and has followed me ever since.

Plus, I have to have the bills in order of denomination from largest to smallest from back to front. So I'm looking at the singles when I pull the bills out of my pocket and unfold them.

09-29-2019, 04:43 PM
Plus, I have to have the bills in order of denomination from largest to smallest from back to front. So I'm looking at the singles when I pull the bills out of my pocket and unfold them.

Yep, I do that too.

Wondering Beard
09-29-2019, 04:45 PM
Plus, I have to have the bills in order of denomination from largest to smallest from back to front. So I'm looking at the singles when I pull the bills out of my pocket and unfold them.

Smallest to largest, back to front.

09-29-2019, 04:46 PM
I safety pin my socks together for washing. Have since I was a kid.

09-29-2019, 04:50 PM
Smallest to largest, back to front.


09-29-2019, 04:50 PM
I safety pin my socks together for washing. Have since I was a kid.

Wow. That's a new one on me.

09-29-2019, 04:57 PM
I have driven my wife nuts for years by obsessing about eliminating every single rattle or noise in the car.

I mean, it is about the only thing that really irritates her. But I swear, unexpected and or unusual noises, especially random ones, absolutely drive me freaking insane. The car simply must be quiet, with literally the only noises being engine, gearbox, road noise and (very occasionally) music. I cannot stand driving with anything moving around in the foot wells, or behind the seats. Everything, literally everything moveable must be strapped down, buttoned up or held in place.

True story: I loved my 2003 E46 ZHP to bits. I had it for 8 years and did all the maintenance on it; oil, fuel filters, water pump, expansion tank, brakes, etc. etc. etc. At some point late in it's 100K miles with me, I started to hear a slide "sliding" noise that ended in a little "click" every once in a while. It was driving me insane. I almost tore the dash apart trying to find this noise.

Turns out when I was prepping the car for sale for the next owner, I took out the ashtray assembly. A penny had dropped beyond the catch, and was literally sliding back and forth in the grove of the retaining lip of the tray.

My sanity was restored.

Oh and I am kinda OCD about flashlights. When I met my current wife about 10 years ago I think I counted I had over 30. To this day, she doesn't let me pause and stop by any flashlight kiosk or sales area of any kind at any time.

I can quit whenever I want to. :)

09-29-2019, 04:58 PM
Kitchen must be clean before I sleep at night.

Oil changes before 4K miles. I don’t care what people say.

Oil change before any road trip greater than 500 miles

Trans flushes before 30 k; radiator flush every 30 k; gear oil every 30k

Glock striker channel cleaned every other range trip.

09-29-2019, 05:00 PM
Sorry, forgot one: I can only set Thermostats to Even numbers; never odd. Car, house; doesn't matter, they always have to be even.

09-29-2019, 05:07 PM
When I have cash, all the bills have to be facing the same way and in the same orientation. It was a requirement for cash deposits when I worked at Publix and has followed me ever since.

It drives me nuts when a cashier hands me change either the denominations out of order or with bills upside down.

Jim Watson
09-29-2019, 05:11 PM
Check and recheck doors at night.

Triple check range bag.

Pair socks by lot number.

09-29-2019, 05:17 PM
Plates, even of the same make or current paint scheme etc are notoriously off. I've not gone so bad as to weigh mine, nor have I ever not done a set due to unmatched plates, but I know it's common.

The funny thing is that I have a set of fractional plates I'd use until someone mentioned that the standard plates are probably off by more than my fractionals. So, mostly they go unused these days.

Fortunately I lift at home, so the plates, which probably still don't weigh the same, are all pairs I bought myself.

At a previous place of employment, they had a pretty well setup little weight-room. But since engineers are notoriously OCD, someone had weighed each plate and wrote the weight on it. Out to the second decimal place.

Turns out there was about a +/-5% variance so you could be off by 10% side-to-side if you weren't careful.

There are some things you are probably better off not knowing.

Kanye Wyoming
09-29-2019, 05:26 PM


But in my case it is combined with forgetfulness, which results in obsessing over having a list for everything because if it isn't in writing it doesn't exist, and having 3 extra bottles of shampoo, 3 extra 6-packs of soap, 6 extra tubes of toothpaste, 4 cans of sunscreen, an extra jug of milk, an extra carton of half and half, etc., because I can't abide running out of something and when I'm at the store I can't remember if I have enough of it, assume I don't, and buy more.

09-29-2019, 05:28 PM
After I leave, I always circle back around the block to drive past my house about 5 minutes later to make sure that the place is secure. In the past it has paid a good dividend. One time, upon circling back, I found that the automatic garage door had cycled back up for some unknown reason, perhaps the wind had blown a leaf into the garage that tripped the door's safety sensor.

I had a bouncing garage door a few years ago and now have to wait for the garage door to fully close before leaving the driveway or I feel the need to circle back and check. But I figure I make it up by timing things just right so I smoothly pull into the garage the moment the door clears my roofline. I then click the opener as I come to a stop so the door reaches the floor by the time I enter the house. Kinda like this, except without parking crooked:


09-29-2019, 05:29 PM
Somewhat related....

