View Full Version : Taofledermaus shoots a Gyrojet

06-10-2018, 08:25 PM
Most of us have heard of these things but video of them being fired is even more rare than the guns themselves. It's pretty cool to see this.


06-10-2018, 11:23 PM
I met Robert Mainhardt in Vegas in the late 80's. He was a brilliant man with some far reaching ideas and I continue to believe if he would have found the right business manager and some capitalization he could have done big things. I wouldn't say we were close friends but he did come for family dinner on several occasions.

Jim Watson
06-11-2018, 01:59 PM
I recall the gunzine articles of the day, back when ammo was available. They really were inaccurate and the several yards of boost meant they were more effective a ways out.
I thought that could be used in a really light machine gun where dispersion was desirable.

I see the video was with first generation 13mm Gyrojet guns and ammo. They reduced the caliber to 12 mm after the BATF pointed out that 13mm was over half an inch, making the little rockets "destructive devices." Didn't recall the ones out there, though.

SF writer Larry Niven armed private eye Bruce Cheseborough Jr. with a Gyrojet. An underworld contact asked him why he carried a gun with $2 a pop ammo. Bruce replied that he didn't shoot enough people for it to matter.