View Full Version : $900,000,000 Mega Millions

10-18-2018, 08:09 AM
Saw this at the gas station today. That's a big number. I usually say the lottery is for chumps, but I might have to try my luck on this one.

Win a million bucks? Pay off the house, take a nice vacation and invest the rest because I really am that boring. Win the big one and walk away with half a billion? I have no idea what I'd do with that. But I'm sure I could find something.

10-18-2018, 08:10 AM
Already got two tickets, I will make ToddG's memorial get together something to behold if I win it all!

10-18-2018, 09:35 AM
Your chances of winning were zero before, they're just zero now with a slightly different jackpot number.

If you guys would save $2 every week for life it'd be a far more effective use than donating it to a pointless cause. If you don't want to save it donating it to me would also be exponentially more rewarding, I can even say "you're a loser" every time you give it to me for that full lottery experience.

Seriously just go buy a couple candy bars or something and reap the caloric reward, lotteries are dumb as hell.

10-18-2018, 09:42 AM
I get more than enough entertainment value out of rolling the (very tiny chance) dice for a half billion dollars to make it worthwhile.
Makes for great dinner conversation with the wife and kids. "What would YOU do with that much dinero?"...

Totem Polar
10-18-2018, 09:46 AM
Your chances of winning were zero before, they're just zero now with a slightly different jackpot number.

If you guys would save $2 every week for life it'd be a far more effective use than donating it to a pointless cause. If you don't want to save it donating it to me would also be exponentially more rewarding, I can even say "you're a loser" every time you give it to me for that full lottery experience.

Seriously just go buy a couple candy bars or something and reap the caloric reward, lotteries are dumb as hell.


;) ;)

10-18-2018, 10:42 AM
Your chances of winning were zero before, they're just zero now with a slightly different jackpot number.

If you guys would save $2 every week for life it'd be a far more effective use than donating it to a pointless cause. If you don't want to save it donating it to me would also be exponentially more rewarding, I can even say "you're a loser" every time you give it to me for that full lottery experience.

Seriously just go buy a couple candy bars or something and reap the caloric reward, lotteries are dumb as hell.

Odds don't mean shit to the guy eaten by the bear, or the guy who wins 900 fucking million dollars.

10-18-2018, 10:50 AM
Your chances of winning were zero before, they're just zero now with a slightly different jackpot number.

If you guys would save $2 every week for life it'd be a far more effective use than donating it to a pointless cause. If you don't want to save it donating it to me would also be exponentially more rewarding, I can even say "you're a loser" every time you give it to me for that full lottery experience.

Seriously just go buy a couple candy bars or something and reap the caloric reward, lotteries are dumb as hell.

All lotteries in NM pay a pretty substantial chunk into a college scholarship, which in its early days paid a chunk of my college tuition.

So every once in awhile I'll spend a couple bucks on it and dream. When I lose, I'm just putting a little back into the pot that gave a dumbass 18 year old me several thousand dollars.

My general rule of thumb is
-Is the jackpot over 100M
-Do I feel like it

If the answer is 'yes' then I'll spend a few more bucks on a ticket or three at a gas station when I'm grabbing an energy drink or something.

10-18-2018, 10:50 AM
Your chances of winning were zero before, they're just zero now with a slightly different jackpot number.

If you guys would save $2 every week for life it'd be a far more effective use than donating it to a pointless cause. If you don't want to save it donating it to me would also be exponentially more rewarding, I can even say "you're a loser" every time you give it to me for that full lottery experience.

Seriously just go buy a couple candy bars or something and reap the caloric reward, lotteries are dumb as hell.

I don't buy lottery tickets every week. Sometimes when the jackpot gets stupid huge I'll blow a few bucks on tickets. Only a few. It's not the odds, it's the stakes.

10-18-2018, 10:52 AM
Risk/reward. It’s $2 for an astronomically slim chance, but the payoff is an honest to goodness fortune that I’ll never make otherwise. I think I read you’re more likely to survive a plane crash and get hit by lightning as you stumble from the wreckage than match the numbers.

I know some scratcher fiends and those guys can piss away some money.

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10-18-2018, 11:03 AM
Personally, that’s not a bad retirement plan.


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10-18-2018, 11:32 AM
I play if friends/co-workers play and the jackpot is huge. I figure the cost is insurance against horrible feels if they win and I'm stuck alone at work after everyone quits. :rolleyes:

10-18-2018, 11:41 AM
It's not the odds, it's the stakes.
Well played...:D

10-18-2018, 11:41 AM
That's what we did. Office pool.

10-18-2018, 11:44 AM
My 97 year old grandma called me last night to pick a ticket up for her. She always says she’ll split it with me if she wins.

10-18-2018, 01:12 PM
We are people who need to toss $75 in ammo through a gun to decide it’s reliable. We’re gonna give people shit for tossing five bucks at a fantasy a few times a year?

I’ve spent more on one shitty date with one boring girl than I’ll spend in ten years on lotto tickets, and that little “maybe” spark is a much better time than that date.

Let people enjoy stuff. It’s not dumb if it gives you that little glimmer. That’s worth five bucks every now and again

Remember that the odds of life on earth looking at the necessary conditions are something like 10 to the 46th power (I learned that right here on PF!). Yet here we are.

And as someone noted, this money doesn’t just disappear, it funds public works. It’s like a lil donation.

Is it dumb? Probably. But everything we do is dumb. We are meat sacks on a rock in space.

If anyone here wins the 900mil, I request a Wilson Combat Classic Supergrade for defending you.

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10-18-2018, 02:09 PM
I buy one ticket each drawing when the jackpots get astronomical. Like others have said, it is for the "dream generator". I would be tickled sh*tless to win a second prize which is usually six figures. Managing a bucket of money like that, effectively, would be a full time job and then some.

10-18-2018, 02:12 PM
Your chances of winning were zero before, they're just zero now with a slightly different jackpot number.

If you guys would save $2 every week for life it'd be a far more effective use than donating it to a pointless cause. If you don't want to save it donating it to me would also be exponentially more rewarding, I can even say "you're a loser" every time you give it to me for that full lottery experience.

Seriously just go buy a couple candy bars or something and reap the caloric reward, lotteries are dumb as hell.

Go somewhere else killjoy. ;) A lottery this large is entertainment. A person can buy a lottery ticket and get more escapism dreaming about the winnings than going to the movies. And, chances are not zero; they are one in a number with a bunch of zeros behind it. Skeptics like to say there is a better chance of being struck by lightening than winning the lottery (and many other like examples). Look at it the other way around. For example, I have a better chance of winning this lottery than being attacked by a grizzly (to bring in another PF thread), there being no grizz in Texas.

Come on you optimists: I have a better chance of winning this lottery than . . .

10-18-2018, 02:41 PM
Go somewhere else killjoy. ;)
Come on you optimists: I have a better chance of winning this lottery than . . .

...Pocahontas has of getting a tribal revenue check from the Casinos.

10-18-2018, 03:22 PM
Come on you optimists: I have a better chance of winning this lottery than . . .

You still have a far better chance of being attacked by a Grizzly in Texas.

10-18-2018, 03:27 PM
900 mil?

How much of that would you actually pocket as a lump sum?

Lester Polfus
10-18-2018, 03:30 PM
900 mil?

How much of that would you actually pocket as a lump sum?

Who cares?

10-18-2018, 03:37 PM
Who cares?

Because it would change significantly what I could do with it.

Or dream about what I could do with it. Similar to RoyGBiv, my wife and I like playing the "what would you do with XXX" game.....

10-18-2018, 03:48 PM
It's now $970 million, with a cash payout option of $548 Million.

10-18-2018, 03:58 PM
900 mil?

How much of that would you actually pocket as a lump sum?

$548 Million, less taxes.... Figure 30% tax... That would be $380 million after Federal tax, thereabouts.

