View Full Version : Roseanne Barr actually makes quite a bit of sense..

03-26-2018, 01:43 PM
I'm not a big fan of Roseanne, tbh, but this is definitely an interesting appearance with Jimmy Kimmel where she nails the drastic 'liberal' shift to the far left. I wonder whether the new show will be canceled due to wrongthink. Whodathunk that Roseanne, the liberal of the 90's, would now be approaching 'literally Hitler' status? Damn Faurxists...


jon volk
03-26-2018, 01:52 PM
Is a transcript available? I can't willingly subject myself to her voice. :rolleyes:

03-26-2018, 02:33 PM
hah! ...you can temporarily turn on the captions and mute the volume. :cool:

03-26-2018, 03:02 PM
She’s actually on our side.

03-26-2018, 05:57 PM
I'm not giving a mere single view click to Jimmy Kimmel's channel to benefit that beta male pushover fucking whiny bitch embarrassment of a human being, but it's good to know even obnoxious Roseanne isn't totally off the rocker.

Fuck Jimmy Kimmel with a rusty spoon.

03-26-2018, 06:14 PM
Fuck Jimmy Kimmel with a rusty spoon.

Because it's dull, you twit. It'll hurt more :D

03-26-2018, 06:44 PM
I'm not giving a mere single view click to Jimmy Kimmel's channel to benefit that beta male pushover fucking whiny bitch embarrassment of a human being, but it's good to know even obnoxious Roseanne isn't totally off the rocker.

Fuck Jimmy Kimmel with a rusty spoon.

Don't hold back, buddy, tell us what you really think.

03-26-2018, 06:49 PM
Rosanne is cool as shit and I look forward to watching the new series. My family watched the original show when I was a kid so the nostalgia is pretty strong with me. Not to mention my family, like so many others, related pretty well to the Conners which was a big part of the show's success.

03-26-2018, 07:39 PM
Is a transcript available? I can't willingly subject myself to her voice. :rolleyes:

Beer helps.

03-26-2018, 11:39 PM
Rosanne is cool as shit and I look forward to watching the new series. My family watched the original show when I was a kid so the nostalgia is pretty strong with me. Not to mention my family, like so many others, related pretty well to the Conners which was a big part of the show's success.

Yep. It was pretty accurate about life in the real world.

05-29-2018, 01:14 PM
Well, that didn’t take long.


Folks, this is why you don’t adopt far left bigots as one of your own just because they say some nice things about your guy. They are always more trouble than they’re worth.

05-29-2018, 01:39 PM
Well, that didn’t take long.


Folks, this is why you don’t adopt far left bigots as one of your own just because they say some nice things about your guy. They are always more trouble than they’re worth.

That was one expensive "tweet". How many jobs just went "poof"?

05-29-2018, 01:45 PM
That was one expensive "tweet". How many jobs just went "poof"?

Hitching your employment onto the likes of Rosanne Barr is like taking up poker as a profession.

05-29-2018, 01:49 PM
can't argue with Sensei on this one. she dun fucked up.

05-29-2018, 02:05 PM
The only thing I see is your job depends on what side of the shit show you are on. Hollyweird sure as hell loves its liberals. I have seen some savage shit from them morons and no one got fired.

Dumbass tweet, I agree. To make that clear.

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05-29-2018, 02:24 PM
When did we adopt Roseanne? I must've missed that memo.

I think the last thing I saw her in was a ballpark...doing her best to ruin the anthem. She's become somehow relevant since then?

Maybe Trump can make her an ambassador or something. Seems appropriate.


05-29-2018, 02:37 PM
Yet no matter what obscenities come from Alec Baldwin, he continues to get great gigs. It angers me that he's now part of the Mission Impossible franchise. :mad:

05-29-2018, 02:40 PM
Barr reads a lot like Charlie Sheen did as he was destroying his TV series and career - drugs in his case. Barr was always crazy and she got no less so for being nice to Trump.

05-29-2018, 02:44 PM
When did we adopt Roseanne? I must've missed that memo.

I think the last thing I saw her in was a ballpark...doing her best to ruin the anthem. She's become somehow relevant since then?

Maybe Trump can make her an ambassador or something. Seems appropriate.


We, meaning conservatives, did not adopt her. Select members of the MAGA Nation did because her show supposedly spoke to the “average” Trump voter. Now, her comments are already being used to paint with a very broad brush that all Republicans are racists.

05-29-2018, 02:46 PM
Meh. Roseanne gonna Roseanne. This is the same woman who thought it would be funny to grab her crotch and spit when singing the National Anthem.

I watched the first three episodes. I found it pretty dull and overdone. They tried to cram in too many social issues and politics. They had everything but an opiod overdose. The plot and immersion sucked as a result and I gave up on it. That said, I wasn't a huge fan of the first Roseanne show, so I'm probably not the target market.

05-29-2018, 02:52 PM
We, meaning conservatives, did not adopt her. Select members of the MAGA Nation did because her show supposedly spoke to the “average” Trump voter. Now, her comments are already being used to paint with a very broad brush that all Republicans are racists.

Thanks for clarifying. Now if we could only get Trump back on The Apprentice and find a reasonable adult who understands and believes in the Constitution to move into the White House...

...a guy can dream, can't he?

05-29-2018, 02:58 PM
That was one expensive "tweet". How many jobs just went "poof"?

What Rosanne said was unacceptable but how many people does The American Bolshevik Channel want to put out of a job because of it?

05-29-2018, 03:19 PM
We, meaning conservatives, did not adopt her. Select members of the MAGA Nation did because her show supposedly spoke to the “average” Trump voter. Now, her comments are already being used to paint with a very broad brush that all Republicans are racists.

Does anyone who isn't on the left give a tenth of a shit about that brush anymore? Usually when I hear someone being referred to as one of the following: "racist, bigot, homophobic, islamophobic, misogynist, cultural appropriator, etc" I assume, 99% correctly, that the one upon which such label is cast has said something quite sensible and/or factual and a snowflake has triggered him/herself over it.

These labels are utterly meaningless at this point. They're like the spit wads of leftists -- fired in every possible direction hoping one will stick somewhere shutting down Narrative Dissenters.

I couldn't watch any of the shows. Roseanne is too much like nails on a chalkboard. The fallout from the cancellation may be interesting, though.

05-29-2018, 03:21 PM
What Rosanne said was unacceptable but how many people does The American Bolshevik Channel want to put out of a job because of it?

It probably would have cost more jobs to keep her.

NH Shooter
05-29-2018, 03:32 PM
Well, that was quite the spectacular implosion.

I suspect if she had said something equally as bad about someone in the Trump admin, she would be hailed a heroine by the Hollywood elite and the show would go on.

05-29-2018, 03:40 PM
We, meaning conservatives, did not adopt her. Select members of the MAGA Nation did because her show supposedly spoke to the “average” Trump voter. Now, her comments are already being used to paint with a very broad brush that all Republicans are racists.
The left has been calling all Republicans racists since February 10, 2007.
Fuck them.

05-29-2018, 03:44 PM
Does anyone who isn't on the left give a tenth of a shit about that brush anymore? Usually when I hear someone being referred to as one of the following: "racist, bigot, homophobic, islamophobic, misogynist, cultural appropriator, etc" I assume, 99% correctly, that the one upon which such label is cast has said something quite sensible and/or factual and a snowflake has triggered him/herself over it.
Water off a ducks back these days.
Anytime I hear the left screeching out "you're a ___'ist!" I think to myself, gee I wonder what truth that guy just said out loud.

05-29-2018, 03:50 PM
Dog (the Bounty hunter) (http://www.dogthebountyhunter.com/) once said something (alleged to be) racist, and so he lost his TV show (apparently), but that wasn't the end of that, was it. So...

Maybe we haven't seen the last of Roseanne Barr either.

NH Shooter
05-29-2018, 05:36 PM
Maybe we haven't seen the last of Roseanne Barr either.

Maybe she'll follow Tim Allen to Fox...

(FWIW, I enjoy Tim Allen)

Bart Carter
05-29-2018, 06:31 PM
I really thought that Roseanne was smarter than that. She really screwed the pooch.

Tim Allen's show was one of my favorites. I wish there were more family shows that reflect the American values that I was brought up with.

05-29-2018, 06:34 PM
Maybe she'll follow Tim Allen to Fox...

(FWIW, I enjoy Tim Allen)

Roseanne doesn't have half the sense of Tim.
Or the common decency.
Gonna take way more to resurrect Roseanne.