The quickest way to piss off my wife is to open a package of cookies...and leave an odd number of cookies behind. My wife took me essentially getting fired in stride, but if she finds an odd number of Oreos in an open package she loses her shit...


09-29-2019, 06:00 PM
This is hilarious. Glad I'm not the only sick SOB...actually, I think I'm a lot better than most now. ;)

09-29-2019, 06:08 PM
Whenever I write something in my daily log around the time off to the nearest 5 minutes. It drives me nuts to write "ended rounds 0023"

09-29-2019, 06:25 PM
Not repetitively, but yeah, and especially when I get that weird feeling that I didn't lock my car. I figure it's easier to just take the 30 seconds to go back and check than to spend the next X minutes/hours worrying about it.

That’s me and garage doors

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-29-2019, 06:26 PM
When I have cash, all the bills have to be facing the same way and in the same orientation. It was a requirement for cash deposits when I worked at Publix and has followed me ever since.

Always face your money! It was required at the Mobil station I worked at in college.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-29-2019, 06:47 PM
I had a bouncing garage door a few years ago and now have to wait for the garage door to fully close before leaving the driveway or I feel the need to circle back and check. But I figure I make it up by timing things just right so I smoothly pull into the garage the moment the door clears my roofline. I then click the opener as I come to a stop so the door reaches the floor by the time I enter the house. Kinda like this, except without parking crooked:

Interesting. When at dads place, and a garage was a new thing for me, I ended up backing in, it was difficult to see the corner, and several times people came around the corner as i pulled out and it got interesting, its safer to back in than back out visibility wise. Many pedestrians as well. Anyway, pulling in, I closed the garage door while in the truck until it was all the way down, partly because the dog was often in truck, then I realized I liked to see that nothing or nobody came in the garage before the door was all the way down. Same with leaving, wait til its closed before proceeding.

09-29-2019, 07:04 PM
I have driven my wife nuts for years by obsessing about eliminating every single rattle or noise in the car.

Kinda the same except it is the -unexplained noise- that must either be explained or eliminated.

I once replaced a bunch or suspension bushings on am an ancient 4Runner that had a “clunk” only under heavy right cornering. Drove me nuts. After a year of trying to find it I realized it was a partially secured jack under the passenger seat.

09-29-2019, 07:15 PM
When I have cash, all the bills have to be facing the same way and in the same orientation.

Plus, I have to have the bills in order of denomination from largest to smallest from back to front. So I'm looking at the singles when I pull the bills out of my pocket and unfold them.


That way you can quickly find and count off whatever you need to pay for.
It would make no sense (assuming you carry any amount of cash in bills) to have denominations mixed.

(Irrespective of the bills being right side up, facing forward...though of course that's the better organized way to do it, too.:cool:)

09-29-2019, 07:16 PM
I count stairs.

Me too. Must come from shooting revolvers. :)

09-29-2019, 07:20 PM
Shoelaces left over right

09-29-2019, 07:38 PM
Shoelaces left over right

On the left foot, opposite on right

Warming up my vehicle before driving

Stephanie B
09-29-2019, 07:42 PM
Anyone check door locks?
I have backtracked more often than I can remember to check that the garage door stayed down. I finally got to the point that I would say, out loud “the garage door is down, the garage door is down, the garage door is down”.

Lex Luthier
09-29-2019, 07:42 PM
My brother is OCD as were several of my forbears. You might say it runs in the family to some extent.
My wife's family have multiple examples of OCD and Tourettes Syndrome (a known relative to OCD) up through the last 3 generations.

Life can be ... Amusing.

09-29-2019, 07:48 PM
This is hilarious. Glad I'm not the only sick SOB...actually, I think I'm a lot better than most now. ;)
Something about toting guns and attention to detail. Er. Obsession with detail.

Stephanie B
09-29-2019, 07:49 PM
Warming up my vehicle before driving
The engine has to drop out of the fast idle before I will even think of turning on the air conditioning, let alone putting it into gear.

09-29-2019, 07:49 PM
Anyone have germ OCD? Sometimes I feel like Monk.

09-29-2019, 08:01 PM
Something about toting guns and attention to detail. Er. Obsession with detail.

I blame 25 years in the military...don't remember being that way prior. For one example, in basic training we had to keep an updated serialized inventory of our money.

09-29-2019, 08:18 PM
I number my socks when I get them so they all get paired back together with the one they were with when bought.

09-29-2019, 08:24 PM
I number my socks when I get them so they all get paired back together with the one they were with when bought.

A lot of what I have read here is not what I consider real OCD.

That’s real ocd.;) lol Mr. Monk style.

The guys at work give me a hard time about how much I clean things.

09-29-2019, 08:28 PM
How else are you going to get them to wear evenly? Ever pick up a pair where one is all stretched out and the other isn’t? It’s madness and can’t be allowed to happen.

