View Full Version : (Sanctioned) Bare Knuckle Boxing Returns to US

06-02-2018, 09:46 AM
From ABC News (https://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/bare-knuckle-boxing-bygone-era-comeback-55591504):

In 1889, the great John L. Sullivan, the Boston Strong Boy, beat Jake Kilrain in 75 rounds — yes, 75 — in what the International Boxing Hall of Fame has called the "last significant bare-knuckle bout in boxing."

Since then, about the only gloves-off fighting many people have witnessed has consisted of barroom brawls.

But on Saturday night, 10 bouts of bare-knuckle boxing, including one involving female fighters, will take place at the Cheyenne Ice and Events Center.

The event, available on pay-per-view, is being promoted as the first legal, regulated and sanctioned bare-knuckle fight event in U.S. history. Back in Sullivan's day, there were no sanctioning bodies and few if any regulations.

"I think it's what the public wants to see. The public is begging for something new," promoter David Feldman said, noting that it has been 25 years since the advent of UFC mixed martial arts. "We're hopefully leading the way to a new era in combat sports."

The boxers will be allowed wraps around their thumbs and wrists but will not wear any protection over their knuckles the way fighters normally do in traditional boxing, MMA or other combat sports where padded gloves of various thickness are used.

Each bout is scheduled for five, 2-minute rounds, fought in a ring with rounded ropes instead of the traditional square.

Bare-knuckle regulations are otherwise similar to those of glove boxing, in that opponents can only throw punches and there's a standing eight count and a three-knockdown rule.

"But when you're in a clinch, you can hit with the open hand. You can pull the back of their neck into punches," Feldman said. "So it gives a little bit more excitement in the clinches."


Some authorities on boxing have argued that padded gloves made the sport more dangerous by allowing fighters to hit their opponents in the head more often with less risk of hurting their hands.


Board chairman Bryan Pedersen said the board received no opposition and saw the event as an opportunity to provide better safety than is afforded at unregulated bare-knuckle fights. Ringside doctors, for instance, are required at state-sanctioned bouts.

The board reviewed research that indicated bare-knuckle boxing would be safer than other combat sports, especially when it comes to concussions, Pedersen said.

"If you look at what we already regulate in the state of Wyoming — we regulate kickboxing and MMA, right?" he said. "In those two, you could take an elbow to the head, a knee to the head or a shin kick to the head. And go out in your yard and punch a basketball and kick a basketball and see what goes farther."

Big difference in fighting styles. From MMA Junkie (https://mmajunkie.com/2018/06/bare-knuckle-fighting-championship-preparation-ricco-rodriguez-bec-rawlings):

Former UFC heavyweight champion Ricco Rodriguez was telling his old friend Chris Lytle about this weird thing he’d agreed to do. It was a bare-knuckle boxing event, he explained, sanctioned by a state commission, with rounds and rules and refs and judges, but no actual gloves.

“He asked me how I was training and I said, ‘Eh, you know, just doing some boxing sparring in the gym,’” Rodriguez told MMAjunkie. “He was the one who told me, ‘No, you can’t train like that. Because a lot of the stuff that you can do with gloves on aren’t going to work in bare knuckle.’”


Consider the differences between boxing and MMA striking techniques.

Even in those two sports, the disparity in glove sizes forces some changes in style and approach. While you might be able to cover up and hide fairly well behind the defensive shell of eight- or 10-ounce boxing gloves, a pair of four-ounce MMA gloves don’t provide nearly as much shelter.

Smaller gloves make for smaller shields, but also for leaner weapons, ones that can more easily slip through gaps in your defense.

Then there’s the increased risk of injury to the puncher rather than the punchee. Hit someone high on the skull with a pair of boxing gloves and you may feel it, but so will they. Do the same with your bare fists and it might be the last punch you throw for weeks.

Anyone watching?

06-02-2018, 09:51 AM
Looks interesting. Wasn't the original UFC bare knuckle until guys like Tank Abbot figured they could use the smaller MMA gloves to protect their hands?

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06-02-2018, 10:04 AM
Wasn't the original UFC bare knuckle


06-02-2018, 10:18 AM
Wasn't the original UFC bare knuckle until guys like Tank Abbot figured they could use the smaller MMA gloves to protect their hands?

You could fight bare knuckle, but it wasn't required (https://www.foxsports.com/ufc/haymaker/story/ufc-co-founder-releases-original-rules-list-from-first-ever-event-051414). That lead to some peculiar configurations like this guy:


06-02-2018, 10:20 AM
I’m interested enough to look at getting the PPV. At $30 not sure I’ll pop for it, but it is tempting.

