View Full Version : Citizen training for interaction with LE

05-31-2018, 04:08 PM

The Indianapolis Fraternal Order of Police is offering up suggestions to improve police-community relations..
FOP President Rick Snyder calls it the “Comply Now/Complain Later” campaign.

The recommendations include…

A public information campaign to educate citizens on police interactions.
Introducing legislation requiring the BMV to incorporate training and safe practices when intervening with law enforcement during traffic stops, vehicle crashes, and other encounters.
Calling upon educators to develop lesson plans on dealing with police when it comes to driver’s ed.
Work with clergy to educate the public on citizens rights and responsibilities during police interactions.

Has anyone tried a similar approach, and if so, what results did you see?

05-31-2018, 05:49 PM

Has anyone tried a similar approach, and if so, what results did you see?

The town I went to college at had a partnership with the university. The local PD there held an annual Citizens Academy which was both open to the public and counted as a Criminal Justice elective credit. The Citizens Academy curriculum had different sections which taught various functions of LE,and had students participate in mock traffic stops and other police processes.

From my perch the program yielded good results among the students. We had some from the college,two were spouses of officers who wanted to understand more of what their loved ones did for a living,and two ordinary citizens who signed up out of pure curiosity. It granted perspective to myself and other participants beyond what a documentary could ever impart,and I think an integrated program like that would be a benefit.

IMO, colleges should make it a requirement to pass a course like this if the student is majoring in Political Science,social work,or any government related academic field of study.

05-31-2018, 06:06 PM
I've done my Police-Citizen Contacts course as a community outreach program specifically to teach about use of force issues and stops. We regularly do classes for our citizenry.

05-31-2018, 07:09 PM
This is not a citizen's academy. This is a multi step information campaign incorporating different avenues of teaching citizens.

06-01-2018, 07:23 AM
While I’ve not yet attended one, JLW’s Police-Citizen Contacts is highly regarded here in GA.

Erick Gelhaus
06-02-2018, 12:36 AM
We haven't. Though that hasn't been for a lack of advocacy for it. I think we are finally getting close to doing TED Talk like videos that will eventually go that route.

Comply then Complain has had a number of champions in the L/E world over the past few years; just doesn't seem to have caught on as there are other, louder voices demanding different courses of action.

If one looks at CA law, and those of at least several other states, there is already statutory legal direction for people to comply in contacts with the police. That few, if any, outdide the profession know this is yet another indication of our failure to communicate effectively.

And ... JLW's class is a real good road map for how to do it.

06-02-2018, 03:07 AM
Don’t be an escalating d-bag and listen to what the officers are saying. Course complete.

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