View Full Version : Uncle Scotty's second book - coming "soon"

Erick Gelhaus
12-19-2017, 05:12 PM
I'll put this here since I'm not sure where else it'd go. From today's ITTS newsletter:

"The Art of Modern Gunfighting - The Pistol: Volume II
"Coming Soon!

"We will send out notifications as the release date approaches!"


No idea what "soon" actually means in this case, but it's better than someday.

Yes, I know, Reitz loves him some 1911 and his modified Weaver. That said, the gentleman is worth paying attention to.

12-19-2017, 07:10 PM
Plus, the "Old School Metro Xmas Party" story further down on the page is pretty good.

12-19-2017, 07:28 PM
I am delighted to read this.

My print copy of Volume I is dogeared, highlighted, and bookmarked with Post-It notes. In short, a treasure that is never loaned out. Readers must sit in the library here at Rancho Serious and peruse the volume in person.

I really, really. really hope they release a printed copy of Volume II. Re-releasing a dead tree copy version of Volume I would be a very good seller, I think.

12-19-2017, 08:05 PM
I bought Volume I on kindle. I thought it was great. Looking forward to the second volume.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-19-2017, 09:50 PM
We had a tactical party one Christmas where the Chief told us we should be happy after he cut our 5% pay raise to 2% because we were still getting a raise. Then the recently replaced SWAT LT and the division commander who despised each other about duked it out in the middle of the party. That was a weird year. But that was nothing compared to the Metro parties in the story.

Erick Gelhaus
12-20-2017, 06:08 AM
My print copy of Volume I is dogeared, highlighted, and bookmarked with Post-It notes. In short, a treasure that is never loaned out. Readers must sit in the library here at Rancho Serious and peruse the volume in person.

My signed copy of Volume 1 just came back. It isn't getting loaned out ever again.

12-20-2017, 08:36 AM
Plus, the "Old School Metro Xmas Party" story further down on the page is pretty good.

There was probably a reason we didn't have Christmas parties, although our retirement parties were just as bad.

12-20-2017, 08:46 AM
I'd like to purchase Volume One. Anyone know if it's available and if so, where?

12-20-2017, 09:06 AM
I'd like to purchase Volume One. Anyone know if it's available and if so, where?


Wayne Dobbs
12-20-2017, 09:45 AM
We should just start a thread on epic cop parties. I know I have a few great (horrible?) memories.

Here's also hoping that Book II from Scott appears soon. It's been "coming soon" for a while.

12-20-2017, 10:20 AM
We should just start a thread on epic cop parties. I know I have a few great (horrible?) memories.

I doubt the ones here from back in the day would make it into a family friendly forum like this one.

Lots of debauchery.......the ones that were foolish enough to bring their spouse of the week usually regretted it. I never went to them but these fools here were stupid enough to document said events with old Polaroid cameras and such.

It wasn't really a party until a fist fight over someone's wife passing out Christmas "treats" in a back bathroom stall got going. Alcohol, blood, tinsel, punch, cake, fractured orbital sockets........

God bless them, everyone!

Erick Gelhaus
12-20-2017, 04:46 PM
Honestly, I don't have any epic cop christmas party stories. Haven't been to enough of them.

12-20-2017, 04:49 PM
The vast majority of my epic cop stories occurred in Washington DC and surrounding areas during Police Week. Christmas parties at my old place were fairly tame.

12-20-2017, 06:22 PM
Shenanigans amongst a bunch of off duty cops? You fellas must be making this stuff up.

Dagga Boy
12-20-2017, 07:58 PM
I went to exactly 1 Christmas Party. Nothing but potential for bad. Also the reason I didn’t drink. A huge benefit was every night when the boys were knocking down booze after work, my partner and I were in the range shooting Up their allotted training Ammo.

12-20-2017, 10:21 PM
Women and whiskey have been the downfall of many cops. I’ve seen the aftermath of some incredibly stupid stuff. Conventions, Christmas parties, bar hopping......what could possibly go wrong?

Looking forward to the next book!

12-21-2017, 09:44 AM
There were a few parties that went mobile and involved .38s and stop lights.

Put it this way. When I went to the academy the firearms instructor looked at me and said my agency’s name, then told me that he was all out of the stop light shaped targets and I would have to make do with the same B27 as everyone else. This was at least 10 years after the fact and well before my time.

The eagle statue on top of the courthouse had to be refinished once. It had been the victim of some party/target practice as well.

ETA: I have the first book. It has been a great reference for me!

12-22-2017, 12:46 AM
I like the book... I had it until it sorta burned up... Ordered a new one tonight. I'm looking forward to the second book and some training with ITTS in 2018.

As for parties... NOPE. I didn't even go to my own patrol off-training party. The off-training party for custody was bad enough that I realized I valued my marriage and job a bit too much. I'm sure part of it is my anti-social nature, but nothing that has been stated in this thread has surprised or even impressed me as being extra unusual for stories I've heard.

12-22-2017, 04:46 AM
I ordered the Kindle version and look forward to having some time to read it next days off. As far as parties, I got that mostly out of my system in LE college. Imagine cosmetology students, gunsmithing students and LE students at age 18 with copious amounts of alcohol in days-long long parties. The "gun closet" where everyone dropped their queta's rivaled the inventory of a well stocked gun store at times.

06-15-2018, 04:14 AM
Is it "soon" yet?

06-15-2018, 09:07 AM
Were the parties epic if you don't remember much except for rolling with another LEO from a different agency?

Ah, the good old days. (I'll stay happily and safely retired.)

Erick Gelhaus
06-17-2018, 01:49 PM
Is it "soon" yet?

Hope so. I keep waiting.

06-17-2018, 01:54 PM
Hope so. I keep waiting.

You guys got me to pull out the first one last night.