View Full Version : 11/11, news at 11:00

11-11-2018, 06:26 AM
For some reason, I woke up in the middle of the night just before 4:00 am MST. Realizing that it was almost 11:00 am London time (12:00 pm in Paris), and that this was the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I -- the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month -- I turned on the TV, figuring I could watch whatever ceremonies were taking place in London and Paris.

BBC and Sky News were, of course, broadcasting the ceremonies in London. I tuned in during the chimes of Big Ben, followed by the moment of silence with the Queen et al., and then the laying of wreaths at the Cenotaph (I have no idea what the Cenotaph is, I'll have to look it up later).

France 24, DW, and Al Jazeera English, and even Fox News were broadcasting a speech by French president Emmanuel Macron at the Arc de Triumph Triomphe in Paris. USA president Donald Trump and German chancellor Angela Merkel are there, and it looked like Russian president Vladimir is there, too.

CNN was also broadcasting the Macron speech, but had some talking heads on the screen speaking over the Macron speech. Something about Trump being "testy" and not getting along with the other world leaders. The Macron speech was more of a background prop for these folks.

Read into that what you will.

11-11-2018, 06:38 AM
Watching it now. Up around 5 to feed and walk my doggie.

I grew up in Germany and remember going to the memorial at Verdun. All I can really recall is an image of crypts with the bones and skulls of the dead. It is pretty vivid in my mind but I’m not sure if it is something still that one can see or what. Certainly made a big impression on my 50 or so years ago.

Thank you to all the Veterans here for your service.

11-11-2018, 09:33 AM
Having the first Doughboy to enter Germany after 11/11/18 do so riding a Harley is in contention for the most 'Murica! thing ever:

11-11-2018, 09:43 AM

11-11-2018, 10:06 AM
Got to visit a lot of cool places over the last few weeks, but unfortunately I didn't hit up Verdun, Rich_Jenkins. I did get to visit the Catacombs in Paris, however!


11-11-2018, 11:29 AM

There are not enough words to express my our debt and gratitude.

11-11-2018, 11:50 AM
I think this was what I saw:


130,000 in this crypt. Wow.

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