View Full Version : Problem accessing TPI

Joe S
06-15-2018, 07:13 PM
Hope this is ok that I post this here: anyone else having difficulty accessing TPI? This week, when I go, it sometimes loads the main page, and I can see that I'm logged in, but any click in​to a forum gets me a page that tells me that there was an error in the coding. Sometimes, if I try to reload the main page, same thing. Any computer whizzes have any thoughts?

06-15-2018, 10:17 PM
I’ve been having problems too for at least the last two days... no idea why.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-16-2018, 02:14 PM
Same here, past several days.

Rex G
06-17-2018, 11:41 AM
I just tried, and the main page loaded. When I tried to go further, I received a notice saying “cannot decode raw data.”

06-18-2018, 10:53 AM
I just tried, and the main page loaded. When I tried to go further, I received a notice saying “cannot decode raw data.”

Same here. Looking at the main page, it appears as if some people are still able to post.

06-19-2018, 08:48 AM
Cannot get TPI to load at all. "Server not found" comes up each time.

06-19-2018, 09:07 AM
Same problem here. Active users have dropped there and Craig's mainly posting on Facebook. Wonder if TPI is still viable? However, for archive there is total gold there.

06-19-2018, 09:51 AM
I hope it gets fixed, because there's a lot of good stuff on TPI. I spent way more time there reading than posting.

06-19-2018, 10:26 AM
Hey guys trying to balance 50 irons in the fire right now and all are hot. I have every intention of getting TPI back up i'm just swamped and all my admins that handled that shit for me over the years have moved on.

I appreciate every one's patience.

06-19-2018, 10:31 AM
Hopefully no one is complaining to you via PM since I've seen that in the past on other sites and forums where content was 100% free. :confused:

If you get a ton of feedback from folks, I hope it's all meant to help with trouble shooting down the line and not due to people just complaining.

06-19-2018, 04:21 PM
Hopefully no one is complaining to you via PM since I've seen that in the past on other sites and forums where content was 100% free. :confused:

If you get a ton of feedback from folks, I hope it's all meant to help with trouble shooting down the line and not due to people just complaining.

Nah man everyone has been absolutely cool, patient, and helpful.

06-22-2018, 09:40 AM


We are writing you per our AUP/TOS policy because we have migrated your server in an emergency matter to a new one as the data center we used to use is having major routing issues and we cannot risk your server going down.
With this said the migration was successful and it has fully been tested.
We have also pointed your DNS IP records to the new server and all is working.

We noticed that you are using custom DNS name servers which are ns1.totalprotectioninteractive.com and ns2.totalprotectioninteractive.com.
We do not have access to the domain registry to update these DNS name servers for you.
At this time we need you to change the DNS name server IP's to the new ones.
Please point ns1.totalprotectioninteractive.com to IP and ns2.totalprotectioninteractive.com to IP
Once you update the IP's please update this ticket so we can make sure its all working.

06-22-2018, 09:42 AM
Hopefully this will get done in 48 hours guys. Thanks again for every one’s patience.

06-25-2018, 10:51 AM


06-25-2018, 11:56 AM


I can still only access the main page.

06-25-2018, 01:17 PM
Same here. Although that's better than I could do yesterday.

07-14-2018, 04:24 PM
Is it still down? I can't get in.

07-14-2018, 09:54 PM
It’s working for some but still down for many.

07-14-2018, 10:12 PM
I can't get past the main page either.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

07-22-2018, 07:46 AM
I could not get into TPI since the crash no matter what I did in terms of clearing cache, history, cookies, using different machines, etc. using Google Chrome which is my usual browser. It still does not work in Chrome for me. This morning I dug up MS IE and tried it and bam, no problems it all works for me, logged in, can see, navigate and search.

I have no idea why, but those who are using Chrome and cannot get past the front page like I was not able to, try another browser and see what happens.

07-22-2018, 09:42 AM

07-22-2018, 10:06 AM
No joy for me on Chrome (desktop), Chrome (mobile), nor Safari (mobile); I figured it was still a work in progress.

That said, it worked fine in IE, and my heart soars like an eagle for the access...

07-22-2018, 10:15 AM
Chrome and IE still don't work for me, even after clearing cookies, cache, etc. I can't get past the front page. Sometimes I can't get to the site at all. I either get a V bulletin error screen or a message that the page can't be reached.

EDIT: I take that back. In IE, I can jump to various pages and posts but the new posts function doesn't work. Chrome doesn't work at all now - site can't be reached. Hopefully, this is helpful for diagnostics.

Cheap Shot
07-22-2018, 10:23 AM

Having your own business can be the hardest job in the world.

You've built up a huge reserve of goodwill with us, your customers. We can be patient. Just keep us posted.