05-29-2018, 07:04 PM
Does anyone who isn't on the left give a tenth of a shit about that brush anymore? Usually when I hear someone being referred to as one of the following: "racist, bigot, homophobic, islamophobic, misogynist, cultural appropriator, etc" I assume, 99% correctly, that the one upon which such label is cast has said something quite sensible and/or factual and a snowflake has triggered him/herself over it.

These labels are utterly meaningless at this point. They're like the spit wads of leftists -- fired in every possible direction hoping one will stick somewhere shutting down Narrative Dissenters.

I couldn't watch any of the shows. Roseanne is too much like nails on a chalkboard. The fallout from the cancellation may be interesting, though.

I suppose that I care to the extent that image and style shape the body politic more than capability. That, and the fact that the media keeps referring to Barr as “conservative” or implying that she speaks for conservatives since Trump took the time to compliment her on the show.

05-29-2018, 07:23 PM
I suppose that I care to the extent that image and style shape the body politic more than capability. That, and the fact that the media keeps referring to Barr as “conservative” or implying that she speaks for conservatives since Trump took the time to compliment her on the show.
Stop worrying about what the media says about conservatives and just sit back and enjoy the fact that they are red pilling a shit load of middle of the road people with their bullshit.
Everybody knows that people like Roseanne Barr and Kanye West are moderate left at a minimum and would have been considered hard left just a few years ago yet the media is savaging them for daring to have an opinion that's not lockstep retarded left.
You don't win people over to your side by beating them with a stick for daring to have a different opinion.
This reeks of desperation by the left and their mouthpieces.

05-29-2018, 07:39 PM
Tim Allen's show was one of my favorites. I wish there were more family shows that reflect the American values that I was brought up with.

Tim's show was smart, funny, and show first/politics as a side bar. It was kind of the anti-Roseanne. I've always liked Tim Allen, and I would suspect he's got more friends and people pulling for him than Roseanne does. People like to watch a dumpster fire, they don't like to jump in.

05-29-2018, 07:41 PM
Stop worrying about what the media says about conservatives and just sit back and enjoy the fact that they are red pilling a shit load of middle of the road people with their bullshit.
Everybody knows that people like Roseanne Barr and Kanye West are moderate left at a minimum and would have been considered hard left just a few years ago yet the media is savaging them for daring to have an opinion that's not lockstep retarded left.
You don't win people over to your side by beating them with a stick for daring to have a different opinion.
This reeks of desperation by the left and their mouthpieces.

I wouldn’t say that I worry. I barely care. I semi-care. I quasi-care. I’m the margarine of care. I’m the Diet Coke of care - just one calorie...not care enough. ;)

05-29-2018, 07:55 PM
At one of the derpier forums I lurk on a particularly derpy poster blamed her firing on "the deep state". :D


Jay Cunningham
05-29-2018, 08:15 PM
Stop watching television.

Stay off of Twitter.

05-29-2018, 08:23 PM
Stop watching television.

Stay off of Twitter.

Don't follow leaders.

Watch the parking meters.

05-29-2018, 08:30 PM
Stop watching television.

Stay off of Twitter.You're on to something here.

I knew who Roaseanne was but I had to Google the chick she was talking smack about. Google images kept showing pics of a white women and through further research I found out she wasn't so white after all.

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05-29-2018, 09:22 PM
That wretched cooze should have stayed gone the first time.

05-29-2018, 09:30 PM
Ok, I'll play tin foil supplier: Was/is she a false flag op?
I mean... she goes from being a "leftie" to a "rightie" by supporting Trump, then comes out with the most outlandish bullshit possible*, then the left has another "demon" to cast on to the "right." Only problem is, it's a shit setup really.
Or was it a ploy to push the left even more left, like lemmings over a cliff?

* to be frank, I didn't find her tweet to be offensive; but then I'm not thin skinned and have a very dark sense of humor, bordering on vantablack.

05-29-2018, 09:42 PM
I think she's just Roseanne and used to flapping her mouth.

05-29-2018, 10:16 PM
Yet Alec Baldwin is still working for NBC

"If we were in another country ... we would stone Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families, for what they're doing to this country."

- Alec Baldwin. December 11, 1998. Late Night With Conan O'Brien

And I'd be willing to bet that his NPR Tote Bag Privileges were never revoked.

PS - segment starts at about 25:45 in the video below


05-29-2018, 10:45 PM
* to be frank, I didn't find her tweet to be offensive; but then I'm not thin skinned and have a very dark sense of humor, bordering on vantablack.

I’m also guessing you aren’t black. Her tweet was wildly offensive.

05-29-2018, 11:08 PM
I’m also guessing you aren’t black. Her tweet was wildly offensive.

Wildly offensive? Stupid maybe - nothing more nor less. Look... If someone chooses to be offended then that's on them. Yes, we can choose what offends us or we can to choose to rise above the divisive bullshit of modern identity programming. Thicker skin of every damn color is what this country needs more than just about anything else. When did we become a nation of screwed up pansies?

05-29-2018, 11:22 PM
Wildly offensive? Stupid maybe - nothing more nor less. Look... If someone chooses to be offended then that's on them. Yes, we can choose what offends us or we can to choose to rise above the divisive bullshit of modern identity programming. Thicker skin of every damn color is what this country needs more than just about anything else. When did we become a nation of screwed up pansies?

Not sure how being offended at a racist tweet is being a pansy? It was racist you can't even begin to try to say it wasn't.

05-29-2018, 11:32 PM
Not sure how being offended at a racist tweet is being a pansy? It was racist you can't even begin to try to say it wasn't.

Ok.. let's see... some idiocy posted on twitter affects anyone's real life how exactly?

05-29-2018, 11:37 PM
Ok.. let's see... some idiocy posted on twitter affects anyone's real life how exactly?

Her tweet doesn't affect me one fucking bit, it's still racist and offensive. If it doesn't bother you great, move along.

05-29-2018, 11:43 PM
Her tweet doesn't affect me one fucking bit, it's still racist and offensive. If it doesn't bother you great, move along.

So what? A woman said it... you trying to mansplain what is appropriate behavior for a woman? damn.. how misogynistically sexist and offensive. :cool:

05-29-2018, 11:44 PM
So what? A woman said it... you trying to mansplain what is appropriate behavior for a woman? damn.. how misogynistically sexist and offensive. :cool:

Great point... :rolleyes:

05-29-2018, 11:44 PM
I wonder how many black people knew about this lady before the tweet. I sure didn't. When I found out who she was I thought it was a white woman I was looking at. It took 5 minutes of googlefu for this black man to realize I was looking at a white woman. The hair damn sure didn't give it away.

Thinking that my negro spidey senses were off, I showed my wife the same pic I saw and asked her if she was black. The wife looked at it and said she was Mexican.

So if two black people had to take time and figure out what this ladies race actually was it's pretty hard to get offended by it. It wasn't a smart tweet on Roseanne's part, but damn, I can find worse things in the world to be worried about.

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05-29-2018, 11:48 PM
Great point... :rolleyes:

Hah! I thought so!

05-30-2018, 05:24 AM
I mean... she goes from being a "leftie" to a "rightie" by supporting Trump,

So did Trump.

05-30-2018, 05:29 AM
I wonder how many black people knew about this lady before the tweet.
You mean Valarie Jarret? Whom many accused of being Obama's handler/puppet master?

Or, no... you said "lady"...

05-30-2018, 05:34 AM
I wonder how many black people knew about this lady before the tweet. I sure didn't. When I found out who she was I thought it was a white woman I was looking at. It took 5 minutes of googlefu for this black man to realize I was looking at a white woman. The hair damn sure didn't give it away.

Thinking that my negro spidey senses were off, I showed my wife the same pic I saw and asked her if she was black. The wife looked at it and said she was Mexican.

So if two black people had to take time and figure out what this ladies race actually was it's pretty hard to get offended by it. It wasn't a smart tweet on Roseanne's part, but damn, I can find worse things in the world to be worried about.

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

So you saw a picture of this woman, with the name roseanne barr, and couldn’t figure out she’s white? Bruh, I’d get my eyes checked out before worrying about any negro spider sense.

Even if she were Mexican like you’re wife thought, or even if she were black, it doesn’t change the fact it’s still offensive. Since you’re black, I don’t need to go on about the long history of comparing black people with primates, and how that lessens someone’s humanity, and what happens when one group of people think another group of people, aren’t really people.

05-30-2018, 05:39 AM
So you saw a picture of this woman, with the name roseanne barr, and couldn’t figure out she’s white? Bruh, I’d get my eyes checked out before worrying about any negro spider sense.

