View Full Version : Converted co-worker to the love of firearms

11-18-2018, 01:20 PM
I had a younger co-worker that came to work with me from Chicago this week for a couple of days. The usual conversation came up which usually does from folks from the north who first visit Texas about firearms and concealed carry. (Everyone assumes its the wild west and everyone open carries) Being from the Chicago, he was slightly on the liberal side but probably more middle of the road about firearms, just had been inundated with the usual drivel about guns. In our discussion, we got around to the competing aspect of guns and that seemed to really get his interest, so I asked if he wanted to go shooting in the afternoon. His eyes light up and he was all for it.

We plan our range trip and I bring a number of different firearms for him to shoot. Brought my 19x, 19w/rmr, G26, DW Guardian in 9mm, and my PCC in 9mm. We spend about 15 -20 minutes on gun safety. I shoot at an outdoor range so I really stressed the importance of being safe at all times. I set up a target about 4 yards and spent a good 15-20 minutes on dry firing and worked on the proper grip, lining up the sights, with a smooth trigger press. I had him dry fire for about a good 15 minutes with the discussion of proper fundamentals. I also tried to get him to focus on actually watching the site rise, and settle back down after his first shot in order to get his focus on that and not on the gun going bang. So after some work with a dry gun we go to live ammo.

His first shot is a dead center bullseye, excellent, I tell him. Second shot, literally right in the same hole. He was asking me where it went and I told him dead center again. Huge grin ensues, he proceeds to wear out the bullseye. Dude was a natural.... or maybe I'm just a great teacher. :D We move on to shooting the other guns, but he ended up loving the 19x, which was the first one we worked on. We moved onto steel plates at 10 yards and he was having a blast run through an array of 5 steel targets. Showed him one handed shooting which he was really pretty good, and he absolutely loved shooting the PCC. All in all we shot about 250 rounds, he couldn't get enough. We worked on shooting at moderate speed, kind of modified bill drills and again he did really well. Was super coachable and took the instruction and executed perfectly the whole day, it was really impressive watching a brand new shooter do so well and have so much fun.

He called me this weekend and said he is already signed up for a local CCW class up in Chicago next weekend and was totally and completely hooked. Was asking me what type of gun he should by and just went on and on about how much fun he had. It was really a joy for me to watch someone who never handled a gun become a huge fan and do so well.

11-18-2018, 03:32 PM
Excellent work, we need so much more of that. :)

Totem Polar
11-18-2018, 04:09 PM
What more is there to say? About all I can do is unlike your post so I can like it again...

NH Shooter
11-18-2018, 07:17 PM
Good work! In the long run, this is the only way we'll preserve the 2A for future generations.

11-18-2018, 08:03 PM
Nice work. Sounds like you were an excellent ambassador for our community.

11-19-2018, 12:23 AM
Sounds like RevolverRob has a new shooting buddy.

11-19-2018, 08:09 AM
We have started shooting pistols more at our family gathering on Thanksgiving and I always bring my 22s. I have a MK-III with an Aimpoint on it and a rack of five 8" plates. I have never seen a single frown when new shooters hand I back to me :)

11-19-2018, 09:06 AM
Great job!

11-20-2018, 12:20 AM
Thank You please convert more. Every chance you get

okie john
11-20-2018, 11:07 AM
Nice work.

Now go do it again.

Okie John

11-20-2018, 12:08 PM
Nice work.

Now go do it again.

Okie John

working on my wife’s business partner and her husband. They all want to go out to the range and shoot but it’s a bit like hearding cats with them. Hope to get them out soon. Already got there buy in so it’s just a matter of getting them out. I’ll keep you posted.