Using firefox works for me except for the "new posts" function.

07-22-2018, 07:05 PM
Having your own business can be the hardest job in the world.

You've built up a huge reserve of goodwill with us, your customers. We can be patient. Just keep us posted.

Using firefox works for me except for the "new posts" function.

Thank you sir you're a gentleman.:)

Totem Polar
07-22-2018, 07:22 PM
None of the browsers I use are working for me; still FUBAR.

On the other hand, I now have this extra time to quickly practice 10 default position reps and 10 hip escapes every morning this month, so there is that.


08-13-2018, 02:36 PM
Okay try now. I think we may have things right.

08-13-2018, 02:50 PM
Okay try now. I think we may have things right.

Access using a Windows PC and Google Chrome. Looks to be working for me. Will test out the iPhone/Safari later

08-13-2018, 03:29 PM
Now working on Chrome on Android Pie. Was previously broken for a couple months.

08-13-2018, 06:46 PM
I'm in for the first time in months. I hope everyone comes back.

Totem Polar
08-13-2018, 07:44 PM
It’s fugly, but I can access all the info. :cool:

09-04-2018, 11:13 AM
I'm in for the first time in months. I hope everyone comes back.

It's pretty dead over there. That's too bad.

Ed L
09-04-2018, 04:38 PM
When I log in I get a message that says, "I'm sorry buy you are not authorized to view this page." But then when I click on "Forum" on the upper left hand corner it lets me in.

This is a huge problem, since many people who try to log in and see that message and just give up.

It is a shame that you are having these problems and had the downtime. TPI is a great forum with some very experienced and knowledgeable posters.

I prefer forums to facebook for a number of reasons:

1. They are organized by category and topic in chronological order so it is very easy to find things. This makes for a nice repository of knowledge that can be accessed years later. Forget about trying to find something posted on facebook a few days ago.

2. I prefer to post with an anon handle or one that doesn't have my full name for privacy reasons in a place where all of my FB friends will not see it when I talk about certain topics. Yes, I do not have my full name on my FB account, but still, I have a wide variety of friends and family that I just as soon not discuss certain things with or see my thoughts on certain things. Even though there are closed facebook groups, they do not break things down by category and topic in a chronological order that is easy to find the way a forum does.\

3. These forums are focused on specific issues that you can find and discuss, whereas with facebook you have to wade through a lot of crap to find interesting posts, and there are many posts that you don't even see.

09-04-2018, 10:49 PM
TPI opened me up to ideas and concepts I use on a daily basis. It’s incredible how much I didn’t know. The older posts are especially enlightening. Not sure I can recall ever posting, but the reading material is priceless.

Ed L
09-05-2018, 06:16 PM
It turns out that I was bookmarked to the old url which had a 'Non-SSL' Http link. Thanks to the help of Seth the admin. He instructed me to "check the URL bar to see if you are on the Https forum."

I did so and he was right. So I logged into the forum, deleted my old link which was to an http adddress rather than an https address, and then bookmarked the forum: https://www.totalprotectioninteractive.com/forum/ and logging on was the same as before and it rememebered my login so I could just click on the forum and go there.

09-05-2018, 08:25 PM
It turns out that I was bookmarked to the old url which had a 'Non-SSL' Http link. Thanks to the help of Seth the admin. He instructed me to "check the URL bar to see if you are on the Https forum."

I did so and he was right. So I logged into the forum, deleted my old link which was to an http adddress rather than an https address, and then bookmarked the forum: https://www.totalprotectioninteractive.com/forum/ and logging on was the same as before and it rememebered my login so I could just click on the forum and go there.

Thanks for this.

I was able to login from Safari on an iPad just now.

09-06-2018, 12:12 AM
Forums are dead. People much prefer to use FB and IG -- thereby enriching the FB and IG executives who will use their millions and billions to create the society that they desire (and which doesn't include any of these icky guns or guys that like to fight with each other for fun). Enjoy your FB groups while they last.

Reddit has to be hurting traditional forums too.

Rex G
09-06-2018, 09:55 AM
It turns out that I was bookmarked to the old url which had a 'Non-SSL' Http link. Thanks to the help of Seth the admin. He instructed me to "check the URL bar to see if you are on the Https forum."

I did so and he was right. So I logged into the forum, deleted my old link which was to an http adddress rather than an https address, and then bookmarked the forum: https://www.totalprotectioninteractive.com/forum/ and logging on was the same as before and it rememebered my login so I could just click on the forum and go there.

This link worked! It not only worked, but “remembered” me, so I did not even have to sign in.


Rex G
09-06-2018, 11:32 AM
Well, my first short reply I typed worked. Another reply, a bit longer, did not work. Error message.