Lester Polfus
10-18-2018, 04:05 PM
Because it would change significantly what I could do with it.

Or dream about what I could do with it. Similar to RoyGBiv, my wife and I like playing the "what would you do with XXX" game.....

My question was somewhat tongue in cheek. But, hypothetically, would having $300 million change your life that much more than $100 million?

10-18-2018, 04:11 PM
My question was somewhat tongue in cheek. But, hypothetically, would having $300 million change your life that much more than $100 million?


It would change how much I could invest in my local community and other philanthropic venues that I'm already involved in.

Lester Polfus
10-18-2018, 04:20 PM

It would change how much I could invest in my local community and other philanthropic venues that I'm already involved in.

That's a great answer. Thank you for being that person.

It's funny, two minutes ago one of my co-workers hit me up for a couple bucks for the office lottery pool. I think this is the first time I've ever bought a lottery ticket, even by proxy.

As I was walking back from the bathroom, I realized if that much money landed on me, after I paid off the house and secured our financial future, I'd have to give most of it away.

10-18-2018, 04:51 PM
In 2002 Jack Whittaker won what was then the largest single ticket jackpot ever. $315 million. He was already worth about $17M when he won the lottery. Things went downhill from there. He was robbed of over $500K at a strip club. Then his granddaughter's boyfriend died from an overdose at his house. The his granddaughter died from an overdose and someone dumped her body at his house. Then his house burned down. He's from a couple counties over and every few years he's in the news over some crazy shit.


Totem Polar
10-18-2018, 04:54 PM
I’m almost positive that I’ve told this story here before, but: years ago, mrs Sidheshooter and I lived around the corner (briefly, we were renting) from a guy that won 5 mil in the state lottery. He was the owner of a large construction company, with a bunch of employees, so he already had the biggest house on the block. For him, it was just a few more bucks in that year’s net. He bought his n hers Cadillacs for himself and his wife, and put an enormous pool in the back yard. That was the only outward sign that anything had happened. Go figure.

Right out of college, I worked in this outdoor lifestyle store—patagonia, merril, etc—with this guy who had just started his senior year. He won 10k on a scratch ticket, and quit his job as soon as the money came in. It was just a dumb ass retail gig in the early 90s; the scratch ticket net was more than he’d take home working weekend shifts for 8 months, so it made sense. Never saw him again.

Lester Polfus
10-18-2018, 04:55 PM
In 2002 Jack Whittaker won what was then the largest single ticket jackpot ever. $315 million. He was already worth about $17M when he won the lottery. Things went downhill from there. He was robbed of over $500K at a strip club. Then his granddaughter's boyfriend died from an overdose at his house. The his granddaughter died from an overdose and someone dumped her body at his house. Then his house burned down. He's from a couple counties over and every few years he's in the news over some crazy shit.


I've heard stories like that about more than one lottery winner.

A less than charitable part of me would give $1 million to my ex-wife just to see how long it would take for her to be broke again.

10-18-2018, 05:10 PM
But, hypothetically, would having $300 million change your life that much more than $100 million?
Yes. I could buy a higher class of island in the South Pacific. I could buy more politicians but there's better chances of winning the lottery than finding a higher class of politician...

10-18-2018, 05:35 PM
The math is actually easy on these. Multiply the after-tax take by the odds of winning. It's logical to spend that many dollars on tickets. At the $2 price, we're not quite there yet. I might buy one anyway.

As far as the "what to do" question, I think "what to do" is a far, far better question than "what to buy." Then, let mission drive the gear train.

10-18-2018, 05:38 PM
My question was somewhat tongue in cheek. But, hypothetically, would having $300 million change your life that much more than $100 million?

Yes. With that much money I’d buy the Cardinals and sign Harper and Machado.

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10-18-2018, 06:34 PM
I’d love a $100+ million windfall - but not like this. Being famous for suddenly having a lot of money is not a good thing in these digital times we live in.

10-18-2018, 06:51 PM
I’d love a $100+ million windfall - but not like this. Being famous for suddenly having a lot of money is not a good thing in these digital times we live in.
Don't sign the ticket with your name, sign it with the name of the trust/LLC/partnership/whatever legal entity your lawyer draws up, which will claim the prize for you. Most states don't allow anonymous winners, but if the prize is claimed by a legal entity whose only public contact is your lawyer, then that's effectively anonymous while still meeting the requirement that the winner's name not be withheld.

10-18-2018, 06:52 PM
I’d love a $100+ million windfall - but not like this. Being famous for suddenly having a lot of money is not a good thing in these digital times we live in.

First thing you do is hire a lawyer.
Second thing you do is hire a financial advisor.
Then you get a mail box somewhere.
Then change all phone numbers.
THEN you collect your winnings.

If you have a chance to put this plan into effect, please let me know how it works.

10-18-2018, 07:06 PM
First thing you do is hire a lawyer.
Second thing you do is hire a financial advisor.
Then you get a mail box somewhere.
Then change all phone numbers.
THEN you collect your winnings.

If you have a chance to put this plan into effect, please let me know how it works.

I’m gonna badly paraphrase Hans Gruber ; win $50,000, no one cares. Win the largest lottery prize in recent history, and you’ll be hounded to the ends of the Earth.

10-18-2018, 07:13 PM
I have a philanthropic goal I'd pursue as well. With $900K+, I'd TRY to own as many guns as GJM... ;)

Paul D
10-18-2018, 07:20 PM
First thing you do is hire a lawyer.
Second thing you do is hire a financial advisor.
Then you get a mail box somewhere.
Then change all phone numbers.
THEN you collect your winnings.

If you have a chance to put this plan into effect, please let me know how it works.

I different strategy as espoused by another immigrant like myself:

"In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.”

10-18-2018, 08:19 PM
I play if friends/co-workers play and the jackpot is huge. I figure the cost is insurance against horrible feels if they win and I'm stuck alone at work after everyone quits. :rolleyes:I always say the same thing. A $5 investment to make sure I'm not the only idiot left behind.

Joe in PNG
10-18-2018, 11:39 PM
I’m gonna badly paraphrase Hans Gruber ; win $50,000, no one cares. Win the largest lottery prize in recent history, and you’ll be hounded to the ends of the Earth.

A lot of deadbeat relatives would be hard pressed to scrounge up enough money to actually travel to the other side of the earth.
And hounding is a whole lot harder if the local constabulary is enjoying nice new vehicles & uniforms thanks to your generous contributions.

10-19-2018, 12:01 AM
A lot of deadbeat relatives would be hard pressed to scrounge up enough money to actually travel to the other side of the earth.
And hounding is a whole lot harder if the local constabulary is enjoying nice new vehicles & uniforms thanks to your generous contributions.

So, the upside of being an ex-pat...

Joe in PNG
10-19-2018, 12:05 AM
So, the upside of being an ex-pat...

I'd probably aim for something more first world, such as Singapore.
But let people think you're living in some difficult to travel to 3rd world island with easily bribeable officials who have been generously tipped that people looking for you should get the roust.

10-19-2018, 12:20 AM
A lot of deadbeat relatives would be hard pressed to scrounge up enough money to actually travel to the other side of the earth.
And hounding is a whole lot harder if the local constabulary is enjoying nice new vehicles & uniforms thanks to your generous contributions.

Relatives aren’t a problem. Hell hath no fury like a scorned woman, and a scorned woman that knows you’re loaded is a dangerous foe for any man not named Chuck Norris.

Then there’s your garden variety lowlifes whod be motivated to , perhaps, take your family hostage in exchange for a piece o’ the action. Artful contributions to the local constablulary won’t save your loved ones, and it’s a big bad world we live in. Living like a cartel boss might be appealing to some folks, but I’m not one of them.

Gun Mutt
10-19-2018, 05:45 AM
I'd start a charitable foundation and hire someone to read all the entreaties. Half a bil won't buy world peace, but oh buddy, I could do a lot of good with it.