09-29-2019, 08:33 PM
How else are you going to get them to wear evenly? Ever pick up a pair where one is all stretched out and the other isn’t? It’s madness and can’t be allowed to happen.

Theres a simpler way to deal with that. After coming out of the dryer, stack them in similar piles if theres any that are different type or styles. Take 2 at a time off a pile and fold them until gone, if any leftovers, they get paired with other oddball leftovers. Sometimes they arent the same thickness. Oh well.

I guess Im not very good at the OCD thing.

09-29-2019, 08:34 PM
If you ask my wife or children I have OCD but really I just do things the RIGHT way and put things in their RIGHT spot. Except when it comes to my tools...I might be OCD there.

El Cid
09-29-2019, 08:38 PM
Really there are only two things I’m OCD about, with one the food my dogs get - I almost kicked someone out of my home for saying she’d feed my dog people food at a party I hosted. She basically said it’s “what she does” and I made sure she understood it wouldn’t go well for her. It didn’t help that my Dobe had liver disease (copper retention disorder) and was on a strict diet to include distilled water.

The other is a meticulous round count log for all my firearms. I even log the brand and bullet type/weight. Makes me twitch when folks at the range ask to shoot one of my guns and want to use their own ammo. I understand they are being nice by not wanting to burn up my ammo, but I prefer they shoot mine. If they don’t know exactly what they have for ammo I tell them no. Lol! And if it’s reloads, steel cased, or Russian crap it’s a hard no.

the Schwartz
09-29-2019, 09:01 PM
I had a bouncing garage door a few years ago and now have to wait for the garage door to fully close before leaving the driveway or I feel the need to circle back and check. But I figure I make it up by timing things just right so I smoothly pull into the garage the moment the door clears my roofline. I then click the opener as I come to a stop so the door reaches the floor by the time I enter the house. Kinda like this, except without parking crooked:


Good Heavens. You just might be more OCD than I am. 😂🤣😂

I am nowhere near "coordinated" or "smooth" enough to do that with my garage door.

ETA: Now I can say that I am not crazy 'cause 0ddl0t does it, too.

09-29-2019, 09:11 PM
Kinda the same except it is the -unexplained noise- that must either be explained or eliminated.

I once replaced a bunch or suspension bushings on am an ancient 4Runner that had a “clunk” only under heavy right cornering. Drove me nuts. After a year of trying to find it I realized it was a partially secured jack under the passenger seat.

First rule of chasing noises in cars: Take everything that's not attached out of the car.

I once had a customer come back to the wheel and tire shop complaining of a clunk in his Mercedes convertible. Turned out to be the axe handle in the trunk.


I got to be this way by having my mistakes printed and mailed to a few hundred thousand people every month for several years. You try really hard to be the one who catches them all. The other thing that contributed was seeing more than one well-funded racing program fold in on itself because first finishing wasn't first priority.

09-29-2019, 09:17 PM
Check locks repeatedly? Yep.
Check garage door repeatedly? Yep.
Rotate dishes? Yep.
Sort bills by denomination, small to large and facing the same way? Yep.

The towels all need to be folded the same way regardless of size.

I can't stand having ANYTHING on the lenses of my glasses or any eyepro I'm wearing.

All shirts must be facing the same way in the closet. Same for the pants but they don't have to face the same way as the shirts.

My garage is a constant mess but the tools on my workbench at work are very much dress right dress.

09-29-2019, 09:23 PM
Whenever I write something in my daily log around the time off to the nearest 5 minutes. It drives me nuts to write "ended rounds 0023"

Who the fuck shoots at 0023. 😁 jkjk

09-29-2019, 09:30 PM
My wife is OCD about putting my stuff away but not necessarily hers. Then the problem is she doesnt remember where she put it. So you can imagine my frustration because her put away location is not OCD. I think its more like the closest place to wherever she is standing at that moment. My revenge is to take stuff out and leave it out.

09-29-2019, 09:34 PM
On the left foot, opposite on right

Warming up my vehicle before driving

The engine has to drop out of the fast idle before I will even think of turning on the air conditioning, let alone putting it into gear.

Unless you're still driving something with a carbureted engines, that's actually harmful to your car as compared to just driving normally.


09-29-2019, 09:45 PM
The other is a meticulous round count log for all my firearms. I even log the brand and bullet type/weight. Makes me twitch when folks at the range ask to shoot one of my guns and want to use their own ammo. I understand they are being nice by not wanting to burn up my ammo, but I prefer they shoot mine. If they don’t know exactly what they have for ammo I tell them no. Lol! And if it’s reloads, steel cased, or Russian crap it’s a hard no.

Of course! How would you know when to change recoil springs if you don't log rounds shot?

