View Full Version : Unplanned ACRO and Glock plus Surefire durability test...

06-15-2019, 07:09 AM
So I was training with another agency at the private range my agency shoots on when the land owner who had been checking the timber removal progress on another part with his friend (both 70+ years old) drives up and says I need help. He then proceeds to tell us that his friend fell down a well and is hurt real bad. I had just taken my pistol off and sat it on my bumper to change from my duty belt to a different holster and belt to go to dinner (I usually always set it in the vehicle but of course didn’t this time).

I got on the radio and then hopped in my vehicle to follow him to where his buddy fell into the well. After assessing guys condition etc getting more info to dispatch I realized that my pistol had been on the bumper. Yeah so my buddy ran it over with his minivan, so did an ambulance and about 12 other rescue vehicles and full sized trucks. My buddy also ran over it again going back to look for it for me and then took these pictures when he found it. Everything still works to include the light and optic. The ACRO still held zero etc.

Also the guy was good and no major injuries. Fire rescue was able to get him out from the 15 foot deep well and off to the hospital.


06-15-2019, 08:38 AM
Bless you and your friends for helping that gentlemen. I'm not surprised at all that you did, it just reinforces the positive opinions I already held.

Pretty neat on the Aimpoint. I'm never had doubts about them, either.

06-15-2019, 08:41 AM
I see a "There I was..." Glock, Acro, and Surefire commercial in the making!

06-15-2019, 09:20 AM
It's true; all of it. I's there, and I seent it.

06-15-2019, 09:54 AM
That's why I went with the ACRO. The battery life takes some getting used to, but I'm reasonably certain it will be the most durable and reliable slide-mounted RDS on the market.

This is the point in the thread where people start explaining to you how this wasn't a valid test because you didn't do a control or quantify the exact PSI applied to the optic or account for the amount of cushioning provided by the soil, etc.

06-15-2019, 10:10 AM
Best get my g19 and rmr.. and run it over for science ;)

06-15-2019, 10:25 AM
This story sounds very familiar...;-)


06-15-2019, 12:34 PM
Very cool report. Thanks.

06-15-2019, 12:57 PM
Well done, my friend.

06-15-2019, 01:06 PM
This story sounds very familiar...;-)All this time I thought Timmy was the one that fell down in the damn well...

06-15-2019, 02:32 PM
Like I tell my wife, it's all about the angle :)

06-15-2019, 04:00 PM
Nice to know they’ll stand up to moderate abuse.

However because your test didn’t involve Georgia red clay, the results leave much to be desired. Re-do, but no need to throw anyone down a well.

Unless they really have it comin’

06-15-2019, 04:02 PM
There is no easy way to fall down a well. Really bad things usually happen as a result, so I'm glad to hear the dude wasn't seriously injured.

Great job karmapolice and thanks for sharing. Always nice to hear a good news story, and I needed some good news about the Acro as well. This embodies all the reasons I waited for and purchased the Acro. Heck, this is flat out why I buy and use Glock, Surefire, and Aimpoint products. Still have my fingers crossed on the battery life stuff.

06-15-2019, 04:04 PM
So I was training with another agency at the private range my agency shoots on when the land owner who had been checking the timber removal progress on another part with his friend (both 70+ years old) drives up and says I need help. He then proceeds to tell us that his friend fell down a well and is hurt real bad. I had just taken my pistol off and sat it on my bumper to change from my duty belt to a different holster and belt to go to dinner (I usually always set it in the vehicle but of course didn’t this time).

I got on the radio and then hopped in my vehicle to follow him to where his buddy fell into the well. After assessing guys condition etc getting more info to dispatch I realized that my pistol had been on the bumper. Yeah so my buddy ran it over with his minivan, so did an ambulance and about 12 other rescue vehicles and full sized trucks. My buddy also ran over it again going back to look for it for me and then took these pictures when he found it. Everything still works to include the light and optic. The ACRO still held zero etc.