10-19-2018, 06:20 AM
The snarky part of me would be very tempted to make large, simultaneous donations to both Planned Parenthood and the NRA, just to confuse and irritate the crazies on the far-out ends of both sides of the political spectrum. :)

Really, I'd probably just pay off my house and car and look into replacing both with nicer, but non-ridiculous options, buy a bunch of stuff I've been wanting but unable to afford, and of course do the same for my wife's wants, probably try to do something nice for my parents and my brother as well, and then live pretty quietly. Unsure of whether I'd actually quit my job, because for the first time in my life, I really do like both the job and the people I work with.

All of that is fantasy-land, though, because in reality, I'm with Peally; I think the lottery is a tax on people who can't do math (or are willfully ignorant of math). The likelihood of winning is asymptotically small, so you're basically just throwing money down a hole, and I don't get enough entertainment value out of that to do it.

10-19-2018, 06:26 AM
I'd probably aim for something more first world, such as Singapore.
Chiang Rai, with a weekend beach cottage in Krabi or Phuket.

10-19-2018, 07:45 AM
I'd start a charitable foundation and hire someone to read all the entreaties. Half a bil won't buy world peace, but oh buddy, I could do a lot of good with it.

Am I a bad person because I have no inclination to do any good at all if I won? I've no desire to get into politics of any kind, and even less to "help the poor". If I died, the world would carry on without me. If I hit a jackpot, I may as well be dead because you'll never see me again. If anything, I'm helping the economy by spending and investing substantially more than I am now.

Of course my wife said we'd have to tithe. Now I'll tell you up front, I do tithe. I have no problem giving to the church, to keep the lights on and help with our various ministries. But I'm not going to write a flat check for $58,000,000 (current lump sum payout is 580,000,000) and just have that be 100% out of my control. God doesn't need the money, and now all of a sudden you've got a shit ton of fingers in the pie and some of those fingers, and God knows I love my church, are straight up retarded. There's some people I do not want having a vote on where this money goes. I don't know what I'd do, but I wouldn't just dump fifty-eight million in the church coffers.

Stephanie B
10-19-2018, 08:03 AM
First thing you do is hire a lawyer.
Second thing you do is hire a financial advisor.
Then you get a mail box somewhere.
Then change all phone numbers.
THEN you collect your winnings.

If you have a chance to put this plan into effect, please let me know how it works.
In a state where an entity can collect lottery winnings, form a shell corporation or LLC with a lawyer as the registered agent.

Stephanie B
10-19-2018, 08:16 AM
Of course my wife said we'd have to tithe. ... I don't know what I'd do, but I wouldn't just dump fifty-eight million in the church coffers.
I’d not give that kind of cash to anyone without strings or conditions.

I’d probably donate to a few libraries for book funds. Some to the Cuyahoga Valley RR to get 4070 back on the road. Some charities, maybe an endowment fund.

I knew a small NPO that someone dumped a lot of cash on in a estate bequest, a long time ago. A lot of it was quietly looted. So no, no big wads of unrestricted cash. $58mm to a church and the parsonage is suddenly a mansion in the high-rent district.

10-19-2018, 08:30 AM
I’d not give that kind of cash to anyone without strings or conditions.

I’d probably donate to a few libraries for book funds. Some to the Cuyahoga Valley RR to get 4070 back on the road. Some charities, maybe an endowment fund.

I knew a small NPO that someone dumped a lot of cash on in a estate bequest, a long time ago. A lot of it was quietly looted. So no, no big wads of unrestricted cash. $58mm to a church and the parsonage is suddenly a mansion in the high-rent district.

Exactly. It's not the amount, it's who has access to it. I'd like to say I could trust the pastors and elders. I just think all the various committees and people involved would quickly find some hare-brained ways to piss a good chunk of it away.

I may have been too harsh earlier. The fact is, we have several low-income members. No shame in that, and many are good people and very involved in the church. But from business meetings and other discussions, they have no clue how to handle any amount of money. Not everyone has that gift, level of responsibility, or even an opportunity to do so. Should they get a vote? I don't think so.

10-19-2018, 08:36 AM
Exactly. It's not the amount, it's who has access to it. I'd like to say I could trust the pastors and elders. I just think all the various committees and people involved would quickly find some hare-brained ways to piss a good chunk of it away.

I may have been too harsh earlier. The fact is, we have several low-income members. No shame in that, and many are good people and very involved in the church. But from business meetings and other discussions, they have no clue how to handle any amount of money. Not everyone has that gift, level of responsibility, or even an opportunity to do so. Should they get a vote? I don't think so.

If you want to give that much to church or charity but don't want to participate in the grunt work of putting it to use, just set up a foundation and hire someone (or two) to put the money to the uses you desire. The causes get the help you want them to have, a few charitable but management-oriented people get a nice foundation job and you get to provide direction as needed. Don't forget to hire a good accountant and independent auditor, just to keep everyone honest.

10-19-2018, 10:14 AM
If I did win a fortune I'm not telling anybody I don't trust. I wouldn't even quit work right away. But I did tell several people how I would quit if I won the lotto so now I can't even do that because they'll figure it out. Not that they'd hound me but they'd tell other coworkers who would tell other people and so on and word would get out. Nope, I'm treating this like top secret national security info. If I have to set up a shell company or trust or something I'll do that.

The few people I did tell it would be in person after making sure they fully understand how serious I am about keeping their mouths shut and then I would arrange to transfer enough money to them to pay off their homes.

I don't like fancy cars so I don't need to worry about people figuring it out when they see me in a supercar. I'll quietly move somewhere and build my modest dream house with lavish gun vault and maybe build some houses on my land for those people I told about my money if they want. Contractors will be hired by a go-between and screened, I'll probably even have them sign NDAs. If I could transport them to the worksite with hoods on their heads I'd do it but obviously that's unrealistic.

The tithe will be dolled out to many different charities over an extended period at random intervals, don't let them know that more is coming so hopefully there's less temptation to skim. Probably not with stings attached but with some oversight.

And bury enough cash to buy an old Caddy and a black market M-60.

Totem Polar
10-19-2018, 10:40 AM
One thing I’d be interested in doing: starting some foundation with a nonsense name like "fathers For our children’s freedom" and then using it to counter all the WA state ad buy money from the likes of Bloomberg, Balmer, and Hanauer. Paul Allen just died, so the jury is still out as to if his heirs/estate will still be contributing to coastal gun control fuckery.

Seriously, we’ve had some recent GC initiatives passed largely with the tremendous financial backing of just a few megabuck families. It would be nice if someone had the financial clout to make it a fair fight.

10-19-2018, 10:53 AM
I plan to buy a ticket or two for this, hell why not?

Wife wants to give a portion to a church if we win, which I’m against. Most of them seem to be doing just fine.

My plans:

Pay off everything. Buy a sizeable chunk of land and build 3 modest homes. One for me, wife and kid another for wife’s parents the last for my folks. Far enough apart we don’t have to see each other but can drive over on an ATV to visit if we want. Small range on our portion and some German Shepherds (not strictly for guard duty, but because I love GSDs and have almost always had them around since birth). Local first responders get a donation for necessary equipment. Son gets a healthy college fund. Wife can open the bakery she’s talked about, I’m going to “work” at the LGS. Donation to the NRA and GeorgiaCarry. Oh and I’m going to the premiere of all future Star Wars movies.

10-19-2018, 11:06 AM
If you win....