Even if she were Mexican like you’re wife thought, or even if she were black, it doesn’t change the fact it’s still offensive. Since you’re black, I don’t need to go on about the long history of comparing black people with primates, and how that lessens someone’s humanity, and what happens when one group of people think another group of people, aren’t really people.

Yes, but maybe she “identifies” as being black. I mean, that’s where we are now, right?

NH Shooter
05-30-2018, 05:46 AM
So you saw a picture of this woman...

I think he's referring to Jarret, not Barr.

05-30-2018, 05:46 AM
I’m also guessing you aren’t black. Her tweet was wildly offensive.

I found it offensive and disappointing. My wife and I were greatly enjoying her show, it was actually politically inclusive, poking fun at liberals and conservatives.

05-30-2018, 06:04 AM
Sigh...Roseanne gonna Roseanne.

I liked the show.

Ironically I didn't find her tweet offensive; but her episode 'Go Cubs' I thought had some intense prejudice and borderline racist scenes dealing with her new Arab neighbors. I was shocked ABC let that fly.

Seems a bit hypocritical given the current circumstances.

05-30-2018, 06:19 AM
So did Trump.

Bro... I already have my Yuge role of 'foil for him. :D

05-30-2018, 06:22 AM
I’m also guessing you aren’t black. Her tweet was wildly offensive.


05-30-2018, 06:27 AM
I really thought that Roseanne was smarter than that.

I don't know where you got that idea.

05-30-2018, 06:43 AM
Dog bites owner get's sent to the pound.
Dog gets adopted by a new owner who knows the dogs history.
Dog bites new owner.
And people (including the new owner) are shocked and outraged?

05-30-2018, 07:19 AM
Yes, but maybe she “identifies” as being black. I mean, that’s where we are now, right?

Ask Rachel Dolezal how that worked out, lol.

05-30-2018, 07:21 AM
I think he's referring to Jarret, not Barr.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Not gonna lie, I glanced at the TV, saw Jarrett, and initially thought she was Elaine Chao.

05-30-2018, 07:55 AM
I'm glad she said it. The sound of her voice made me want to do a desk pop with my 12 ga.

05-30-2018, 08:23 AM
So you saw a picture of this woman, with the name roseanne barr, and couldn’t figure out she’s white? Bruh, I’d get my eyes checked out before worrying about any negro spider sense.

Even if she were Mexican like you’re wife thought, or even if she were black, it doesn’t change the fact it’s still offensive. Since you’re black, I don’t need to go on about the long history of comparing black people with primates, and how that lessens someone’s humanity, and what happens when one group of people think another group of people, aren’t really people.I was referring to Jarrett.

I guess the Roseanne comment could be considered offensive to some blacks but I could care less. At least she put it out there and made it known what her thoughts really were. At that point I know what I'm dealing with. Wish more people voiced their true opinions instead of feeling the need to be PC to appease a segment of the population.

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05-30-2018, 08:41 AM
Now she's saying she wrote the tweet after taking an Ambien, which makes the situation... better?

Hulu is pulling the original show off the service, and TV networks are cancelling reruns of the original, too. If people want to flay her for saying something moronic, go fo it, but wiping the original series out of existence seems a bit of an over reaction.

05-30-2018, 08:42 AM


Maybe you'd get it if you weren't out shagging little boys every night. I don't know why you just don't move to the middle east so you can have a proper little Chai-boy for manlove Thursday like all your little terrorist friends.

Note: You or anyone reading this may have thick enough skin to not be bothered by those assertions. You might even choose to not be bothered by it, whether from a well developed emotional maturity or because you're just super tired and stressed out with other things in life (a "hurtz donut" if you will).

However, that doesn't change that fact that what I wrote in italics is still offensive, regardless of how it actually impacts you at this specific point in time.

In the case of Roseanne, likening black people to primates is generally considered an offensive racial slur. I'm okay with her losing her job over this, I just feel bad for all the employees who are getting fucked by her stupidity.

05-30-2018, 08:59 AM
So Roseanne says what she said on Twitter and *poof* loses her job. Because "racist" and people's feelers got hurt. Anybody know if she sent that tweet while actually at work?

'Cause I mean, not for nothin', but that professor from Fresno State University made some hateful, nasty comments about Barbara Bush and somehow that heinous pig still has a job. Fresno U is saying it's because "free speech" and "she wasn't at work". Just seems like there are two sets of rules in this country, depending on who you are or who you vote for.

05-30-2018, 09:01 AM
In the case of Roseanne, likening black people to primates is generally considered an offensive racial slur.

On another forum I frequent, the question as to why this is so offensive was asked. For those who aren't clear on the background of this particular slur, I'll repost my response here:

Well, the roots go a bit older. The mid 1800s or so had textbooks describing blacks as closer to monkeys than whites were, savage sub-humans who resisted "civilization". "Types of Mankind", an anthropology book from 1854, begins the chapter on "African types" with:

...it is here that we find the lowest and most beastly specimans of mankind: viz., the Hottentot and the Bushman. The latter, in particular, are but little removed, both in moral and physical characters, from the orang-outan. They are not black, but of a yellowish-brown (tallow-colored, as the French term them), with wooly heads, diminutive statures, small ill-shapen crania, very projecting mouths, prognathous faces, and badly formed bodies ; in short, they are described by travellers as bearing a strong resemblance to a monkey tribe...

I remember hearing the same in the 1980s as a child, I overheard adults talking about "affirmative action" hires and one of the men said "we cut their tails off and taught them how to talk, what else do they want from us?" Then you had people throwing bananas at black athletes in Europe around the same time frame, so it was at least still a common racial remark then.

Historically, it's been a way to both dehumanize "African types" (largely, one suspects, to justify the slave trade) and to show they are lesser evolved than "Caucasians".

The book is free to read here: https://archive.org/stream/typesmank...e/n22/mode/2up if you're interested.

05-30-2018, 09:09 AM
Don't follow leaders.

Watch the parking meters.
Out of this whole thread, this made me laugh and think:


Working 12's, 6 days a week right now, I am certainly not up on current news (loosely used term). Part of me wonders if this was intentional (wanted either a one term show, or wanted to be able to negotiate more money if successful, elsewhere) and if any of the other actors have golden parachutes in their contracts.

05-30-2018, 09:37 AM
I'm seriously surprised (and somewhat disappointed) that some folks need this shit explained to them.

05-30-2018, 11:52 AM

Maybe you'd get it if you weren't out shagging little boys every night. I don't know why you just don't move to the middle east so you can have a proper little Chai-boy for manlove Thursday like all your little terrorist friends.

Note: You or anyone reading this may have thick enough skin to not be bothered by those assertions. You might even choose to not be bothered by it, whether from a well developed emotional maturity or because you're just super tired and stressed out with other things in life (a "hurtz donut" if you will).

However, that doesn't change that fact that what I wrote in italics is still offensive, regardless of how it actually impacts you at this specific point in time.

In the case of Roseanne, likening black people to primates is generally considered an offensive racial slur. I'm okay with her losing her job over this, I just feel bad for all the employees who are getting fucked by her stupidity.

If your contention is that the use of the word "ape" in her tweet implies black people, might I contend that she recently saw the 2001 version of Planet of the Apes?

Bart Carter
05-30-2018, 12:00 PM
Again, actions have consequences. In this case, not only for the individual, but for hundreds of others. Maybe thousands with overreactions like cancelling reruns. Where is the outrage of companies trashing the lives of thousands because of the racist rant of one actor? There were no other options?

05-30-2018, 12:02 PM
If your contention is that the use of the word "ape" in her tweet implies black people, might I contend that she recently saw the 2001 version of Planet of the Apes?

Uhhhhhhh......I think that's a reach.

Sure. Whatever floats your boat. It's still a statement with obviously racist connotations going back a few hundred years regardless if she's just stupid and didn't think about what she said.

"George Takei is what happens when you merge a fairy and a zipper."

I don't know. Maybe I just saw Peter Pan and watched a YKK zipper commercial. It's still structured of things that are self-evidently racist or otherwise offensive concepts, in which case my show should be cancelled regardless of my intent because I'm obviously a fucking twit that is a liability to my employer.

05-30-2018, 12:05 PM
If your contention is that the use of the word "ape" in her tweet implies black people, might I contend that she recently saw the 2001 version of Planet of the Apes?

