View Full Version : Taliban Cheer Squad Training

john c
12-27-2018, 06:23 PM
I was originally going to post this under the russian training thread, but thought this deserved it's own thread.

Check it out: https://www.militarytimes.com/off-duty/military-culture/2018/12/26/bring-it-on-new-taliban-video-shows-them-training-for-cheer-squad-competition/

This "training" video has it all....tactical leap-frog, jumping through fire hoops, and slo-mo stick fighting!


On a serious note, I'm tagging Poseidon from the Russian training thread to show the compare-and-contrast.

12-27-2018, 10:17 PM
No JDAM finish? I was let down. :(

12-27-2018, 10:22 PM
No JDAM finish? I was let down. :(

Fuggin A, a few 50s ripping into that clown fest would be hilarious icing on the cake. I wonder if they can backflip past bullets.

Also Jesus H those crappy push-ups and the sword fighting...

12-28-2018, 12:03 AM
Yeah - this video makes them look like a bunch of grabasstic amphibian excrement, but at the end they are going to be running that dirt pile long after US, USSR, Great Britain, The Mongols, The Macedonians, and the Persians are long gone....... :(

Jim Watson
12-28-2018, 12:28 AM
As Jeff Cooper said, they are not very good, but they are not kidding.

12-28-2018, 12:43 PM
What? No goats in short skirts and crotch less panties.

12-28-2018, 12:55 PM
Some asshole who plays leapfrog can shoot you just as dead with a rifle.

If I were in .mil I would not be so dismissive of the video.

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12-29-2018, 12:03 AM
Some asshole who plays leapfrog can shoot you just as dead with a rifle.

If I were in .mil I would not be so dismissive of the video.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

See post #5. :)

12-29-2018, 12:46 AM
There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent.

I’ll add, no matter how foolish they appear.

12-29-2018, 01:37 PM
I’m wondering if the target audience for that video could have been 11-year-old future recruits.

12-29-2018, 05:38 PM
There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent.

I’ll add, no matter how foolish they appear.

Incoming rounds are not to be trifled with, every now and then the spray and pray guys hit someone. A round that makes contact is no different if sent with skill or sent with dumb luck.