Also the guy was good and no major injuries. Fire rescue was able to get him out from the 15 foot deep well and off to the hospital.


MAC eat your heart out! :D

06-21-2019, 06:29 PM
First- thanks for all the comments, I didn't do anything special but my job. My buddy did most of the initial assessment and job and did a great one at that. Second Fire Rescue and medical personnel did the hard work of getting the injuried party out of the well and to further care. He was luckly not seriously injured.

So today Glock inspected the pistol and everything was as it should be with the gun, no hidden stress fractures etc. The first four days of this week I was at GPSTC (Georgia Public Safety Training Center) taking Semi Auto III.

For those unfamiliar Semi Auto III a close version of Rogers Shooting School that is available to any Georgia peace officer who meets the precourse requirements. It’s all steel and you shoot drills in the morning and after lunch you take the test which consist of 100 plates to be hit in different combinations from the ready, holster, freestyle, strong hand only, and support hand only.

There are three ratings 80-89 Basic, 90-95 Intermediate, and 96-100 Advanced. You compete with all the students and the relay each day after day one is based on your test performance. I maintained booth two relay one all subsequent days and was second to one of the lead instructors and all around great guy and shooter David Knight (USPSA Grand Master, One of five to ever clean Rogers, FAST coin, and more).

I ran the Glock that was run over :D Gen 5 34 with the ACRO and X300U from a Safariland 6390 RDS holster with the OTD nub mod on a Jones tactical belt with good ole esstac kiwis. Day one I scored a 92, day two a 93, day three a 98, and a 94 on day four (was clean up until one stage I bombed 😆 not completely but it wasn’t pretty), this secured me an Advanced rating.

Also I was the first student to shoot all four days with a Red Dot equip pistol, several failed in the past and or students switched back to an iron sighted gun during the course. One of the other instructors Alex Rozier was also in the class and got Advanced and shot a 95 on the last day with my other 34 with an ACRO. Also one of my fellow Deputies shot a 98 on day three as well and other high scores to get an Advanced rating, I’m super proud of him!

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/64951532_633524880486499_251433888088326144_n.jpg? _nc_cat=107&_nc_oc=AQmJP2FskOP1hQGJkpE4ZYGUrOUCrXnEEoaFvifG_CN jl4WjGh8F2fYM9yaMs86ihnc&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=a025878ae8bf527fee97ff6e0da73d5a&oe=5D89E65B

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/64615347_633524917153162_2580248989446176768_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=101&_nc_oc=AQlEYHAs6GhLjXSpLM6AGea3KmJpouLY7z5OaSYWISn w9z5D5QH3ns1uaK8zm-h26is&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=6d5aafd75c38a080a9203a5bf21a5b4b&oe=5D867C1C(This picture isn't mine but belongs to Sparrow Defense.)

06-21-2019, 09:48 PM
That is some serious Wile E. Coyote stuff right there in the photos. Glad everything turned out alright.

Now I'm curious though - what was your mounting procedure for your MOS plate? I'd actually assume that'd be the weak point in that whole setup.

06-21-2019, 11:46 PM
That is some serious Wile E. Coyote stuff right there in the photos. Glad everything turned out alright.

Now I'm curious though - what was your mounting procedure for your MOS plate? I'd actually assume that'd be the weak point in that whole setup.

I utilized the factory Glock MOS screws that comes with the gun for mounting the plate rather than the B&T/Aimpoint ones that came with the ACRO plate. I applied approximate torque spec of 13-15 inch pounds to those screws to mount the plate. I mounted the optic to the plate with an approximate torque value of 26.5 inch pounds and then I shot it a bunch!

Dave Williams
06-22-2019, 09:39 AM
I shot on the GPSTC Rogers range, just an awesome resource for Georgia Officers!

06-22-2019, 11:43 AM
Holy shot, how cool.

06-22-2019, 02:31 PM
I shot on the GPSTC Rogers range, just an awesome resource for Georgia Officers!

What he said.

Erick Gelhaus
06-22-2019, 09:41 PM
Nicely done!