View Full Version : 5:15AM Skunk hunt

01-26-2018, 06:42 AM
Dog got lightly sprayed, couldn't find the skunk, this is what I grabbed. I have a fun day of shampooing carpets, washing the dog, etc ahead of me.

Matt O
01-26-2018, 06:58 AM
Doh, that sucks. I’ve smelled skunks in the trails behind our house multiple times but thankfully never encountered one with the canine in tow.

Looks like you may need to preemptively arm yourself for morning walks.


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01-26-2018, 07:03 AM
The smell can take weeks to clear out of your yard if you rupture that gland. Aim carefully

01-26-2018, 08:04 AM
The smell can take weeks to clear out of your yard if you rupture that gland. Aim carefully

The yard is already fucked, fortunately I have a bit of land so I don't smell it. Buying some of this stuff (https://www.amazon.com/Natures-Miracle-Skunk-Odor-Remover/dp/B000NJJKCM/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1516971821&sr=8-2&keywords=nature%27s+skunk), happily Petsmart has it nearby.

01-26-2018, 08:12 AM
The yard is already fucked, fortunately I have a bit of land so I don't smell it. Buying some of this stuff (https://www.amazon.com/Natures-Miracle-Skunk-Odor-Remover/dp/B000NJJKCM/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1516971821&sr=8-2&keywords=nature%27s+skunk), happily Petsmart has it nearby.I can attest that it works. Added to the laundry, it can help take the smell out of clothes, too.

01-26-2018, 08:34 AM
Funny story about skunks, dogs, and lingering smells...

Several years ago (err, getting close to 20 now), a bunch of us went camping up in the SWVA mountains on July 4th weekend. One of the guys brought his dog, a doberman who is very protective of those he considers family. For whatever reason, we had a skunk who just would not leave us alone. It wasn't aggressive, it just wanted a handout. For the most part, it would come into camp just before sundown, wander around a bit, then leave. We gave it wide berth, but otherwise tried not to engage. This went on for a couple nights. On the last night, one of the guys was cooking dinner and the skunk got between him and the dog (prob 20' of separation). Dog had had enough and went for the skunk. Everything went into slow mo as we saw the skunk being shaken near 180 degrees side-to-side by the dog. Dog releases skunk and skunk tears off for the woods. At first, we're all like "great, no spray". Then...the smell hit. Uh oh. Oh, did I mention the storm that came through earlier and how the top of the mountain was fogged in? Did you know that heavy wet air traps and intensifies the smell? Now you do. Also, fresh skunk spray smells like onions. One of the campers comes out of her tent with two bottles of wine, unaware of what just transpired. She immediately booted (she was 3 sheets to the wind already).

Anyway, the only one sprayed was the dog, but since fireworks were in the plans for that evening, the dog's owner takes the dog into his tent and decides to tough it out while reading.

According to the dog's owner, that trip home the next day was long and involved the windows being rolled down.

A few months later, he loans that same book to another friend (who was on the trip). When that person hit the section that corresponded to the timing of the skunk incident, the book released it's own version of "scratch and sniff".

As far as I know the tent was eventually de-skunked as it made an appearance and subsequent trips.


01-26-2018, 09:14 AM
I think it was Dawn dish detergent mixed with Hydrogen Peroxide that I used in the past when a dog was hit. That worked pretty darn well as a dog shampoo cutting the odor. Lately I've been worried about the coyotes since my 15 month old GSD is in her 2nd heat cycle. My son spotted a really large Yote in the yard a few days ago in the afternoon. I don't want any amorous suitors getting anywhere near my girl. We patrol the neighborhood including the woods and the orchard behind me every night. I keep my head on a swivel and my girl is always wearing one of these on her e-collar https://www.chewy.com/sportdog-locator-beacon-dog-collars/dp/107807.

Sooner or later her innate curiosity will undoubtedly bring her in contact with Pepe Le Pew.

01-26-2018, 09:40 AM
I think it was Dawn dish detergent mixed with Hydrogen Peroxide that I used in the past when a dog was hit. That worked pretty darn well as a dog shampoo cutting the odor.

I have used that with success as well :cool:

01-26-2018, 09:56 AM
Have had a few skunk and dog issues in the past, not recently. Tomato juice worked pretty well on the dog. That was before miracle shampoos.

The funniest is me shooting one while bird hunting and watching the springer chase my uncle with a dead skunk. Dog just didn’t understand why no one wanted it...

01-26-2018, 10:19 AM
That's an awesome "skunk gun" - Back when I was a kid, camping with my Dad, I saw a skunk sniffing around and I thought I had it *really* handled with my faithful old 10/22.

I never fired a shot, though - we simply let it steal a bag of M&M's and that skunk went on its way.

01-26-2018, 10:20 AM
The funniest is me shooting one while bird hunting and watching the springer chase my uncle with a dead skunk. Dog just didn’t understand why no one wanted it...

I got the giggles just visualizing that! :D


01-26-2018, 10:30 AM
If your dog got it in the mouth, like mine did, they also make doggie mouthwash that helps.

01-26-2018, 10:31 AM
That's an awesome "skunk gun"

Yes it is. Is that the Scorpion Evo?