06-02-2018, 10:22 AM
I wouldn't pay to see it, but otherwise I might check it out.

Gun Mutt
06-02-2018, 10:22 AM
Don't know that I can convince my wife to dedicate Saturday night to it, but I'd definitely like to see it.

Here's their site (https://www.bareknuckle.tv/).

Dagga Boy
06-02-2018, 10:35 AM
Looks interesting. Wasn't the original UFC bare knuckle until guys like Tank Abbot figured they could use the smaller MMA gloves to protect their hands?

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As a young cop in 1988 I started wearing the old “Better Entry and Rappel” gloves all the time on duty. They looked just like what became MMA gloves, but at the time all the cops thought I was wearing fingerless SAP gloves. They simply had foam padded knuckles. I recognized very early that pounding people in the head with your knuckles can easily injure your hands. I found I could actually hit far harder with no risk with the gloves. We saw a ton of cop injuries with broken knuckles, and they are no fun.
Should be an interesting format and we should be seeing a lot of bleeding, which will likely be the big attraction.

Jim Watson
06-02-2018, 12:12 PM
What's next, the cestus, the gladius, trident and net? I have thought it could be arranged.

Stephanie B
06-02-2018, 01:15 PM
No, but with the current focus on CTE, I can see a rationale for making it more difficult to punch opponents hard in the head.

06-02-2018, 02:13 PM
What's next, the cestus, the gladius, trident and net? I have thought it could be arranged.

I don’t particularly care for sports(mostly a bunch of overpaid babies) but I would watch that.

06-02-2018, 02:20 PM
What's next, the cestus, the gladius, trident and net? I have thought it could be arranged.

I really want to see the return of dueling.

Joe in PNG
06-02-2018, 03:47 PM
Is one required to rock an epic waxed mustache to compete?

06-02-2018, 04:06 PM
We saw a ton of cop injuries with broken knuckles, and they are no fun.

I was that guy. Boxer's fracture convincing a DV suspect he should go to jail. Didn't even punch him in the head, broke my hand with a hook to his ribs.

06-02-2018, 04:13 PM
I'd be howling with pain if I had to strike someone with my knuckles these days. Hammer fists, open and edge of the palm strikes are all that I could tolerate if I have the opportunity to prepare. (Elbows and knees greatly preferred.)

Jim Watson
06-02-2018, 04:21 PM
I really want to see the return of dueling.

Correct basis for "An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life."

06-02-2018, 06:42 PM
Is one required to rock an epic waxed mustache to compete?

God I hope so. Including for the ladies.

Jay Cunningham
06-02-2018, 07:43 PM
The only thing better than this would be news of pregnant single moms bare knuckle boxing.

Now THAT is worth paying to watch!

Thank goodness for Democracy and Free Markets!

06-02-2018, 07:58 PM
I'd be howling with pain if I had to strike someone with my knuckles these days. Hammer fists, open and edge of the palm strikes are all that I could tolerate if I have the opportunity to prepare. (Elbows and knees greatly preferred.)

I had a jits instructor that came up in the shoot-fighting days insist that open-hand strikes were far-and-away preferable to striking with your fists. When I first heard him say that, I thought it was a vestigial hold-over from his era of MMA. Hands-on (:rolleyes:) experience has taught me the guy was on to something, and I'm really curious to see how this "bare knuckle" fighting evolves. I wonder if striking with your knuckles is just a convenient coincidence and not the way nature really designed humans to fight.

06-02-2018, 08:10 PM
I had a jits instructor that came up in the shoot-fighting days insist that open-hand strikes were far-and-away preferable to striking with your fists. When I first heard him say that, I thought it was a vestigial hold-over from his era of MMA. Hands-on (:rolleyes:) experience has taught me the guy was on to something, and I'm really curious to see how this "bare knuckle" fighting evolves. I wonder if striking with your knuckles is just a convenient coincidence and not the way nature really designed humans to fight.

Ever watch chimps fight?

Teeth, claws, feet, and rocks in the hand swung in the hand.

06-02-2018, 08:10 PM
The only thing better than this would be news of pregnant single moms bare knuckle boxing.

Jay - we're all here today because we're worried about you, and we care....


Jay Cunningham
06-02-2018, 08:25 PM
I don’t want to see women punch each other.

I understand that makes me an outcast.

06-02-2018, 08:26 PM
I had a jits instructor that came up in the shoot-fighting days insist that open-hand strikes were far-and-away preferable to striking with your fists. When I first heard him say that, I thought it was a vestigial hold-over from his era of MMA. Hands-on (:rolleyes:) experience has taught me the guy was on to something, and I'm really curious to see how this "bare knuckle" fighting evolves. I wonder if striking with your knuckles is just a convenient coincidence and not the way nature really designed humans to fight.