It's not really about whether the person's appearance has a likeness to characters portrayed in the film. It's about typecasting and using poor judgment in the circumstances. I'm sure there were myriad other ways to be critical of the individual's performance on the job and character without referring to her physical appearance.

If she was referring to a Jew or Italian should she have referenced the stereotypical big nose? An Asian's "slanty" eyes? Where do we draw the line?

I suppose Valerie Jarrett should have just written it off as "what should one expect from an uncouth fat slob?".

05-30-2018, 12:12 PM
Again, actions have consequences. In this case, not only for the individual, but for hundreds of others. Maybe thousands with overreactions like cancelling reruns. Where is the outrage of companies trashing the lives of thousands because of the racist rant of one actor? There were no other options?

Trashing the lives of thousands? That's a bit dramatic, isn't it? Other than the not-in-demand actors, the others will move on to other jobs. Some other show will take it's place, and they'll need cameramen and stage hands and whatever personnel goes into making a show.

I've not seen the concern for "trashing the lives of thousands" when companies that are labeled anti-2nd amendment are boycotted. Should we consider the economic impact of those boycotts as well and see if there's no other option?

Bart Carter
05-30-2018, 12:13 PM
...I suppose Valerie Jarrett should have just written it off as "what should one expect from an uncouth fat slob?".

Instead, she insinuated that these things are caused by Trump. Are all politicians scum? I see people that I once had respect for do politically motivated things that cause me to lose that respect. I believe that virtually everyone that can still reason logically and not emotionally now votes for the least bad choice.

05-30-2018, 12:21 PM
Instead, she insinuated that these things are caused by Trump. Are all politicians scum? I see people that I once had respect for do politically motivated things that cause me to lose that respect. I believe that virtually everyone that can still reason logically and not emotionally now votes for the least bad choice.

Well, I'm the wrong person to ask if all politicians are scum.

I found it particularly offensive for Trump to go after Ted Cruz' wife's looks...and link Cruz' father to the assassination of JFK.

I also found it particularly odious for Cruz, who swore up and down that he'd never endorse or forgive Trump, to turn around and kiss his ass shortly thereafter.

So, yeah, I do take a pretty dim view of most politicians. But not knowing all of them, I'll have to say most.

Bart Carter
05-30-2018, 12:25 PM
Trashing the lives of thousands? That's a bit dramatic, isn't it?

Yes, I was being a bit dramatic. Maybe trashing the lives of a few and "maybe" affecting the lives thousands may be more accurate.

...I've not seen the concern for "trashing the lives of thousands" when companies that are labeled anti-2nd amendment are boycotted. Should we consider the economic impact of those boycotts as well and see if there's no other option?

I actually see concerns about this all the time. There is quite a list of these companies and my wife and I personally do not intentionally do business with any of them. The question is how do we stop this? Too many people making emotional, not logical, decisions based on political propaganda.

05-30-2018, 12:43 PM
She now claims it was the Ambien talking:

05-30-2018, 02:21 PM
Twitter, and all social media for that matter, has become the equivalent of natural selection for celebrities. Anyone who pursues an entertainment carrier is for all intents an purposes gambling with their livelihood and hoping to hit the lottery. The Rosanne reboot's demise is tragic in that it is like a bunch of actors, crew, etc. pooled their resources and actually hit the lottery but the one holding the golden ticket used it to wipe her ass and flushed it all down the toilet.

05-30-2018, 02:22 PM
Twitter, and all social media for that matter, has become the equivalent of natural selection for celebrities.

Being edgy gets publicity. But being edgy also means you're close to the edge, and when you fall...


Maybe she can get a job on the Dixie Chicks Comeback Tour.

05-30-2018, 02:28 PM
Being edgy gets publicity. But being edgy also means you're close to the edge, and when you fall...


Maybe she can get a job on the Dixie Chicks Comeback Tour.

I was going to make a Paula Deen reference, but honestly have no idea what became of her.

05-30-2018, 02:30 PM
I was going to make a Paula Deen reference, but honestly have no idea what became of her.

That was a statement in a legal depo, wasn't it? I don't know i'd count that exactly the same...but yeah, no idea what happened to her. I like the Gordon Ramsey show where the 8-12 year old kids cook, but that's about it for cooking shows/celebrity chefs for me.

05-30-2018, 02:46 PM
That was a statement in a legal depo, wasn't it?

IIRC, someone sued Paula Deen, who at some point admitted to using "the N-word" and while the case itself got dismissed, no amount of butter could undue the butt-hurt of all the negative publicity. While the circumstances were different, had Rosanne learned from Paula's example that comments perceived to be, much less ones that actually are racist in a politically correct culture, meaning the entertainment industry, may be toxic to one's career, she would still have a show I don't watch.

05-30-2018, 02:55 PM
I was referring to Jarrett.

I guess the Roseanne comment could be considered offensive to some blacks but I could care less. At least she put it out there and made it known what her thoughts really were. At that point I know what I'm dealing with. Wish more people voiced their true opinions instead of feeling the need to be PC to appease a segment of the population.

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk


05-30-2018, 03:27 PM
In the case of Roseanne, likening black people to primates is generally considered an offensive racial slur. I'm okay with her losing her job over this, I just feel bad for all the employees who are getting fucked by her stupidity.

Primates are first order mammals. Black people ARE primates.. as well as apes... so are you.. so am I.. so is everyone else including Roseanne. We live on the Planet of the Apes. That's the utter absurdity of her comment. I'm neither stating nor inferring that Roseanne was or wasn't intending to inflame. As long as there are buttons to push on an issue there will be those who get off on pushing those buttons for whatever reasons, and as long as we continue to play their game they have a certain manipulative power over us. Fuck that.

05-30-2018, 04:22 PM
Primates are first order mammals. Black people ARE primates.. as well as apes... so are you.. so am I.. so is everyone else including Roseanne. We live on the Planet of the Apes. That's the utter absurdity of her comment. I'm neither stating nor inferring that Roseanne was or wasn't intending to inflame. As long as there are buttons to push on an issue there will be those who get off on pushing those buttons for whatever reasons, and as long as we continue to play their game they have a certain manipulative power over us. Fuck that.

Oh Christ Almighty.

Dude, equating black people with monkeys is literally tantamount to calling someone a nigger, moon cricket, etc.

I have NO fucking clue why this is so hard for some of you guys to grasp, and why so many of you are defending her. Nobody is playing any games, manipulating anyone, etc. It's a legitimate complaint for anyone in our society to have a problem with what she said. You SHOULD have a problem with what she said. Even lots of white conservatives have a problem with what she said.

05-30-2018, 04:24 PM
Oh Christ Almighty.

Dude, equating black people with monkeys is literally tantamount to calling someone a nigger, moon cricket, etc.

I have NO fucking clue why this is so hard for some of you guys to grasp, and why so many of you are defending her. Nobody is playing any games, manipulating anyone, etc. It's a legitimate complaint for anyone in our society to have a problem with what she said. You SHOULD have a problem with what she said. Even lots of white conservatives have a problem with what she said.

Never mind...

05-30-2018, 04:32 PM
You SHOULD have a problem with what she said. Even lots of white conservatives have a problem with what she said.

I agree with you, and although I'm far from what would be considered a white conservative, (as I interpret and envision such a being to be), it's kind of sad that one would have to say that "even lots of them" would agree with something that appears fairly self evident.

Wonder what Tucker Carlson and Hannity have to say. (But not enough to watch their shows.)

Deliberate ignorance is not an acceptable defense in court...and it really doesn't fly too well here either.

05-30-2018, 04:41 PM
If your contention is that the use of the word "ape" in her tweet implies black people, might I contend that she recently saw the 2001 version of Planet of the Apes?


Bart Carter
05-30-2018, 04:48 PM
...Even lots of white conservatives have a problem with what she said.

FWIW, I know of no one that I would call a white conservative that wouldn't condemn what was said. But it appears that you pretty much consider white conservatives being racist. That is just wrong in so many ways.

05-30-2018, 04:57 PM
FWIW, I know of no one that I would call a white conservative that wouldn't condemn what was said. But it appears that you pretty much consider white conservatives being racist. That is just wrong in so many ways.

I see what you're saying, but I think we are on two different pages.

The point I was making, as opposed to white conservatives being racist (I'm a white conservative), being that white conservatives are used to being bombarded with ludicrous accusations of racism....a recent example being that we are accused of being racist because we didn't find anything wrong with Philly police officers escorting two black males from a Starbucks after being issued a trespassing notice and refusing to leave. Obviously not a race issue, but we are accused that that's why the cops did it/why we supported the cops.

