View Full Version : The miracle of sleep

Totem Polar
01-06-2018, 02:18 PM
Man, I think I dodged a bullet.

There’s this bug going around—so what else is new, it is the season—and Thursday night I woke up repeatedly with chiils, fever and a splitting headache. Wife’s alarm came and went; no way I was getting up with her. Finally woke up with chills again and peeked at the clock: 10:30am. As it happens, I had a flexible schedule on Friday, so I fired up a ballistic radio podcast and crawled, shaking, back under the sheets. I didn’t even make it through John and Melody’s intro. Hit noon; no way. 1:30pm... FML, the day is shot anyways. HARD sleep until, no kidding, 2pm-ish. Finally surfed P-F, got up and had some oatmeal and a single shot of espresso. I was literally in bed from midnight to 3pm Friday afternoon. All I have to show for the day is some email work, a new thread topic on P-F, and an episode of “Hunted” on Amazon streaming (not bad, basic variation on the old ‘la femme nikita’ theme...).

But man, do I ever feel great today. Chills and fever were gone by supper time yesterday, and the last of the headache hauled ass with a shower this morning and breakfast. Aside from a mild runny nose, I think I grappled this bug into submission.

Point is: position before submission. I may have burned up Friday, but I’m back up today, and lots of friends, students and co-workers have been down for 3+ days. Sleep is awesome: the knee mount of preventative health care.

Get your exercise and rest. That is all.

01-06-2018, 02:23 PM
Yeah we’ve been knocked sideways the last week. Mrs.’s antibiotic isn’t working so she may go back to the doc Monday. Taking it easy this weekend for sure.

01-06-2018, 02:30 PM
Glad you're feeling better, M. Hope you and the missus feel better, Rich.

Strange. I haven't been ill or had anything remotely like being ill in years, (knock wood), but I came up an hour or two ago from doing my kettlebell cardio intervals and I can't stop blowing my nose and my sinuses are totally out of whack.

I don't know if it's the cold dry weather or if something is playing havoc (like an allergy). I don't feel ill at all, just out of sorts from feeling like a clog and a faucet at the same time.

Annoying as hell but probably nothing serious in the scheme of things...(one hopes)

Glenn E. Meyer
01-06-2018, 03:01 PM
FYI: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/01/the-mystery-of-sleep-pressure/549473/

01-06-2018, 05:24 PM
In case you haven't heard, seasonal influenza this year is bad. The vaccine is much less effective this year than in years past and it's a particularly virulent strain that's going around.

I came down with it bad just about a week ago, around around NYE. Woke up New Year's Day with the fever, chills, myalgias, dry cough, etc. Felt like crap. Finally recovered ish but the fatigue takes forever to get better it seems. I slept 9h last night (up 3 from my usual 6...)

01-06-2018, 09:44 PM
I had the crud from the 19th through after New Years -- heat, chills, headaches, sinus etc. Pretty sure it was the flu. Very slow recovery, and took all of the week between Christmas and New Year's off (canceled Christmas trip, too). The cold weather we had (didn't get above freezing) makes it tough.

For me I started to feel better, but the fatigue and aches took a really long time to get through. Started lifting weights a little early (but more than a week after I had gotten sick) and felt like crap afterwards.

Better now though -- it's 40 degrees out and went to the range today!

01-06-2018, 09:56 PM
I helped a guy last night who was hacking and told me he had a sore throat.

As to sleep, I wish I could function on 4 hours a day, but I can't.

01-06-2018, 11:45 PM
My flu really kicked my butt. 2 weeks of lousy, some of it pre and some post staying in bed all day, and a third week of "this still sucks". Finally feeling mostly normal, and went back to the gym yesterday with no negative results.

01-07-2018, 08:48 AM
Whatever it was that was bothering me yesterday afternoon when I reported it, is gone as quickly as it came. I guess I just was exposed to some sort of atmospheric irritant or some such.

01-07-2018, 10:06 AM
Vitamins, hydration, green tea, avoiding hands to the face, wash hands often, antibacterial gel.
So far.... Knock on wood.

01-07-2018, 10:12 AM
Wife and I are empty nesters now. Went to see kids and grandkids for Christmas - daughter works in school system and was sick so of course I got the crud too. Spent two days in bed and away from the family with chills, fever, and back ache - fortunately little respiratory issues.

01-07-2018, 11:48 AM
Heh...funny timing. I'm sitting at the local urgent care now because of a non-flu virus. I was here two days ago and declined a steroid as I was hoping to let this run its course but the nagging cough persists.

The best part is I just went through something like this a month ago. Yeeha...

01-07-2018, 01:16 PM
Well check that - turns out this the flu. Awesome.

Back to the original topic of the miracle of sleep. Hoping I can cash in on some of that... :cool:

01-07-2018, 01:52 PM
Back to the original topic of the miracle of sleep. Hoping I can cash in on some of that... :cool:

Oh sleep! it is a gentle thing,
Beloved from pole to pole!
To Mary Queen the praise be given!
She sent the gentle sleep from Heaven,
That slid into my soul.

Totem Polar
01-07-2018, 02:24 PM
Turns out I’m still not 100 percent today, but I remain convinced I dodged a bullet.

Sleep is awesome.

Night came and saw my sorrow cease;
Sleep in the chamber stole;
Peace crept about my limbs, and peace
Fell on my stormy soul.
-Amy Levy

You gotta fight for your right to party.
-Beastie boys

01-07-2018, 02:35 PM
I used to balk at the idea of expensive mattresses, and insisted on keeping my old, worn out, sagging collection of springs and foam. Until my wife went and bought a Tempurpedic. Wow, I can't tell you how many aches and pains, and anger issues were solved with getting solid sleep. Whatever amount I get, when I go to bed I'm just sleeping, not half sleeping while I try to get comfortable. I'm not going to be a Tempurpedic shill, but I will be a quality mattress shill.

01-07-2018, 02:41 PM
I used to balk at the idea of expensive mattresses, and insisted on keeping my old, worn out, sagging collection of springs and foam. Until my wife went and bought a Tempurpedic. Wow, I can't tell you how many aches and pains, and anger issues were solved with getting solid sleep. Whatever amount I get, when I go to bed I'm just sleeping, not half sleeping while I try to get comfortable. I'm not going to be a Tempurpedic shill, but I will be a quality mattress shill.

We bought ours several years ago...8 or so as I recall...and I've never regretted that decision. It put an end to the nagging aches I had at the time.