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View Full Version : Jumping down the rabbit hole

Old Man Winter
07-15-2019, 09:43 AM
Last night I was searching for scout / practical rifle threads and found one started by GJM back in 2016. 150 pages and several three finger pours of whiskey later, I reached the end. Anybody else find themselves reading an entire thread from beginning to end? Which threads have caught your attention enough to make you read it all?

Here's the thread that caught me: https://pistol-forum.com/showthread.php?21568-Scout-rifle-circa-2016

07-15-2019, 09:47 AM
Which threads have caught your attention enough to make you read it all?

I cant recall all of them now. But I know i have been bored at work and poured through some 500 post long Beretta thread in a few hours....

Gun Mutt
07-15-2019, 10:56 AM
The first and longest was the memes thread...and that's time well spent! The HK45 field pistol thread and the other one about pistols and bears were next. Then there was the damn Ruger LCR? (https://pistol-forum.com/showthread.php?22420-Ruger-LCR/page35) thread that was my throne room reading for a couple weeks...led to me ditching my j-frame and going full LCR.

This thread was necro'd recently and I plan to read it for the promised lulz: Easy Day (https://pistol-forum.com/showthread.php?10656-Easy-Day-Short-Film/page26) thread.

07-15-2019, 01:46 PM
I've done it a few times. Mostly during bourbon-fueled late night forum sessions.

07-15-2019, 05:07 PM
What a coincidence this subject was raised today. The rabbit hole I jumped down was the 300+ post discussing CZ P-07 and P-09 pistols. And directly below this post today, are some new additions to the subject, bringing the post count to 310. I learned a lot about this platform by studying this information.

07-15-2019, 06:11 PM
There are too many.

AIWB thread.
JMCK thread.
Beretta 1301 thread.
General Beretta 92 love thread.
LTT thread.
Several UOF threads.
Anything by ToddG.

Countless others. Some of the best info isn't in long threads. It's in single posts, like DB's trigger posts ans TC in VA talking about shotguns, or Gabe explaining the same small part of a draw in a slightly different way and you get something you didnt know before.


07-15-2019, 07:29 PM
I've done it many, many times. Try organizing the threads by "Replies" and/or "Views" to see the most popular threads since 2011, and find some real gems from back in the day.

07-15-2019, 08:54 PM
Some one should print all these gems and bind them and sell copies. I would love to have a transcript of PF history.
Maybe the profit could go to Todd’s charity, Rampage for a cure.

Just a thought

07-16-2019, 12:05 AM
Are you kidding? The rabbit hole is why I’m here.

07-16-2019, 07:51 AM
This thread was necro'd recently and I plan to read it for the promised lulz: Easy Day (https://pistol-forum.com/showthread.php?10656-Easy-Day-Short-Film/page26) thread.

Mouth of a leopard...

07-16-2019, 08:06 AM
Are you kidding? The rabbit hole is why I’m here.


Also, at the bottom of the rabbit hole lurks a giant SIMP. Y'all are warned.

07-16-2019, 12:01 PM
Not a thread rabbit hole, but I sat down and watched John Murphy's entire concealed carry class in one session last night on YouTube.