1. Take Photos of ticket, front and back. DO NOT SIGN IT.
2. Place actual ticket in Safe Deposit Box or some other very safe/secure location. Consider Theft, Fire and Flood in your decision here.
3. Contact competent attorney that specializes in TRUSTS.
4. Set up "Receiving Trust"...
-- This is where you need to decide between anonymity and how much you trust your attorney.
-- The Receiving Trust will be subject to FOIA disclosure, at minimum. (Lottery is run by the States, right?)
-- If you put your name anywhere on the Receiving Trust, you will eventually be outed.
-- Don't even give the Receiving Trust a name that anyone would associate back to you.
5. Sign actual ticket in the name of the Receiving Trust, take new photos.
6. Set up "Destination Trusts"
-- Transfers out of the Receiving Trust are not (if set up correctly) subject to FOIA.
-- Only the Trustees (lawyer) of the Receiving Trust will know where the money went.
-- You may want to set up separate trusts for each person, or for separate purposes. Consult a competent tax attorney before deciding.
7. Claim Prize
8. Move money

I am not a lawyer or an accountant. This is not legal or investment advice. Just my opinion. Worth exactly what you paid for it.

I plan to win, so, you guys (and gals) don't really need to know this. :cool:

10-19-2018, 11:09 AM
Your chances of winning were zero before, they're just zero now with a slightly different jackpot number.

If you guys would save $2 every week for life it'd be a far more effective use than donating it to a pointless cause. If you don't want to save it donating it to me would also be exponentially more rewarding, I can even say "you're a loser" every time you give it to me for that full lottery experience.

Seriously just go buy a couple candy bars or something and reap the caloric reward, lotteries are dumb as hell.


Jim Watson
10-19-2018, 11:11 AM
Just sent word to a friend in a lottery state to get us a chance.
Why not?
It would be nice to be like Bugs Bunny with the wheelbarrow full of gold "I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm faaabulously wealthy."

I am reasonably comfortably retired, I don't NEED the money but some luxuries would be fun.
And a big part of that fun would be giving money away. I have friends who would like some new toys and their grandchildren who could use an education fund. I have a couple of worthy causes to donate to, too.

I would probably have to hire a secretary and a bodyguard to help me dodge my New Friends and Even Worthier Causes, though.

10-19-2018, 11:22 AM
Question for those with elaborate plans to maintain anonymity after winning: What if they won't pay up if you don't participate in the publicity?

10-19-2018, 11:25 AM
Question for those with elaborate plans to maintain anonymity after winning: What if they won't pay up if you don't participate in the publicity?

That’s actually the law in some states - you have to be willing to consent to media to receive your winnings.

10-19-2018, 11:26 AM
Question for those with elaborate plans to maintain anonymity after winning: What if they won't pay up if you don't participate in the publicity?

Lawyer (as trustee of the Receiving Trust) can stand in.
I don't know if that's disallowed anywhere... State Lottery rules (location where ticket was purchased) should apply.

10-19-2018, 11:35 AM
If I won I’d just accept the money openly under my real name, wearing a t-shirt that says “Error in the victim selection process”

10-19-2018, 11:38 AM
After the trusts and obfuscation and nice chunk of land, and toys, and getting my family & close friends set up - I'd put most of my charitable/philanthropic work into new gear, vehicles, and hiring bonuses for local LE.

Better still, if I could figure out how to lawfully give every single man and woman behind a badge in my entire county a sizable bonus (like $25k or thereabouts) just for wearing the badge, I would.
They get blasted by local media every other day it seems, nothing they ever do is good enough for a lot of the assholes in my city, and we're wondering why we barely have a single solo officer to respond to priority one calls and response times are lacking. Officers are getting worked to the bone and thanklessly WAY too often.

So if they need hiring bonuses to attract proper candidates? Done. Need better flashlights, optics, need some 6920's for everyone, need ammo & pro instruction for better qual scores? Done. Need better body armor or batman belts or sunglasses or body cams or whatever? Done. Need the $ to pay them for Chief's OT while they're getting real-world good training? Done.

That, and every local Family Readiness Group for every local Reserve and National Guard element will want for absolutely nothing.

10-19-2018, 11:38 AM
Just in the five or so years I've been paying attention, public estimates of Bloomberg's personal net worth have increased from ~$39B to ~$53B.

Last night, I heard someone who would know things like that say that, to wealthy Russians, Trump was a poor American with his hand out.

What is ~$300M in that world?

10-19-2018, 11:42 AM
Just in the five or so years I've been paying attention, public estimates of Bloomberg's personal net worth have increased from ~$39B to ~$53B.

Last night, I heard someone who would know things like that say that, to wealthy Russians, Trump was a poor American with his hand out.

What is ~$300M in that world?

A bug on the dinner plate just big enough to see, and squash if it annoys you. But that's a big enough chunk to make a real difference in a local city or town - and it's a big enough chunk to pay for some pro-gun political ads when needed.

Make the difference when and where you can, and with the means you have available.

10-19-2018, 12:59 PM
Question for those with elaborate plans to maintain anonymity after winning: What if they won't pay up if you don't participate in the publicity?

I’d say, “Fine. I’m [real name], I just won the lottery, and **** Illinois.” Then I’d do a sweet burnout, yell, “Haters!” and ride off into the sunset.

Jim Watson
10-19-2018, 01:02 PM
Ethical and practical question:

Should I win a ton of money, and wanted a gold digger/scammer/mugger filter, should I hire a friend - assuming appropriate skills and attitude - as a retainer or engage a disinterested pro?

Lester Polfus
10-19-2018, 02:01 PM
Ethical and practical question:

Should I win a ton of money, and wanted a gold digger/scammer/mugger filter, should I hire a friend - assuming appropriate skills and attitude - as a retainer or engage a disinterested pro?

Combining money and friendship is a great way to f-up money and friendship.

Totem Polar
10-19-2018, 02:40 PM
I could see hiring a friend or two on retainer... mostly bacause I have a friend or two who used to contract for the agency doing asset protection.

Here’s a serious question—at least, as serious as the topic warrants—relating to this idea of loved ones being put at risk of for-profit abduction. If a loved one is abducted, what are the laws (if any) about getting them back? What if they’re found to be held OCONUS (think Ross Perot, here)?

I really am asking. With 9 figures on hand, money isn’t an obstacle. I’m pretty sure that one or two phone calls, and a low-8 figure investment, could get a big old ball of "serious" steam rolling towards anyone inclined towards ransom kidnapping.

With the caveat that P-F prohibits any promotion of illegal activities, what ARE the legalities if it’s your people and you have, say, 15-25 mil to throw at the problem? Someone here knows what, if anything, the statutes say about such an outlying event. Clearly, Ross didn’t end up in the pokey. So long as this is all fantasy role playing anyways, what are the legalities? Could Bill Gates get a relative back, with his own resources, and be legal? I’m asking, because I’m genuinely curious.

10-19-2018, 02:49 PM
For the right price someone somewhere is willing to put whatever APCs and helicopters their company owns at your disposal.

10-19-2018, 03:32 PM
Assuming a half billion dollars, I would pay off mortgages and student loans of a lot of friends and family. Then I would set up a bunch college funds for kids of said friends and family. Then I would give additional lump sums to some very close friends. Then I would buy land. Then I would travel.

Lastly, I would buy 92 Elite LTTs and holsters for PF sight supporters.

Sent from my Moto G Play using Tapatalk

Joe in PNG
10-19-2018, 04:06 PM
For charitable giving, I'd likely go more for a donation of aircraft (Kodiaks and Jet Rangers) for various mission aviation services, plus spares and transition training.

Rex G
10-19-2018, 06:27 PM
If I won, I would contact the owner of the residential lot, next door, to our east, and make him an offer he would not refuse, to keep him from building the inevitable McMansion, that is almost certainly going to be blocking our morning sun. (The 6-ft. construction fence is already blocking much of the sun.) Then, I would buy the next adjacent residential lot, to the east, with the old bungalow, which is much like ours, and has a nice pecan tree in the back yard. It is already posted for-sale. Room for puppies to play. Simple little things.