06-02-2018, 11:16 PM
PS: This seems like something misanthropist would support...;) :cool:

06-02-2018, 11:36 PM
Fun fact: I know the guy that lost the main event tonight and trained with him a bunch of times when I competed in MMA and BJJ.

He is an animal; but, also very technical and went up against some of the best talent in MMA prior to trying this competition.

Gun Mutt
06-03-2018, 06:42 AM
So how was the event overall?

Cheap Shot
06-03-2018, 08:20 AM
So how was the event overall?

Didn't watch the event but based on comments on other forums it exceeded expectations

06-03-2018, 08:46 AM
I don’t want to see women punch each other.

I'm not sure if that makes you chivalrous or anachronistic. I'm too cheap to pay for fights so I didn't see it. Saw some news about it this morning and one chick contestant really dug it, so why not? It's the 21st century. Women go to Ranger school and do all kinds of shit they didn't used to. Maybe that makes me less misogynistic than my wife says I am.

In general I think it's the forbidden part that makes bare knuckle attractive to people.

06-03-2018, 09:04 AM
The only thing better than this would be news of pregnant single moms bare knuckle boxing.

Now THAT is worth paying to watch!

Thank goodness for Democracy and Free Markets!

Why pay? Just head to your local Wal-mart and wait.

Totem Polar
06-03-2018, 10:12 AM
Why pay? Just head to your local Wal-mart and wait.

I’d pay the $30 to avoid wal-mart. Getting to see a ppv fight would be an ok bonus, I suppose.

Maple Syrup Actual
06-03-2018, 12:15 PM
PS: This seems like something misanthropist would support...;) :cool:

I'd take a crack at it, all right...on the rare occasions I get time to train in anything at all, I'm at a MMA place where people train without gloves, but punches to the head are not allowed. But I'm practically never there, so I'm not very good at it. Basically I volunteer to sustain bare-knuckled punches for an hour once in a while.

06-03-2018, 04:30 PM
Why pay? Just head to your local Wal-mart and wait.

Or trailer park on a pay day Friday.
Bonus points if the Park is within shopping cart "borrowing " distance of Wally World

06-03-2018, 04:33 PM
Or trailer park on a pay day Friday.
Bonus points if the Park is within shopping cart "borrowing " distance of Wally World

Down here they like to call it a buggy.

06-04-2018, 11:35 AM
Why pay? Just head to your local Wal-mart and wait.

Hell, you can even go a few rounds without paying an entry fee. The prize is that you'll be sparring with your new friends at the lockup, and if you do well enough you maintain your virginity.

06-04-2018, 12:24 PM
I'd be howling with pain if I had to strike someone with my knuckles these days. Hammer fists, open and edge of the palm strikes are all that I could tolerate if I have the opportunity to prepare. (Elbows and knees greatly preferred.)

That's one reason I've kept up with the knuckle push-ups and other hand conditioning even since retiring from karate. The few times I've really clocked someone with my fists my hands didn't take any damage. Once during a somewhat, well... vigorous black belt test, I was fighting, er I mean sparring with one of the guys being tested. We both threw at the same time and our fists met between us. His hand was broken and the middle bone was pushed up into his wrist. Afterward I felt bad when I found out the guy is/was a luthier. To his credit, he kept going one-handed until it was stopped. Different days then though.

Gun Mutt
06-04-2018, 02:02 PM
lu·thi·er ˈlo͞odēər/noun: a maker of stringed instruments such as violins or guitars. Love learning new words.

I think a lot of the worry about breaking your hand is because a lot of the McDojos don't teach their students where to punch people properly. I'll be 50 in a few months and I've trained in one system or another for most of my life. It wasn't until my late 20's when a former Golden Gloves boxer became one of my best friends that I learned to punch people in the jawline. Up until then, I just punched people (mostly sparring) in the face as hard as I could...kinda hurt my feelings that I never ko'd anyone with a punch, I just figured those boxers must somehow it harder even with gloves on than I did with bare knuckles.

The last time I was in a fight, I was 38 and working a bar in Montana. But fwiw, I've knocked 3 grown men unconscious outside the dojo, all of them initiating violence towards me, all of them one-punched along the jawline. The only time my hand was even sore was the last one and I caught a little bit too much of my pinkie knuckle on his jawbone.

I'm with Joe Rogan in that they should go back to bare knuckle in the UFC and get rid of all the wild haymakers that gloves allow for.

06-04-2018, 02:08 PM
I really want to see the return of dueling.

Washington state seems to have a mutual combat law iirc