As for the rest of it, of course I log bullet weight, etc.; I reload, so every range trip gets a log entry with # rounds fired, bullet manufacturer, bullet weight, powder charge, whether any malfunctions/stoppages/etc occurred. As far as running steel case or other people's reloads, I'm right there with you. Steel case is a hard no, and the only scenario where I'd even consider somebody else's reloads would be if I know them well, am sure that they have the needed attention to detail, they tell me their recipe and I approve it, *and* all rounds to be run through my gun pass the plunk test in my barrel. Can you tell that I only own a few guns and don't want them damaged? :)

09-29-2019, 09:49 PM
Who the fuck shoots at 0023. 😁 jkjk
I actually write

0020 Perimeter patrol complete. Both pedestrian gates are locked. Return to entrance gate. Posted at entrance gate.

I personally think calling it any type of patrol is ridiculous but that's what the software designates that activity as so that's what I call it

Crazy Dane
09-29-2019, 09:50 PM
What's this OCD yall keep talking about? Is it contagious?, bet they got a pill for that. In all seriousness, I think I have escaped all of if. Doors locked? uh maybe, if not the Danes will get 'em, garage door? what garage door? oh the one I never close(I think its still there). I have worn glasses for almost 30 years, everything in life is dirty. I hate holey socks and I will throw one away and pair the other with something close. I could keep going but I got nuthin.

09-29-2019, 09:53 PM
Eh. My OCD is different.

Organization of ammo, guns, and gear is a given. But for the most part, I am a chaos organizer, a pile for everything and everything in its pile. People sometimes tell me, "You'll never find it in there." I'll reach half-way into the pile and pull out the exact document they want.

But there are certain things. House door locks, car door locks, framed pictures being straight when hung on the wall. I fold my winter gloves and scarf in a specific way. I always pick the same seat in a classroom. Very particular about my pens/pencils and note taking materials, I organize my lectures in a specific way.

But surprisingly, tools, books, papers, clothes, that stuff doesn't really get to me too much. Though I certainly like things organized, I'm not the most obsessive about it.

09-29-2019, 11:46 PM
The quickest way to piss off my wife is to open a package of cookies...and leave an odd number of cookies behind. My wife took me essentially getting fired in stride, but if she finds an odd number of Oreos in an open package she loses her shit...

I had an ex that had to eat skittles, M&Ms, etc one color at a time.

09-30-2019, 05:19 AM
Unless you're still driving something with a carbureted engines, that's actually harmful to your car as compared to just driving normally.


I wish someone would tell my neighbor 2 doors down that. He has a modified Subaru WRX (I think, it's one of the turbo'd hi performance models) with an aftermarket exhaust. He'll crank that thing and let it idle in a parking spot outside our townhomes for 20-30mins before driving off. Due to the exhaust, it just drones and you can hear it inside the house. :mad:


09-30-2019, 05:52 AM
Parking...I refuse to park between two vehicles if at all possible. I'd rather park in a muddy field in the open then cram myself between two econobox-appliances.

I find a spot that has only one car next to me. Usually the end-cap spot.
Then I move to the farthest position laterally with tires barely in the line.
Then I center the vehicle lengthwise. I'll even get out to verify.

Then I can leave vehicle.

My wife used to get foam-mouthed pissed. Now she just accepts it.

Speaking of mud...I can't stand mud on my vehicle. It might as well be feces...

09-30-2019, 06:26 AM
I have ODC and ADHD, so everything needs to be perfect, but not for long...

I can cope with chaos , but I cant cope with a pattern that has one piece of disorder, that drives me mad.

I cannot cope with mismatches socks, hence I wear really colourful stupid socks, because two slightly different shades of black will drive me mad the whole day.

I've been known to go back and check a door or a safe three times to make sure its locked.

If I touch the base of one fingernail I have to touch them all.

And ammunition come out of a 50 round box from right to left in ordered rows, and is put back from left to right the same way.

All perfectly normal things.

09-30-2019, 07:23 AM
This thread makes me feel a lot better about my OCD-ish tendencies. Door locks and garage doors, parking away from everyone else, and cleaning my crusty toddler are my frequent "issues." Oh and probably the worst thing you can do in my house is move my stuff or tools somewhere else so I have to go searching. My wife and I have a quarterly argument about this: same place every time so you can find it. Sometimes, I think it's low-key revenge for something I've said or done.

Oh and one more thing: vehicle thermostats self-regulate since they're ya know, thermostats. I don't know why some people feel the need to teeter-totter between max whatever and off. If it were meant to be used that way, you would have 2 buttons: hot and cold. Once your idle car has been warmed up/cooled down, find your comfort level, set it, and forget it as the engineers intended.

Stephanie B
09-30-2019, 07:33 AM
Unless you're still driving something with a carbureted engines, that's actually harmful to your car as compared to just driving normally.


Thinking back, I started doing it when I lived in an apartment complex that had its only access on a 4-lane secondary highway. There were times that if I wanted to get out of there and to work, I had to floor it. Then I moved to a place where my route to work was to leave the complex, go 1/2 block and then I was on the interstate. So I let them warm up.

Guns have to be cleaned before putting them away. I think I'd break out in hives if I tried one of those 2K challenges.

09-30-2019, 07:42 AM
Guns have to be cleaned before putting them away. I think I'd break out in hives if I tried one of those 2K challenges.

So if you cleaned your guns every 8-10K, or maybe annually, that would really be a problem.