10-19-2018, 08:37 PM
Wouldn’t it easier to just move? Course I guess with half a billion maybe not.

I bought a 2 acre lot that’d been sitting for a couple years. When I staked the foundation the neighbors called me the next day (my number’s on the sign, I’m a contractor) and offered to buy it. I declined. Ironically enough, the next lot over was a “junk” lot and I didn’t think anyone would ever build on it; well 7 years later someone did, but at least they hired me so I made some money on it.

10-19-2018, 09:04 PM
If anyone here wins the 900mil, I request a Wilson Combat Classic Supergrade for defending you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Done(once I win, of course). :)

10-20-2018, 12:01 AM
Think I won four bucks on my ticket.

10-20-2018, 12:25 AM
If I won, I would contact the owner of the residential lot, next door, to our east, and make him an offer he would not refuse, to keep him from building the inevitable McMansion, that is almost certainly going to be blocking our morning sun. (The 6-ft. construction fence is already blocking much of the sun.) Then, I would buy the next adjacent residential lot, to the east, with the old bungalow, which is much like ours, and has a nice pecan tree in the back yard. It is already posted for-sale. Room for puppies to play. Simple little things.

You should buy the lot east of his instead, then build an even larger McMansion.

10-20-2018, 12:34 AM
My #1 priority would be to fix the water situation in Flint, MI.

Not for any selfless reason or anything, but because it would make me a national hero and you don't say "no, we're not letting you put that Robocop statue in front of Detroit City Hall that people have been wanting for years" to a national hero.

Dunno what I'd buy with the rest. Maybe a few Congressmen.

10-20-2018, 01:00 AM
Assuming a half billion dollars, I would pay off mortgages and student loans of a lot of friends and family. Then I would set up a bunch college funds for kids of said friends and family. Then I would give additional lump sums to some very close friends. Then I would buy land. Then I would travel.

Lastly, I would buy 92 Elite LTTs and holsters for PF sight supporters.

Sent from my Moto G Play using Tapatalk

Pangloss, have I ever told you how much I admire you? I feel like I’ve known you for ages.

Rex G
10-20-2018, 05:44 AM
You should buy the lot east of his instead, then build an even larger McMansion.

I think I would rather keep the pecan tree. :)

10-20-2018, 06:03 AM
Assuming a half billion dollars, I would pay off mortgages and student loans of a lot of friends and family. Then I would set up a bunch college funds for kids of said friends and family. Then I would give additional lump sums to some very close friends. Then I would buy land. Then I would travel.

Lastly, I would buy 92 Elite LTTs and holsters for PF sight supporters.

Sent from my Moto G Play using Tapatalk

It's funny, I was thinking of something along the exact same lines. I'm not interested in having a ginormous house, a fleet of fancy cars, or even an insane gun collection (oh, I'd have a few nice pieces, I'd still be selective). Instead, I'd make sure my entire family, including my wife's family, would be freed from financial worry. Friends too would get assistance or gifts. My kids and my nieces and nephews would have generous college funds and trust funds to help them get started as adults. Even if I gave away half of my winnings, the remaining half, in a mere savings account, would provide enough income to support a lavish lifestyle (by my current standards) without ever touching the principal. Why not be generous with those around you and your community?

I bought 5 tickets yesterday. Didn't win shit. Kids had a good time though. Jackpot is up to 1.6bil now. I'll probably buy a few more tickets and let the kids pick the numbers. I've spent more, much more, on meals out, or crappy movies, or junk I ultimately didn't need.


10-20-2018, 06:09 AM
I think I would rather keep the pecan tree. :)

Me too. I'd want a larger version of what my maternal grandparents had. They had a small, but well built home on a 1.5 acre lot in the country filled with fruit and nut trees, bushes, and vines. When I was little, younger than 10, you could literally eat your way through the yard. Pecans, pears, grapes, figs, apples, and even walnuts IIRC. Unfortunately, as they aged they were increasingly unable to care for the plants, and one-by-one, they went way. By the time I was out of high school, there was only the pecan trees left.


10-20-2018, 06:17 AM
15, 23, 53, 65, 70, and 7.

No winners. Next jackpot is estimated to be 1.6 billion.

I got one number.

10-20-2018, 08:17 AM
If I won I’d just accept the money openly under my real name, wearing a t-shirt that says “Error in the victim selection process”

I was thinking something more along these lines..


maybe replace 'Students' with 'victim status' or something equally clever. :D

10-20-2018, 08:23 AM
My #1 priority would be to fix the water situation in Flint, MI.

Not for any selfless reason or anything, but because it would make me a national hero and you don't say "no, we're not letting you put that Robocop statue in front of Detroit City Hall that people have been wanting for years" to a national hero.

Dunno what I'd buy with the rest. Maybe a few Congressmen.

I would think if you owned enough land in certain states, you'd basically have a congressman or two at your disposal.

Inkwell 41
10-20-2018, 08:30 AM
If I won, I'd pay 5pins a million dollars to change his avatar. It just bugs me.

10-20-2018, 08:40 AM
I was thinking something more along these lines..


maybe replace 'Students' with 'victim status' or something equally clever. :D

Boo. Hiss. No posting XKCD without the mouseover text. Now I have to figure out which number that one is and go look at it to see what the extra joke is. :)

ETA: It's #327. :)

10-20-2018, 09:01 AM
You still have a far better chance of being attacked by a Grizzly in Texas.

Of all things, there was a dang grizzly in my yard last night.....

10-20-2018, 09:18 AM
Need to change the thread title.....


10-20-2018, 10:09 AM
I guess I need to buy another ticket.

10-20-2018, 10:22 AM
I guess I need to buy another ticket.

Me too. I'd rather win the lottery than have a grizzly bear from Texas attack me in Fayetteville.

10-20-2018, 10:39 AM
If I won, I'd pay 5pins a million dollars to change his avatar. It just bugs me.

Well if I don't win I hope you do.

Hell, I would change it for less. Just make an offer. :D

Savage Hands
10-20-2018, 11:08 AM

Glenn E. Meyer
10-20-2018, 11:15 AM
Talking about the odds, a math prof said the odds of winning are blah,blah. Little chance of getting a winning ticket. This was long ago, so I said that I bought a ticket for the fantasy. I asked if he bought Playboy? He had less of a chance of hitting that fantasy than I had with the lottery.

10-20-2018, 11:19 AM
Talking about the odds, a math prof said the odds of winning are blah,blah. Little chance of getting a winning ticket. This was long ago, so I said that I bought a ticket for the fantasy. I asked if he bought Playboy? He had less of a chance of hitting that fantasy than I had with the lottery.

If you have ~10 minutes and some privacy the reward for looking at a Playboy is significantly more enjoyable than a little false hope borne out of not understanding statistics :cool:

And frankly he still had a much better chance of laying any given woman in that magazine for real.

10-20-2018, 12:21 PM
Talking about the odds, a math prof said the odds of winning are blah,blah. Little chance of getting a winning ticket.

And he's still right. In fact, they're worse with the big jackpots. I don't even know if they sell these tickets in Florida, and I'm not curious enough to check.

10-20-2018, 01:09 PM
Yeah. The state lotto, which is currently the chump change of eighteen million, has significantly "better" odds than Powerball or Mega Millions. If you were smart...let me rephrase, if you were determined to play for at least an 8 figure jackpot that would be the way to go.

Gun Mutt
10-20-2018, 01:20 PM
Am I a bad person because I have no inclination to do any good at all if I won? I've no desire to get into politics of any kind, and even less to "help the poor"..
Nearly a third of my tenants are supported by the state, so I wouldn't be pissing my money away on 'the poor' either. But, people I love and projects that interest me would all benefit.