Even on PF.com recently, we were discussing a totally non-racial issue and a member came out high and right claiming that we were just yearning for the old days when white men were in the front of line for everything. Or some other nonsense.

So, the point being that white conservatives tend to be touchy about accusations of racism because we practically can't sneeze without being called a racist. And, to that end, my point is that even white conservatives tend to find Roseanne's comments to be highly offensive which serves as a pretty good meter that she was way out of line.

I hope that explains it better.

You racist. ;)

05-30-2018, 05:03 PM
I agree with you, and although I'm far from what would be considered a white conservative, (as I interpret and envision such a being to be), it's kind of sad that one would have to say that "even lots of them" would agree with something that appears fairly self evident.

Wonder what Tucker Carlson and Hannity have to say. (But not enough to watch their shows.)

Deliberate ignorance is not an acceptable defense in court...and it really doesn't fly too well here either.

Knee jerk internet outrage (mostly faux, most of the time) and streams of virtue signaling provides what actual benefit? Perhaps as a conversation starter for rational people.

Quite shockingly, yet another celebrity posted an idiotic comment on twitter. Whoda thunkit? She got what she got as a direct result. Unfortunately, so did others connected to her show <--- those are the people actually experiencing an effect from her behavior. The rest is little more than static on the airwaves.

05-30-2018, 05:13 PM
Did anybody hit the range today or do some dryfire practice? Just curious since, you know, "teachers and students of the pistol" and everything... :)

Not saying anybody needs to stop. Just saying that the whole thing with Roseanne started with her making comments on the internet that she later, ostensibly, regretted. Carry on. :cool:

I see what you did there. ;)

05-30-2018, 05:14 PM
Primates are first order mammals. Black people ARE primates.. as well as apes... so are you.. so am I.. so is everyone else including Roseanne. We live on the Planet of the Apes. That's the utter absurdity of her comment. I'm neither stating nor inferring that Roseanne was or wasn't intending to inflame. As long as there are buttons to push on an issue there will be those who get off on pushing those buttons for whatever reasons, and as long as we continue to play their game they have a certain manipulative power over us. Fuck that.

Are you really going to go with that argument?

05-30-2018, 05:17 PM
Did anybody hit the range today or do some dryfire practice? Just curious since, you know, "teachers and students of the pistol" and everything... :)

Not saying anybody needs to stop. Just saying that the whole thing with Roseanne started with her making comments on the internet that she later, ostensibly, regretted. Carry on. :cool:

40 minutes dry fire practice muahahah!

05-30-2018, 05:28 PM
I see what you're saying, but I think we are on two different pages.

So, the point being that white conservatives tend to be touchy about accusations of racism because we practically can't sneeze without being called a racist.

This is exactly why I mostly refuse to either use or respond to the litany of doctrinal spit wad terms. They've been hijacked to mean:

XYZist "person disagreeing with the leftist agenda or narrative."
XYZism "disagreement with the leftist agenda or narrative."

05-30-2018, 05:30 PM
Did anybody hit the range today or do some dryfire practice? Just curious since, you know, "teachers and students of the pistol" and everything... :)

Not saying anybody needs to stop. Just saying that the whole thing with Roseanne started with her making comments on the internet that she later, ostensibly, regretted. Carry on. :cool:

Yes, I just returned from the range so I have moral currency here. :)

Historically, celebrities have largely existed in bubbles and ivory towers, surrounded by yes men who gave them the impression their opinions actually have merit. Prior to the interwebz they were largely controlled by their handlers and PR teams regarding their public persona. What you saw typically wasn't what you got when face to face. Historically, they're also some of the least informed individuals in our society. In the past, their teams were mostly successful in managing the garbage opinions that came out of their sewer mouths. Now, with the advent of platforms like Twitter that's all up for grabs.

Many years ago when I was a young actor, I met Roseanne Barr. This was before her show, when she was first gaining notice as a stand up comedian. I decided then and there that I wouldn't walk across the street and piss on her if she was on fire. I haven't seen anything since to make me change my opinion, regardless of politics.

05-30-2018, 05:32 PM

05-30-2018, 05:35 PM
Yes, I just returned from the range so I have moral currency here. :)

Historically, celebrities have largely existed in bubbles and ivory towers, surrounded by yes men who gave them the impression their opinions actually have merit. Prior to the interwebz they were largely controlled by their handlers and PR teams regarding their public persona. What you saw typically wasn't what you got when face to face. Historically, they're also some of the least informed individuals in our society. In the past, their teams were mostly successful in managing the garbage opinions that came out of their sewer mouths. Now, with the advent of platforms like Twitter that's all up for grabs.

Many years ago when I was a young actor, I met Roseanne Barr. This was before her show, when she was first gaining notice as a stand up comedian. I decided then and there that I wouldn't walk across the street and piss on her if she was on fire. I haven't seen anything since to make me change my opinion, regardless of politics.

LARPing with medieval swords isn't acting.

***Ducks, runs for cover***

05-30-2018, 05:36 PM
Are you really going to go with that argument?

Where's the argument? There are simple statements. Summarized:

Humans are primates.
I don't know Roseanne's motive so neither stating nor inferring anything about it.
Humans will manipulate where they can. Fuck that.

I don't see the ambiguity, but it must be there.

05-30-2018, 05:37 PM
LARPing with medieval swords isn't acting.

***Ducks, runs for cover***

I never LARPed in my life mother f***er! :)

05-30-2018, 05:39 PM
Did anybody hit the range or do some dryfire practice? Just curious since, you know, "teachers and students of the pistol" and everything... :)


Excellent idea, thank you. Just shot 100 rds thru the 22.


05-30-2018, 05:41 PM
Knee jerk internet outrage (mostly faux, most of the time) and streams of virtue signaling provides what actual benefit? Perhaps as a conversation starter for rational people.

Quite shockingly, yet another celebrity posted an idiotic comment on twitter. Whoda thunkit? She got what she got as a direct result. Unfortunately, so did others connected to her show <--- those are the people actually experiencing an effect from her behavior. The rest is little more than static on the airwaves.

Tom_Jones I did do dry fire practice today. (Hard to believe anything can be dry around here the past couple of weeks. Serious cabin fever has set in.)

critter, it's nothing personal between you and me...but I find it insidious when nuanced racism or its equivalent is allowed to creep quietly into common parlance. I don't like it no matter who the purveyor is...white, black, brown, yellow, red, or other.

He doesn't look black. He doesn't look like a Jew. He doesn't act like a ______. He's one of the good ones. Whatever.

I didn't think Howard Cosell meant anything by his comment to the effect of "look at that monkey run". Maybe because I wasn't expecting it or looking for it. Maybe because I grew up with black friends and black enemies and it wasn't really a thing in my world, even though I'd seen it up close. (I had to ask my mother, as a kid, what the "N" word meant...and I got punished for asking. Go figure.)

Frankly, I don't think black comics should be able to take any liberties that white comics would be taken to task for...I believe in equality. So, if we are poking fun among groups, blacks, whites, Jews, Muslims, Christians...and it's understood as fun...I have no problem with it. I've done the same with my own friends, colleagues, co-workers and imho the world would be a suck-ass place without humor and the ability to laugh at ourselves. (And for the record, I've also gotten into trouble for it.)

But subtle or not so subtle racism raises its ugly head when comparing someone of a particular group to an ape or some creature considered sub-human, (even if the depiction or characterization would otherwise be funny on a purely physical level). The reason being, primarily, because that stereotype has become widespread over time. It's hard to overlook intent in such a case. And it certainly isn't the Ambien. I don't think one should have to come from a group so disparaged to "get it" but I guess it doesn't hurt, either.

Anyway, that's my parting salvo in this battle. I'm sorry that it comes to this...and sorrier that some folks don't, or don't want to, get it.

05-30-2018, 06:11 PM
Excellent idea, thank you. Just shot 100 rds thru the 22.


Same here with a very similar pistol and a 10/22, so I also have some moral currency. Too bad I am going to burn said currency with the statement that as a Disney shareholder I am not sure the company did the right thing by cancelling a profitable show. I suspect the reason the show was cancelled is that the concern was that advertisers on the show would face pressure to drop said ads. If that is correct and those advertisers will buy ad time on whatever show takes the time slot, the investor part of me is happy. The viewer part of me could care less as I never watched the show.

05-30-2018, 06:13 PM
critter, it's nothing personal between you and me...

