View Full Version : Richest Countries, states, and cities... and Russia

09-12-2018, 01:23 PM
There are various ways to measure wealth of nations, but in the most reasonable ones the top 15 are, in dollars, by 2017 Gross Domestic Product (GDP), mostly:

Millions of dollars, so the US is $19 trillion.
1 United States 19,390,600
2 China 12,014,610
3 Japan 4,872,135
4 Germany 3,684,816
5 United Kingdom 2,624,529
6 India 2,611,012
7 France 2,583,560
8 Brazil 2,054,969
9 Italy 1,937,894
10 Canada 1,652,412
11 South Korea 1,538,030
12 Russia 1,527,469
13 Australia 1,379,548
14 Spain 1,313,951
15 Mexico 1,149,236

The top 15 US states, millions of dollars, so California is $2.7 trillion.
1 California $2,746,873
2 Texas $1,696,206
3 New York $1,547,116
4 Florida $967,337
5 Illinois $820,362
6 Pennsylvania $752,071
7 Ohio $649,127
8 New Jersey $591,743
9 Georgia $554,269
10 North Carolina $538,291
11 Massachusetts $527,455
12 Virginia $508,662
13 Washington $506,353
14 Michigan $504,967
15 Maryland $393,632

The richest cities by GDP, by billions, so Tokyo is 1.89 trillion.
Tokyo 1,893 (2015)
New York 1,657.457 (2016)
Los Angeles 1,001 (2016)
London 879.5 (2016)
Paris 850 (2016)
Chicago 651.222 (2016)
Seoul 635.4 (2015)
Osaka–Kobe 584 (2013)
São Paulo 582.079 (2013)
Rhine-Ruhr 573.7 (2014)
Dallas – Ft-Worth 511.606 (2016)
Washington, DC 509.224 (2016)
Houston 478.618 (2016)
San Francisco 470
Shanghai 469
If you're keeping track, Moscow is way down there at 39th.

Like counting wealth, there are various ways to phrase the point of the exercise: why do we (worry about / let a country take advantage of us, either way) when they are so financially powerless? Russia is, at best, the 12th wealthiest - other estimates take them down to 15th. They're beaten out by the rich European states, sure, but also Italy, and also Brazil and Canada. It does manage to edge out those economic powerhouses Australia, Spain and Mexico for bragging rights. Even three of our states individually, California, Texas and New York put them in the shade. Even New York City by itself is wealthier than Russia. (I suspect there are several regions, like Philadelphia, that are richer but I didn't search for that.)

Okay, Russia does have an army and navy and an air arm, but those are pretty restricted by their lack of maintenance and spares. They do have nukes, but at this level it's more of a political weapon than something they can reasonably deploy. I suspect as long as the West doesn't push them into a corner they'll stay just a threat. Their natural gas supplies are much more a deployable weapon.

I can only presume we care so much about Russia because President Trump cares about them. When he's no longer in office will we continue to care/allow their actions?

Source: various wikipedias. Shown for comparison only - they aren't my numbers.

09-12-2018, 01:51 PM
GDP does not equal wealth, and it does not equal power. If I earn $80,000 in a year and spend $80,001, what has happened to my wealth?

09-12-2018, 02:12 PM
GDP does not equal wealth, and it does not equal power. If I earn $80,000 in a year and spend $80,001, what has happened to my wealth? Clearly, your $80k went into the pockets of merchants and tradesmen around you so that they could pay mortgages and send their kids to school. GDP isn't a perfect metric but it's apples/apples across the world and is worth something. And you did get something you valued equal to the $80k or you wouldn't have traded it for that.

09-13-2018, 09:25 AM
The URSS wasn't an economic and industrial powerhouse in 1938-45... but they won the war.


Sometimes it is more about resolve and how much you are willing to sacrifice to obtain a goal. Russia has always considered that western powers, historically USA and UK but now EU and NATO, constrain the world position it deserves.

IMO the USA and most of its allies are not very resolute, smart, united or willing. The wealthy world is at the mall...

09-14-2018, 11:51 PM
I can only presume we care so much about Russia because President Trump cares about them. When he's no longer in office will we continue to care/allow their actions?
We care about Russia because they have nukes, because they control potential a shit ton of various resources, because they are an unstable oligarchic kleptocracy which historically has had it's eye on all of Eurasia, and we care about Russia, maybe to some extent, because habit.
We cared about Russia when Clinton was President, when Bush was president, when Obama was sucking Putins dick. To say it is naive to suggest we only care about Russia because Trump happens to be president would be to be guilty of felonious understatement.

09-15-2018, 03:30 AM
1 United States 19,390,600
4 Germany 3,684,816

Well, and that's the list, big media have presentend us yesterday in Germany:

tagesschau.de/ausland/lebensqualitaet-norwegen-un-101.html (https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/lebensqualitaet-norwegen-un-101.html)

1 Norway
2 Switzerland
5 Germany
13 USA
49 Russian Federation

OK, I know, the first is GDP, the second is HDI (Human Development Index) (http://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/2018_human_development_statistical_update.pdf).

What's the intention? To comfort the addressee in Germany and USA resp.?

I've been in Norway and Switzerland. From a material POV, they are noticeable better off. I don't say, I'm unhappy. But I don't care much about lists big media show me, when I suspect their intention.

I've no problem with Russia. I mean, they don't harm me. But I suppose, we in Germany are better off than the Russian people. Russia has internal problems, but they don't harm other countries.

09-15-2018, 07:46 AM
You might ask the neighbors of Russia - say the Republic of Georgia - they may be "harmed" a little.

09-15-2018, 08:50 AM
You might ask the neighbors of Russia - say the Republic of Georgia - they may be "harmed" a little.

Or the Ukrainians... or the Brits... anyone on MH17... The Russians may not impact someone on a personal level, but the idea that Russia sits peacefully in its corner minding its own business and quietly playing with its toys is flat-out laughable.

09-15-2018, 10:19 AM
I've no problem with Russia. I mean, they don't harm me. But I suppose, we in Germany are better off than the Russian people. Russia has internal problems, but they don't harm other countries.
Tell that to the Balkan Countries.

09-15-2018, 12:08 PM
Personally, I'm cool if the Finns to stay afraid enough to keep making awesome rifles.