01-26-2018, 11:00 AM
We've been lucky in recent years (knock on wood). I always keep an eye out to make sure that none of 'em decide to take up residence anywhere adjoining the house. They're welcome to stay back in the woods as long as they stay out of my way.

01-26-2018, 11:18 AM
The yard is already fucked, fortunately I have a bit of land so I don't smell it. Buying some of this stuff (https://www.amazon.com/Natures-Miracle-Skunk-Odor-Remover/dp/B000NJJKCM/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1516971821&sr=8-2&keywords=nature%27s+skunk), happily Petsmart has it nearby.

Please report on how the Nature’s Miracle works. Like others here, I have used a dish soap and peroxide combination to decent effect, but I know of nothing so far that completely eliminates the odor.

If anything, it seemed that the quicker I could get the dog bathed, the more effective the bath was, no matter what shampoo or dish soap I had available.

01-26-2018, 11:34 AM
Please report on how the Nature’s Miracle works. Like others here, I have used a dish soap and peroxide combination to decent effect, but I know of nothing so far that completely eliminates the odor.

If anything, it seemed that the quicker I could get the dog bathed, the more effective the bath was, no matter what shampoo or dish soap I had available.I didn't have much success with the dishsoap/peroxide solution. Nature's Miracle made my dog's smell tolerable, but it still took a couple weeks for the smell to completely go away. YMMV, though, as my dog has a pretty thick coat.

01-26-2018, 03:42 PM
I have read the best formula is peroxide, baking soda and dish soap.

I have a kit in my car, but haven't had to use it. My German Shorthair Pointer had a rock-solid point on a skunk crossing the road last summer. The shock collar came in handy on that one...

01-26-2018, 04:30 PM
Yes it is. Is that the Scorpion Evo?

Yup, with Rugged Obsidian can bought from Hansohn Brothers

01-26-2018, 07:27 PM
My dog gets digestive issues on occasion, and won't mess in the yard, so we have to go for a walk. On one such nocturnal jaunt she darted around a bush, I followed only to be greeted by the wrong end of a skunk about 8 feet away. A couple things I learned that night:
1. Use the baking soda, dish soap, and peroxide mixture for the very first wash. I decided to give her a bath with the regular shampoo while my wife put together the solution. That apparently just spreads the oils around making them harder to get rid of.
2. Don't leave the solution on for very long as it will bleach your dogs fur, turning black to brown in our case. I think she's finally shed all that brown fur, but it was surprising how long it took considering how much she sheds.

It took maybe a month for the smell to wear off completely around her face where she took the worst of it.

01-26-2018, 07:27 PM
If the color of the dog's coat isn't a concern 6-12% percent hydrogen peroxide, sold in "vols" at cosmetic places. 6% = 20 vols, 9% = 30 vols, 12% = 40 vols, etc.

The only luck I've had with peroxide, dish soap, baking soda is with new 6% and 9% peroxide. Peroxide degrades quickly and I can't emphasize the new part enough. It'll definitely make your puppy a blonde.

Fels Naptha soap will also reduce skunk odor, but it'll dry your dog's coat out. It's better for stripping out poision ivy and oak oils, and a good first wash to avoid adding insult to injury.

01-26-2018, 08:06 PM
Please report on how the Nature’s Miracle works. Like others here, I have used a dish soap and peroxide combination to decent effect, but I know of nothing so far that completely eliminates the odor.

If anything, it seemed that the quicker I could get the dog bathed, the more effective the bath was, no matter what shampoo or dish soap I had available.

It worked well. I used it, Dawn, and peroxide (not all mixed together). The biggest problem is all of the places she brushed up against, but we’ve got it handled. I don’t have any dog food, but maybe the skunk will eat some dog food.

01-26-2018, 08:09 PM
I had a dog that lived to kill skunks. Fortunately, after about the third time, we found a local kennel that did a very good job of de-skunking for $20. Drop off in the morning and pick up after work.

We also found that putting out bowls (ones with lots of surface area) of vinegar really helped pull the smell out of the house.

01-26-2018, 08:28 PM
I have read the best formula is peroxide, baking soda and dish soap.

I have a kit in my car, but haven't had to use it. My German Shorthair Pointer had a rock-solid point on a skunk crossing the road last summer. The shock collar came in handy on that one...

My french brittany has pointed a couple skunks. One, I was coming up a wash and she was locked on a little brush pile, but not "bird" locked. I got up to the brush to see what she was on, and saw black fur, and then a white patch, and turned immediately away calling "leave it". That was a day I was glad I spent all those hours drilling her on that commanded, as well as that I didn't get a GSP from my cousin with their aggressive fur drive. Might have been harder to call off a GSP.

01-26-2018, 10:42 PM
Glad you’re dog smells better. I shot one a few years back that was in the process of killing one of our chickens with my 870. I heard a racket and was really expecting to find a fox or coyote in the pen. I told my wife that it was the first time I ever shot at something that could shoot back.

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01-26-2018, 10:47 PM
Glad you’re dog smells better. I shot one a few years back that was in the process of killing one of our chickens with my 870.

How did the skunk get your 870?

01-27-2018, 06:29 AM
How did the skunk get your 870?

Opposable thumbs, most likely.

01-27-2018, 08:35 AM
“How he got into my pajamas I’ll never know’”

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