View Full Version : iPhone series 4 watch

04-08-2019, 06:08 AM
I finally caved in and got one. Makes way more sense to have one in the classroom then having to pull out my phone and check. Anyone else got one and can educate a newb?

04-08-2019, 01:59 PM
I finally caved in and got one. Makes way more sense to have one in the classroom then having to pull out my phone and check. Anyone else got one and can educate a newb?

Not a series 4, but what do you need to know?

04-11-2019, 08:15 PM
I've been considering getting one. How's your's working out for you?

04-11-2019, 08:46 PM
Get an actual watch.

No one needs a text message on their wrist.

04-11-2019, 09:54 PM
I have one. I use it in the classroom to see whos calling me or messaged without having to get my phone out my desk. I also use it to track steps, workouts, and reminders for meeting, etc. So far I am really enjoying it. Do I actually need it? No, not really but it is really convenient and it is incredibly efficient for work. I also had a call from my sons day care that I would of missed without it and luckily everything was fine but I would of never heard my phone go off while I was teaching if it was in my desk. Obviously not for everyone but I find it be more of an asset then my old fit bit or previous watches before it.

Somewhere someone just muttered "damn young kids/millennials"

04-11-2019, 10:22 PM
I’ve been an Apple Watch user since the Series 1. Have a Series 4 now.
While I tried it as an everyday watch, I still tend to default to my Swiss-made aviator watch, especially when at work. But I love it as a workout watch. Great for collecting data during runs and other exercise, as well as playing music, and being able to receive texts, and take the occasional important phone call while on a run.

If I can help with questions or further input, let me know.

04-14-2019, 03:49 AM
Got one from work. It sits unused for two reasons: in two years it’ll be a paperweight, and it does nothing important my Omega doesn’t do better.

04-14-2019, 11:13 AM
I use it in the classroom to see whos calling me or messaged without having to get my phone out my desk. I also use it to track steps, workouts, and reminders for meeting, etc. So far I am really enjoying it. Do I actually need it? No, not really but it is really convenient and it is incredibly efficient for work.

I don't know where or what you teach or care, but my professor constantly checking his watch would seem distracting and give me the impression he'd rather be anywhere else.

I also had a call from my sons day care that I would of missed without it and luckily everything was fine but I would of never heard my phone go off while I was teaching if it was in my desk.

In the old days the daycare would be given the phone number to the school's front office, and they'd send a human to relay the message.

04-14-2019, 11:15 AM
I don't know where or what you teach or care, but my professor constantly checking his watch would seem distracting and give me the impression he'd rather be anywhere else.

In the old days the daycare would be given the phone number to the school's front office, and they'd send a human to relay the message.

So you implying that I am checking my watch constantly is the whole reason I have it. Instead of having to check my phone to see or waiting until recess to see if there was an emergency I can glance at my watch if it vibrates.. But yes, I am a horrible teacher.

Once again, cranky ass old men trying to make something into what its not

04-14-2019, 11:19 AM
Got one from work. It sits unused for two reasons: in two years it’ll be a paperweight, and it does nothing important my Omega doesn’t do better.

Much as I love quality analog watches, I’ve found several things the Apple Watch does better.
Off the top of my head:
- keeps precise time, all the time
- automatically changes time zones
- very easy to read in darkness (it lights up when you raise your arm)
- easiest user interface for setting alarms & countdown timers of any watch I’ve ever used.

04-14-2019, 11:21 AM
Tomjones can you just close this thread. I am a highly regarded teacher in my district and I am getting the impression that some are going to call my professionalism into question which will honestly just result in me saying stuff not on the level for this forum. The time of the office sending runners down to interrupt teachers during instruction is over. Instead of being micro managed my principle trusts us that we can make adult decisions if we need to check our phones to make sure our family is ok or if its a Drs call. Also, since the students I cater to was brought up, I discuss with them when it is appropriate to check a phone and I get their input. I feel weird that I have to defend that I have a watch that gets messages but there it is.