A large number of people are instantly going to have their homes paid off. The bulk of those will also receive membership cards for Mutt Medical Coverage...it's all covered! The chosen brother whose daughter has spina bifida, covered, anything she needs forever. My other chosen brother who has two autistic children and a shoulder of his own that's been fucked up for years; covered, in fact, MMC has already booked your tickets to Panama to visit the stem cell clinic that Gibson talked about on Rogan, pack light, it's warm this time of year. You'll probably see me there, got some ankle/knee/elbow/shoulder/neck shit that needs fixing.

No-kill dog shelters are getting sooo funded! And fully staffed. With medical and rehab and training and adoption. Wherever possible, I'll attach a kick ass coffee shop to the property and let people come hang out with dogs and sip some good java...mebbe it'll lead to more adoptions, might even do something nice for cats. Not the snakes, though, fuck them.

And a S&W 351c for all the site supporters, just to keep the conversation lively.

10-20-2018, 01:44 PM
Not the snakes, though, fuck them.

See, now even though I'm a total wet blanket when it comes to the lottery, I kind of want to buy a ticket just so I can say that I'd set up a shelter for unloved reptiles. Mind you, the math still tells me not to buy a ticket, so I won't do it, but I kind of want to. :P

10-20-2018, 02:38 PM
If I won, I'd pay 5pins a million dollars to change his avatar. It just bugs me.

BRB... gonna go make mine the same, in the hopes of the same deal. (actually, I'm cheap... just pay me $500k to NEVER use that avatar, EVER :D )

10-20-2018, 03:02 PM
wonder how many politicians I could buy with that kind of money. I could probably turn this state red

Edit: wonder how many politicians I could frame with that kind of money. Obviously to be effective, both tactics would be needed

10-20-2018, 06:03 PM
I guess I need to buy another ticket.

Yea... it sucks. In the same boat. [emoji107]

If I won, I’d still work. Don’t think I could sit around and do nothing.

That being said, I would buy some land up in Maine and build a nice house. Want a dedicated gun room, though.

I probably would buy a few things on my wish list. Possible some that weren’t. Nothing too big.

Would definitely take care of people around me, college funds and whatnot. But I’d do two things for the firearms community that I wanted...

First, have Magguts do a +1 kit for the 6 and 7 round P938 magazines. Whatever it costs, just get it out so I can buy.

Second, have Barsto do runs of S&W 10mm conversions. .40 and .357 SIG.

10-20-2018, 06:08 PM
With Mega Millions now at $1.6 billion, I will have to amend my previous statement. Not only would Detroit get a Robocop, California would get a Gundam and Alaska would get a Metal Gear REX.

We're gonna Mech America Great Again, folks.

10-20-2018, 06:15 PM
Me too. I'd rather win the lottery than have a grizzly bear from Texas attack me in Fayetteville.

Being in Fayetteville is its own punishment.


10-20-2018, 06:17 PM
Mind you, the math still tells me not to buy a ticket, so I won't do it, but I kind of want to. :P

Math tells me not to do lots of things, but I still do them.


10-20-2018, 07:06 PM
With Mega Millions now at $1.6 billion, I will have to amend my previous statement. Not only would Detroit get a Robocop, California would get a Gundam and Alaska would get a Metal Gear REX.

We're gonna Mech America Great Again, folks.

How big does the jackpot have to get for you to commit to putting Unit 1 from Neon Genesis Evangelion somewhere? :)

10-20-2018, 07:08 PM
How big does the jackpot have to get for you to commit to putting Unit 1 from Neon Genesis Evangelion somewhere? :)

That would be Elon Musk's contribution, so you'd have to ask him.

10-20-2018, 08:36 PM
Dunno what I'd buy with the rest. Maybe a few Congressmen.
We were talking about this at work, asked what I would do with the winnings I said, "Buy a few congress critters and get rid of the Hughes Amendment to start with then see how much it would cost to start rolling back the 89 Import Ban, NFA, and GCA."

I thought it out and and added up stuff that I wanted to buy, about $1,000,000 would take care of just about every material thing I could want unless I wanted to start a collection to rival that of Reed Knight. Add in setting up family and a few very close friends for life, I don't have too many thoughts of what to do beyond that. About the only other things I'd want to do is take up racing/track days so I could do a full IMSA seasons and race all of my domestic "bucket list" tracks (Sebring, Road Atlanta, Road America, Laguna Seca) and try to get to the 24H of Le Mans. That and a little start up capital for a small arms skunk works and a range facility to rival "The Ranch" in Texas in the area I'd like to live in (hint: it sure as hell ain't South FL).

10-20-2018, 09:30 PM
Tennessee or West Virginia. I'd buy as much contiguous land I possibly could. I want it to take 15-30 minutes just to get from my front door to the road my driveway breaks off of. :D

10-21-2018, 04:36 AM
Gifts to family members -- size may depend on their tax liability for same; and/or, set up trusts for them.
Ditto friends.

$1,000,000 to the Second Amendment Foundation
Edit: $1,000,000 to the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
$1,000,000 to the NRA Foundation
$1,000,000 to the NRA-ILA
$1,000,000 to the NRA-PVF
$1,000,000 to the NRA Firearms Civil rights Foundation (or whatever it's called.)
$1,000,000 to the Armed Citizen's Legal Defense Fund
$1,000,000 to the Washington Arms Collectors
$1,000,000 to the Washington State Rifle and Pistol Association.
*Those last two to be matched by donations to the equivalent organizations in whatever state we wind up moving to...
$1,000,000 to the American Radio Relay League.
$1,000,000 to the Heritage Foundation.
$1,000,000 to the Federalist Society.
$1,000,000 to the Fisher House.

10-21-2018, 04:39 AM
$1,000,000 to the Second Amendment Foundation

Good lord, I gave them $500 and almost had to get a new fake identity to get them to stop fucking harassing the shit out of me for more. 3 calls a day.

No fucking way I'd give them anymore money until they stop acting like dick nozzles.

10-21-2018, 04:42 AM
Good lord, I gave them $500 and almost had to get a new fake identity to get them to stop fucking harassing the shit out of me for more. 3 calls a day.

No fucking way I'd give them anymore money until they stop acting like dick nozzles.

I have one degree of separation from Gottlieb, so I could easily say "Look, Alan, I'll give you this cash but I don't want to hear from you more than once a quarter other than the regular news email, got it?"

10-21-2018, 04:45 AM
I have one degree of separation from Gottlieb, so I could easily say "Look, Alan, I'll give you this cash but I don't want to hear from you more than once a quarter other than the regular news email, got it?"

Let Alan know that his organization acts really shitty with donations.

I'd be giving them $500/year, but I don't want them to fucking harass me. It took long enough to get off their list after telling them every call to stop calling me, there's not a gat'damned way I'm going back on it.

10-21-2018, 06:14 PM
Being in Fayetteville is its own punishment.


Math tells me not to do lots of things, but I still do them.


I grew up here so I have "embraced the suck" for a while. I joined the Air Force to get away but came back to Pope AFB because I have family here. My wife and I both have medical issues so having family close was helpful. Once I'm a multi-millionaire Fayetteville will NOT be the place I live. :)

I just finished real estate school and real estate math was annoying. I suck at math anyways and getting back into it was not fun. :)

10-21-2018, 06:29 PM
I’m in Mega and Powerball...again.

If i win I’m going to tell my wife to quit work...I will probably stay long enough to completely piss off a few people then retire. Not that I don’t piss people off now but I have developed a filter to keep me from losing my retirement.

After that I will set up a small fund to send local LEO’s to training their agency either can’t afford or won’t send them too.

Then buy a bunch of land and build a nice one-story home (right in the middle of it) for my wife and I to live comfortably in. I’m tired of dealing with dumbass neighbors at home and dumbasses at work. I want to see trees and wildlife.

Fuck giving money to non-profits who pad their lifestyles with donated money.

I will give my kids money through a trust that they couldn’t get until they were like 30. If they end up being a cancer to society they wouldn’t get it. I want them to contribute to society...not take away.