Never was and highly unlikely it ever will be on my end. :D

but I find it insidious when nuanced racism or its equivalent is allowed to creep quietly into common parlance. I don't like it no matter who the purveyor is...white, black, brown, yellow, red, or other. [and the rest]

We are actually in complete agreement (as opposed to incomplete agreement, and disagreement isn't a personal affront). None of us can control what happens on the internet so, imo for what that's worth, allowing even the slightest rise in one's own blood pressure because idiots are idioting on Twitter, or wherever, serves no positive benefit or real purpose. I equate "offended" with a rise in BP over something outside of one's control and therefore self defeating. There's nothing deeper than that to any of my commentary in the thread.

05-30-2018, 07:05 PM
Same here with a very similar pistol and a 10/22, so I also have some moral currency. Too bad I am going to burn said currency with the statement that as a Disney shareholder I am not sure the company did the right thing by cancelling a profitable show. I suspect the reason the show was cancelled is that the concern was that advertisers on the show would face pressure to drop said ads. If that is correct and those advertisers will buy ad time on whatever show takes the time slot, the investor part of me is happy. The viewer part of me could care less as I never watched the show.

There was already internet stirrings to boycott advertisers, have matches etc. In the very short space before she was terminated so I think your theory has great merit.

05-30-2018, 07:13 PM
I think he's referring to Jarret, not Barr.
Oddly, if you type "V" into an internet search engine right now the first "hit" is "Valerie Jarrett (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valerie_Jarrett)."

From the Wikipedia article, linked above:

Valerie June Jarrett (née Bowman; born November 14, 1956) is an American businesswoman and former government official. She served as the senior advisor to President of the United States Barack Obama and assistant to the president for public engagement and intergovernmental affairs from 2009 to 2017. Prior to that, she served as a co-chair of the Obama–Biden Transition Project.

Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran, during the Pahlavi dynasty, to American parents James E. Bowman and Barbara T. Bowman. One of her maternal great-grandfathers, Robert Robinson Taylor, was the first accredited African-American architect, and the first African-American student enrolled at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Her father, a pathologist and geneticist, ran a hospital for children in Shiraz in 1956 as part of a program where American physicians and agricultural experts sought to help in the health and farming efforts of developing countries. When she was five years old, the family moved to London for a year, later moving to Chicago in 1963. Her parents are both African-American.

NH Shooter
05-30-2018, 07:26 PM
Oddly, if you type "V" into an internet search engine right now the first "hit" is "Valerie Jarrett (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valerie_Jarrett)."

How long before bat-shit crazy Roseanne claims her tweet was only intended to improve Jarrett's search engine rankings?

05-30-2018, 07:47 PM
I've done no shooting or dry fire. I'm sick, and sort of whiny and sniveling about the whole thing. Largely because it's interfered with my ability to both eat and sleep (infection that spread from my ear to my jaw and wisdom tooth). It's gotten so bad I've clicked "like" for posts by Blues, so I know I'm not really thinking right.

As such, I have literally nothing better to do than read old books and occasionally insert my two cents on a controversy created stirred up by a celebrity I don't care about, who's on a show I don't like, and who insulted someone I didn't know existed.

05-30-2018, 08:20 PM
As such, I have literally nothing better to do than....occasionally insert my two cents on a controversy created stirred up by a celebrity I don't care about, who's on a show I don't like, and who insulted someone I didn't know existed.

This is what seems to drive many actions lately. And is what utterly baffles me.

05-30-2018, 09:07 PM
As such, I have literally nothing better to do than read old books and occasionally insert my two cents on a controversy created stirred up by a celebrity I don't care about, who's on a show I don't like, and who insulted someone I didn't know existed.
It was 105 degrees with a 20mph hot dry southwest wind and 0% humidity today... I'd rather drink beer and argue on the Internet than go shoot in that.

05-30-2018, 09:31 PM
It was 105 degrees with a 20mph hot dry southwest wind and 0% humidity today... I'd rather drink beer and argue on the Internet than go shoot in that.

Dang man.

Was 60s, partly rainy, partly cloudy, partly sunny today. Utterly glorious.

05-30-2018, 11:03 PM
It was 105 degrees with a 20mph hot dry southwest wind and 0% humidity today... I'd rather drink beer and argue on the Internet than go shoot in that.

You seem to have a motivation problem. ;)

05-30-2018, 11:04 PM
Did my hour of dry fire practice while shooting at YouTube celebrities...

Diamond and Silk commentary on Roseanne. They do bring up some interesting points in this exchange.


05-31-2018, 03:19 AM
All I can add to the above is, I am surprised Tom_Jones has not posted this yet:

05-31-2018, 05:59 AM
Excellent idea, thank you. Just shot 100 rds thru the 22.


I suppose it's because BG's in '60's TV all had Luger or P38s, but I love Ruger .22s.

05-31-2018, 06:51 AM
From BBC News (http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44310461):

She also blamed the inflammatory post on sleeping pills, saying she had been "ambien tweeting".

But the drug's manufacturer, Sanofi, said in a statement: "While all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects, racism is not a known side effect of any Sanofi medication."


Lex Luthier
05-31-2018, 07:50 AM
From BBC News (http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44310461):


True. But all the other negative side effects associated with Ambien are well documented. They would have been better served by keeping mum on Social Media and giggling in the boardroom instead.
Is it possible that they can *all* lose? I personally would call that a victory condition.

And yeah, classic Ruger. I may just have to revisit those.

Glenn E. Meyer
05-31-2018, 08:56 AM
It was 105 degrees with a 20mph hot dry southwest wind and 0% humidity today... I'd rather drink beer and argue on the Internet than go shoot in that.

I plan to shoot a carbine match in that sort of weather on Saturday. I prefer that to watching cable news shows or colonoscopy. There is a general deterioration of polite society as we move into tribal politics. Unfortunately, people like Barr or the left side crazies are encouraged by it. I have no use or excuses for her.

05-31-2018, 09:28 AM
I suppose I'm old, and cranky, but I don't think "tweeting" (which, to me, epitomizes throw-away drive-by posts) is good for society.

I'm not sure companies have many options when it comes to social media. Anything they say is going to end up on social media anyways, and their comments coming directly from their own social media presence probably reduces the likelihood of what they say being misrepresented.

Like-whoring, virtue-signaling, short attention spans, and 140-280 character failed attempts at humor and insight are the future.

This whole calamity has gotten me wondering if comedians like Richard Pryor could ever exist again. I was watching one of his stand-up specials on Netflix the other day and kept thinking, "This dude would have made Twitter collapse in on itself."

05-31-2018, 09:36 AM
"Said in a statement" sounds much more grownup than "tweeted", but the latter is more accurate.


I suppose I'm old, and cranky, but I don't think "tweeting" (which, to me, epitomizes throw-away drive-by posts) is good for society. But, society has embraced it. Like-whoring, virtue-signaling, short attention spans, and 140-280 character failed attempts at humor and insight are the future. The future is now. I can hardly wait for so-called "memes" to be elevated to official statement status.

Ambien had the opportunity to get on the white supremacist bandwagon but may have missed the bus...

Just imagine the TV and radio ads:

Take two Ambien and lynch a _____ in the morning...

(Yes, it's sarcasm!!!)

05-31-2018, 10:43 AM
The mixing of business and politics and especially virtue signaling via social media is one of those things that it is not a matter of if but when it will end badly for the company involved.
First because anything you say has the potential to alienate or flat out piss off 50% of your potential customers.
Secondly the people you're pandering to are never satisfied. Once they know you'll comment on subject A, they will demand a comment on subject B and from there it's a death spiral into my first point.

05-31-2018, 03:08 PM
"Comedian" Samantha Bee has now apologized for calling Ivanka Trump a "feckless cunt" on her show the other night. From BBC News (http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44324456):

Comedian Samantha Bee has apologised after insulting Ivanka Trump with a vulgar phrase on her television show.

Bee also condemned President Donald Trump's daughter and White House adviser for not doing more on immigration policy.

The tirade has earned Bee comparisons to Roseanne Barr, whose sitcom was cancelled earlier this week after she sent out a racist tweet.

Bee apologised on Thursday, saying she "crossed a line" with her language.

An Instagram post by Ms Trump, which showed the White House adviser hugging her child, had sparked the rant.


Several people expressed outrage at Bee's choice of words, and have accused the media of hypocrisy for not criticising the comedian, especially in the wake of Barr's own racist comments and quick downfall.

The fact Bee even has a show is an exercise in political correctness, so I'm sure this will result in absolutely nothing.

05-31-2018, 03:23 PM
I really have no issue with anyone piling on any of the adult Trumps. They've earned it as far as I can tell.

