View Full Version : Leading by example....

03-21-2012, 09:01 AM
CONCORD – A freshman lawmaker who once posted on Facebook about shooting at cops and favors no permit to carry a concealed handgun accidentally dropped one of his guns on the floor at the start of an emotionally charged committee meeting Tuesday morning.

Rep. Kyle Tasker, R-Northwood, told colleagues and onlookers that he had just come from donating blood at a Red Cross bloodmobile outside the Statehouse that left him a little “loopy.”


It does lead to a serious question, though -- what's the best thing to do if you're carrying and start to feel sick or otherwise incapacitated? I've certainly told myself "I'm not driving if I feel like this." Does anyone "disarm" themselves if they feel mentally not up to par?

03-21-2012, 09:25 AM
Well, for starters you could carry in a good quality sensible holster with all the retention devices engaged and leave the gun in it. Guns left alone in the holster rarely hurt people.

I've given blood while armed. I passed out cold because it turns out that being on a 3 day fast doesn't go well with losing a lot of blood. I never saw a need to mess with my gun. It was carried in a good holster in a sensible location and that's where I left it. When the lights came back on and I was looking up at the people calling my name at what looked to be at the time through a tunnel, I felt no need to screw with the pistol. I do remember wanting very much for them to shut up and let me go back to sleep, but that's before the brain had figured out what happened.

Ditto the dentist's chair. Occasionally they give me laughing gas which doesn't make me feel loopy...it just makes my head feel like it weighs 300 pounds. No hallucinations or anything like that. In my drugged state I never went near the pistol.

I tend to bounce back fairly quickly from the effect of drugs, so YMMV. When I'm exposed to drugs I just tend to go to sleep. Once I wake up I'm pretty much over it. After having oral surgery and being out for about four hours, within 4 minutes after being woke up by the staff I was back to normal. They said it was "freaky" how easily I shrugged off the anesthesia.

So my general rule is carry sensibly and don't screw around with the pistol. If I feel like I'm going to be seriously impaired like going under general anesthesia, I'll leave the heater at home. If I'm out and about in my daily life and feel like I'm about to lose it while I'm carrying, there's nothing I can actually do with the pistol that will be any safer than just leaving it alone. If paramedics have to load me up or something and encounter the gun, c'est la vie. They'll just take it off if it's in the way and call the cops.

03-21-2012, 09:42 AM
CONCORD – A freshman lawmaker who once posted on Facebook about shooting at cops and favors no permit to carry a concealed handgun accidentally dropped one of his guns on the floor at the start of an emotionally charged committee meeting Tuesday morning.
Dear Mr. Tasker,

Please stay off my side.


03-21-2012, 09:47 AM
There's too much "stupid" being posted in the romper room lately. Stories like these are going to drive me away from the website.

If I wanted to hear stupid, I'd just cruise certain other forums to begin with.

03-21-2012, 11:31 AM
The reason this forum exists (RR) is for stories like these.

Professional forums like PFC are filled with very good sources of technical information; when well moderated, they remain excellent repositories of information.

That said, if we are going to remain a strong and cohesive group, then the board needs a sense of community to go along with the information. The Romper Room provides an area for forum members to talk amongst themselves, and interact with one another on a more casual level so we don't become a sterile, scientific database.

It's easy to avoid this sub-forum entirely if you aren't interested in this type of discussion, but it is a necessary part of the equilibrium of PFC as a whole.

03-21-2012, 02:49 PM
There's too much "stupid" being posted in the romper room lately.

Could one of the Staff please send TGS the secret code that makes it so he's no longer forced against his will to read everything posted in the Romper Room?

Hey wait a minute... :cool:

(Or... what BOM said)

03-21-2012, 02:56 PM
So my general rule is carry sensibly and don't screw around with the pistol. If I feel like I'm going to be seriously impaired like going under general anesthesia, I'll leave the heater at home. If I'm out and about in my daily life and feel like I'm about to lose it while I'm carrying, there's nothing I can actually do with the pistol that will be any safer than just leaving it alone.

Thanks. That's where my train of thought was headed.

I thought about trying to unload it, but manipulation without a clear head seemed like a bad idea.

03-21-2012, 03:15 PM
Could one of the Staff please send TGS the secret code that makes it so he's no longer forced against his will to read everything posted in the Romper Room?

Hey wait a minute... :cool:

(Or... what BOM said)

Hey guys, I like to open up the romper room and read funny stuff.

I click on a new topic and it's another story about stupid people in the world. It's almost as bad as turning on the 5 o'clock local news......which is a reason I don't watch the 5 O'Clock local news. Just seems like a lot of stories being posted lately about stupid this, stupid that, and stupid people, and let's all bitch in agreement about how stupid people are. It's like a hakomi therapy group gone sour.

But the romper room still has funny stuff that pops up and I like to read, so I'd rather not just stop reading the romper room altogether.

I'm more about mudita and less about schadenfreude. If harping on misery and/or the stupidity of man is what's needed to keep this community cohesive and strong...well, ok. Sorry for not being in the cool kids club.

03-21-2012, 03:26 PM
Holy crap. If I have to Google half the words in your post, you should be banned. :cool:

I reserve the right to agree or disagree once I've completed my distance learning course...

03-21-2012, 03:33 PM
Holy crap. If I have to Google half the words in your post, you should be banned. :cool:

I reserve the right to agree or disagree once I've completed my distance learning course...

That's what I get for hanging around a yoga studio. Yeah, I'm all about the peace/happiness/tranquility thing......except I'm wearing a gun, too. Makes me think of Full Metal Jacket.......the duality of man.


03-21-2012, 03:50 PM
Makes me think of Full Metal Jacket.......the duality of man.


How 'bout getting with the program? Why don't you jump on the team and come in for the big win? :D


03-21-2012, 04:01 PM
Note to self, "Do not donate blood and use a shoulder holster", or at any other time.

Tasker routinely wears two guns in a shoulder holster to legislative meetings.

And who quotes weird yoga words and German in the same sentence? ;)

03-22-2012, 12:41 PM
I will note that the thread title is "leading by example", which in turn reminds me of the bumper sticker I saw the other day, encouraging us to Be The Change We Want To See In The World.

Maybe I shouldn't be such a sardonic smartass all the time. Maybe a little less spleen would be a good thing. Problem is, the world gives me so much on which to vent my spleen that it's hard not to rise to the occasion.

03-22-2012, 01:03 PM
I do try not to make fun of people who simply make a mistake or have a bad day. I've certainly done my share of dumb things, and will no doubt continue to do so.

But there are folks who have chosen to climb up on stage and jump up and down until the spotlight is pointed at them. If they then proceed to make an ass of themselves, it's hard to resist at least a glimmer of satisfaction.