View Full Version : Toys For Tots 2018

10-19-2018, 04:57 PM
The United States Marine Corps has been collecting & distributing toys for less fortunate children since 1947. We have tried to make sure we donate to the the Marine Corp Toys for Tots every year. When my sons were growing up, I'd take them to a toy store to pick out toys for donations. Sometimes we'd attend 4x4 events simply because admission was toy donations for Toys for Tots. I'd encourage everyone to pick up a few toys and drop them off at the collection centers. Toys must be new and in their original wrapping. Link to the main webpage-

You can also make a cash donation through the Toys for Tots website-

I believe if you click on the "Local Campaign" tab and input your local information, your cash donations will go to your local area.

Toys for Tots is near and dear to my heart. Please support Toys for Tots and help our Marines help others.

10-19-2018, 05:04 PM
Thanks for the reminder.

Will make a point of dropping off a few items again this year.

There are very few charities I trust to deliver the stuff I donate to the needy; the USMC is one of them.