As far as Ms. Bee is concerned...I've only seen her on commercials for the show she is allegedly associated with. Beyond that I know nothing of her.

05-31-2018, 03:25 PM
Bee is a true useless cunt. Folks like her are one of various reason why cable TV is hardcore floundering for money.

I'm OK with that. There are many groups (like ESPN, Comedy Central, CNN, etc) that would serve the world far better if they completely dissolved into nothing.

05-31-2018, 03:34 PM
Beyond that I know nothing of her.

She was a "correspondent" on The Daily Show when Jon Stewart ran the place. She got her show for essentially no other reason than all of the other late night hosts were men.

"Ignorant" and "talentless" are the two adjectives that immediately come to mind when I think of her. I'm surprised it took her this long to put her foot in her mouth, and I doubt anyone would have paid attention if it weren't for the Roseanne fiasco.

05-31-2018, 04:05 PM
I saw this on another gun forum, and until then I had no idea she had a show.

I doubt it'll go anywhere. A woman said something that's a slur against women, and "in-house" slurs are never treated the same.

05-31-2018, 04:08 PM
There are many groups (like ESPN...that would serve the world far better if they completely dissolved into nothing.

C'mon, man. ESPN hate?

05-31-2018, 04:20 PM
C'mon, man. ESPN hate?

I can't remember the last time I saw something on ESPN that I actually wanted to watch.

I love racing but I hate NASCAR, and I don't care about any flavor of sportsball. I certainly remember a few times in the past few years where I was at a friend's or at my Dad's and sitting through some ESPN show where a bunch of talking heads and has-beens that were supposed to be talking about sportsball were instead making some pretty inflammatory comments to sound 'properly' left of center.
Especially following that whole taking-a-knee debacle that's apparently still a debacle.

05-31-2018, 06:34 PM
C'mon, man. ESPN hate?

ESPN has been the political dumpster fire of quality sports reporting for a while now. They used to be the king and now they're a joke. There is a reason sports are ditching them for NBC and FOX left and right. Thank fuck for that too, their motorsports coverage could be done better by amateur college kids, and that's not really hyperbole.

Beyond having crappy low effort coverage for actual sporting events outside of basketball, they're notorious for laying on the lefty tard chatter when there isn't a game on. They're the go-to source for figuring out what perceived racism is where in what sport. These are the folks that ditched NASCAR coverage completely, but showed up to races to ask people what they thought of the NFL flag kneeling bullshit when it was a popular topic.

So yeah, fuck ESPN. The golden age is past for them, I'd much rather they go under than live on as a sad shell of the past.

05-31-2018, 09:24 PM
I'm not really tracking some of the commentary at this point, but apparently this resonated with 145,000 people.


05-31-2018, 11:13 PM
I liked that post, which felt ironic, and I wanted to comment on that, which now feels like I’m attempting pithy humor. Thanks Tom for ruining the internet.

Totem Polar
06-01-2018, 12:03 AM
Other than perhaps staying out of it. I guess it's more evidence that I'm bad at business, but if I was Mr. Sanofi I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have said anything. But then I wouldn't have 170K likes and a legion of twits retweeting and responding with idiotic memes and more of those bad-for-society drive-by comments. /cranky-old-man


Wondering Beard
06-01-2018, 09:49 AM
Like-whoring, virtue-signaling, short attention spans, and 140-280 character failed attempts at humor and insight are the future. The future is now.

"Never have lives less lived been more chronicled." Dennis Miller

David C.
06-01-2018, 11:22 AM
So ABC fires Roseanne but rehires Keith Olbermann for ESPN, which shows saying despicable things about Democrats is a firing offense but saying despicable things about Trump and his daughter Ivanka is a great way to get re-hired.

I gave ESPN an earful this AM on the phone. I was actually surprised to get a real person on the other end and further surprised when she asked for clarification on several points I made. Ultimately I believe ESPN has set their course for oblivion and will not deviate, but we shall see.

I am going to follow-up with Sports Center advertisers and let them know that I will not support them while they advertise on Sports Center with the misogynist Keith Olbermann because he uses the c-word on twitter when referring to women (Ivanka Trump).

06-01-2018, 11:27 AM
So ABC fires Roseanne but rehires Keith Olbermann for ESPN, which shows saying despicable things about Democrats is a firing offense but saying despicable things about Trump and his daughter Ivanka is a great way to get re-hired.

This Prog hypocrisy is not a surprise to anyone. It's why Trump won in 2016.

06-01-2018, 12:25 PM
This Prog hypocrisy is not a surprise to anyone. It's why Trump won in 2016.

True, however, all citizens should be demanding that the nation raise the level of discourse from all sides at this point.

06-01-2018, 12:45 PM
"Never have lives less lived been more chronicled." Dennis Miller

Besides all the emptyness that most toss out into social medialand, this reminded me of the kardashians. A couple years ago I kept seeing news thumbs about kardashians this, kardashians that, and I had no idea who the kardashians were or why anyone cared what they did, so I googled the name, and my take away was "Who the hell are the kardashians, and why the hell does anyone care what they do".

06-01-2018, 12:48 PM
I ruin everything. Sorry.

You didnt really ruin the internet you know.

You help there to be a little sane corner of it left. :)

06-01-2018, 01:15 PM
True, however, all citizens should be demanding that the nation raise the level of discourse from all sides at this point.

I agree that would be nice. So how does anyone have discourse with those whose religion is, and/or earn a living based in whole or in part on, Hierarchical Victimhood Delusion?

Glenn E. Meyer
06-01-2018, 01:18 PM
True, however, all citizens should be demanding that the nation raise the level of discourse from all sides at this point.

Exactly, too much discussion tries to rationalize behavior based on others' bad behavior. Both the left and right are worthless in those regards. Political discussion always has been vile at times. I am amazed by folks who think MSNBC speaks the truth or Fox News speaks the truth.

It is profit based battle of corporate sleaze bags from both sides. You think they care about your pet social issues that make your pants on fire. Haha! They just want their checks to grow and be cashed.

Hey - ever note how an semblance of interest in passing progun legislation or legislatively rolling back laws has just disappeared from view from the supposed progun party? They couldn't wait to drop that hot potato.

Russia, Comey, Comey, Russia - on both idiot tube set or Internet sources. Who cares?

Hillary was a sleaze bag. Donald is a sleaze bag. Let's move on.

06-01-2018, 02:06 PM
"Said in a statement" sounds much more grownup than "tweeted", but the latter is more accurate.


I suppose I'm old, and cranky, but I don't think "tweeting" (which, to me, epitomizes throw-away drive-by posts) is good for society. But, society has embraced it. Like-whoring, virtue-signaling, short attention spans, and 140-280 character failed attempts at humor and insight are the future. The future is now. I can hardly wait for so-called "memes" to be elevated to official statement status.
Meme are awesome.

I'm not sure if PFestivus as the contrived faux-outrage bitch session will continue.
I remember when boomers were salty as fuck and spoke their mind without a filter. Make P-Festivus Great Again!

06-01-2018, 02:22 PM
I remember when boomers were salty as fuck and spoke their mind without a filter. Make P-Festivus Great Again!

Tom's put us on a low sodium diet.

06-01-2018, 03:09 PM
Besides all the emptyness that most toss out into social medialand, this reminded me of the kardashians. A couple years ago I kept seeing news thumbs about kardashians this, kardashians that, and I had no idea who the kardashians were or why anyone cared what they did, so I googled the name, and my take away was "Who the hell are the kardashians, and why the hell does anyone care what they do".

Speaking of:


Two reality TV show stars / urolagnia enthusiasts are running the country now. Neither 'The Twilight Zone' nor 'Black Mirror' could make this shit up.

06-01-2018, 03:23 PM
Speaking of:


Two reality TV show stars / urolagnia enthusiasts are running the country now. Neither 'The Twilight Zone' nor 'Black Mirror' could make this shit up.


06-01-2018, 03:33 PM
True, however, all citizens should be demanding that the nation raise the level of discourse from all sides at this point.

I LOL'd reading this... I admire your spirit, but ...

1. The media is controlled by agenda-driven Progs.. Not even Fox News can refute all of the raving stupidity. Not even when it's obvious lies.
2. Most people are ignorant morons. Half of everyone is below the mean (mathly-speaking), but really it's more like 80% that have their heads shoved so far up their asses they are not worth engaging.