10-21-2018, 06:38 PM
For the right price someone somewhere is willing to put whatever APCs and helicopters their company owns at your disposal.

10-21-2018, 06:43 PM
Let Alan know that his organization acts really shitty with donations.

I'd be giving them $500/year, but I don't want them to fucking harass me. It took long enough to get off their list after telling them every call to stop calling me, there's not a gat'damned way I'm going back on it.

As an aside: I wish there was a way to give anonymously to these orgs. I understand the reasons for the endless fundraising effort but also that I'm not the target market.

10-21-2018, 06:45 PM
For the right price someone somewhere is willing to put whatever APCs and helicopters their company owns at your disposal.

And the smart Poor Fag of the rich guys, would start buying those companies. Until he held a sizeable chunk of PMCs and Protection Cos. Because you could be the poor fag everyone pitties or the poor fag who has all the dirt on the rich d-bags.

That’s if you wanted to play politics for keeps and not for funsies (which is what buying a senator is, funsies).

Me? I’ve got a small group of individuals that I’d tap into to serve as advisors and go on a investment spree. I’d stop when my holdings included several solid manufacturing/technical development companies, green energy, black energy, and financial management holdings. My goal would be to turn half a billion into several billion. And then establish three foundations. One for higher ed research, one for the arts, and one for civic infrastructural development.

10-22-2018, 05:59 AM
I grew up here so I have "embraced the suck" for a while. I joined the Air Force to get away but came back to Pope AFB because I have family here. My wife and I both have medical issues so having family close was helpful. Once I'm a multi-millionaire Fayetteville will NOT be the place I live. :)

Yup. My family's from NC (less than an hour from Fayetteville in fact). I'm crossing my fingers hoping I don't have to move down there to care for my parents as they age.


10-22-2018, 06:17 AM
Someone at work is starting a lotto pool. It sure would be sweet if we won and all quit on the same day.

10-22-2018, 06:45 AM
Someone at work is starting a lotto pool. It sure would be sweet if we won and all quit on the same day.

There was a municipal public works department near me that won a decent amount. Everyone left at the same time.

Was funny to hear about, but sure it stunk for the residents of the town.

10-22-2018, 08:27 AM
There was a municipal public works department near me that won a decent amount. Everyone left at the same time.

Was funny to hear about, but sure it stunk for the residents of the town.

I'm a security guard at a federal facility. Most of the guys there would stay on long enough to sure up the numbers if we liked the supervision. But we don't so most of us will quit immediately and we might even spread the wealth so that other people will quit just to be spiteful.

10-22-2018, 09:38 AM
My goal would be to turn half a billion into several billion. And then establish three foundations. One for higher ed research, one for the arts, and one for civic infrastructural development.

Right. Almost everyone else seems to be thinking about how to turn three quarters of a billion into zero. Turning it into a billion, then several billion, etc. is the right approach.

10-22-2018, 09:56 AM

10-22-2018, 10:53 AM
Right. Almost everyone else seems to be thinking about how to turn three quarters of a billion into zero. Turning it into a billion, then several billion, etc. is the right approach.

Why? Unless you have specific, large goals, half a billion or more means you, your kids, your grandkids, and even great-grandkids are going to be financially solvent based on a very modest interest return on the principal. On 300mil, a mere half-percent interest per year means 1.5mil yearly income. I think I can take that salary increase and live within my means as well as teach my kids the required financial restraint to do the same. Why bother with the effort of turning that into more money (which it will naturally as long as I spend less than the yearly interest income). That's a gross oversimplification, but you get the idea.


10-22-2018, 11:46 AM
yea but, I really want to own most of a state. I mean, who ever gets that chance?

10-22-2018, 11:56 AM
With several billion you could start buying up all the private property in a state and try to push out all the anti-gun folks. Or just all the folks in general.

10-22-2018, 11:58 AM
yea but, I really want to own most of a state. I mean, who ever gets that chance?
John Malone, Ted Turner.... ;)

I'm with you on this wish....

10-22-2018, 12:41 PM
I'm a security guard at a federal facility. Most of the guys there would stay on long enough to sure up the numbers if we liked the supervision. But we don't so most of us will quit immediately and we might even spread the wealth so that other people will quit just to be spiteful.

As a business owner, I’d feel obligated to finish the homes I have under contract. I’d also try to remain anonymous long enough to do so. Guarantee my customers would bitch up a storm if I still billed them for the $5000 in extras they added.

I also can’t just dump my employees, that doesn’t seem right. I’d give them all a pretty nice severance package. But again, I’d have to keep them in the dark til the projects were completed.

Rich people problems.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-22-2018, 01:01 PM
We had an agent that had come over from the FAMS, and within the first year on this job his early investments in Bitcoin made him a multi-millionaire to the tune of 5 or 8 mil.

Dude was gone in short order.

10-22-2018, 01:10 PM
yea but, I really want to own most of a state. I mean, who ever gets that chance?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

10-22-2018, 01:39 PM
Why? Unless you have specific, large goals, half a billion or more means you, your kids, your grandkids, and even great-grandkids are going to be financially solvent based on a very modest interest return on the principal.

Absolutely true.

But I'm not really interested in retiring at 32 after winning the Powerball. I'm young enough to turn a moderate fortune into a huge fortune. And then I can give away that much more money. I'm not really into dying rich - I'd actually like to get super rich and give most of it away again, because not everyone needs to be a rich douchebag.

As for the kids/grandkids/etc. I've got plans for that, but my heirs won't be getting hundreds of millions in windfalls when rich uncle Rob dies. No, they'll get funds to help establish them in life if they invest and spend wisely (and they'll get the guidance to help them there). I'm not subsidizing another generation of Waltons, everyone who gets money from me to help not to support them indefinitely.

Now, that said, buying large portions of Texas and not selling any of it to fucking Californians would be delightful.

10-22-2018, 03:47 PM
Now, that said, buying large portions of Texas and not selling any of it to fucking Californians would be delightful.

I've met 2 families of California refugees recently, both with their heads on straight.
They both told me I was not the first to remind them that California politics is the reason they had to move to Texas.

That said... I think I'm likely to do the same in either Colorado or the Carolinas.

10-22-2018, 04:18 PM
Whelp my wife spent $4 on this.

Wish us luck lol.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-22-2018, 07:14 PM
Yup. My family's from NC (less than an hour from Fayetteville in fact). I'm crossing my fingers hoping I don't have to move down there to care for my parents as they age.


Depending on which way you drive an hour from Fayetteville could be good.

Whelp my wife spent $4 on this.

Wish us luck lol.

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Good luck!

10-22-2018, 09:59 PM
That said... I think I'm likely to do the same in either Colorado or the Carolinas.

Gosh, I wish I could unfuck Colorado.

10-23-2018, 08:38 AM
I bought the winning ticket on my way to work this morning. Then I got here and wounded why I came in? I just bought the winning ticket.

10-23-2018, 09:32 AM
I bought the winning ticket on my way to work this morning. Then I got here and wounded why I came in? I just bought the winning ticket.

If any PFer wins anything, even a dollar, will you consider removing the walking bug from your avatar?

Our ticket purchase will be the same numbers we always play. I don't think wife and I could stand it if we didn't purchase "our" numbers for a monster lottery and then those numbers hit.

Plus, a lottery ticket helps keep the Texas grizzly away.

10-23-2018, 09:48 AM
If any PFer wins anything, even a dollar, will you consider removing the walking bug from your avatar?

In that case, I won $4 on powerball last week.

Glenn E. Meyer
10-23-2018, 09:58 AM
If I win, I will buy a J frame in 22 LR.

I will enjoy myself and take the wife along. For charity, being an educator, I will establish some full ride scholarships for poor kids who are deserving. They cannot have played sports. They will not be for the Ivies as they are the center of elite domination of the country. I will give endowment gifts to schools if they get rid of their major sports teams or if they reduce the salary of Coach SaggyBelly or BrushCut to that of the highest paid English professor.