I'm OCD-ish about some things, such as having my wallet, keys, and other critical items in a day pack near my bed. You know, in case I have to un-ass the house in the middle of the night because reasons that have yet to be determined. However, I have no fucks to give about gun cleaning. I just add oil a few times a year and drive on.

A friend's brother has real OCD, and for a while it was debilitating. With meds and therapy he's doing better.

09-30-2019, 07:55 AM
I hate holey socks and I will throw one away and pair the other with something close.

I hate socks with holes. I'll throw it away once the tiniest hole starts. That's not really OCD, I just don't like it. It's 2019 America, I don't have to wear socks with holes.

09-30-2019, 08:13 AM
I hate socks with holes.

How do you get your feet in?

/dad jokes

09-30-2019, 08:15 AM
I'm very particular about items being level, centered, flush, spaced evenly, etc. This serves me well as a carpenter/contractor. Electricians are the worst offenders. Damn guys, how hard is it to look around the room and make sure all the outlet and cover plates are level.

As far as organization...don't look at my desk. Or gun bench. Or garage shelves. Oddly, I don't like setting items on the floor, that just seems like they weren't put away correctly. That bugs me. But I don't care where it goes on the shelf.

09-30-2019, 08:30 AM
Can’t believe we are at 83 posts and Hercule Poirot has not been mentioned. :cool:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-30-2019, 08:33 AM
What I'm wondering is...if someone is truly OCD, how many times a day does he or she have to come back and check if anyone else replied to this thread?


09-30-2019, 09:10 AM
What I'm wondering is...if someone is truly OCD, how many times a day does he or she have to come back and check if anyone else replied to this thread?


Reported for personal attack.

09-30-2019, 09:18 AM
I'm very particular about items being level, centered, flush, spaced evenly, etc. This serves me well as a carpenter/contractor. Electricians are the worst offenders. Damn guys, how hard is it to look around the room and make sure all the outlet and cover plates are level.

I was a carpenter/contractor for many years and I have a keen eye for details. Things must be plumb, level, straight, spaced evenly, and square with the world.

A few years ago I started working part time at a nonprofit and because of my attention to detail have become the unofficial proof reader for all important letters and documents.

I also scored 100% on the quiz posted above.

09-30-2019, 09:43 AM
Every night before going to bed unless I know I was the last person through the door(s).

The only OCD-like thing I have otherwise is that I have to use matching plates at the gym. See, the gym bought a bunch of new plates about a year ago, and also acquired some other random ones, so we now have three different types (each type is significantly different). Even though they should weigh the same per their labels, I can't mix them up side to side (ie plates on one side have to match their counterparts on the other on the other). I feel foolish going to another rack to get plates when the rack I'm using has the weight classes I need. "Just ignore me, I'm crazy...".


We have a member at our gym with this, and she's managed to infect me ( among others ) with it.

Every time I find myself doing it, I say 'Damn you B, you did this to me!' It's even funnier when she's there to hear it.

Maybe I should stop reading this thread. I might come down with something else.

09-30-2019, 09:51 AM
The “thread” in the thread title should have a capital T.

09-30-2019, 09:57 AM
I'm starting to think I'm not nearly as OCD as you guys are.

I'm looking at my desk right now. There is stuff spread across in pell-mell fashion. My shoes are dirty. BUT my black shirt is clean, and my socks match (today at least).

I seriously don't get bent out of shape over this stuff. I'm far, far, far, more obsessive about my work. To the point where I almost can't be obsessive about stuff elsewhere. I'd be a literal basket case if I had Monk-Like tendencies at home or in general organization, I have so much to do on a daily basis I simply cannot obsess over things, even if I wanted to.

Which I suppose is kind of nice in many respects. And I used to be all paralyzed with obsessive and intrusive thoughts. Then I got therapy and some drugs and now I can accept that out of disorder, order can be generated.

09-30-2019, 10:37 AM
Items on my work desks or workbenches must be aligned when not in use.

Wondering Beard
09-30-2019, 11:15 AM


Looks more like a good test for observational skill and detective work than OCD.

Also, got the 10/10 too.

Wondering Beard
09-30-2019, 11:17 AM

Naa, just apposite.

09-30-2019, 11:25 AM
While not as "focused" as some here:

1-Loop back to check doors being locked before a road trip
2-If a tie has a stain that does not come out- it is cut and thrown away so I am not tempted to put it back in rotation for any reason
3-Money/all the same way/folded so lowest on top/the anti flash roll-Money sorting came from my time in retail at Macy's/Dillard's
4-When leaving a hotel after spending the night-Top to Bottom Left to Right check of every room, drawer etc.(Top/Bottom/Left/Right-vestige of inventory training at Macy's/Dillard's


Wondering Beard
09-30-2019, 11:27 AM
Light switches.

We have a few lights that are operated by different light switches which naturally leads to having a light turned off but with one switch turned on or vice versa. Makes me antsy.