In the past it's taken trauma to wake people up. War, heinous acts of terrorism... Hopefully that's not what it takes here.
I do see signs that some folks are waking up.... Some cities in CA telling Moonbeam to shove his sanctuary law, for example.
When it gets personal enough to enough people, stuff changes. I feel the ship turning, but we're only 5-degrees around and turning into a strong current.

I'm gonna sit on the porch and sip my bourbon for a while longer. I'll jump in where I can make a difference.

06-01-2018, 04:17 PM
Speaking of:


Two reality TV show stars / urolagnia enthusiasts are running the country now. Neither 'The Twilight Zone' nor 'Black Mirror' could make this shit up.

Considering the alternate universe or butterfly effect episode would have been:


06-01-2018, 04:20 PM
I agree that would be nice. So how does anyone have discourse with those whose religion is, and/or earn a living based in whole or in part on, Hierarchical Victimhood Delusion?

Like with anyone else. The internet is creating a balkanized state that people are willingly doing to themselves.

06-01-2018, 05:03 PM
Like with anyone else. The internet is creating a balkanized state that people are willingly doing to themselves.

Not so sure about the internet creating it. I think that prize goes to the high schools and universities. Regardless of Roseanne's recent commentary, her original comment in the opening post pretty much sums it up. The left has shifted way out there leaving those in the center stranded. The right certainly hasn't become more conservative or constitutional. They've shifted as well though I'm not certain as to exactly what.

How do you envision the process? What would be the first step? "Discourse" is more of an abstract. Whom do you approach? Where exactly does the conversation begin?

06-01-2018, 05:09 PM
Not so sure about the internet creating it. I think that prize goes to the high schools and universities. Regardless of Roseanne's recent commentary, her original comment in the opening post pretty much sums it up. The left has shifted way out there leaving those in the center stranded. The right certainly hasn't become more conservative or constitutional. They've shifted as well though I'm not certain as to exactly what.

How do you envision the process? What would be the first step? "Discourse" is more of an abstract. Whom do you approach? Where exactly does the conversation begin?

Not certain what you are asking. I would decree, or at least refuse to condone poor behavior and statements. That's all the average person can do.

06-01-2018, 05:26 PM
True, however, all citizens should be demanding that the nation raise the level of discourse from all sides at this point.

I'm sure that as soon as they can communicate at a greater rate than 140 characters at a time. That day is a long way off (if it ever comes).

06-01-2018, 05:31 PM
Not certain what you are asking. I would decree, or at least refuse to condone poor behavior and statements. That's all the average person can do.

Maybe so, but that's not really discourse. That's simply condemnation. The systemic racism radiates from the leftists because their ideology separates individuals into group identity hierarchy of relevance with race being a facet. Whites, at least anywhere around me, are the least racist they've been probably in history -- which I think is the precise reason the far left has gone on the racial offensive. We're not dealing with normal race relations. We're dealing with ideology driven Alinsky-ites who really don't actually give a damn about any race or group but rather the ascension of their ideology/agenda.

We need an actual plan to deal with that. Ignoring them with the hope they come to their senses rarely works.

NH Shooter
06-02-2018, 08:46 AM
The systemic racism radiates from the leftists because their ideology separates individuals into group identity hierarchy of relevance with race being a facet. Whites, at least anywhere around me, are the least racist they've been probably in history -- which I think is the precise reason the far left has gone on the racial offensive. We're not dealing with normal race relations. We're dealing with ideology driven Alinsky-ites who really don't actually give a damn about any race or group but rather the ascension of their ideology/agenda.

The hardcore leftists I personally know all fit that profile. This article describes the affliction well (https://www.themaven.net/theresurgent/contributors/what-happens-when-the-left-loses-power-0I6FnCDnskyeqR5TPE1lEw/?mc_cid=5de37a563f&mc_eid=6fd590a118).

06-02-2018, 09:48 PM
The hardcore leftists I personally know all fit that profile. This article describes the affliction well (https://www.themaven.net/theresurgent/contributors/what-happens-when-the-left-loses-power-0I6FnCDnskyeqR5TPE1lEw/?mc_cid=5de37a563f&mc_eid=6fd590a118).

yes it does...it's one of the better shortNsweets on the topic even to the racism disclaimer which must be attached to any post which mentions race otherwise, of course, racist. Some of the comments are quite interesting as well -- "...the Republicans are ANTI_liberty, and the term "self-reliance " is nothing but a buzz word for the government denying essential help to [those] in need."

Gun Mutt
06-03-2018, 06:58 AM
"...the Republicans are ANTI_liberty, and the term "self-reliance " is nothing but a buzz word for the government denying essential help to [those] in need."
Fuck that. I work in property management, my current posting is Sec 42 (there's a maximum allowable incomer per household) and about 40% of our current tenants are Sec 8 (state or fed .gov pay some or all of their rent).

I wish every liberal douchebag had to come work my job, listen to these entitled assholes complain about their free housing, fix all the things that they break regularly and clean up after these filthy critters every single mf'ing day.

Don't get me wrong, I actually love my job, I'm just not confused about who these people are. I can't wait until we take this property off Sec 42 this year and go free market. Hurts my feels to turn down 2-4 applicants a week who make too much money to live here.

06-04-2018, 12:59 PM
This article describes the affliction well (https://www.themaven.net/theresurgent/contributors/what-happens-when-the-left-loses-power-0I6FnCDnskyeqR5TPE1lEw/?mc_cid=5de37a563f&mc_eid=6fd590a118).


I don't agree that racism was "gone" before Obama, but, I think things were as good as they had been in my lifetime and heading in a positive direction..

After eight years of a president that governed more like a leftist academician and less like an executive leader, whose experience before entering the Oval Office was a community organizer, adjunct professor, and senator who showed up to vote "present," Obama seemed bewildered. After all, being that he wondered, "if I was 10 or 20 years too early," it is quite clear that Obama believed that he, and his leftist idealistic presidency, was a gift that Americans just were too prideful, or racist, as the charge often becomes, to accept, appreciate, and celebrate.


So, how did Obama facilitate leftism into culture? Consider this: race relations were generally improving, as prejudices of old were steadily fading from the public consciousness, or were even gone almost entirely, going into 2008. It was quite common for blacks, whites, and other people of various races and ethnic backgrounds, to be on good terms, and be themselves, without race being a constant focus of attention. The prejudices were basically gone. Under Obama, they came back with a vengeance. They did not return unexpectedly, though. They were, I truly hate to say, quite intentional. While I do not intend to accuse anybody of being racist, I will say that the way Obama and the left used racial politics to their advantage was, by nature, going to strain race relations. When the leader of the free world at times used his bully pulpit to flame racial tensions, it is hard not to think that the division was intentional.

06-04-2018, 08:30 PM
https://i.imgflip.com/2bmehc.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/2bmehc)

06-24-2018, 09:32 AM
Rather than be forced to come up with an original idea, ABC is doing this (https://www.guidelive.com/tv/2018/06/22/abc-moves-forward-conners-without-roseanne-barr.amp) instead:

The network that gave Roseanne the boot has picked up a spinoff of the comedy.

ABC on Friday announced that The Conners would go straight to series with a 10-episode order. Co-stars John Goodman, Laurie Metcalf, Sara Gilbert, Lecy Goranson and Michael Fishman will return to the roles each made famous during the run of Roseanne. Gilbert will also serve as an executive producer.

The Conners is the working title of the series, which is scheduled to join the Tuesday lineup at 7 p.m. each week. A premiere date has not been announced.

I didn't see this coming, although it was the most obvious course of action imaginable.

06-24-2018, 09:57 AM
Let me guess, they are going to kill off her character. Does she overdose letting them tap the opioid crisis or does she die in surgery so they can attack doctors and healthcare? Won’t she still get paid?

06-24-2018, 10:28 AM
I don't know enough about anything but since Rosanne is Barr's intellectual property she'll probably get a cut one way or another. If Sara Gilbert is the executive producer Darlene might be the focus and Rosanne's absence is either explained in that the character is killed off or she is referenced but never shown. Which would be difficult but could become a running joke.

06-24-2018, 10:35 AM
Maybe she chokes while eating her words...and never recovers.

Kanye Wyoming
06-24-2018, 10:48 AM
Let me guess, they are going to kill off her character. Does she overdose letting them tap the opioid crisis or does she die in surgery so they can attack doctors and healthcare? Won’t she still get paid?

Glenn E. Meyer
06-24-2018, 11:29 AM
She eats so much cotton candy and hot dogs at a MAGA rally that she explodes.

Robert Mitchum
06-25-2018, 03:55 PM