View Full Version : Making a 92 "Stealth Slide Release/Stop" - experiences requested

12-09-2018, 12:58 PM
So the LTT Elite has my Beretta bug back as well as a renewed interest in learning the TDA platform. However, an issue that has plagued me since I first qualified with the M9 in 1997 persists - the slide release. Some refer to this part alternatively as a Slide Stop. I would, too, if my stupid thumb wouldn't keep it from functioning as such.

For those of you who have modified a stock shovel would you mind sharing your experiences? I have a spare ordered and am ready to go full W.E.C.S.O.G. on it.

Dave J
12-16-2018, 10:05 PM
FWIW, a friend of mine had the same issue, and went the same route you're thinking. He's an old school 1911 guy, and his habit of riding the thumb safety didn't translate well to the Beretta for him. Some years ago, he got fed up with it, and sanded the "nub" completely off. He has many thousands of rounds through it in that configuration, and still prefers it. I was somewhat skeptical, but I've seen him run the gun, and he had no difficulty locking the slide open when he wanted.

I had the same problem back in the day, but I chose to fix my grip instead. That took a lot more time and effort, but transfers better to any Beretta I pick up.

It's an easily replaceable part, so no harm if you want to experiment. But IMHO the better fix is probably on the software side.

12-16-2018, 11:24 PM
I've had this issue with most of the handguns I've owned. I did a drastic reduction on a slide stop on my Sig P220. For the most part though I just work on my grip. But the slide stop is easy to replace so go for it.

12-16-2018, 11:41 PM
I had to file it down on my LTT. The problem is so common, and seems even more so on the LTT than a stock 92, that I think we should all harass LangdonTactical into harassing Beretta into making a Stealth version. ;)

12-16-2018, 11:53 PM
. The problem is so common, and seems even more so on the LTT than a stock 92, that I think we should all harass LangdonTactical into harassing Beretta into making a Stealth version. ;)

What is that Hk was rumored to have said on specialty parts/configurations?

“Buy 10,000 of them and we’ll make whatever you want “

12-16-2018, 11:59 PM
I know I am close and no unintended slide locks

I plan to start driving this hard in Jan 2019.

Tagged just in case I need to break out a file.


12-17-2018, 12:28 AM
I had to file it down on my LTT. The problem is so common, and seems even more so on the LTT than a stock 92, that I think we should all harass LangdonTactical into harassing Beretta into making a Stealth version. ;)

Yes, the thin grips exacerbate the issue greatly for me. I'd love for LangdonTactical to get BUSA to make a part like that. I have an idea of the complexities of making that happen so I'm not holding my breath.

I'm making a range trip tomorrow and I have one more software fix to try before I chop the hardware...

12-17-2018, 04:52 AM
I’ve done this on my P229, but never needed to on a Beretta. Guess there is an upside to short thumbs.

12-18-2018, 08:06 AM
As soon as you have the spare just grind that thing down. I did that to the bat wings on my PX4 compact. I didn't even take them off the gun. Masking tape kept the crap from getting inside and having them on the gun gave me a great way to hold onto them. One I got a little too thin, so JB weld built it back a bit.