09-30-2019, 11:30 AM
Closet and cabinet doors. Apparently, every female in my house thinks pushed CLOSE to shut is the same as shut. That's when they even try. "Honey, please empty the dishwasher for me" "Sure, Dad." 10 minutes later, dishwasher is empty, every cabinet door and drawer is open, and 16yo is nowhere to be found...

09-30-2019, 12:14 PM
Closet and cabinet doors. Apparently, every female in my house thinks pushed CLOSE to shut is the same as shut. That's when they even try. "Honey, please empty the dishwasher for me" "Sure, Dad." 10 minutes later, dishwasher is empty, every cabinet door and drawer is open, and 16yo is nowhere to be found...

Hmmm...I have that same problem at my house. You walk around turning off lights too?

09-30-2019, 12:27 PM
Naa, just apposite.

I was thinking Pasto vs. Anti-Pasto. ;)

(Now I'm hungry.)

09-30-2019, 12:31 PM
Hmmm...I have that same problem at my house. You walk around turning off lights too?You betcha!

09-30-2019, 12:47 PM
My wife is apparently incapable of pushing her chair back in under the table when she is done eating.

I'm also confused how anyone, on the whole planet, cannot stack things in such a way as to allow maximum space efficiency. My wife's idea of "efficient" is if it all fits in a box. Where as I can organize 10-gallons of stuff into a 5-gallon bucket and have space left over. But historically my wife is okay at Tetris, I on the other hand am very good at Tetris. For a long time Facebook had an online Tetris competition and I was usually ranked in the top 100 of players globally. I have one of those weird brains that can see precisely how things fit together long before they need to be fit together. My wife stopped playing Global Tetris when I beat her too many times. She's way better at Scrabble than I am, but when it comes to shapes and patterns, I decimate.

09-30-2019, 12:50 PM
This thread is certainly reminding me of one of my favorite cartoons. Not about OCD but close enough.


Stephanie B
09-30-2019, 12:56 PM
I was thinking Pasto vs. Anti-Pasto. ;)

(Now I'm hungry.)
If you're OCD, you're combobulated.

Wondering Beard
09-30-2019, 01:04 PM
I was thinking Pasto vs. Anti-Pasto. ;)

(Now I'm hungry.)

You're welcome (https://www.amazon.com/Sweet-Soppresata-Natural-Sausage-Nitrate/dp/B079TBB3LD/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3C6Q3H0ISXX9T&keywords=sopressata&qid=1569866536&s=gateway&sprefix=sopre%2Caps%2C266&sr=8-2)


09-30-2019, 01:06 PM
Be still, my beating heart!

09-30-2019, 01:19 PM
You people have some serious issues...

Makes me feel good about being sloppy and inefficient. (Says the guy that will spend an entire shift getting the settings just so on a spreadsheet no one else will ever see.)

Can’t believe we are at 83 posts and Hercule Poirot has not been mentioned. :cool:

They went directly to Adrian Monk, more than once.

09-30-2019, 01:20 PM
You know, when you paste a target and the paster doesn't quite cover the hole? I have to put on another paster, even if it's a target someone else already pasted.

09-30-2019, 01:24 PM
Do you guys have OCD, or are you just really particular?

I had a guy who worked for me, who would spend every break/lunch washing his hands. It was bad enough that we actually needed another sink in the restroom to accommodate him. We were in a factory, that we got mildly dirty, but watching a guy spend 30 minutes cleaning his fingernails makes me think nothing mentioned here is serious

09-30-2019, 01:26 PM
You know, when you paste a target and the paster doesn't quite cover the hole? I have to put on another paster, even if it's a target someone else already pasted.

You want the harshest truth? I don’t like pasted targets. If I wanted to shoot at someone else’s target, I’d shoot at an angle across the range and piss people off.

And if we are going to paste. Can we get pasters that are the same color as the cardboard?! I swear cardboard targets have been the same color my whole life. Yet for some reason, pasters are different colors.

09-30-2019, 01:35 PM
Do you guys have OCD, or are you just really particular?

I had a guy who worked for me, who would spend every break/lunch washing his hands. It was bad enough that we actually needed another sink in the restroom to accommodate him. We were in a factory, that we got mildly dirty, but watching a guy spend 30 minutes cleaning his fingernails makes me think nothing mentioned here is serious

OCD runs a whole gamut of expression but it’s truly a “disorder” when it frequently interrupts your thoughts and focus.

The Yale-Brown Obessive-Compulsive Scale (YBOCS) is frequently used to categorize OCD tendencies and help diagnose patients. https://www.addictionsandrecovery.org/tools/obsessive-compulsive-disorder-test-yale-brown-ocd-scale-ybocs.pdf

OCD also comes and goes to a degree. The score you have today could be lower than after a few days of rest or enough sleep. It’s important to recognize that Obsessive tendencies are really just an evolutionary check. You need to be obsessive about somethings (food and water). To the point you survive. It’s very important overall.

I have a whole pile of YBOCS sheets I fill them out regularly to help myself with my own cognitive behavior therapy. There are times where I’ve had YBOCS scores in the 40s and others where I’ve had them in the teens. With proper therapy and treatment many of these things can go away. It is most often misplaced anxiety.

