View Full Version : Hand to Cat tactics!

Glenn E. Meyer
06-15-2018, 05:03 PM

That's something new. We have them in my area. Have to dig out one of my kid's stuff animals and practice.

That Guy
06-15-2018, 05:08 PM
Shouldn't it be hand to paw?

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06-15-2018, 05:36 PM
Eventually the truth will surface and we will find out she is a UGA Bulldawg fan and she thought that was an Auburn Tiger.

06-15-2018, 05:38 PM
Cat Wranglin' & Stranglin'...an advanced course into the mind and behavior of the feline felon presented by Clawed Werner.

Not open to pussies.

06-15-2018, 05:47 PM
Damn. Strangling a rabid bobcat with her bare hands. That is some hero level willpower right there.

06-15-2018, 05:55 PM
Cat Wranglin' & Stranglin'...an advanced course into the mind and behavior of the feline felon presented by Clawed Werner.

Not open to pussies.


I'd buy that lady a beer!

06-15-2018, 05:58 PM

I'd buy that lady a beer!

Shit, I'd buy her a bottle of the pub's top shelf and sidle on down the bar and sit where she directed me.

06-15-2018, 06:18 PM
Wasn't there some crossfit dude saying humans aren't predators recently?

06-15-2018, 06:50 PM
PETA condemnation in 3, 2, 1...

06-15-2018, 06:54 PM
Damn, I just gave my cat a bath the other night. That ended up a bloody mess

06-15-2018, 07:02 PM
Rear naked choke or guillotine?

06-15-2018, 08:00 PM
Damn, I just gave my cat a bath the other night. That ended up a bloody mess

Poor cat, you didn't need to beat it



06-15-2018, 08:17 PM

06-16-2018, 03:34 PM
I had to pull a cat out from under a shed once. It's not something I would normally do, but there were reasons. I didn't enjoy it much, but I got the damned cat out without harming it -- at least physically. My arms were scratched all to hell though.

06-16-2018, 07:08 PM
I forget if I’ve told this one before... Our neighbor has a cat who is randomly aggressive. A few months ago the dude was on his couch and the cat attacked—claw hugged his head and bit him in the eye. Late that night he woke up feverishly delirious with his eye swollen shut. For some reason that made sense to him at the time, he quietly snuck out of the house without waking his wife and drove to the ER. The docs immediately took him to the ICU because he was in danger of losing the eye.

Wife wakes up the next morning and can’t find her husband. It took her half the day to track him down, and man was she unhappy.

It all ended sort of ok. Dude made a full recovery and his wife appears to have forgiven him. Cat is still attacking people randomly.

06-16-2018, 11:34 PM
Wasn't there some crossfit dude saying humans aren't predators recently?

As the only species I am aware of to drive many others to extinction, humans seem like obvious predators to me...

06-17-2018, 03:08 AM
I forget if I’ve told this one before... Our neighbor has a cat who is randomly aggressive. A few months ago the dude was on his couch and the cat attacked—claw hugged his head and bit him in the eye. Late that night he woke up feverishly delirious with his eye swollen shut. For some reason that made sense to him at the time, he quietly snuck out of the house without waking his wife and drove to the ER. The docs immediately took him to the ICU because he was in danger of losing the eye.

Wife wakes up the next morning and can’t find her husband. It took her half the day to track him down, and man was she unhappy.

It all ended sort of ok. Dude made a full recovery and his wife appears to have forgiven him. Cat is still attacking people randomly.

I’m afraid that cat might not have survived my return home. At the very least, it would have been looking for a new place to live.

Having images of a feline on a street corner holding a hand-lettered cardboard sign...

06-17-2018, 09:03 AM
As the only species I am aware of to drive many others to extinction, humans seem like obvious predators to me...

Nah, species ending other species is a tale as old as time but we’re “above” nature so we don’t care when it happens without our involvement.

[fish caught in garbage]
Bleeding heart: [weeping] “Humans did this.”
Some asshole: “You’re a human.”
Bleeding heart: “Oh my God, you’re right.” [throws self in sea]

06-17-2018, 09:18 AM
That encounter could have been catastrophic!

06-17-2018, 09:24 AM

06-17-2018, 09:27 AM
That encounter could have been catastrophic!

No lyin'

06-17-2018, 10:09 AM
I had to pull a cat out from under a shed once.

Is that some sort of euphemism? :confused:



06-17-2018, 12:04 PM
Is that some sort of euphemism? :confused:



Nah, the reasons and the story are even more mundane than they appear at first glance.

06-17-2018, 05:45 PM
Only a few weeks ago a rabid coyote attacked a hiker in south Georgia. He stopped it with his pocket knife. His injuries weren't bad, but he had complications to the rabies vaccine.

Jim Watson
06-17-2018, 05:52 PM
Mark Twain said "The man who has carried a cat by the tail knows something it is not possible to learn any other way."

06-17-2018, 06:28 PM
Damn, I just gave my cat a bath the other night. That ended up a bloody mess

Same here, no one told me that I was supposed to use both hands to hold the cat by the paws and hold it underwater until it stopped struggling.

06-17-2018, 10:25 PM
I forget if I’ve told this one before... Our neighbor has a cat who is randomly aggressive. A few months ago the dude was on his couch and the cat attacked—claw hugged his head and bit him in the eye. Late that night he woke up feverishly delirious with his eye swollen shut. For some reason that made sense to him at the time, he quietly snuck out of the house without waking his wife and drove to the ER. The docs immediately took him to the ICU because he was in danger of losing the eye.

Wife wakes up the next morning and can’t find her husband. It took her half the day to track him down, and man was she unhappy.

It all ended sort of ok. Dude made a full recovery and his wife appears to have forgiven him. Cat is still attacking people randomly.

See my username . . .


Stephanie B
06-18-2018, 06:56 AM
See my username . . .
Shoot my cat and, by Grabthar’s Hammer, we will have words.

Glenn E. Meyer
06-18-2018, 10:13 AM
At work we had a fierce verbal internal discussion group war between the Cat Alliance (feed the feral cats) and the Justice League for Birds. Feral cats kill zillions of wild birds.

06-18-2018, 10:26 AM
Shoot my cat and, by Grabthar’s Hammer, we will have words.

Well, if your cat is loose and attacking people then it doesn't really matter what your feelings are.


06-18-2018, 11:44 AM
Shoot my cat and, by Grabthar’s Hammer, we will have words.


I love cats, despite my name. And would never shoot a good one. But I have shot a pretty good pile of 'em, and if one caused me to almost lose an eye? Well . . . bye! :)


06-20-2018, 06:46 AM
At work we had a fierce verbal internal discussion group war between the Cat Alliance (feed the feral cats) and the Justice League for Birds. Feral cats kill zillions of wild birds.

Considering how many of the feathered vermin are invasive species (thanks for nothing, Eugene Schieffelin!) the cats deserve a medal.