View Full Version : TR/JFK 50 mile challenge

04-05-2018, 08:48 PM
So who here has ever rucked 50 miles straight?

I signed up for a new GoRuck event in May. It's a TR/JFK 50 mile challenge: ruck 50 miles in 20 hours or less. The premise is simple:

Ruck a minimum of 50 miles
20 hour limit (start at 9PM, end at 5PM)
Must ruck as a team of 2-5
Each person must carry a 20lb weight in addition to their gear
We choose our route based on predetermined way-points. Minimum distance is 50 miles, could be more though.
The team is required to take photos along the way to track achievements/pace

The history of the challenge is pretty interesting:

While I've done some rucking over the past few years I've never done anything quite like this. I've got some assumptions and questions for anyone who has done this kind of distance before:

-I'll be using my GR1 backpack for the trip. It'll contain my 20lb weight, a 2 or 3 liter bladder, some food(TBD - cliff bars?), salt pills, extra socks, hat, headlamp, rain shell(if weather dictates), etc.
-Our goal pace will be 3.5 MPH while on the move. That's an "easy" 14:15 total of moving, and we'll add in breaks along the way. We've discussed 10 minutes every 5 miles - does that sound reasonable? Total estimated time would be right around 16 hours with a 3.5MPH pace and prescribed 10min breaks every 5 miles.
-My training right now is focused on building distance/time without breaks and at a faster pace. This week has been 2 x 6 mile rucks at a 4.5 mph pace.
-How many miles would you want to do in a training ruck before attempting the full 50 at the event?
-My preferred shoes at the moment are Altra Lone Peaks and socks are Injinji synthetic/wool blend trail/hikers. I've used the combo on up to 12mi so far.
-I'll take extra pairs of socks and change them once or twice along the way.

There was some great info in the Run n Gun thread from SLG and others. Hoping for some similar wisdom here.

04-05-2018, 10:27 PM
When in May? I’ve been ruck training lately because I’m going into the Mil soon. Usual rule of thumb is increase either A: Speed or B: Distance no more than 10% a week to prevent injury. So next week would be 6.6 Miles, then 7.2, then 8.0, etc. With that said going from 6 Miles to 50 miles in 4-8 weeks is a *monstrous* jump. I’d want to do at least a 20-25 mile ruck in training about a week/week and a half prior to the actual event. How do you feel after the 6 mile rucks now? That’s a long time on your feet. They will probably swell and might blister. I hope your boots are broken in well.

04-06-2018, 08:24 AM
Event is May 19.

Longest ruck this year was 18mi back in Feb, so I'm not starting from scratch but all the recent ones have been shorter distance higher weight.

My goal is to hit 30-35 miles in training.

This week I did 2x 6 miles during the week(office is 6mi from home, so ruck to work, shower, ruck home). This weekend I'll do a 12mi. Plan going forward is to do 1 long ruck per weekend and 1 day of commuter rucking.

04-06-2018, 01:11 PM
Greg Ellifritz posted a link to to two articles about training for rucking that might be of interest.: ruck training programs (https://www.otpbooks.com/mike-prevost-ruck-training-programs/)

04-06-2018, 03:47 PM
Greg Ellifritz posted a link to to two articles about training for rucking that might be of interest.: ruck training programs (https://www.otpbooks.com/mike-prevost-ruck-training-programs/)

Wow! Those articles are great! Thanks for posting!

Very encouraging as it's similar to my current routine. 3 days of CrossFit and 2 days of MetCon per week. I'll skip the running and sub in rucking.

Definitely aggressive to build up to 50 miles, but fortunately I'm only carrying ~30 lbs.

Cookie Monster
04-06-2018, 09:42 PM
Back in the day!, I walked 50 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail in Oregon during my thru hike. I was a walking machine at the time after 4 months of walking from the California Desert.

It took 17 hours, packweight was around 20 or so. After the 50, I was still two days out from re-supply. I remember finishing at 10pm, rolling out my groundsheet, pad, and sleeping bag, taking 6 ibuprofen, and falling asleep sucking on a clif bar right on the trail.

Keep fueled and watered, rotate socks, have a pair drying on your pack, keep up the stretching and massage when you stop.

Unsure how I would prep when living a civilized life.