09-30-2019, 02:58 PM
We have a member at our gym with this, and she's managed to infect me ( among others ) with it.

Every time I find myself doing it, I say 'Damn you B, you did this to me!' It's even funnier when she's there to hear it.

Maybe I should stop reading this thread. I might come down with something else.

Does your gym have a scale? Maybe weight a few of each color. If they're the same, maybe that'll cure you?

I totally get this one though...

09-30-2019, 03:07 PM
The “thread” in the thread title should have a capital T.

Your doing it wrong

09-30-2019, 03:14 PM
You want the harshest truth? I don’t like pasted targets. If I wanted to shoot at someone else’s target, I’d shoot at an angle across the range and piss people off.

And if we are going to paste. Can we get pasters that are the same color as the cardboard?! I swear cardboard targets have been the same color my whole life. Yet for some reason, pasters are different colors.


09-30-2019, 03:14 PM
Your doing it wrong

You think that amateurish attempt will fly with a real OCD hand? Get back in line! ;)

09-30-2019, 03:15 PM
I'm also confused how anyone, on the whole planet, cannot stack things in such a way as to allow maximum space efficiency.

That is a constant battle at my shop, whether placing items on the shelves, or hauling material. "We had to make a second trip because we couldn't fit this plywood in the truck." Well...if you'd have put the plywood in first and set everything else on top of it, that's one trip. In fact my go-to line is, "Didn't you ever play Tetris?" :cool:

And if you have two boxes of the same item, stack them together. Don't put one here and the other way over there. This is where some things really bug me, and others not at all. I don't care where on the shelves you put them, but put them together.

09-30-2019, 04:07 PM
OCD runs a whole gamut of expression but it’s truly a “disorder” when it frequently interrupts your thoughts and focus.

The Yale-Brown Obessive-Compulsive Scale (YBOCS)...

I am in awe, that in a thread on OCD, we have a...metric for OCD. That's pretty...impressive (was going to go with "OCD" but could not convince myself it applied. :) )

09-30-2019, 04:41 PM
I'm starting to think I'm not nearly as OCD as you guys are.

Yeah, I'm going to get my wife to read through this thread. A bunch of y'all make me look reasonably normal.

Still, I doubt she'd agree . . .

09-30-2019, 05:04 PM

I want to burn this with fire.

I actually think the reason people like black guns is because black is a universal color that matches just about everything. Sure, there are "shades" of black to a degree, but not really that many. And it's important that things match.

09-30-2019, 05:19 PM

I would rather have Jim-bob's Kuztom Krylon Kamo than that blasphemy. Redneck rattlecan might look like shit, but at least it's even.

And stainless parts on a black gun (or vice versa) drive me bonkers. Black parts on an AR are ok, that's all there is. But there's no excuse on Glocks or 1911's.

Drifting Fate
09-30-2019, 05:27 PM


100%! I won the internet today. WAHOO!!

Actually, despite the test, I'm pretty low on the OCD scale, just have a good eye for spatially related issues.

09-30-2019, 05:30 PM
And stainless parts on a black gun (or vice versa) drive me bonkers.

Did someone say LTT Elite 92 with NP3 parts?


Kanye Wyoming
09-30-2019, 06:22 PM
The “thread” in the thread title should have a capital T.

Your doing it wrong

This was in the kitchen of the house where we had post-Rosh Hashanah services lunch today. Made me literally LOL.

09-30-2019, 06:35 PM
100%! I won the internet today. WAHOO!!

Actually, despite the test, I'm pretty low on the OCD scale, just have a good eye for spatially related issues.

100% here too. and I did it with only one eye, LOL

09-30-2019, 06:39 PM
Did someone say LTT Elite 92 with NP3 parts?

Make the grips a shade that matches the NP3 and that thing would be gorgeous. :)

09-30-2019, 07:13 PM
I don't know if I'm OCD about anything, but I'm mildly famous among my family for being annoyed with two things. I think people that can't match their socks are sub-human and I'll go without socks before I'd wear a mismatched pair, and if it snows more than an inch I have to plow it. Not only do I have to plow it, but there better not be any missed spots or little windrows left.

Casual Friday
09-30-2019, 07:16 PM
I don't mind if my beard gets long and unruly, but I absolutely won't stand for my eyebrows, nose hair, and ear hair to get outta control. I police that shit at least once a week. Dudes really be out here lookin like this.


09-30-2019, 07:25 PM
Okay guys - this may blow some minds...

But you can literally buy dozens of the same pair of socks...

Similarly you can buy dozens of the same t-shirt, or same jeans, same pants, same shoes.

Right now - I have a dozen pairs of identical socks in different weights (summer and winter), a dozen black t-shirts all made by the same company, in the same size, in the same exact cut, and four pairs of identical jeans, multiple identical pairs of shoes, etc.

There isn’t a reason to suffer this kind of OCD.