My bias against sports comes from two sources:

a. The exploitation of poor kids to be entertainers and fund raising advertisement for the elites.
b. The focus on sports in some kids that interferes with their education. Minority kids with CTE and richy rich playing volleyball or soccer.

Totem Polar
10-23-2018, 10:20 AM
If I win, I will buy a J frame in 22 LR.

I will enjoy myself and take the wife along. For charity, being an educator, I will establish some full ride scholarships for poor kids who are deserving. They cannot have played sports. They will not be for the Ivies as they are the center of elite domination of the country. I will give endowment gifts to schools if they get rid of their major sports teams or if they reduce the salary of Coach SaggyBelly or BrushCut to that of the highest paid English professor.

My bias against sports comes from two sources:

a. The exploitation of poor kids to be entertainers and fund raising advertisement for the elites.
b. The focus on sports in some kids that interferes with their education. Minority kids with CTE and richy rich playing volleyball or soccer.

Totem Polar
10-23-2018, 10:21 AM
No, seriously though, you raise some good points.

10-23-2018, 10:27 AM
Getting off topic, but I agree. I love sports (baseball, anyway) and it costs the schools an asston of money for something that only benefits a handful of the kids. All sports should be privatized. You want your kid to play, you can pay for it. And believe me, if by the time he/she is 13 or 14 and really is that good, teams will find a way to get them on the roster.

10-23-2018, 02:13 PM
If any PFer wins anything, even a dollar, will you consider removing the walking bug from your avatar?

now why would he want to do that?

10-23-2018, 03:52 PM
If any PFer wins anything, even a dollar, will you consider removing the walking bug from your avatar?


10-23-2018, 04:08 PM

I bet if one of us won the big one, we could bribe Tom to remove it. :D


10-23-2018, 04:47 PM
now why would he want to do that?


Since crawling bug avatars are in vogue...…...

10-23-2018, 05:38 PM
Since crawling bug avatars are in vogue...…...

dude I actually backed up from the screen for a second. well played.

Pistol Forums Halloween Avatar edition.

10-23-2018, 05:40 PM
I posted this somewhere...


10-23-2018, 11:23 PM
I suppose we all at least saw a Texas grizzly tonight. No reported winner as of yet.

10-24-2018, 03:52 AM
Supposedly, one winning ticket sold in South Carolina.

Whoever it was touched me inappropriately 30 years ago.

10-24-2018, 04:22 AM
We won $10. It was the numbers picked by my 10yo. She'll be excited. :)

So, we spent a grand total of $20 on two drawings and won back $10.


10-24-2018, 05:51 AM
We won $10. It was the numbers picked by my 10yo. She'll be excited. :)

So, we spent a grand total of $20 on two drawings and won back $10.


Congrats! You did better than 100 million other people.

10-24-2018, 06:24 AM
So who got bit by a shark in South Carolina? Someone forgot to tell them the statistical odds of winning. :)

10-24-2018, 06:27 AM
So who got bit by a shark in South Carolina? Someone forgot to tell them the statistical odds of winning. :)

Their statistical odds of hookers and blow, however, are suddenly at values approaching 100%

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10-24-2018, 06:53 AM
Wasn't me. I hope it was one of you. :cool:

10-24-2018, 07:55 AM
I got five picks and only hit one number on the whole thing. Damn, I was really counting on this too.

Gun Mutt
10-24-2018, 09:35 AM
Yeah, so, I wasn't in SC.

Tonight's Powerball is a measly $620mil with a cash pay out of only $354mil...gonna have to do some major budget cuts.

10-24-2018, 12:29 PM
Their statistical odds of hookers and blow, however, are suddenly at values approaching 100%

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LOL -- yep!

Stephanie B
10-24-2018, 01:07 PM
I got five picks and only hit one number on the whole thing. Damn, I was really counting on this too.

I got two picks; got the megaball and one number, so I broke even on this ticket.

Stephanie B
10-24-2018, 01:08 PM
Yeah, so, I wasn't in SC.

Tonight's Powerball is a measly $620mil with a cash pay out of only $354mil...gonna have to do some major budget cuts.
That would really cut down on the number of Registered Magnums that I had planned to buy.

10-24-2018, 01:12 PM

The IRS will also likely tax the winnings at the highest federal income bracket, which now sits at 37 percent for individuals with incomes in excess of $500,000.

$877.8 M - Cash Option
$324.8 M - 37% Fed Tax
$ 61.5 M - 7% SC Tax (assumes no deduction for Fed Tax, so, may be less)
$491.5 M after taxes

Time to go back to work. :p

10-24-2018, 01:22 PM
That would really cut down on the number of Registered Magnums that I had planned to buy.

Wonder how much it would cost to just buy S&W, and could they be un-f'ed and run well?

10-24-2018, 05:24 PM
Wonder how much it would cost to just buy S&W, and could they be un-f'ed and run well?

dude... be realistic: world peace would be easier to achieve.

10-25-2018, 08:33 AM
Wonder how much it would cost to just buy S&W, and could they be un-f'ed and run well?

Current market cap of the holding company is $759MM. I’m not sure what all is rolled up under the AOBC holding.

10-25-2018, 11:02 AM

$877.8 M - Cash Option
$324.8 M - 37% Fed Tax
$ 61.5 M - 7% SC Tax (assumes no deduction for Fed Tax, so, may be less)
$491.5 M after taxes

Time to go back to work. :p

Is that enough to become the warlord dictator of an undeveloped country? Probably not if I actually want to hold it for more than a couple years. Guess I better not quit my job right away.

10-25-2018, 04:12 PM
Is that enough to become the warlord dictator of an undeveloped country? Probably not if I actually want to hold it for more than a couple years. Guess I better not quit my job right away.

How much can you buy a volcano island for? I’d go full supervillain, with a skull-shaped lair. And henchmen.

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10-25-2018, 05:34 PM
How much can you buy a volcano island for? I’d go full supervillain, with a skull-shaped lair. And henchmen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Don't forget the sharks with laser beams!

Stephanie B
10-25-2018, 06:33 PM
Wonder how much it would cost to just buy S&W, and could they be un-f'ed and run well?
Not much, about 18 years ago. Saf-T-Hammer bought it for the amount of a middling Powerball/Mega payout.

10-26-2018, 08:55 PM
Current market cap of the holding company is $759MM. I’m not sure what all is rolled up under the AOBC holding.
S&W, Thompson/Center, Gemtech, Crimson Trace, Taylor Knives, and Battenfeld Technologies (Caldwell, Wheeler Engineering, Tipton, etc.) (http://aob.com/our-brands/)

10-27-2018, 12:21 AM
Is that enough to become the warlord dictator of an undeveloped country? Probably not if I actually want to hold it for more than a couple years. Guess I better not quit my job right away.

You need to produce income. You could bring back letters of Marque and reprisal.

10-27-2018, 07:44 AM
Powerball is up to an only $750,000,000. :(

10-27-2018, 09:13 AM
Powerball is up to an only $750,000,000. :(

I need to get my ticket today. :)

Glenn E. Meyer
10-27-2018, 01:57 PM
Saw a 'financial adviser' on the tube. Said you should take the lump sum and then live on 4% a year. Given I'm 70, I would just put it in a money market and spend away. No yachts or stupid houses. Not a guy with a pickup, mobile home or a basketball player. I should manage not to go bankrupt.

10-27-2018, 02:46 PM
We had a customer who was an old farmer who while he did not win the lottery did became a millionaire when he sold the land where they built a big ass mall in NJ. I only know this because he was getting some piece of equipment welded and one of the guys mentioned that the only change he made was that he was now wearing new bib overalls and new flannel shirts.