09-30-2019, 08:21 PM
Unless you're still driving something with a carbureted engines, that's actually harmful to your car as compared to just driving normally.


Idling gasoline engines (service, fleet rental etc) aint good over long term. I'm talking 30-90 second warm up while I get my nav shit together or I'm buckling in the kids :)

Your doing it wrong



This was in the kitchen of the house where we had post-Rosh Hashanah services lunch today. Made me literally LOL.

09-30-2019, 09:22 PM
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/33874331818_14f0536319_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/TBmNFL)

09-30-2019, 09:26 PM
Okay guys - this may blow some minds...

But you can literally buy dozens of the same pair of socks...

This. The last time I bought socks, it was in a 20-pack - a "high capacity sock magazine," if you will. :)

09-30-2019, 11:53 PM
I must obey all grammar rules and rules for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. I am afraid of germs and will not ride in a car with a contagious person. I am overwhelmed with concern for safety of children. I was easily offended if someone dared to criticize my dog. Once my puppy and I got kicked out of puppy school. Actually, I got kicked out, and the pup went back home with me.

10-01-2019, 06:04 AM
Kinda twitching right now...


10-01-2019, 06:17 AM
I don't know if this is OCD, but the second I realize that a toilet isn't available or I’m in a area I cant use a toilet. I have to desperately use one.

Lex Luthier
10-01-2019, 09:43 AM
Kinda twitching right now...

The artist in me says " not a bad combination of complimentary hues."

10-01-2019, 11:32 AM
I must obey all grammar rules and rules for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. I am afraid of germs and will not ride in a car with a contagious person. I am overwhelmed with concern for safety of children. I was easily offended if someone dared to criticize my dog. Once my puppy and I got kicked out of puppy school. Actually, I got kicked out, and the pup went back home with me.

Then why don't you fix your user name?

10-01-2019, 11:33 AM
I must come to work, click "Today's Posts" on PF, open a tab for each one of interest, then read and close them throughout the day.

10-01-2019, 12:21 PM
Then why don't you fix your user name?

The spelling with the low case w is the same as seen on my birth certificate. Perhaps presenting my name in this fashion is an affectation. I continue to obsess about how it will appear on my tomb rock. Too, I am fretting about the size of the monument. Should I buy a pebble or a boulder? If I select boulder, then perhaps I will capitalize the w, but in life I am a low case guy. Now that you brought up this question I am wringing my hands once again.

10-01-2019, 12:26 PM
The spelling with the low case w is the same as seen on my birth certificate. Perhaps presenting my name in this fashion is an affectation. I continue to obsess about how it will appear on my tomb rock. Too, I am fretting about the size of the monument. Should I buy a pebble or a boulder? If I select boulder, then perhaps I will capitalize the w, but in life I am a low case guy. Now that you brought up this question I am wringing my hands once again.

Well, on the plus side you're not Wringing them which seems a bigger problem. So you got that going for yourself.

10-01-2019, 05:29 PM
This funny meme post needs some love in the OCD thread:


10-07-2019, 07:52 AM
Found on ye olde interweb. This would drive me bonkers.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-07-2019, 08:43 AM
I do this so often I'm not even aware that I do it.

I will use the bathroom and walk right past the bathroom sink and walk to the other end of the house (26 feet) and wash my hands in the kitchen sink.

Crazy Dane
10-07-2019, 10:24 AM


It took me several minutes to get the colors don't match. Eh, more camouflage.

10-13-2019, 10:27 PM
Anyone check door locks?

That is my one and only compulsion.

I’ve mellowed quite a bit. 25 years ago I’d wake up in the middle of the night and check the doors.

I’m a slob about most things, but I’m a regular Sheldon Cooper at the dinner table:

No hats.
Food in serving dishes with serving utensils.
You do not use your personal, nasty utensils to help your plate.
The butter gets its own knife. You put some on your plate, then pass it. That way no ones baked potato gets cold while you hog the butter and, more importantly, we don’t end up with your disgusting toast crumbs in the butter.

Butter is butter, Jelly is jelly,
Peanut butter is peanut butter. Great tastes that taste great together, but should never meet in the same container.
So if you eat in my home, each of the three will have a serving utensil. Use them.

I’m pretty much impossible to gross out, but finding crumbs in the butter, blobs of butter in the jelly jar, blobs of jelly in the PB jar, or any combination thereof sends me into conniptions.

10-14-2019, 08:28 AM
As a child, I'd often count on my fingers the number of syllables uttered by those around me in casual conversation. What's more, I'd find that I was more satisfied when the syllables were even in number rather than odd. No idea what drove that particular behavior, but it was comforting.

My vehicle interior must be clean and free of dirt/debris/disorder at all times. Dash vents must be coordinated in alignment.

P.S. Checking that all doors are locked each night isn't OCD. It's a standard security check and a best practice. It enters the realm of OCD when you must check all doors & locks multiple times each night. :)

10-14-2019, 08:52 AM
Dash vents must be coordinated in alignment.

I'd never really given it any thought...but...guilty.